La convergencia de medios implica la integración de varias ideas o tendencias sociales, económicas o culturales en un mismo fin utilizando la tecnología para brindar educación sin limitaciones de tiempo o espacio. Los nuevos ambientes de aprendizaje se refieren a la educación a distancia que emplea diversas tecnologías como videos, computadoras e Internet para propiciar un aprendizaje centrado en el estudiante que desarrolle sus potencialidades y competencias. Al participar en estos ambientes, los estudiantes pueden beneficiarse de un en
The document discusses personal safety services and programs offered at several universities in Canada and the UK, including safe walk services, blue phone emergency call boxes, self defense classes, ask first and walksafer campaigns, campus police, personal safety websites and free personal alarm offerings. The services are aimed at enhancing safety and providing resources for students and visitors on campus.
Located in Florence, Italy, R.E.Portal is a real estate brokerage that specializes in high-end, historic properties. They deal in castles, villas, apartments, and other luxury real estate. The company aims to provide a personal approach to clients while maintaining confidentiality. Membership in the MyJewel Club provides direct access to property information and invitations to special events. Properties include castles, villas, apartments, wineries, and bed and breakfasts.
Este documento trata sobre los principios de liderazgo y honrar el libre albedrío de los demás. Define el albedrío como la habilidad de elegir entre el bien y el mal, y explica que los líderes deben guiar de manera que permitan a las personas ejercer su propio albedrío. También se?ala que los líderes deben alentar a los demás a emplear su albedrío en pos de la rectitud.
El documento presenta una historia sobre un hacendado que contrata a un hombre peque?o como empleado a pesar de su extra?a respuesta durante la entrevista de trabajo. Cuando llega una tormenta, el hacendado intenta despertar al empleado para que ayude a asegurar las cosas, pero el empleado le dice que puede dormir cuando sopla el viento. El hacendado sale enfadado pero descubre que el empleado ya había asegurado todo antes de dormir, demostrando que podía dormir cuando soplaba el viento porque ya había tomado las acciones neces
Este documento presenta dos actividades para un curso sobre lectura y redacción. La primera actividad explica el proceso comunicativo y pide a los estudiantes que hagan un resumen del tema usando mapas conceptuales o cuadros sinópticos. La segunda actividad ense?a sobre la oración gramatical y pide a los estudiantes que creen un blog personal para publicar un escrito usando oraciones enlazadas. Ambas actividades serán evaluadas usando una rúbrica.
El documento habla sobre la importancia de la tipografía y el color en la legibilidad de los textos. Recomienda usar párrafos cortos, tama?os de fuente entre 10-12 puntos, espaciado entre letras ajustado, texto negro sobre fondo blanco, y negritas solo para enfatizar palabras clave. También discute la teoría del color y cómo el contraste afecta la legibilidad.
The document discusses the process of creating a school magazine cover and contents page. It describes using various software programs like Photoshop, InDesign, and Publisher to design and layout the pages. Specifically, it discusses taking photos with a digital camera and editing them in Photoshop. It also covers using InDesign to combine pages into one document and format the text and images on the contents page. The student learned skills like photo composition, editing images, laying out magazine pages, and collating documents using these programs.
This document discusses Emilia Ferreiro's views on digital literacy and ICTs. It makes three key points:
1) ICTs like computers and the internet have revolutionized communication and introduced new forms of literacy, though new technologies have always faced resistance from educators at first.
2) While ICTs can expand access to knowledge, there are political concerns about who controls the knowledge promoted through these technologies, with organizations like the World Bank seeking to define education in economic rather than intellectual terms.
3) There is doubt that ICTs alone can solve illiteracy in developing countries, as globalization and the knowledge promoted through these technologies may primarily serve first-world economic interests rather than empower
The document discusses the selection of a song for a music video and plans for the video. The song was chosen because it conveyed the desired theme with both slow and fast beats. The lyrics are about the singer's difficult lifestyle rather than typical topics like money or love. The video will show the singer as homeless with no direction as he runs away from family problems and struggles to survive without money or shelter. Scenes of him running from police and sitting alone lip-syncing in a cafe will depict his situation. The video aims to realistically portray his struggle in a way that will resonate with an 18-25 year old audience.
O documento discute critérios e métodos de avalia??o e deprecia??o imobiliária. Apresenta 22 valores de avalia??o e critérios físicos e econ?micos adotados na determina??o do valor de um imóvel, como localiza??o, área construída e custos de reprodu??o.
La convergencia de medios implica la integración de varias ideas o tendencias sociales, económicas o culturales en un mismo fin utilizando la tecnología para brindar educación sin limitaciones de tiempo o espacio. Los nuevos ambientes de aprendizaje se refieren a la educación a distancia que emplea diversas tecnologías como videos, computadoras e Internet para propiciar un aprendizaje centrado en el estudiante que desarrolle sus potencialidades y competencias. Al participar en estos ambientes, los estudiantes pueden beneficiarse de un en
The document discusses personal safety services and programs offered at several universities in Canada and the UK, including safe walk services, blue phone emergency call boxes, self defense classes, ask first and walksafer campaigns, campus police, personal safety websites and free personal alarm offerings. The services are aimed at enhancing safety and providing resources for students and visitors on campus.
Located in Florence, Italy, R.E.Portal is a real estate brokerage that specializes in high-end, historic properties. They deal in castles, villas, apartments, and other luxury real estate. The company aims to provide a personal approach to clients while maintaining confidentiality. Membership in the MyJewel Club provides direct access to property information and invitations to special events. Properties include castles, villas, apartments, wineries, and bed and breakfasts.
