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 Tablets are solid dosage forms containing one or
more active ingredients.
 Unit-dose dosage forms.
 Obtained by single or multiple compression.
 May be uncoated or coated.
 They are usually intended for oral administration.
 Classified into 2 groups:
Physical tests Chemical tests
 Weight variation
 Thickness & diameter
 Disintegration time
 Content uniformity
Weight variation
 Actual weight of tablet;
 determined by diameter of die &
 weight adjustment knob on machine.
 Known as  compression weight.
 Weight control  routinely adjusted to ensure that
specified wt; is reproduced.
 Limits for uncoated tablets (USP):
 For 20 tablets
Average tablet weight Percentage deviation allowed
18 tablets 2 tablets
130 mg or less 賊10% 賊20%
130 to 324 mg 賊 7.5% 賊15%
More than 324 賊 5% 賊10%
 Weigh 20 tablets as a whole.
 Divide total weight by 20  average wt.
 Weigh 20 tabs  individually.
 Calculate the result.
 Important test  related to solubility.
 Mechanical hardness testers used commonly are:
 Stokes monsanto
 Measures resistance to crushing of tablet.
 Average hardness limit = 5-10 kg/cm2
 German made instruments  scale in Newton (1N=9.8kg)
Strong-Cobb type
Stokes monsanto type
Pfizer type
 Eureka instrument  breaking force applied by a
beam fastened to one end to a pivot.
 Motor moves beam at constant speed.
 Increases force against tablet, on which other end of
beam rests.
 When tablet breaks  a micro-switch is activated,
that stops motor.
 Indicator shows the breaking strength on scale in kgs.
 Proper hardness for tablets ensures that the tablet
withstand the shock of:
 packing &
Thickness & Diameter
 Measured by vernier callipers.
 Initially an in-process control during
 Thickness  directly related to
 Limits for tablet thickness  depends on
tablet weight.
 Purpose  trouble free packing.
 Thickness range = 2-4 mm (depending on diameter
of tablet).
 Diameter range = 4-13 mm.
 Apply on tablets which are not sugar coated,
enteric or film coated.
 Deviation allowed = 賊5% of stated diameter.
 For diameter exceeding 12.5 mm = 賊3% deviation.
 Due to friction & shock  tablets chip, cap or break.
 So equipment Roche friabilator developed.
 Cause self abrasion of tablets;
 as cylinder section rotates.
 Tablets undergo shock  as they fall 6 inches on
each turn.
 Operation time = 4 minute or 100 revolutions.
 i.e., 25 rev/min.
 Tablets weighed & compared to their original
 Loss due to friction or abrasion  measure of
 Value  expressed in % w/w.
 Limits of wt; loss < 0.8 %.
 If capping or breaking  friability values not
 Tablet more friable  when lose moisture.
 Limits of DT = 5-30 min in different
 Attempts to simulate in-vivo conditions.
 Test  doesnt correlate with physiological
 Test  cause breakdown/disintegration of tablet.
 Test doesnt cause complete solution of tablet.
 Complete disintegration  a state in which any
residue of tablet remaining on screen of apparatus
is a soft mass having no firm core.
 Except fragments of insoluble coating.
 USP disintegration test  specific apparatus &
 describes test procedure for each type of tablet.
 Disintegration time  given in individual
monographs & tested for compliance.
 Except for tablets  troches, chewable, sustained
 So according to type of tablet  procedure is
applied on 6 or more tablets.
Consists of:
 Basket-rack assembly  holds the tablets.
 Suitable vessel  for immersion fluid (1L beaker)
 Thermostatic arrangement  heating fluid between
35 & 39 属C.
 Device  for raising and lowering basket in
immersion fluid.
 frequency 28 to 32 cycles/min.
 through a distance = 5-6 cm.
Disintegration test apparatus
 Volume of fluid in vessel at;
 Upward stroke  wire mesh 2.5 cm below surface of fluid.
 Downward stroke  wire mesh 2.5 cm above bottom of
 Time for;
 upward stroke = downward stroke
 Change in stroke direction  smooth transition.
 Basket-rack assembly  consists of 6 open-ended
glass tubes.
 Each glass tube;
 Length = 7.75 賊 0.25 cm
 Internal diameter = 21.5 mm
 Wall thickness = 2 mm
 Tubes held in vertical position  by 2 plastic plates.
