El documento introduce el álgebra lineal como la rama de las matemáticas que estudia conceptos como vectores, matrices, sistemas de ecuaciones lineales y espacios vectoriales. Además, explica que el álgebra lineal tiene conexiones con muchas otras áreas dentro y fuera de las matemáticas como análisis funcional, ecuaciones diferenciales e ingeniería.
Yewon Shin created symbols of New York wildlife by incorporating the shapes of New York City's boroughs into animal forms. She experimented with placing the irregular, organic shapes of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island in positions that completed the essential characteristics of each animal while clearly representing what species they were. Her style uses recognizable shapes that viewers will either immediately identify as being New York boroughs or will continue examining until they determine the connection.
El documento introduce el álgebra lineal como la rama de las matemáticas que estudia conceptos como vectores, matrices, sistemas de ecuaciones lineales y espacios vectoriales. Además, explica que el álgebra lineal tiene conexiones con muchas otras áreas dentro y fuera de las matemáticas como análisis funcional, ecuaciones diferenciales e ingeniería.
Yewon Shin created symbols of New York wildlife by incorporating the shapes of New York City's boroughs into animal forms. She experimented with placing the irregular, organic shapes of Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island in positions that completed the essential characteristics of each animal while clearly representing what species they were. Her style uses recognizable shapes that viewers will either immediately identify as being New York boroughs or will continue examining until they determine the connection.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones en 4 pasos para ingresar a la plataforma de aulas virtuales de la Universidad Minuto de Dios. Primero, debes ingresar al portal de aulas virtuales y hacer clic en el botón de "PREGRADO PRESENCIAL". Segundo, ingresar de manera sencilla a la plataforma. Tercero, seguir los pasos de forma secuencial. Cuarto, una vez adentro podrás acceder a videos, información y trabajos enviados por los docentes.
Planes in space process document revised yewon sYewon Shin
The document describes a student project that creates an exhibition space to showcase the contrast between Bryant Park in Manhattan and its surrounding busy city. The objective is to separate the calm interior of Bryant Park from the hectic exterior through the use of photographs and panel planes. Visitors will experience a transition as they move from the intricate patterns around the edges to the open space in the center, representing the different atmospheres. The exhibition space is designed with careful consideration of circulation, photo placement, and proportion to effectively convey this ironic contrast between the park and its urban surroundings.
This project tells the story of the author getting lost at a mall as a child in 6 steps and reuniting with their mother with the help of a stranger. The author will visualize their experience of getting lost at a mall as a kid and reuniting with their mom with a stranger’s help for a class project on bitmap imagery.
Los tejedores de seda de Benarés, una ciudad con miles de a?os de tradición textil, se enfrentan a una crisis de supervivencia ya que más de 50.000 tejedores se han quedado sin trabajo.
The concept was to pair crafts people and the products they make with designers. Craftspeople were asked to provide images of their work to be re-imagined, re-invented and re-hacked by a team of designers. Each designer was paired with a craftsperson and received images of their product. Using their design skills they re-imagined and re-invented products. The re-imagined products were submitted in 2D as drawings, as Rhino, CAD or Solidworks files.
A workshop was held at the National College of Art and Design for designers and craftspeople to work in pairs, discuss design approaches and how industrial processes and traditional methods can be used to re-imagine the final product.
La lectura es importante para el desarrollo de los ni?os ya que les brinda nutrición mental, los ayuda a crecer y los convierte en ciudadanos participantes más que solo habitantes; cuando los adultos leen con los ni?os les dan momentos de afecto y seguridad, y se pueden hacer libros caseros con materiales como revistas y fotos para fomentar la creatividad y el pensamiento crítico.
Pablo Picasso was a highly influential 20th century Spanish artist born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain. He helped develop Cubism and created famous works like Guernica and Demoiselles d'Avignon. Picasso lived much of his life in Paris and was deeply impacted by the Spanish Civil War and the bombing of Guernica, which inspired his iconic anti-war painting. He revolutionized modern art with his rejection of traditional techniques and perspective.
The document discusses alternation between anabolism and catabolism in the human body. Anabolism involves building complex molecules from simpler ones and supports growth, while catabolism breaks down large molecules into smaller ones and produces ATP through cellular respiration. Insulin promotes anabolic activities that store glucose, while glucagon stimulates catabolic activities. The liver plays a key role in maintaining blood glucose levels between meals by breaking down glycogen or converting other substrates into glucose. Insulin and glucagon work to regulate glucose uptake and output from the liver to keep blood glucose within a normal range. Diabetes mellitus occurs when there is insufficient or ineffective insulin to properly regulate blood glucose.
这是我在中国定期在开的“整合营销的课程”。2009 年五月份起,新加“ 对 Y 世代的整合营销”。
This is my " Integrated marketing" class in China. I will offer " Integrated marketing for Y generation in China" starts May, 2009.