Kamal Ahmed Ahmed Ali is seeking a career opportunity in the oil industry. He has 14 years of experience in drilling fluids, surface data logging, and working for the Ministry of Oil and Minerals in Yemen. Currently, he works as an expatriate drilling fluids engineer for Halliburton Worldwide in Iraq. He has a bachelor's degree in geology and chemistry and certifications in drilling fluids. His experiences include working with various mud types and chemicals on vertical, horizontal, and multi-lateral wells.
Carlo C辿sar Fernando Valdez Ram鱈rez completed the World Bank Group's MOOC on Financing for Development in December 2015. The course examined the main sources of development finance available and how to mobilize and leverage them to meet global development needs agreed upon in a new set of comprehensive development goals for 2015. The certificate was signed by Susan McAdams and staff from the World Bank Group's Development Finance Vice Presidency.
This unofficial transcript is for Alexander Daniel Gonzalez and documents his academic record pursuing a Bachelor of Commerce degree with a major in Finance at Griffith University. It shows he received transfer credits for courses completed at Queensland Institute of Business and Technology and lists the courses taken in his first and second semesters at Griffith University in 2016, with grades ranging from 5 to 10. His program GPA and undergraduate GPA are both 6.00 out of 10.
Ahmed Abd Eltawab Atia provides his contact information and educational background which includes a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from Helwan University in Egypt with a score of 85.2% in 2011. He lists his medical certifications and courses taken along with leadership and communication skills training. His experience includes working as a nurse at various hospitals in Egypt from 2011 to present. He has participated in several medical conferences and community health campaigns demonstrating leadership abilities and a commitment to healthcare. Personal skills include excellent leadership, communication, presentation, and negotiation abilities. He is proficient in Microsoft Office applications and the internet with English language skills in reading, writing and conversation.
The document discusses research on the relationship between creativity and madness. It summarizes findings that highly creative individuals exhibit higher rates of psychopathology like depression compared to the general population. However, outright mental illness tends to inhibit rather than help creativity. Creativity and certain psychopathological traits overlap due to both requiring traits like openness and divergent thinking. But creativity and madness are distinct and not tantamount to the same thing.
This document is a resume for Christine Marie I. Lim, a nutritionist-dietitian from the Philippines seeking employment. She has a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from the University of the Philippines Los Ba単os and is licensed to practice in both Dubai and the Philippines. Her most recent work experience was as a nutritionist-dietitian at Healthserv Los Ba単os Medical Center from 2012 to 2015. She has skills in dietary food service, computers, communication, and can work under pressure or long hours. References are provided from her previous employers and supervisors.
Metropolitan Planning Council - A 30 Year Plan For Chicagos RiversSmita Shah Chicago IL
Smita Shah is a prominent Chicago, IL, community member who leads SPAAN Tech, Inc., and provides advanced infrastructure engineering solutions. In 2014, Smita Shah took a board seat with the Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC), a nonprofit that collaborates with government and business community partners in enhancing Chicagos overall quality of life.
Vijay Kumar Thakur has over 6 years of experience in project execution and operations and maintenance of blast furnace utilities like blowers and pumps. He holds an M.Tech from IIT Kharagpur and a B.E from Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University. Currently he works as the Manager - Maintenance at Electrosteel Casting Ltd. in Kolkata, where he is responsible for maintenance planning and activities, predictive maintenance using techniques like vibration analysis, and ensuring adherence to quality and environmental standards. He has expertise in areas like preventive maintenance, safety operations, team management and cost monitoring.
This document provides a list of linking words and phrases that can be used to connect ideas and improve coherence when writing. It explains that linking words are an essential part of speech that can elegantly combine ideas within sentences and paragraphs for the reader's benefit. Commonly used linking words are organized into categories including sequence, addition, reason, example, contrast, comparison, and conclusion. Using the right linking words helps to organize ideas and introduce them in a tightly connected structure.
Dennis Freeman is seeking a position as a Software Configuration Management (CM) Analyst or CM Tools Administrator with over 20 years of experience in CM. He has extensive experience administering Serena tools including SBM, TeamTrack, VM, and Tracker. He has a B.S. in Math/Physics from Utah State University and certifications in Network Administration and ScrumMaster.