 Diameter = 9 cm
 Thickness = 6 mm
Standard Basket-Rack Assembly
 6 holes in each plate  24 mm dia.
 Holes  equidistant from centre of plate & equally
 To under surface of lower plate  attached a
10-mesh stainless steel gauge.
 Plastic plates supported by stainless steel plates.
 Diameter = 9 cm
 Thickness = 1 mm
 6 holes  20 mm dia.
 Central shaft  attached to stainless steel plate.
 Length = 8 cm
 Parts of apparatus  assembled & held rigidly by 3
 Design of apparatus  may be changed.
 But specs for glass tubes & mesh sizes  maintained.
 Disks  each tube provided with perforated
cylindrical disk.
 to obtain solid to solid contact as in stomach.
 to prevent floating tablets from coming out of tubes.
 due to low specific gravity or
 air imprisonment
 Disk specifications:
 Thickness = 9.5 賊 0.15 mm
 Diameter = 20.7 賊 0.15 mm
 Made up of transparent plastic material.
 Sp; gravity  1.18 to 1.120
 Five 2mm holes in disks.
 One hole in middle.
 4 parallel with it equally spaced (at 6mm radius).
Plastic disk
 On sides of cylindrical disks  4 notches equally
 Notches  form V-shaped planes; perpendicular to
ends of disk.
 Notch opening on bottom of cylinder = 1.60 mm
 Notch openings on top = 9.5 mm
 All surfaces of disk  smooth.
Uncoated tablets:
 Place 1 tablet in each of six tubes.
 A disk to each tube is added.
 Operate apparatus.
 Water as immersion fluid  unless another specified
in individual monograph.
 Fluid temp = 37 賊 2 属C.
 Time limit for operation  specified in monograph.
 At end of time limit  lift basket from fluid.
 Observe tablets.
 All tablets  should be disintegrated completely.
 If 1 or 2 tablets fail to disintegrate ;
 repeat test on 12 additional tablets.
 16 out of 18 tabs  must disintegrate completely.
Plain coated tablets:
 Place 1 tablet in each of six tubes of basket.
 If tablet has external soluble coating  immerse basket
in water at room temp; for 5 minutes.
 A disk to each tube is added.
 Operate apparatus.
 Simulated gastric fluid  as immersion fluid.
 Fluid temp; = 37 賊 2 属C.
 Time limit for operation  30 min.
 At end of time limit  lift basket from fluid.
 Observe tablets.
 All tablets  should be disintegrated completely.
 If 1 or 2 tablets fail to disintegrate ;
 repeat test on 12 additional tablets.
 16 out of 18 tabs  must disintegrate completely.
Enteric-coated tablets:
 Place 1 tablet in each of six tubes of basket.
 If tablet has external soluble coating  immerse basket
in water at room temp; for 5 minutes.
 Operate apparatus without disks.
 Simulated gastric fluid  as immersion fluid.
 Fluid temp; = 37 賊 2 属C.
 After 1 hr  lift basket & observe tabs.
 No disintegration, cracking or softening of tablets.
 Then add disk to each tube.
 Use simulated intestinal fluid  as immersion fluid.
 Operate  for 2 hrs + time limit specified in
individual monograph.
 At end of time limit  lift basket & observe tablets.
 Limits  same as for uncoated tablets.
Buccal tablets:
 Apply test as for uncoated tabs but dont use
 Time limit for operation  4 hrs.
 Limits  same as for uncoated tabs.
Sublingual tablets:
 Apply test as for uncoated tabs but dont use
 Time limit for operation  2 min.
 Limits  same as for uncoated tabs.
step in assay  grinding of 20 tabs.
 Analysis of an aliquot  representing a certain
amount of drug, normally in single unit.
 Method of analysis  prescribed in monograph.
 Results  as percentage of active drug in tablet.
 Compared with limits in monograph.
Content uniformity
 When ingredients of tablet granulation are
homogenous  tablet weigh test can be considered
as measure of drug content.
 Content uniformity test performed  when individual
monograph requires.
 30 tabs selected.
 Out of which  10 tabs assayed individually.
 For 10 individual tabs:
 All tabs = 85 to 115% of average limit in monograph.
 9 tabs = 85 to 115% of average limit in monograph.
 1 tab = 75 to 125%
 Then; assay remaining 20 tabs.
