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Dr. Van Whaley    Doc Vegas  25,000 Patient Visits DC  Doctor of Chiropractic BA  Bachelor Degree (Psychology) AA   Associate Degree DAD Ivys Dad
Stay in touch! Phone (702) 932 - 6100 Email [email_address] Web www.DrVanWhaley.com  www.facebook.com/drvan www.twitter.com/drvan
The GRATE Plan  is  a complete program  that relieves pain ,  builds strength , and  improves health   using specific stretches, exercises, and actions.
My family and I enjoy life again! Car crash caused severe back & neck problems.  Dr. Van straightened it out. I can walk with my kids  & not stay home because of the pain.  Dr. Van is an intelligent,    kind, caring, and a   very skilled  Chiropractor. Douglas C.   Las Vegas, NV
The GRATE Plan. Whats so GRATE  about this plan? (Is it misspelled?)
What is  G RATE? G lobal   R ehab  A ctivities and  T herapeutic  E xercise G lobal = Help entire body Pain Relief Better Function Improve Motion
What is G RA TE? G lobal  R ehab  A ctivities  and  T herapeutic  E xercise RA  = R ehab  A ctivities Easy to do Proven techniques Proven results
What is GRA TE? G lobal  R ehab  A ctivities and  T herapeutic  E xercise TE  = T herapeutic  E xercise Stabilize  weak joints Strengthen  weak muscles Loosen  stiff muscles & joints
Neck Pain Hurt School Work I suffered from  neck pain , stiff and sore muscles, and even  a pinched nerve . It  hurt to carry my books and backpack. The pain also hurt my school work .     Thanks Doc,    now I feel   much better.  Rebecca C.
Dont miss out! Sign up online to get Dr. Vans Newsletter www.drvanwhaley.com Follow Dr. Van on  Facebook  and  Twitter. www.facebook.com/drvan www.twitter.com/drvan
Who do you know? Do you have a  friend ,  coworker family member , or  neighbor   that should see Dr. Van?
The GRATE Plan avoids problems  by combining the benefits of  strengthening   and  stretching .
My back hurt so bad I was  unable to move ! I could not stand or walk . Changing positions in bed caused a  lightning bolt  of pain  in my hip and leg. Now, I do lots of activities  without pain , and have  started exercising regularly.  Sandi S.
I had given up  Walking without pain   in the knees.   Driving with no pain   in the neck .  Can  do my 2 mile walks  that I had once given up . Jane P.
Sciatic Pain   Misaligned bones or tight muscles  aggravating the largest nerve in the body.  油油油油油 Severe pain  shooting into the legs.   油油油油油 Unsteady  from muscle weakness.  油油油油油 Tingling   /  Numbness . Now, I can bend  without pain in my leg . It is important  to  Stay with treatment even after you feel better. Carolyn L.
The GRATE Plan can help you be free of aches and pains , grow  stronger  &  more stable , be healthy, and have a better  functioning body.
 After three surgeries,  I didnt expect to be 100% 油 Laminectomy Surgery -  Dangerous  & invasive surgery, -  Permanent loss  of motion, -  Screws  &  rods  replace bone. Thanks  to  Dr.  Van ,  now    I can walk without pain!  Get there!    Tell others to see Dr. Van. Joan G.
Short - Term Benefits: Stop muscle pain Feel better Better range of motion Less stiffness and tightness Weight Loss
Long - Term Benefits Headache relief Alleviate neck and back pain A better functioning body Sleeping better More energy, not  feeling run down Measurable and maintained weight loss
Stay in touch! Phone (702) 932 - 6100 Email [email_address] Web www.DrVanWhaley.com  www.facebook.com/drvan www.twitter.com/drvan
 I am so happy  I am seeing results!  I had been taking a pain pill every morning,  now  no pills and no pain!   I did everything Dr. Van told me to do.  I am so happy I am seeing results! Shirley B.
The GRATE Plan  helps you be healthy,  with an extra-strong immune system, and a better functioning body.
 I am so happy I can  bowl without my arm hurting .  I  couldnt  raise my arm up, or lift clothing over head . Now I can lift arm my overhead  and  get dressed without pain.  My arm pain has greatly improved. Betty S.
Can everyone be GRATE? From 8 to 108 , all ages and abilities can achieve results and challenge themselves to  reach new levels of health . Each part of The GRATE Plan can be  modified to meet individual needs to get the best results possible.
 You have produced Miracles!  Dr. Van helps me keep the city safe.  Feeling much better than I did two weeks ago.  Full range of  motion returned . Jon D. Las Vegas Police Officer
The GRATE Plan  is proven to  get results  by  combining  scientific research ,  medical breakthroughs, and  real-world  experience.
Do you want to: Feel Better? Be More Active? Be Healthier? Take Less Medication? Follow The GRATE Plan!
Thanks to Dr. Van:  I can play with my son, and pick him up!  I can move and bend   without pain! Follow Dr. Vans advice and   you will feel better !  Laura R.
What have you given up?  I gave up golf because of my back.  I gave up playing with my grandson  because I dont have the energy!  I gave up hope of ever being able to    __________  again . The GRATE Plan helps people enjoy activities like golf, bowling, gardening, sewing, and more!
 No pain carrying my baby !  No more pain in the back .  The exercises from Dr. Van help a lot.  Able to do treadmill. What if it hurt to hold your baby ?  Kasey Z.
I can use my hands again! I recommend Dr. Van to everyone, including my orthopedic surgeon!  Dr. Van is The Man !   He cares .  I look forward to my appointments. Natalie M.

