eq_nat is recursively defined to test equality of two natural numbers n and m by pattern matching on their constructions. It returns true if both are 0, or if their successors S n' and S m' are recursively equal; otherwise it returns false. Evaluating eq_nat 3 3 returns true since 3 is constructed by applying S twice to 0, and both arguments have the same construction.
zk-SNARKs are zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge that allow a prover to convince a verifier of a statement without revealing details. They work by converting a function and its inputs/outputs into a quadratic arithmetic program (QAP) represented as polynomials. This allows a verifier to efficiently check a proof generated by the prover using techniques like Lagrange interpolation and pairings on elliptic curves to ensure the polynomials satisfy the QAP without directly evaluating the function. The setup requires a "trusted setup" but then allows very efficient verification.
eq_nat is recursively defined to test equality of two natural numbers n and m by pattern matching on their constructions. It returns true if both are 0, or if their successors S n' and S m' are recursively equal; otherwise it returns false. Evaluating eq_nat 3 3 returns true since 3 is constructed by applying S twice to 0, and both arguments have the same construction.
zk-SNARKs are zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge that allow a prover to convince a verifier of a statement without revealing details. They work by converting a function and its inputs/outputs into a quadratic arithmetic program (QAP) represented as polynomials. This allows a verifier to efficiently check a proof generated by the prover using techniques like Lagrange interpolation and pairings on elliptic curves to ensure the polynomials satisfy the QAP without directly evaluating the function. The setup requires a "trusted setup" but then allows very efficient verification.
29. 量化
? 「すべての x において ~である」「~を満たす x
? 全称量化( ),存在量化( )
30. 一階述語論理式の例
? 例 : y x Loves(x,y)?
? Everyone in the world is loved by at least
one person
? 例2 : x y Loves(x,y)?
? There is a person who loves everyone in the
31. おすすめ教材
? Ulf Norell 氏の Dependently Typed Programming in
Agda ?
(http://www.cse.chalmers.se/ ulfn/darcs/AFP08/
? Brutal [Meta]Introduction to Dependent Types in
Agda ?
? お茶大製「みんなのAgda wiki」?