 So for total 30 tabs:
 29 tabs = 85 to 115% of average limit in monograph.
 1 tab = 75 to 125%
 Drugs having solubility  greater than 1% w/v, have
no problem.
 But drugs having lower solubility  dissolution systems
are designed.
 So test not used for all drugs.
 USP 19  recommends dissolution for 15 dosage
forms of different drugs.
 USP 20  60 drugs
 USP 21 (1985)  400 drugs
 Used to determine dissolution characteristics of solid
dosage forms.
 Suitable dissolution characteristics  important
property of drug product.
 Because drug absorption depends upon drug in
dissolved state.
 Two methods used for dissolution.
 Method I & method II
 Use method  prescribed in individual monograph.
Method I (apparatus 1)
Rotatory basket method
 Apparatus  consists of following:
 covered vessel  made of plastic or other transparent
 metallic drive shaft
 cylindrical basket
 constant temp. bath
Dissolution apparatus
 Vessel  immersed in suitable water bath.
 Water bath  maintain temperature at 37 賊 0.5属C.
 The vessel  cylindrical with slightly concave bottom.
 Height = 16 cm
 Internal diameter = 10 cm
 Capacity = 1000 ml
 Sides are flanged near top  to accept a fitted cover.
 Cover has 4 ports  one of which is centred.
 Shaft of motor placed in centre port.
 One port for insertion of thermometer.
 1 port  for sample removal &
 1 port  for dissolution medium replacement.
 Motor  fitted with speed regulating device.
 Speed limit of motor = 25 to 200 rpm
 Maintained  as mentioned in monograph, within 賊5%.
 Length = 30 cm
 Diameter = 6mm
 Can be raised or lowered to position the basket.
 Shaft is centred  so basket rotates smoothly.
 Basket  2 parts.
 Top  attached to shaft (solid metal having 2 mm vent).
 Fitted to lower part by 3 clips  that allow removal of lower
 Detachable part (lower part)  made of 40 mesh
stainless steel cloth (sieve opening = 420袖m).
 Mesh is in the form of cylinder.
 Height = 3.66 cm
 Diameter= 2.5cm
 Gold plated basket  recommended for dilute acid
 Dissolution medium  as specified in individual
 Take 900ml dissolution medium in vessel.
 Vessel  already immersed in constant temp. Bath.
 Allow dissolution medium to  temp. 37 賊 0.5 属C.
 Place 1 tablet in the basket.
 Assemble apparatus & immerse basket in vessel.
 distance b/w basket & bottom of vessel = 2 賊 0.2cm.
 Rotate basket at rate  specified in individual
 After time specified  withdraw samples for
 Analysis method  specified in individual monograph.
 Repeat test on 5 additional tablets.
 If 1 or 2 tablets fail  repeat test on 6 additional
 10 out of 12 tabs  must meet the requirements.
Method I (apparatus 2)
Paddle method
 Apparatus  same as apparatus 1.
 Paddle (formed from blade)  replaced with basket.
 Distance b/w paddle & bottom of vessel = 2.5 賊 0.2cm.
 Dosage unit is allowed to sink to the bottom of the vessel
 before rotation of paddle.
 Small wire helix may be attached or placed over
dosage units.
in order to prevent floating.
Wire helix
Paddle with vessel
Method II
Distegration appartus for dissolution
 Apparatus  same apparatus & basket rack
assembly as described under tablet disintegration
 Replace 10 mesh stainless steel cloth in basket rack
assembly  with 40 mesh.
 Also cover top of assembly with 40 mesh.
 Adjust vessel in such a way so on downward stroke:
 Distance between assembly & bottom of vessel = 1賊 0.1cm.
 Dissolution medium & procedure :
 as specified in monograph.
 Capsules are solid dosage forms in which the
medication contained within gelatine shells.
 Medication may be  a powder, a liquid or a
semisolid mass.
 Usually intended to be administered orally.
 Two types  soft gelatine & hard gelatine capsules.
 Tests for capsules:
 Uniformity of weight
 Disintegration test
 Assay of active ingredients
 Content uniformity test (same as for tablets)
 Dissolution test (same as for tablets)
Uniformity of weight
 Two methods used:
 Method A
 for capsules with dry content.
 Method B
 for capsules with liquid or paste.
