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2010 ffs bop
A Company of Destiny Our Mission To create wealth for families Whether the goal is, saving for retirement, protecting your family or building tremendous wealth, FFS is totally committed to helping you make your dreams come true. Our System The vehicle that will allow us to succeed The FFS Business Building System gives our leaders a proven, predictable, and profitable turnkey plan for building and running a successful business. Our Vision To lead the 21 st  century financial revolution FFS is determined to improve the saving habits of todays families by bringing them the latest in financial services concepts and products. This is not a solicitation or offer to purchase any product.  FFS is not a franchise.  FFS does not charge any fees for the right to engage in the business of offering, selling or distributing goods or  services.  Use for recruiting purposes only.
Problems Facing Americans Today Debt Trap   U.S. consumer debt has doubled over the past ten years, with the average debt at $18,700 per U.S. household [excluding mortgages]; bankruptcy filings are estimated to have topped  1.8 million in 2005. 1 Lack of Security   If you died tomorrow, your family could face financial devastation. The average death claim paid by the insurance industry in 1999 was $15,130. 3 Poor Savings Habits   Today, savings rates are at their lowest levels since the Great Depression. For the first time since 1933, savings rates fell into negative territory at -0.5% in 2005. Americans either dipped into savings or increased their borrowing. 2 Retirement Woes   Most Americans retire in poverty.  According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 73.8% of Americans 65 and older retire on a combined income of private pension and Social Security of $10,000 or less a year. 4 1  Timothy Egan, Debtors in Rush to Bankruptcy as Change Nears, The New York Times Online, August 21, 2005. 2  Martin Crustinger, Savings Rates at Lowest Levels Since 1933, Associated Press, January 30, 2006.  3  Statistical Compilation of Annual Statement Information for Life/Health Insurance Companies in 1999* NAIC, 2000 4  Social Security Administration, 1996.  Use for recruiting purposes only. Rising Cost of Living   If you and your spouse earn $100,000 a year and want to retire in 18 years, with average inflation of 4%, you will need a little more than $200,000 a year to equal your current income of $100,000. Without the proper financial knowledge and tools, many families have given up on their dreams and feel that their financial future is hopeless.
Tracking 100 Americans from age 25 to 65   36  will be dead  54  will be DEAD BROKE  5  will still be working  4  will be financially secure and 1 will be Financially Independent Where does your money go? The Facts Of Life What did the 5 financially successful Americans do differently? The Great Consumer Dilemma Insurance Savings/ Investments  Living Expenses Consumer Debt 21% Mortgage 21% Taxes 28%
PROCRASTINATION The Convenient Time ~~~ Does It Ever Come? WERE 25   we cant accumulate money now..were just getting started and we dont make a lot yet..were entitled to a little fun while were young..besides weve got plenty of time WERE 35   our family is growing..our mortgage payments are big..once the children are older it will cost less then well begin to invest.. We cant put aside a penny now. WERE 45   the children are in college and its all we can do to pay their expense.. it seems to be the most expensive time in our lives. WERE 55   we know we should invest, but things arent as easy as  they used to be. At our age its tough to start new careers or get a better jobwell have to sit tight now and maybe well catch a break. WERE 65   who us?  Sure investing is a great idea, but were 65 and Social Security doesnt go very far.. We should have started Years ago but its too late now! YOU  CANT  START SOONER THAN NOW!