O documento resume os principais conceitos de geometria plana e s坦lidos geom辿tricos, incluindo: 1) F坦rmulas para calcular 叩reas de figuras planas como ret但ngulos, quadrados e tri但ngulos; 2) Defini巽達o e elementos de prismas retos; 3) C叩lculo de 叩reas da base, 叩rea lateral e 叩rea total de prismas; 4) Defini巽達o e c叩lculo de volumes de prismas.
Estudando as sequ棚ncias num辿ricas com FibonacciLeandroJayme
O documento descreve a vida e obra do matem叩tico italiano Leonardo Fibonacci, conhecido por introduzir o sistema num辿rico hindu-ar叩bico na Europa. Apresenta o problema cl叩ssico dos coelhos de Fibonacci, que gerou a famosa sequ棚ncia num辿rica de Fibonacci. Explica como a sequ棚ncia 辿 formada segundo a lei de recorr棚ncia.
Carlo C辿sar Fernando Valdez Ram鱈rez received a certificate for successfully completing the online course "Financial Programming and Policies, Part 1: Macroeconomic Accounts and Analysis" offered by IMFx, an initiative of the International Monetary Fund through edX. The certificate was issued on September 29, 2015 and can be verified online at the provided URL.
Metropolitan Planning Council - A 30 Year Plan For Chicagos RiversSmita Shah Chicago IL
Smita Shah is a prominent Chicago, IL, community member who leads SPAAN Tech, Inc., and provides advanced infrastructure engineering solutions. In 2014, Smita Shah took a board seat with the Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC), a nonprofit that collaborates with government and business community partners in enhancing Chicagos overall quality of life.
Vijay Kumar Thakur has over 6 years of experience in project execution and operations and maintenance of blast furnace utilities like blowers and pumps. He holds an M.Tech from IIT Kharagpur and a B.E from Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University. Currently he works as the Manager - Maintenance at Electrosteel Casting Ltd. in Kolkata, where he is responsible for maintenance planning and activities, predictive maintenance using techniques like vibration analysis, and ensuring adherence to quality and environmental standards. He has expertise in areas like preventive maintenance, safety operations, team management and cost monitoring.
This document provides a list of linking words and phrases that can be used to connect ideas and improve coherence when writing. It explains that linking words are an essential part of speech that can elegantly combine ideas within sentences and paragraphs for the reader's benefit. Commonly used linking words are organized into categories including sequence, addition, reason, example, contrast, comparison, and conclusion. Using the right linking words helps to organize ideas and introduce them in a tightly connected structure.
Dennis Freeman is seeking a position as a Software Configuration Management (CM) Analyst or CM Tools Administrator with over 20 years of experience in CM. He has extensive experience administering Serena tools including SBM, TeamTrack, VM, and Tracker. He has a B.S. in Math/Physics from Utah State University and certifications in Network Administration and ScrumMaster.
O documento resume os principais conceitos de geometria plana e s坦lidos geom辿tricos, incluindo: 1) F坦rmulas para calcular 叩reas de figuras planas como ret但ngulos, quadrados e tri但ngulos; 2) Defini巽達o e elementos de prismas retos; 3) C叩lculo de 叩reas da base, 叩rea lateral e 叩rea total de prismas; 4) Defini巽達o e c叩lculo de volumes de prismas.
Estudando as sequ棚ncias num辿ricas com FibonacciLeandroJayme
O documento descreve a vida e obra do matem叩tico italiano Leonardo Fibonacci, conhecido por introduzir o sistema num辿rico hindu-ar叩bico na Europa. Apresenta o problema cl叩ssico dos coelhos de Fibonacci, que gerou a famosa sequ棚ncia num辿rica de Fibonacci. Explica como a sequ棚ncia 辿 formada segundo a lei de recorr棚ncia.
Carlo C辿sar Fernando Valdez Ram鱈rez received a certificate for successfully completing the online course "Financial Programming and Policies, Part 1: Macroeconomic Accounts and Analysis" offered by IMFx, an initiative of the International Monetary Fund through edX. The certificate was issued on September 29, 2015 and can be verified online at the provided URL.
This SQL query selects all properties from the alf_node_properties table where the actual type is 21 and there is no matching content data in the alf_content_data table for the long value property.