Method A
 Weigh a capsule.
 Open it  without loss of shell material.
 Remove contents & weigh all parts of shell.
 Difference between weight represent  weight of
 Perform test for total of 20 caps.
 Calculate the average weight.
 Limits for weight variation:
Average capsule weight Percentage deviation allowed
18 capsules 2 capsules
120 mg or less 賊10% 賊20%
More than 120 mg 賊 7.5% 賊15%
Method B
 Weigh a capsule.
 Open it without loss of material.
 Express as much contents as possible.
 Wash shell with ether & discard washings.
 Allow shell to stand  until odour of ether is no longer
 Then weigh the shell.
 Difference between weight represent  weight of
 Perform test for total of 10 caps.
 Calculate the average weight.
 Limits for weight variation:
Average capsule weight Percentage deviation allowed
9 capsules 1 capsule
All weights 賊7.5% 賊15%
Assay of active ingredients
step in assay  take contents of 20 capsules.
 Analysis of an aliquot  representing a certain
amount of drug, normally in single unit.
 Method of analysis  prescribed in monograph.
 Results  as percentage of active drug in tablet.
 Compared with limits in monograph.
Disintegration test
Apparatus (B.P)  consists of:
 Glass tube
 Length = 80-100 mm
 Internal diameter = 28 mm
 External diameter = 30-31mm
 Wire gauze (mesh 10)  fitted to lower end of
 To form a basket.
 Mesh 10 = 1.70mm (pore size)
 Glass cylinder  with flat base.
 Internal diameter = 45 mm
 Contain water  not less than 15cm deep.
 Water temp. = 36-38 C
 Basket suspended centrally in cylinder.
 So that can be raised & lowered repeatedly.
 Place 5 capsules in basket.
 Basket raised & lowered at 30 times/min.
 Capsules disintegrated  if no particle of solid material
 Time for 5 capsules = 15 min
 Unless stated in individual monograph.
 If test fails  because of capsules aggregation
 Repeat on 5 caps  but individually.
 Longest time taken by any one capsule  disintegration
 BP used above mentioned apparatus  before
 In 1980  BP adopted USP disintegration
USP method:
 Same as for uncoated tablets.
 Except  upper plate of basket rack assembly,
covered with removable wire cloth of mesh 10.

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2-230214201459-9c2f9030nutritionand health.pptx

  • 2. TABLETS Tablets are solid dosage forms containing one or more active ingredients. Unit-dose dosage forms. Obtained by single or multiple compression. May be uncoated or coated. They are usually intended for oral administration.
  • 3. QC TESTS OF TABLETS Classified into 2 groups: Physical tests Chemical tests Weight variation Hardness Thickness & diameter Friability Disintegration time Assay Content uniformity Dissolution
  • 4. Weight variation Actual weight of tablet; determined by diameter of die & weight adjustment knob on machine. Known as compression weight. Weight control routinely adjusted to ensure that specified wt; is reproduced.
  • 5. Cont... Limits for uncoated tablets (USP): For 20 tablets Average tablet weight Percentage deviation allowed 18 tablets 2 tablets 130 mg or less 賊10% 賊20% 130 to 324 mg 賊 7.5% 賊15% More than 324 賊 5% 賊10%
  • 6. Procedure Weigh 20 tablets as a whole. Divide total weight by 20 average wt. Weigh 20 tabs individually. Calculate the result.
  • 7. Hardness Important test related to solubility. Mechanical hardness testers used commonly are: Strong-Cobb Stokes monsanto Eureka Pfizer Measures resistance to crushing of tablet. Average hardness limit = 5-10 kg/cm2 German made instruments scale in Newton (1N=9.8kg)
  • 8. Manual Strong-Cobb type Stokes monsanto type Pfizer type DIFFERENT HARDNESS TESTERS
  • 9. Procedure Eureka instrument breaking force applied by a beam fastened to one end to a pivot. Motor moves beam at constant speed. Increases force against tablet, on which other end of beam rests. When tablet breaks a micro-switch is activated, that stops motor. Indicator shows the breaking strength on scale in kgs.
  • 10. Cont... Proper hardness for tablets ensures that the tablet withstand the shock of: handling, packing & shipping.
  • 11. Thickness & Diameter Measured by vernier callipers. Initially an in-process control during production. Thickness directly related to hardness. Limits for tablet thickness depends on tablet weight. Purpose trouble free packing.