Use for recruiting purposes only. TIC-TAC-TOE Safety of Principal Fixed Products 1% to 3% Risk of Principal Equity Products Upside Potential Indexed Products
$100,000 Invested in 1997 This is not a solicitation or offer to purchase any product.  FFS is not a franchise.  FFS does not charge any fees for the right to engage in the business of offering, selling or distributing goods or services. Use for recruiting purposes only. The above graph is for recruiting purposes only and does not reflect any particular product or investment. Index Account assumes annual point to point with a 7% cap. Large company stock numbers provided by Yahoo Finance and calculated by FFS. Results may vary. Secret #1:  Never Lose Money  Protection & Potential Many people sacrifice return for safety, and other people sacrifice safety for return.  Indexing brings together the best of both. $150,000 $140,000 $130,000 $120,000 $100,000 $160,000 $170,000 $90,000 $110,000 Indexed Account Large Company Stocks 8/1997 8/1998 8/1999 8/2000 8/2001 8/2002 8/2003 8/2004 8/2005 8/2006 8/2007 8/2008 8/2009 $149,937 $126,925 $139,237 $95,529 $115,449 $117,435 $129,330 $152,488 $133,977 $103,775 $134,631 $105,012 $114,490 $122,504 $122,504 $140,255 $155,476 $166,359 $150,073 $131,080 $107,000 $166,359
Secret #2: Compound Interest Compound Interest-The Rule of 72 Simply divide the number 72 by your expected rate of return to determine the number of years it will take your money to double. 65  $640,000 59  $320,000 53  $160,000 65  $160,000 47  $80,000 56  $80,000 65  $80,000 41  $40,000 47  $40,000 53  $40,000 35  $20,000 38  $20,000 41  $20,000 29  $10,000 29  $10,000 29  $10,000 Money doubles every 6 years Money doubles every 9 years Money doubles every 12 years Age  12% Age  8% Age  6% 65  $40,000 47  $20,000 29  $10,000 Money doubles every 18 years Age  4%  The most powerful force in the universe is compound  interest.  1 - Albert Einstein  "The person that understands compound interest will earn it. The person that油does not will pay it!  2 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 油 - Albert Einstein 1  richnow.wordpress.com Secrets of the rich revealed, Dont ignore The power of Compound Interest, Dec.6, 2006 2  Ibeatmybank.com/see_how_it_s_done.html
Lower? Same? Higher? Secret #3:  Tax Advantages Will Future Tax Rates Likely Be:
Secret #3:  Tax Advantages Tax  Deferred Accumulation Tax Free Distribution Tax  Deductible Contribution Which would you choose? You can only get two of the three! FFS nor any of its associates offer tax advice.  Please consult with your tax professional.  Use for recruiting purposes only. Maximize Your Tax Advantages
Life Insurance  - You dont have to die to use -
Missed Fortune Video Douglas Andrew
FIXED ANNUITY  Declared interest rate, more like a bank INDEXED ANNUITY  A fixed annuity that earns a minimum interest rate and offers the potential for excess interest based on the performance of an index. VARIABLE ANNUITY  Like a mutual fund. Most of the investment return (risk) passed to investor Types of Annuity
Add 10% Premium Bonus  on all 1 st  year premiums Contract Value Upside Gain Potential (cap 30%) No Downside Risk Income Account Value Guaranteed  Lifetime Income Benefit Rider earning 8% for the next 20 years compounded Indexed Annuity
Indexed Annuity News
FFS offers you a risk-free opportunity to build a business of your own with Lifestyle Change No Major Investment No Franchise Fees No Loss of Job Security No Experience Required This is not a solicitation or offer to purchase any product.  FFS is not a franchise.  FFS does not charge any fees for the right to engage in the business of offering, selling or distributing goods or  services.  Use for recruiting purposes only. No Inventory Unlimited Territory Unlimited Opportunity The FFS opportunity is for everyone: Part-time Second Income Earner Personal Producer Business Builder Be in business for yourself not by yourself.
Recognition and Reward System FFS will recognize our greatest leaders with everything  from custom diamond-studded promotion pins, Super-Bowl  type rings and world-class trips to the destinations of the  rich and famous. Join First Financial Security, and see the world! This is not a solicitation or offer to purchase any product.  FFS is not a franchise.  FFS does not charge any fees for the right to engage in the business of offering, selling or distributing goods or services.  Use for recruiting purposes only.
Equity Sharing Plan
Lets Show The Money  How Much Do You Want to Make?
Join FFS - $125 one time membership fee Pre-Licensing Class Fees: $160 (including training book & CDs) 2 days class (8 hours/per day in VA & MD) Life & Annuity Exam Fees: $58 (VA) Life License Fees: $15 (VA) 2 years renewal Criminal Record Check Fees: $15 (VA) Purchase E&O Insurance (Requirement) Anti-Money Laundering for Insurance Producers Online Course Cost: Free Appointed with FFS and Insurance Companies by: Login:  www.FirstFinancialSecurity.com Get Started Now!

