παρουσίαση της 50plus hellasNikos Papachristouεναρκτήρια εκδήλωση για το Ευρωπαϊκό Έτος για την Ενεργό Γήρανση και την Αλληλεγγύη μεταξύ των Γενεών 2012
ελαστικα αυτοκινητωνtimgerryΌταν πρόκειται για την παραγγελία επώνυμα ελαστικα αυτοκινητων, Η Εταιρία Δημητρακόπουλος Α.Ε. είναι το πιο αξιόπιστο όνομα στην Ελλάδα. Κορυφαία εμπορικά σήματα περιλαμβάνουν Goodyear, Dunlop, Continental και η Michelin.
ελαστικα αυτοκινητωνtimgerryΌταν πρόκειται για την παραγγελία επώνυμα ελαστικα αυτοκινητων, Η Εταιρία Δημητρακόπουλος Α.Ε. είναι το πιο αξιόπιστο όνομα στην Ελλάδα. Κορυφαία εμπορικά σήματα περιλαμβάνουν Goodyear, Dunlop, Continental και η Michelin.
1 s2.0-s0093934 x09000376-mainGarima PantThe document discusses how mirror neurons may have provided a platform for the evolution of language. It argues that language evolved from manual gestures that gradually became more symbolic over time. As language developed, it incorporated facial and vocal elements while still accompanied by manual gestures. The mirror system became lateralized to the left hemisphere as language incorporated vocalization.
UXing All The Things: Applying The User-Centered Process to Design, Life, and...J+E CreativeThe defining characteristic of UX design is it's focus on the user and on an iterative, user-centered, approach to creating solutions. But what if we applied the user-centered design process to non-UX challenges? Would the adjective in front of design—be it experience, graphic, service, or broadcast—become superfluous? This talk will look at the ultimate channel-agnostic approach to design, showing how the core user-centered creative process can be applied to UX design, book design, life and career planning, parenting, and the ultimate challenge—Legos.
Για να είσαι καλός οδηγός....... (Α΄μέρος)Marinou IreneΕργασία μαθητών Δ2 5ου Δ.Σ. Μεταμόρφωσης για την κυκλοφοριακή αγωγή με την καθοδήγηση της καθηγήτριας πληροφορικής Μαρίνου Ειρήνης - 2014
How to get sh*t done or, Practical advice—not vague bullshit—about pursuing y...J+E CreativeThe document discusses finding a passion and pursuing it during nights and weekends for life. It references an Onion article from March 2013 about this topic. It also mentions Vincent Van Gogh's painting "The Potato Eaters" from 1885 and the concept of being autotelic, or goal-oriented for intrinsic purposes.
Ideal city 6th grade of 7th Dimotiko EgaleoMarinou IreneThe 6th grade students propose an ideal city that has many green parks and recycling programs. It would not allow factories near homes and would provide free healthcare. The city would offer high-quality schools for all students and improved public transportation including bike lanes. It would also feature libraries, limits on tall buildings, and support for citizens through social programs and cultural centers.
Assess your personality (Jump Start Your Career at A Life Science Startup)Paula T DinneenThis document provides a short quiz to help assess a person's work personality by having them choose their most and least important traits from a list, choose whether constant collaboration or individual productivity makes a more productive team, and whether sloppy work or missing deadlines is more frustrating. It concludes by reminding the person that their personality will determine what types of jobs are a good fit.
Το Δ1 αγαπά την φύσηMarinou IreneΤα παιδιά του Δ1 αγαπούν την φύση και την προστατεύουν .
Εργασία στο Power Pointστο μάθημα ΤΠΕ με την καθοδήγηση της καθηγήτριας Μαρίνου Ειρήνης
Rowan hurricane presentationPaula T DinneenHurricanes are powerful tropical storms that form over warm ocean waters and bring strong winds, heavy rain, and storm surge. They develop when warm, moist air rises into towering clouds and rotates around a low pressure center, drawing in more warm air and increasing in strength. The strongest hurricanes have wind speeds over 155 mph and can cause extensive property damage and loss of life through flooding, high winds, and flying debris.
Micro expressions2Paula T DinneenThe document discusses microexpressions, which are brief involuntary facial expressions that reveal emotions. Microexpressions last 1/15 to 1/25 of a second and occur during high-stakes situations. Paul Ekman discovered 7 main detectable microexpressions: happiness, surprise, sadness, fear, anger, disgust, and contempt. Ekman also defined specific action units for different expressions, such as the enjoyment smile involving action units A12 and A6. The document suggests activities for interpreting microexpressions and discusses how understanding microexpressions relates to decoding messages and interpreting paradigms of facial expressions.
ΡΑΤΣΙΣΜΟΣAreti KarkouΜια εργασία για το μάθημα "Κείμενα Νεοελληνικής Λογοτεχνίας" Β΄ Γυμνασίου από τις μαθήτριες: Τζάκα Ελευθερία, Τζιώλα Μαρίνα-Σοφία. Υπεύθυνη καθηγήτρια: Κάρκου Αρετή