  • 12. Cont... Thickness range = 2-4 mm (depending on diameter of tablet). Diameter range = 4-13 mm. Apply on tablets which are not sugar coated, enteric or film coated. Deviation allowed = 賊5% of stated diameter. For diameter exceeding 12.5 mm = 賊3% deviation.
  • 13. Friability Due to friction & shock tablets chip, cap or break. So equipment Roche friabilator developed. Cause self abrasion of tablets; as cylinder section rotates. Tablets undergo shock as they fall 6 inches on each turn. Operation time = 4 minute or 100 revolutions. i.e., 25 rev/min.
  • 15. Cont... Tablets weighed & compared to their original weight. Loss due to friction or abrasion measure of friability. Value expressed in % w/w. Limits of wt; loss < 0.8 %. If capping or breaking friability values not calculated. Tablet more friable when lose moisture.
  • 16. Disintegration Limits of DT = 5-30 min in different pharmacopoeias. Attempts to simulate in-vivo conditions. Test doesnt correlate with physiological conditions. Test cause breakdown/disintegration of tablet. Test doesnt cause complete solution of tablet.
  • 17. Cont... Complete disintegration a state in which any residue of tablet remaining on screen of apparatus is a soft mass having no firm core. Except fragments of insoluble coating. USP disintegration test specific apparatus & method. describes test procedure for each type of tablet.
  • 18. Cont... Disintegration time given in individual monographs & tested for compliance. Except for tablets troches, chewable, sustained release. So according to type of tablet procedure is applied on 6 or more tablets.
  • 19. Apparatus Consists of: Basket-rack assembly holds the tablets. Suitable vessel for immersion fluid (1L beaker) Thermostatic arrangement heating fluid between 35 & 39 属C. Device for raising and lowering basket in immersion fluid. frequency 28 to 32 cycles/min. through a distance = 5-6 cm.
  • 21. Cont... Volume of fluid in vessel at; Upward stroke wire mesh 2.5 cm below surface of fluid. Downward stroke wire mesh 2.5 cm above bottom of vessel. Time for; upward stroke = downward stroke Change in stroke direction smooth transition.
  • 22. Cont... Basket-rack assembly consists of 6 open-ended glass tubes. Each glass tube; Length = 7.75 賊 0.25 cm Internal diameter = 21.5 mm Wall thickness = 2 mm Tubes held in vertical position by 2 plastic plates. Diameter = 9 cm Thickness = 6 mm
  • 24. Cont... 6 holes in each plate 24 mm dia. Holes equidistant from centre of plate & equally spaced. To under surface of lower plate attached a 10-mesh stainless steel gauge. Plastic plates supported by stainless steel plates. Diameter = 9 cm Thickness = 1 mm 6 holes 20 mm dia.
  • 25. Cont... Central shaft attached to stainless steel plate. Length = 8 cm Parts of apparatus assembled & held rigidly by 3 blots. Design of apparatus may be changed. But specs for glass tubes & mesh sizes maintained.
  • 26. Cont... Disks each tube provided with perforated cylindrical disk. Purpose; to obtain solid to solid contact as in stomach. to prevent floating tablets from coming out of tubes. due to low specific gravity or air imprisonment
  • 27. Cont... Disk specifications: Thickness = 9.5 賊 0.15 mm Diameter = 20.7 賊 0.15 mm Made up of transparent plastic material. Sp; gravity 1.18 to 1.120 Five 2mm holes in disks. One hole in middle. 4 parallel with it equally spaced (at 6mm radius).
  • 29. Cont... On sides of cylindrical disks 4 notches equally spaced. Notches form V-shaped planes; perpendicular to ends of disk. Notch opening on bottom of cylinder = 1.60 mm Notch openings on top = 9.5 mm All surfaces of disk smooth.
  • 30. Procedure Uncoated tablets: Place 1 tablet in each of six tubes. A disk to each tube is added. Operate apparatus. Water as immersion fluid unless another specified in individual monograph. Fluid temp = 37 賊 2 属C. Time limit for operation specified in monograph.
  • 31. At end of time limit lift basket from fluid. Observe tablets. All tablets should be disintegrated completely. If 1 or 2 tablets fail to disintegrate ; repeat test on 12 additional tablets. 16 out of 18 tabs must disintegrate completely.