Este documento trata sobre los principios de liderazgo y honrar el libre albedrío de los demás. Define el albedrío como la habilidad de elegir entre el bien y el mal, y explica que los líderes deben guiar de manera que permitan a las personas ejercer su propio albedrío. También se?ala que los líderes deben alentar a los demás a emplear su albedrío en pos de la rectitud.
El documento presenta una historia sobre un hacendado que contrata a un hombre peque?o como empleado a pesar de su extra?a respuesta durante la entrevista de trabajo. Cuando llega una tormenta, el hacendado intenta despertar al empleado para que ayude a asegurar las cosas, pero el empleado le dice que puede dormir cuando sopla el viento. El hacendado sale enfadado pero descubre que el empleado ya había asegurado todo antes de dormir, demostrando que podía dormir cuando soplaba el viento porque ya había tomado las acciones neces
Este documento presenta dos actividades para un curso sobre lectura y redacción. La primera actividad explica el proceso comunicativo y pide a los estudiantes que hagan un resumen del tema usando mapas conceptuales o cuadros sinópticos. La segunda actividad ense?a sobre la oración gramatical y pide a los estudiantes que creen un blog personal para publicar un escrito usando oraciones enlazadas. Ambas actividades serán evaluadas usando una rúbrica.
El documento habla sobre la importancia de la tipografía y el color en la legibilidad de los textos. Recomienda usar párrafos cortos, tama?os de fuente entre 10-12 puntos, espaciado entre letras ajustado, texto negro sobre fondo blanco, y negritas solo para enfatizar palabras clave. También discute la teoría del color y cómo el contraste afecta la legibilidad.
The document discusses the process of creating a school magazine cover and contents page. It describes using various software programs like Photoshop, InDesign, and Publisher to design and layout the pages. Specifically, it discusses taking photos with a digital camera and editing them in Photoshop. It also covers using InDesign to combine pages into one document and format the text and images on the contents page. The student learned skills like photo composition, editing images, laying out magazine pages, and collating documents using these programs.
This document discusses Emilia Ferreiro's views on digital literacy and ICTs. It makes three key points:
1) ICTs like computers and the internet have revolutionized communication and introduced new forms of literacy, though new technologies have always faced resistance from educators at first.
2) While ICTs can expand access to knowledge, there are political concerns about who controls the knowledge promoted through these technologies, with organizations like the World Bank seeking to define education in economic rather than intellectual terms.
3) There is doubt that ICTs alone can solve illiteracy in developing countries, as globalization and the knowledge promoted through these technologies may primarily serve first-world economic interests rather than empower
The document discusses the selection of a song for a music video and plans for the video. The song was chosen because it conveyed the desired theme with both slow and fast beats. The lyrics are about the singer's difficult lifestyle rather than typical topics like money or love. The video will show the singer as homeless with no direction as he runs away from family problems and struggles to survive without money or shelter. Scenes of him running from police and sitting alone lip-syncing in a cafe will depict his situation. The video aims to realistically portray his struggle in a way that will resonate with an 18-25 year old audience.
O documento discute critérios e métodos de avalia??o e deprecia??o imobiliária. Apresenta 22 valores de avalia??o e critérios físicos e econ?micos adotados na determina??o do valor de um imóvel, como localiza??o, área construída e custos de reprodu??o.
This document contains information about a group project. It lists the group members and their roll numbers. It also contains information about Nike's segmentation, targeting, positioning, and corporate social responsibility efforts in India. Nike targets young people in India through partnerships with sports organizations and athletes. It positions itself as a high-end, value for money brand focused on customer satisfaction and loyalty.
El documento habla sobre excepciones en programación. Explica que las excepciones sirven para informar sobre situaciones inesperadas y deben ser tratadas. Describe el uso de bloques try-catch-finally para manejar excepciones y cómo crear nuestras propias excepciones heredando de Throwable. También cubre conceptos como abstracción y polimorfismo usando ejemplos de clases abstractas y métodos abstractos.
The document discusses options for banding or categorizing public libraries based on certain criteria to determine funding levels. It recommends using total population as the criteria, as it represents the total potential user base and is relatively stable compared to options like active borrowers or finances. The bands would be determined by multiplying the midpoints of the lowest population band. An analysis found the population-based bands to be very similar to alternatives like bands based on active borrowers or library finances.
International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI) inventionjournals
International Journal of Business and Management Invention (IJBMI) is an international journal intended for professionals and researchers in all fields of Business and Management. IJBMI publishes research articles and reviews within the whole field Business and Management, new teaching methods, assessment, validation and the impact of new technologies and it will continue to provide information on the latest trends and developments in this ever-expanding subject. The publications of papers are selected through double peer reviewed to ensure originality, relevance, and readability. The articles published in our journal can be accessed online
The document provides a list of homework assignments for several subjects for Tuesday, April 24, 2012. It includes assignments in reading, math, spelling, language arts, and religion. Students are to complete exercises in their math textbook, practice spelling words in ABC order, do exercises in their language arts workbook, and answer questions about the Sacrament of Penance in religion.
This document outlines the three stages in the development of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL): Behavioristic CALL, Communicative CALL, and Integrative CALL. Behavioristic CALL began in the 1960s and focused on drills and practice of language forms. Communicative CALL emerged in the 1980s and emphasized using language for communication over analyzing forms. Integrative CALL developed in the 1990s with multimedia and the Internet, allowing for more authentic and integrated language learning through tasks and communication.