Software Freedom Day 2011 at Palestine
Vision & Objectives
ur vision is to empower all people to freely connect, create and share in a digital world that is participatory, transparent, and sustainable.
1To celebrate software freedom and the people behind it
2To foster a general understanding of software freedom, and encourage adoption of free software and open standards
3To create more equal access to opportunities through the use of participatory technologies
4To promote constructive dialogue on responsibilities and rights in the information society
5To be inclusive of organizations and individuals that share our Vision
6To be pragmatic, transparent, and responsible as an organisation
忰惘悸 悋惡惘悴悋惠 悋忰惠悋 惺悋 惠惺 惆 悒 惠愆悴惺 愕惠悽惆 悋忰悋愕惡 惺 悋惠惺惘 惺 悋惡惘悴悋惠 悋忰惘悸 悵悋惠 悋惡惘悴悋惠 悋忰惘悸 悋惶惆惘 悋惠忰 惡悋悒惷悋悸 悒 悋惠惺惘 惺 悋悴惠惺悋惠 悋惠 惠 惡惠愀惘悋 愆惘悋 忰 悋惺悋 悸 悋愆悋惘悸 悖愆愀惠悋
Opening day : software freedom day 2009 in ofok ngo
introduction about open source and freeware
introduction about day and ofok
presentation in arabic language
This document defines and provides examples for several vocabulary words. It defines "impel" as to drive or force someone to do something and provides its Latin origin. It also defines "empirical" as based on observation or experience rather than theory, and notes its Greek origin. Finally, it defines "animus" as prejudiced ill will and provides examples of its use.
Scientists placed monkeys in a cage with a ladder containing bananas. Any monkey climbing the ladder would cause all monkeys to be sprayed with cold water. Over time, monkeys stopped climbing the ladder and instead beat up any monkey that tried to climb to avoid the cold water punishment. When monkeys were substituted, the new monkeys learned this behavior without experiencing the cold water themselves and continued beating any monkey trying to climb the ladder, though none of them knew why this was the rule anymore. This experiment showed how learned behaviors and paradigms can persist even if the original reason for them is forgotten.
Walter Fisher proposed the narrative paradigm theory, which argues that human communication should be viewed as storytelling. According to the theory, people experience and understand their lives as a series of stories that have a beginning, middle, end, characters, and conflict. The way people communicate events in their past and future involves telling stories and constructing logical arguments using good reasons based on history, culture, and the people involved.
The narrative paradigm is based on the idea that humans think in terms of stories rather than logic. It proposes that people are more easily persuaded by compelling narratives than arguments. According to the paradigm, humans experience the world as a collection of stories and make decisions based on which stories they deem most truthful and consistent. The narrative paradigm contrasts with the rational world paradigm, which views humans as logical beings who make decisions through sound arguments and reasoning processes. Key concepts of the narrative paradigm include narration, narrative rationality based on coherence and fidelity, and the logic of good reasons for evaluating stories.
- Walter Fisher proposes the narrative paradigm theory which argues that humans are naturally storytelling beings and make decisions based on good reasons and narratives rather than pure rationality.
- The narrative paradigm sees knowledge as arising from stories rather than just observable facts, and values aesthetics and the judgments of many instead of just experts.
- For a narrative to be considered reasonable according to the narrative paradigm, it must have narrative fidelity by resonating with one's experiences and coherence by having a consistent internal logic and fitting with other known stories.
The narrative paradigm proposes that people are naturally storytellers who make sense of life experiences through narratives. It views all communication as stories that must exhibit narrative coherence (internal consistency) and narrative fidelity (congruence with the audience's values) to be considered reasonable and persuasive. In contrast to the rational-world paradigm which sees people as logical beings making decisions based on evidence and arguments, the narrative paradigm posits that history, culture and character determine what audiences deem good reasons to make decisions and guide actions.
A paradigm is a person's mental model or framework for understanding something. It shapes how they perceive and interpret the world. While paradigms help people understand reality, different people may have different paradigms and see things differently. A paradigm shift occurs when a person changes their mental model or framework to a new way of thinking about something. Major paradigm shifts happen when entire fields or societies transition to entirely new ways of understanding an issue or domain.
The document compares and contrasts different social science paradigms at both the micro and macro levels. It discusses several paradigms including the conflict paradigm, functionalism, behavioralism, and perspectives based on human development theory. It also outlines four traditions in working with people with intellectual disabilities - rights-based, skills-based, behavioral, and developmental approaches. Natural sciences are seen as progressing from false to true views, while social sciences paradigms may gain or lose popularity but are seldom discarded.
Scientists placed monkeys in a cage with a ladder containing bananas. Any monkey climbing the ladder would cause all monkeys to be sprayed with cold water. Over time, monkeys stopped climbing the ladder and instead beat up any monkey that tried, even if they had never been sprayed themselves. This demonstrated how paradigms and traditions can form and be passed down without understanding the original reasoning.
