Software Freedom Day 2011 at Palestine :
1To celebrate software freedom and the people behind it
2To foster a general understanding of software freedom, and encourage adoption of free software and open standards
3To create more equal access to opportunities through the use of participatory technologies
4To promote constructive dialogue on responsibilities and rights in the information society
5To be inclusive of organizations and individuals that share our Vision
6To be pragmatic, transparent, and responsible as an organisation
Vision & Objectives
ur vision is to empower all people to freely connect, create and share in a digital world that is participatory, transparent, and sustainable.
忰惘悸 悋惡惘悴悋惠 悋忰惠悋 惺悋 惠惺 惆 悒 惠愆悴惺 愕惠悽惆 悋忰悋愕惡 惺 悋惠惺惘 惺 悋惡惘悴悋惠 悋忰惘悸 悵悋惠 悋惡惘悴悋惠 悋忰惘悸 悋惶惆惘 悋惠忰 惡悋悒惷悋悸 悒 悋惠惺惘 惺 悋悴惠惺悋惠 悋惠 惠 惡惠愀惘悋 愆惘悋 忰 悋惺悋 悸 悋愆悋惘悸 悖愆愀惠悋 .
Opening day : software freedom day 2009 in ofok ngo
introduction about open source and freeware
introduction about day and ofok
presentation in arabic language
Pavol Pogany is a Slovak live sound engineer with over 20 years of experience working with a variety of digital mixing consoles on concerts, festivals, television productions, and theatrical performances. He has worked as a front of house engineer, monitor engineer, and orchestra mix engineer on productions in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and the UK. Pogany is proficient in many Yamaha, Digidesign, Soundcraft, Midas, and Roland consoles and has received training from Yamaha and Digico. He currently resides in London and holds a full UK driving license.