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2010 ffs bop

  • 2. A Company of Destiny Our Mission To create wealth for families Whether the goal is, saving for retirement, protecting your family or building tremendous wealth, FFS is totally committed to helping you make your dreams come true. Our System The vehicle that will allow us to succeed The FFS Business Building System gives our leaders a proven, predictable, and profitable turnkey plan for building and running a successful business. Our Vision To lead the 21 st century financial revolution FFS is determined to improve the saving habits of todays families by bringing them the latest in financial services concepts and products. This is not a solicitation or offer to purchase any product. FFS is not a franchise. FFS does not charge any fees for the right to engage in the business of offering, selling or distributing goods or services. Use for recruiting purposes only.
  • 3. Problems Facing Americans Today Debt Trap U.S. consumer debt has doubled over the past ten years, with the average debt at $18,700 per U.S. household [excluding mortgages]; bankruptcy filings are estimated to have topped 1.8 million in 2005. 1 Lack of Security If you died tomorrow, your family could face financial devastation. The average death claim paid by the insurance industry in 1999 was $15,130. 3 Poor Savings Habits Today, savings rates are at their lowest levels since the Great Depression. For the first time since 1933, savings rates fell into negative territory at -0.5% in 2005. Americans either dipped into savings or increased their borrowing. 2 Retirement Woes Most Americans retire in poverty. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 73.8% of Americans 65 and older retire on a combined income of private pension and Social Security of $10,000 or less a year. 4 1 Timothy Egan, Debtors in Rush to Bankruptcy as Change Nears, The New York Times Online, August 21, 2005. 2 Martin Crustinger, Savings Rates at Lowest Levels Since 1933, Associated Press, January 30, 2006. 3 Statistical Compilation of Annual Statement Information for Life/Health Insurance Companies in 1999* NAIC, 2000 4 Social Security Administration, 1996. Use for recruiting purposes only. Rising Cost of Living If you and your spouse earn $100,000 a year and want to retire in 18 years, with average inflation of 4%, you will need a little more than $200,000 a year to equal your current income of $100,000. Without the proper financial knowledge and tools, many families have given up on their dreams and feel that their financial future is hopeless.
  • 4. Tracking 100 Americans from age 25 to 65 36 will be dead 54 will be DEAD BROKE 5 will still be working 4 will be financially secure and 1 will be Financially Independent Where does your money go? The Facts Of Life What did the 5 financially successful Americans do differently? The Great Consumer Dilemma Insurance Savings/ Investments Living Expenses Consumer Debt 21% Mortgage 21% Taxes 28%
  • 5. PROCRASTINATION The Convenient Time ~~~ Does It Ever Come? WERE 25 we cant accumulate money now..were just getting started and we dont make a lot yet..were entitled to a little fun while were young..besides weve got plenty of time WERE 35 our family is growing..our mortgage payments are big..once the children are older it will cost less then well begin to invest.. We cant put aside a penny now. WERE 45 the children are in college and its all we can do to pay their expense.. it seems to be the most expensive time in our lives. WERE 55 we know we should invest, but things arent as easy as they used to be. At our age its tough to start new careers or get a better jobwell have to sit tight now and maybe well catch a break. WERE 65 who us? Sure investing is a great idea, but were 65 and Social Security doesnt go very far.. We should have started Years ago but its too late now! YOU CANT START SOONER THAN NOW!