  • 32. Cont... Plain coated tablets: Place 1 tablet in each of six tubes of basket. If tablet has external soluble coating immerse basket in water at room temp; for 5 minutes. A disk to each tube is added. Operate apparatus. Simulated gastric fluid as immersion fluid. Fluid temp; = 37 賊 2 属C. Time limit for operation 30 min.
  • 33. At end of time limit lift basket from fluid. Observe tablets. All tablets should be disintegrated completely. If 1 or 2 tablets fail to disintegrate ; repeat test on 12 additional tablets. 16 out of 18 tabs must disintegrate completely.
  • 34. Cont... Enteric-coated tablets: Place 1 tablet in each of six tubes of basket. If tablet has external soluble coating immerse basket in water at room temp; for 5 minutes. Operate apparatus without disks. Simulated gastric fluid as immersion fluid. Fluid temp; = 37 賊 2 属C.
  • 35. After 1 hr lift basket & observe tabs. No disintegration, cracking or softening of tablets. Then add disk to each tube. Use simulated intestinal fluid as immersion fluid. Operate for 2 hrs + time limit specified in individual monograph. At end of time limit lift basket & observe tablets. Limits same as for uncoated tablets.
  • 36. Cont... Buccal tablets: Apply test as for uncoated tabs but dont use disks. Time limit for operation 4 hrs. Limits same as for uncoated tabs. Sublingual tablets: Apply test as for uncoated tabs but dont use disks. Time limit for operation 2 min. Limits same as for uncoated tabs.
  • 37. Assay 1st step in assay grinding of 20 tabs. Analysis of an aliquot representing a certain amount of drug, normally in single unit. Method of analysis prescribed in monograph. Results as percentage of active drug in tablet. Compared with limits in monograph.
  • 38. Content uniformity When ingredients of tablet granulation are homogenous tablet weigh test can be considered as measure of drug content. Content uniformity test performed when individual monograph requires. 30 tabs selected. Out of which 10 tabs assayed individually.
  • 39. Cont... For 10 individual tabs: All tabs = 85 to 115% of average limit in monograph. If; 9 tabs = 85 to 115% of average limit in monograph. 1 tab = 75 to 125% Then; assay remaining 20 tabs. So for total 30 tabs: 29 tabs = 85 to 115% of average limit in monograph. 1 tab = 75 to 125%
  • 40. Dissolution Drugs having solubility greater than 1% w/v, have no problem. But drugs having lower solubility dissolution systems are designed. So test not used for all drugs. USP 19 recommends dissolution for 15 dosage forms of different drugs. USP 20 60 drugs USP 21 (1985) 400 drugs
  • 41. Cont... Used to determine dissolution characteristics of solid dosage forms. Suitable dissolution characteristics important property of drug product. Because drug absorption depends upon drug in dissolved state. Two methods used for dissolution. Method I & method II Use method prescribed in individual monograph.
  • 42. Method I (apparatus 1) Rotatory basket method Apparatus consists of following: covered vessel made of plastic or other transparent material. motor metallic drive shaft cylindrical basket constant temp. bath
  • 44. Cont... Vessel immersed in suitable water bath. Water bath maintain temperature at 37 賊 0.5属C. The vessel cylindrical with slightly concave bottom. Height = 16 cm Internal diameter = 10 cm Capacity = 1000 ml Sides are flanged near top to accept a fitted cover.
  • 45. Cont... Cover has 4 ports one of which is centred. Shaft of motor placed in centre port. One port for insertion of thermometer. 1 port for sample removal & 1 port for dissolution medium replacement.
  • 46. Cont... Motor fitted with speed regulating device. Speed limit of motor = 25 to 200 rpm Maintained as mentioned in monograph, within 賊5%. Shaft Length = 30 cm Diameter = 6mm Can be raised or lowered to position the basket. Shaft is centred so basket rotates smoothly.
  • 47. Cont... Basket 2 parts. Top attached to shaft (solid metal having 2 mm vent). Fitted to lower part by 3 clips that allow removal of lower part. Detachable part (lower part) made of 40 mesh stainless steel cloth (sieve opening = 420袖m). Mesh is in the form of cylinder. Height = 3.66 cm Diameter= 2.5cm
  • 48. Cont... Gold plated basket recommended for dilute acid media. Dissolution medium as specified in individual monograph.