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2011 dr van

  • 1. Dr. Van Whaley Doc Vegas 25,000 Patient Visits DC Doctor of Chiropractic BA Bachelor Degree (Psychology) AA Associate Degree DAD Ivys Dad
  • 2. Stay in touch! Phone (702) 932 - 6100 Email [email_address] Web www.DrVanWhaley.com www.facebook.com/drvan www.twitter.com/drvan
  • 3. The GRATE Plan is a complete program that relieves pain , builds strength , and improves health using specific stretches, exercises, and actions.
  • 4. My family and I enjoy life again! Car crash caused severe back & neck problems. Dr. Van straightened it out. I can walk with my kids & not stay home because of the pain. Dr. Van is an intelligent, kind, caring, and a very skilled Chiropractor. Douglas C. Las Vegas, NV
  • 5. The GRATE Plan. Whats so GRATE about this plan? (Is it misspelled?)
  • 6. What is G RATE? G lobal R ehab A ctivities and T herapeutic E xercise G lobal = Help entire body Pain Relief Better Function Improve Motion
  • 7. What is G RA TE? G lobal R ehab A ctivities and T herapeutic E xercise RA = R ehab A ctivities Easy to do Proven techniques Proven results
  • 8. What is GRA TE? G lobal R ehab A ctivities and T herapeutic E xercise TE = T herapeutic E xercise Stabilize weak joints Strengthen weak muscles Loosen stiff muscles & joints
  • 9. Neck Pain Hurt School Work I suffered from neck pain , stiff and sore muscles, and even a pinched nerve . It hurt to carry my books and backpack. The pain also hurt my school work . Thanks Doc, now I feel much better. Rebecca C.
  • 10. Dont miss out! Sign up online to get Dr. Vans Newsletter www.drvanwhaley.com Follow Dr. Van on Facebook and Twitter. www.facebook.com/drvan www.twitter.com/drvan
  • 11. Who do you know? Do you have a friend , coworker family member , or neighbor that should see Dr. Van?
  • 12. The GRATE Plan avoids problems by combining the benefits of strengthening and stretching .
  • 13. My back hurt so bad I was unable to move ! I could not stand or walk . Changing positions in bed caused a lightning bolt of pain in my hip and leg. Now, I do lots of activities without pain , and have started exercising regularly. Sandi S.
  • 14. I had given up Walking without pain in the knees. Driving with no pain in the neck . Can do my 2 mile walks that I had once given up . Jane P.
  • 15. Sciatic Pain Misaligned bones or tight muscles aggravating the largest nerve in the body. 油油油油油 Severe pain shooting into the legs. 油油油油油 Unsteady from muscle weakness. 油油油油油 Tingling / Numbness . Now, I can bend without pain in my leg . It is important to Stay with treatment even after you feel better. Carolyn L.
  • 16. The GRATE Plan can help you be free of aches and pains , grow stronger & more stable , be healthy, and have a better functioning body.
  • 17. After three surgeries, I didnt expect to be 100% 油 Laminectomy Surgery - Dangerous & invasive surgery, - Permanent loss of motion, - Screws & rods replace bone. Thanks to Dr. Van , now I can walk without pain! Get there! Tell others to see Dr. Van. Joan G.
  • 18. Short - Term Benefits: Stop muscle pain Feel better Better range of motion Less stiffness and tightness Weight Loss
  • 19. Long - Term Benefits Headache relief Alleviate neck and back pain A better functioning body Sleeping better More energy, not feeling run down Measurable and maintained weight loss
  • 20. Stay in touch! Phone (702) 932 - 6100 Email [email_address] Web www.DrVanWhaley.com www.facebook.com/drvan www.twitter.com/drvan
  • 21. I am so happy I am seeing results! I had been taking a pain pill every morning, now no pills and no pain! I did everything Dr. Van told me to do. I am so happy I am seeing results! Shirley B.
  • 22. The GRATE Plan helps you be healthy, with an extra-strong immune system, and a better functioning body.
  • 23. I am so happy I can bowl without my arm hurting . I couldnt raise my arm up, or lift clothing over head . Now I can lift arm my overhead and get dressed without pain. My arm pain has greatly improved. Betty S.
  • 24. Can everyone be GRATE? From 8 to 108 , all ages and abilities can achieve results and challenge themselves to reach new levels of health . Each part of The GRATE Plan can be modified to meet individual needs to get the best results possible.
  • 25. You have produced Miracles! Dr. Van helps me keep the city safe. Feeling much better than I did two weeks ago. Full range of motion returned . Jon D. Las Vegas Police Officer
  • 26. The GRATE Plan is proven to get results by combining scientific research , medical breakthroughs, and real-world experience.
  • 27. Do you want to: Feel Better? Be More Active? Be Healthier? Take Less Medication? Follow The GRATE Plan!
  • 28. Thanks to Dr. Van: I can play with my son, and pick him up! I can move and bend without pain! Follow Dr. Vans advice and you will feel better ! Laura R.
  • 29. What have you given up? I gave up golf because of my back. I gave up playing with my grandson because I dont have the energy! I gave up hope of ever being able to __________ again . The GRATE Plan helps people enjoy activities like golf, bowling, gardening, sewing, and more!
  • 30. No pain carrying my baby ! No more pain in the back . The exercises from Dr. Van help a lot. Able to do treadmill. What if it hurt to hold your baby ? Kasey Z.
  • 31. I can use my hands again! I recommend Dr. Van to everyone, including my orthopedic surgeon! Dr. Van is The Man ! He cares . I look forward to my appointments. Natalie M.