This powerpoint presentation defines entrepreneurship and discusses its history and modern applications. It begins by defining an entrepreneur as someone who organizes and manages a business while taking on financial risk. It notes that agricultural students have been involved in entrepreneurship since the early 20th century through programs like raising livestock and growing crops. Today, agricultural entrepreneurship can involve many diverse activities beyond farming like custom harvesting or operating a small engine repair service. The presentation concludes by discussing characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and different types like social and lifestyle entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurship, introduction to entrepreneurship, definition of entrepreneu...Jorge Saguinsin
Introduction to basics of Entrepreneurship covers topics such as social entrepreneurship, business entrepreneurship and various masteries needed. The subject matter covers examples from the Philippines. This a compilation of various learnings from various references. These slides are lectures at Agsb entrepreneurship elective and have been uploaded for the access and convenience of present and past students of the said elective
Software Freedom Day 2011 at Palestine :
1To celebrate software freedom and the people behind it
2To foster a general understanding of software freedom, and encourage adoption of free software and open standards
3To create more equal access to opportunities through the use of participatory technologies
4To promote constructive dialogue on responsibilities and rights in the information society
5To be inclusive of organizations and individuals that share our Vision
6To be pragmatic, transparent, and responsible as an organisation
Vision & Objectives
ur vision is to empower all people to freely connect, create and share in a digital world that is participatory, transparent, and sustainable.
忰惘悸 悋惡惘悴悋惠 悋忰惠悋 惺悋 惠惺 惆 悒 惠愆悴惺 愕惠悽惆 悋忰悋愕惡 惺 悋惠惺惘 惺 悋惡惘悴悋惠 悋忰惘悸 悵悋惠 悋惡惘悴悋惠 悋忰惘悸 悋惶惆惘 悋惠忰 惡悋悒惷悋悸 悒 悋惠惺惘 惺 悋悴惠惺悋惠 悋惠 惠 惡惠愀惘悋 愆惘悋 忰 悋惺悋 悸 悋愆悋惘悸 悖愆愀惠悋 .
The narrative paradigm proposes that people are naturally storytellers who make sense of life experiences through narratives. It views all communication as stories that must exhibit narrative coherence (internal consistency) and narrative fidelity (congruence with the audience's values) to be considered reasonable and persuasive. In contrast to the rational-world paradigm which sees people as logical beings making decisions based on evidence and arguments, the narrative paradigm posits that history, culture and character determine what audiences deem good reasons to make decisions and guide actions.
A paradigm is a person's mental model or framework for understanding something. It shapes how they perceive and interpret the world. While paradigms help people understand reality, different people may have different paradigms and see things differently. A paradigm shift occurs when a person changes their mental model or framework to a new way of thinking about something. Major paradigm shifts happen when entire fields or societies transition to entirely new ways of understanding an issue or domain.
The document compares and contrasts different social science paradigms at both the micro and macro levels. It discusses several paradigms including the conflict paradigm, functionalism, behavioralism, and perspectives based on human development theory. It also outlines four traditions in working with people with intellectual disabilities - rights-based, skills-based, behavioral, and developmental approaches. Natural sciences are seen as progressing from false to true views, while social sciences paradigms may gain or lose popularity but are seldom discarded.
Scientists placed monkeys in a cage with a ladder containing bananas. Any monkey climbing the ladder would cause all monkeys to be sprayed with cold water. Over time, monkeys stopped climbing the ladder and instead beat up any monkey that tried, even if they had never been sprayed themselves. This demonstrated how paradigms and traditions can form and be passed down without understanding the original reasoning.
This powerpoint presentation defines entrepreneurship and discusses its history and modern applications. It begins by defining an entrepreneur as someone who organizes and manages a business while taking on financial risk. It notes that agricultural students have been involved in entrepreneurship since the early 20th century through programs like raising livestock and growing crops. Today, agricultural entrepreneurship can involve many diverse activities beyond farming like custom harvesting or operating a small engine repair service. The presentation concludes by discussing characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and different types like social and lifestyle entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurship, introduction to entrepreneurship, definition of entrepreneu...Jorge Saguinsin
Introduction to basics of Entrepreneurship covers topics such as social entrepreneurship, business entrepreneurship and various masteries needed. The subject matter covers examples from the Philippines. This a compilation of various learnings from various references. These slides are lectures at Agsb entrepreneurship elective and have been uploaded for the access and convenience of present and past students of the said elective
Software Freedom Day 2011 at Palestine :
1To celebrate software freedom and the people behind it
2To foster a general understanding of software freedom, and encourage adoption of free software and open standards
3To create more equal access to opportunities through the use of participatory technologies
4To promote constructive dialogue on responsibilities and rights in the information society
5To be inclusive of organizations and individuals that share our Vision
6To be pragmatic, transparent, and responsible as an organisation
Vision & Objectives
ur vision is to empower all people to freely connect, create and share in a digital world that is participatory, transparent, and sustainable.
忰惘悸 悋惡惘悴悋惠 悋忰惠悋 惺悋 惠惺 惆 悒 惠愆悴惺 愕惠悽惆 悋忰悋愕惡 惺 悋惠惺惘 惺 悋惡惘悴悋惠 悋忰惘悸 悵悋惠 悋惡惘悴悋惠 悋忰惘悸 悋惶惆惘 悋惠忰 惡悋悒惷悋悸 悒 悋惠惺惘 惺 悋悴惠惺悋惠 悋惠 惠 惡惠愀惘悋 愆惘悋 忰 悋惺悋 悸 悋愆悋惘悸 悖愆愀惠悋 .