  • 49. Procedure Take 900ml dissolution medium in vessel. Vessel already immersed in constant temp. Bath. Allow dissolution medium to temp. 37 賊 0.5 属C. Place 1 tablet in the basket. Assemble apparatus & immerse basket in vessel. distance b/w basket & bottom of vessel = 2 賊 0.2cm. Rotate basket at rate specified in individual monograph.
  • 50. Cont... After time specified withdraw samples for analysis. Analysis method specified in individual monograph. Repeat test on 5 additional tablets. Limits If 1 or 2 tablets fail repeat test on 6 additional tablets. 10 out of 12 tabs must meet the requirements.
  • 51. Method I (apparatus 2) Paddle method Apparatus same as apparatus 1. Except: Paddle (formed from blade) replaced with basket. Distance b/w paddle & bottom of vessel = 2.5 賊 0.2cm. Dosage unit is allowed to sink to the bottom of the vessel before rotation of paddle. Small wire helix may be attached or placed over dosage units. in order to prevent floating.
  • 53. Method II Distegration appartus for dissolution Apparatus same apparatus & basket rack assembly as described under tablet disintegration test. Except: Replace 10 mesh stainless steel cloth in basket rack assembly with 40 mesh. Also cover top of assembly with 40 mesh.
  • 54. Cont... Adjust vessel in such a way so on downward stroke: Distance between assembly & bottom of vessel = 1賊 0.1cm. Dissolution medium & procedure : as specified in monograph.
  • 55. CAPSULES Capsules are solid dosage forms in which the medication contained within gelatine shells. Medication may be a powder, a liquid or a semisolid mass. Usually intended to be administered orally. Two types soft gelatine & hard gelatine capsules.
  • 56. QC TESTS FOR CAPSULES Tests for capsules: Uniformity of weight Disintegration test Assay of active ingredients Content uniformity test (same as for tablets) Dissolution test (same as for tablets)
  • 57. Uniformity of weight Two methods used: Method A for capsules with dry content. Method B for capsules with liquid or paste.
  • 58. Method A Weigh a capsule. Open it without loss of shell material. Remove contents & weigh all parts of shell. Difference between weight represent weight of contents.
  • 59. Cont... Perform test for total of 20 caps. Calculate the average weight. Limits for weight variation: Average capsule weight Percentage deviation allowed 18 capsules 2 capsules 120 mg or less 賊10% 賊20% More than 120 mg 賊 7.5% 賊15%
  • 60. Method B Weigh a capsule. Open it without loss of material. Express as much contents as possible. Wash shell with ether & discard washings. Allow shell to stand until odour of ether is no longer noticeable. Then weigh the shell.
  • 61. Cont... Difference between weight represent weight of contents. Perform test for total of 10 caps. Calculate the average weight. Limits for weight variation: Average capsule weight Percentage deviation allowed 9 capsules 1 capsule All weights 賊7.5% 賊15%
  • 62. Assay of active ingredients 1st step in assay take contents of 20 capsules. Analysis of an aliquot representing a certain amount of drug, normally in single unit. Method of analysis prescribed in monograph. Results as percentage of active drug in tablet. Compared with limits in monograph.
  • 63. Disintegration test Apparatus (B.P) consists of: Glass tube Length = 80-100 mm Internal diameter = 28 mm External diameter = 30-31mm Wire gauze (mesh 10) fitted to lower end of tube. To form a basket. Mesh 10 = 1.70mm (pore size)
  • 64. Cont... Glass cylinder with flat base. Internal diameter = 45 mm Contain water not less than 15cm deep. Water temp. = 36-38 C Basket suspended centrally in cylinder. So that can be raised & lowered repeatedly.
  • 65. Method Place 5 capsules in basket. Basket raised & lowered at 30 times/min. Capsules disintegrated if no particle of solid material present. Time for 5 capsules = 15 min Unless stated in individual monograph. If test fails because of capsules aggregation Repeat on 5 caps but individually. Longest time taken by any one capsule disintegration time.
  • 66. Cont... BP used above mentioned apparatus before 1980. In 1980 BP adopted USP disintegration apparatus. USP method: Same as for uncoated tablets. Except upper plate of basket rack assembly, covered with removable wire cloth of mesh 10.