  • 6. Use for recruiting purposes only. TIC-TAC-TOE Safety of Principal Fixed Products 1% to 3% Risk of Principal Equity Products Upside Potential Indexed Products
  • 7. $100,000 Invested in 1997 This is not a solicitation or offer to purchase any product. FFS is not a franchise. FFS does not charge any fees for the right to engage in the business of offering, selling or distributing goods or services. Use for recruiting purposes only. The above graph is for recruiting purposes only and does not reflect any particular product or investment. Index Account assumes annual point to point with a 7% cap. Large company stock numbers provided by Yahoo Finance and calculated by FFS. Results may vary. Secret #1: Never Lose Money Protection & Potential Many people sacrifice return for safety, and other people sacrifice safety for return. Indexing brings together the best of both. $150,000 $140,000 $130,000 $120,000 $100,000 $160,000 $170,000 $90,000 $110,000 Indexed Account Large Company Stocks 8/1997 8/1998 8/1999 8/2000 8/2001 8/2002 8/2003 8/2004 8/2005 8/2006 8/2007 8/2008 8/2009 $149,937 $126,925 $139,237 $95,529 $115,449 $117,435 $129,330 $152,488 $133,977 $103,775 $134,631 $105,012 $114,490 $122,504 $122,504 $140,255 $155,476 $166,359 $150,073 $131,080 $107,000 $166,359
  • 8. Secret #2: Compound Interest Compound Interest-The Rule of 72 Simply divide the number 72 by your expected rate of return to determine the number of years it will take your money to double. 65 $640,000 59 $320,000 53 $160,000 65 $160,000 47 $80,000 56 $80,000 65 $80,000 41 $40,000 47 $40,000 53 $40,000 35 $20,000 38 $20,000 41 $20,000 29 $10,000 29 $10,000 29 $10,000 Money doubles every 6 years Money doubles every 9 years Money doubles every 12 years Age 12% Age 8% Age 6% 65 $40,000 47 $20,000 29 $10,000 Money doubles every 18 years Age 4% The most powerful force in the universe is compound interest. 1 - Albert Einstein "The person that understands compound interest will earn it. The person that油does not will pay it! 2 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 油 - Albert Einstein 1 richnow.wordpress.com Secrets of the rich revealed, Dont ignore The power of Compound Interest, Dec.6, 2006 2 Ibeatmybank.com/see_how_it_s_done.html
  • 9. Lower? Same? Higher? Secret #3: Tax Advantages Will Future Tax Rates Likely Be:
  • 10.
  • 11. Secret #3: Tax Advantages Tax Deferred Accumulation Tax Free Distribution Tax Deductible Contribution Which would you choose? You can only get two of the three! FFS nor any of its associates offer tax advice. Please consult with your tax professional. Use for recruiting purposes only. Maximize Your Tax Advantages
  • 12. Life Insurance - You dont have to die to use -
  • 13. Missed Fortune Video Douglas Andrew
  • 14. FIXED ANNUITY Declared interest rate, more like a bank INDEXED ANNUITY A fixed annuity that earns a minimum interest rate and offers the potential for excess interest based on the performance of an index. VARIABLE ANNUITY Like a mutual fund. Most of the investment return (risk) passed to investor Types of Annuity
  • 15. Add 10% Premium Bonus on all 1 st year premiums Contract Value Upside Gain Potential (cap 30%) No Downside Risk Income Account Value Guaranteed Lifetime Income Benefit Rider earning 8% for the next 20 years compounded Indexed Annuity
  • 17. FFS offers you a risk-free opportunity to build a business of your own with Lifestyle Change No Major Investment No Franchise Fees No Loss of Job Security No Experience Required This is not a solicitation or offer to purchase any product. FFS is not a franchise. FFS does not charge any fees for the right to engage in the business of offering, selling or distributing goods or services. Use for recruiting purposes only. No Inventory Unlimited Territory Unlimited Opportunity The FFS opportunity is for everyone: Part-time Second Income Earner Personal Producer Business Builder Be in business for yourself not by yourself.
  • 18. Recognition and Reward System FFS will recognize our greatest leaders with everything from custom diamond-studded promotion pins, Super-Bowl type rings and world-class trips to the destinations of the rich and famous. Join First Financial Security, and see the world! This is not a solicitation or offer to purchase any product. FFS is not a franchise. FFS does not charge any fees for the right to engage in the business of offering, selling or distributing goods or services. Use for recruiting purposes only.
  • 20. Lets Show The Money How Much Do You Want to Make?
  • 21. Join FFS - $125 one time membership fee Pre-Licensing Class Fees: $160 (including training book & CDs) 2 days class (8 hours/per day in VA & MD) Life & Annuity Exam Fees: $58 (VA) Life License Fees: $15 (VA) 2 years renewal Criminal Record Check Fees: $15 (VA) Purchase E&O Insurance (Requirement) Anti-Money Laundering for Insurance Producers Online Course Cost: Free Appointed with FFS and Insurance Companies by: Login: www.FirstFinancialSecurity.com Get Started Now!

Editor's Notes

  • #15: APPROVED BY COMPLIANCE 12/5/07 Approved by compliance 05.01.08