The document discusses preparations for Christmas, including decorating, writing letters to the Three Wise Men, addressing envelopes, and eagerly awaiting their arrival. It mentions exchanging candy and opinions with friends after the Wise Men visit and enjoying chocolate afterwards, wishing a happy 2012.
The students had put up ribbons to decorate the classroom last week but the teacher took them down. This week the teacher agreed to let them put ribbons up again. However, when they arrived in the classroom, the teacher had removed the ribbons again. They then found a package and a note from the teacher saying they had to weed and have bread with olive oil for a snack. They went to check on their classmates and found the teacher had made a mistake. Together they decided to go buy some bread since they couldn't find any. They had bread and olive oil for a snack but then had problems doing their work that they need to resolve.
Los ni?os intentaron construir una caseta de madera como la que hab¨ªan visto detr¨¢s de unos cristales. Sin embargo, su construcci¨®n no result¨® como esperaban, ya que no contaban con las herramientas y materiales adecuados como los carpinteros. A pesar de no haber logrado replicar fielmente la caseta, aprendieron lecciones valiosas sobre la colaboraci¨®n y la importancia de contar con los recursos correctos para completar un proyecto.
A Student Guide to the NYPL Jerome Robbins Dance DivisionKatya Schapiro
A student guide to using the NYPL's Jerome Robbins Dance Division collection. Created as a presentation to Barnard College faculty, staff, and students April 13, 2011. (Not affiliated in any way with Barnard College or the New York Public Library)
The students had put up ribbons to decorate the classroom last week but the teacher took them down. This week the teacher agreed to let them put ribbons up again. However, when they arrived in the classroom, the teacher had removed the ribbons again. They then found a package and a note from the teacher saying they had to weed and have bread with olive oil for a snack. They went to check on their classmates and found the teacher had made a mistake. Together they decided to go buy some bread since they couldn't find any. They had bread and olive oil for a snack but then had problems doing their work that they need to resolve.
Los ni?os intentaron construir una caseta de madera como la que hab¨ªan visto detr¨¢s de unos cristales. Sin embargo, su construcci¨®n no result¨® como esperaban, ya que no contaban con las herramientas y materiales adecuados como los carpinteros. A pesar de no haber logrado replicar fielmente la caseta, aprendieron lecciones valiosas sobre la colaboraci¨®n y la importancia de contar con los recursos correctos para completar un proyecto.
A Student Guide to the NYPL Jerome Robbins Dance DivisionKatya Schapiro
A student guide to using the NYPL's Jerome Robbins Dance Division collection. Created as a presentation to Barnard College faculty, staff, and students April 13, 2011. (Not affiliated in any way with Barnard College or the New York Public Library)
Los Campos El¨ªseos son la calle m¨¢s famosa de Par¨ªs, que se extiende desde la Plaza de la Concordia hasta la Plaza del Arco de Triunfo. A lo largo de sus casi dos kil¨®metros se encuentran tiendas lujosas, caf¨¦s, teatros y sedes de empresas importantes. En la zona inferior se ubican los jardines dise?ados en 1838 y los palacios Grand Palais y Petit Palais construidos para la Exposici¨®n Universal de 1900 con arquitectura neocl¨¢sica. El Pont Alexandre III cruza el Sena y conecta los Camp