Este documento presenta la informaci¨®n personal y acad¨¦mica de Dom¨¦nica Gabriela ROJAS ROJAS. Incluye detalles como su fecha de nacimiento, estado civil, educaci¨®n primaria y secundaria, estudios universitarios y habilidades en programas de computaci¨®n. Tambi¨¦n proporciona los nombres, ocupaciones y contactos de su hermana y madre, as¨ª como detalles sobre sus idiomas natales e informaci¨®n b¨¢sica sobre sus padres.
Este documento presenta la informaci¨®n personal y acad¨¦mica de Dom¨¦nica Gabriela ROJAS ROJAS. Incluye detalles como su fecha de nacimiento, estado civil, educaci¨®n primaria y secundaria, estudios universitarios y habilidades en programas de computaci¨®n. Tambi¨¦n proporciona los nombres, ocupaciones y contactos de su hermana y madre, as¨ª como detalles sobre sus idiomas natales e informaci¨®n b¨¢sica sobre sus padres.
Schooley mitchell mobile device policy white paper 2016Jerry Pollio
The following template was created by Schooley Mitchell the largest independent Telecommunications Consulting firm in North America to assist our clients in the creation of solid, all encompassing mobile device management policy.
Este documento presenta la planificaci¨®n semestral de la asignatura de Inform¨¢tica para el cuarto nivel/paralelo 3 de la carrera de Medicina en la Escuela Superior Polit¨¦cnica de Chimborazo. La planificaci¨®n incluye 55 clases que abarcan 6 unidades tem¨¢ticas como introducci¨®n a computadoras, herramientas web 2.0, trabajo colaborativo, Microsoft Office Word y Excel, con fechas y horarios espec¨ªficos para cada clase as¨ª como tambi¨¦n 3 pruebas parciales durante el semestre.
Este documento presenta el programa de estudio de la asignatura Inform¨¢tica para estudiantes de cuarto a?o de la carrera de Medicina. El curso tiene como objetivo desarrollar la capacidad de utilizaci¨®n de herramientas inform¨¢ticas y web 2.0 para aplicaciones profesionales y personales. El contenido incluye unidades sobre hardware, software, herramientas web 2.0, Office Word, Excel y trabajo colaborativo. El aprendizaje se llevar¨¢ a cabo a trav¨¦s de investigaciones, proyectos y presentaciones utilizando recursos tecn
Integration in Baltic Sea MSP: What role does it really play? at the 2nd Baltic Maritime Spatial Planning Forum in Riga, Latvia on 23-24 November 2016 (the final conference of the Baltic SCOPE collaboration).
Project partners explore in five case studies in what way integration manifests itself in MSP processes as well as what are the enablers and constraints for integration. When thinking about these particular cases also reflect on the relationships between the integration challenges and how they affect prospects for sustainable development (ecological, social and economic) of the sea:
** MSP cooperation at a pan-Baltic sea-basin level
** Lithuanian-Latvian cross-border MSP interactions
** Federalism and MSP in Germany
** Transboundary and cross-sector MSP interactions in the Sound, Sweden and Denmark
** Fisheries stakeholders and conflicts linked to MSP in Poland
** Anne Luttmann, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnem¨¹nde (IOW)
** Nerijus Bla?auskas, Coastal Research and Planning Institute (CORPI)
** Kira Gee, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
** Andrea Morf, Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment
** Jacek Zaucha, Chairman of VASAB Committee on Spatial Planning and Development of the Baltic Sea Region
** Jakub Turski, Maritime Institute in Gdansk
Video and other presentations -
Este documento explica los conceptos de misi¨®n, visi¨®n y valores de una organizaci¨®n. Define la misi¨®n como el prop¨®sito y raz¨®n de ser de una empresa, y la visi¨®n como la imagen futura deseada. Explica que la misi¨®n y visi¨®n deben estar alineadas con los valores de una organizaci¨®n y ser compartidas por los empleados para guiar las acciones de la empresa. Tambi¨¦n proporciona consejos sobre c¨®mo formular declaraciones de misi¨®n, visi¨®n y valores de manera efectiva.
The document discusses network planning models for project scheduling. It describes two main techniques: CPM (Critical Path Method) and PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique). Both use an "activity-on-arrow" approach where activities are drawn as arrows between nodes representing start and end times. More recently, precedence networks use an "activity-on-node" approach where activities are represented as nodes and dependencies as lines between nodes. The document provides examples of constructing precedence networks and performing forward and backward passes to determine the critical path and calculate total float for activities.
Etude E-marketing : Email mobile - maelle urbanmaelleurban
Comment l¡¯e-mail marketing peut-il ¨ºtre adapt¨¦ au terminal mobile, afin de maintenir et renforcer la relation client ?
Avec l¡¯expansion des t¨¦l¨¦phones pouvant se connecter ¨¤ l¡¯Internet mobile, il devient essentiel pour les entreprises d¡¯adapter leur strat¨¦gie ¨¤ ce nouveau canal. En effet, l¡¯Internet mobile permet de consulter ses e-mails, premi¨¨re motivation de connexion via le t¨¦l¨¦phone mobile. Or, il existe une multitude de terminaux mobiles ayant tous des caract¨¦ristiques technologiques diff¨¦rentes. La lecture de l¡¯e-mail sur t¨¦l¨¦phone mobile devient alors parfois laborieuse. Or, un e-mail non consult¨¦ est un client potentiellement perdu. L¡¯e-mail doit donc s¡¯adapter rapidement ¨¤ ce nouveau canal.
Forestland soil was the most permeable to water, allowing water to pass through in just a few minutes with 0% porosity. Clay soil was the least permeable, not allowing any water to pass through and having 100% porosity. Riverbank soil and beach soil had intermediate permeability, with riverbank soil having lower permeability than beach soil as indicated by the longer time for water to pass through. Porosity and permeability were found to be related, with soils having more pore space (higher porosity) exhibiting lower permeability.
Eclairage public - De l'efficacit¨¦ ¨¦nerg¨¦tique ¨¤ la Smart CityVincent Vercamer
Forum Sun Rise ¨¤ Lille le 10 novembre 2015
Table ronde Eclairage public
Pr¨¦sentation de la vision de Citeos sur l'¨¦volution de l'¨¦clairage public : ¨¦clairage LED, transition et efficacit¨¦ ¨¦nerg¨¦tique, ing¨¦nierie financi¨¨re et contractuelle, smart lighting, smart city, d¨¦monstrateur de Chartres.
The document discusses attitudes toward diversity and inclusion in the classroom. It contrasts the medical model of inclusion, which views disabilities as problems within individuals that require treatment, from the social model, which sees the need to remove societal barriers so that all learners can achieve. Finally, it prompts reflection on terminology used around disabilities and different learning needs.
This document discusses planning lessons and courses for primary learners. It covers understanding learning outcomes, grammar, vocabulary, and games. For grammar, it introduces common terms like auxiliary verbs, intensifiers, and mood. Vocabulary activities mentioned include tic tac toe. Different game types are outlined, such as communication games and code-control games. Best practices for classroom interaction like rapport building and praise are also addressed.
The document discusses developing thinking skills in young learners and promoting 21st century skills. It includes sections on understanding how children learn, learning theories, developing thinking skills through activities, and teaching skills like collaboration, communication, leadership, creativity, citizenship, and digital literacy. Case studies and videos are referenced as examples.