Microsoft power point technologies and solutions for it governance prasopchokeSoftware Park Thailand
This document discusses IT governance and compliance. It outlines challenges around interpreting regulations, managing compliance across business functions, and addressing compliance requirements that are duplicative or change frequently. It also notes the need to simplify compliance monitoring and reduce audit preparation time. The document proposes that a centralized solution could help by defining requirements, monitoring systems for compliance, and providing reporting on compliance status and incidents. This could help organizations better achieve compliance goals while focusing on business needs and reducing costs.
El documento presenta un taller sobre pruebas de software "fuera de la caja". La agenda incluye introducciones sobre conceptos básicos de calidad, testing y defectos. También cubre temas como los objetivos del testing, las habilidades necesarias de los testers, los riesgos comunes y cómo mitigarlos. Finalmente, explica cómo la organización del testing en un proyecto puede aportar valor.
The document contains front and side view drawings of 9 different designs labeled DG-001 through DG-009. Each design has a front view drawing, labeled with the design number and "Front View", and a side view drawing, labeled with the design number and "side View".