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Walk for Life
            TIME:                    6 October 2012
     Registration 8:30 am
      Walk Starts 9 am                                                                                     2 John 6
       (rain or shine)                                                                                       Walking in

      1616 Stafford Ave.
  Fredericksburg, VA 22401
        for more information

            Steps for Success                                      Event time-line
1. Contact friends and family! Share our event by asking           8:30 am        - Registration & Check in
   them to sponsor you or encourage them to become a               9:00 am        - Walkers leave (3 miles)
   sponsored walker.
                                                                  11:00 am        - Recognition & Appreciation!
2. Complete all sponsor information. Collect all cash &
   check donations from your sponsors before the Walk.
                                                                  11:30 am        - FPC Open House
3. Sign the release below & bring this completed
   sponsorship form with checks and cash to the event.              HELP increase the scope of our Walk for Life.
4. Hosted at: Fredericksburg Pregnancy Center
                1616 Stafford Avenue                                                Sign up as Liaison
                Fredericksburg, VA 22401                                           Keep your church informed.
5. Prize awarded to youth group for highest money raised.          Contact FPCBoardChairman@gmail.com or call 540.729.0812

    Our GOAL :             To enter you must sign the Release Statement below:

 To raise $30,000.         In consideration of the acceptance of this entry, I will waive all claims for myself and my heirs
If each participant        against the Fredericksburg Pregnancy Center for any injury or illness that may result directly
  sets a personal          from my participation in the 2012 Walk for Life. I will follow trail guidelines as given by the
    goal of $300,          Event Marshal. I further state that I am in proper physical condition to participate in this event.
  together we can          Signature _________________________________________________ Date __________________
 make it happen.                           Parent or Guardian must sign for participants under 18 years.

                            ???? I authorize use of my photo or likeness in future FPC marketing materials. (Online and Print)
Sponsored Walker:____________________________
                                                                        City, State & Zip:______________________________
    Fredericksburg Pregnancy Center                                     Phone #:____________________________________
                    Walk for LIFE                                       Email: ______________________________________
                                                                        Church Name:________________________________
     Saturday, October 6, 2012 (Rain or Shine)                          Adult ?      Teen ?      Child ?   Youth Group ?
 (Please complete all information. All donations are tax deductible).

First_______________ Last___________________               First_______________ Last___________________
Address__________________________________                  Address___________________________________
City__________________ST______Zip__________                City__________________ST______Zip__________
Phone____________________________________                  Phone____________________________________
Email ____________________________________                 Email ____________________________________
? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $_______                  ? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $______
? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List          ? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List

First_______________ Last___________________               First_______________ Last___________________
Address__________________________________                  Address__________________________________
City__________________ST______Zip__________                City__________________ST______Zip__________
Phone____________________________________                  Phone____________________________________
Email ____________________________________                 Email ____________________________________
? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $_______                  ? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $______
? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List          ? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List

First_______________ Last___________________               First_______________ Last___________________
Address__________________________________                  Address__________________________________
City__________________ST______Zip__________                City__________________ST______Zip__________
Phone____________________________________                  Phone____________________________________
Email ____________________________________                 Email ____________________________________
? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $_______                  ? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $______
? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List          ? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List

First_______________ Last___________________               First_______________ Last___________________
Address__________________________________                  Address__________________________________
City__________________ST______Zip__________                City__________________ST______Zip__________
Phone____________________________________                  Phone____________________________________
Email ____________________________________                 Email ____________________________________
? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $_______                  ? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $______
? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List          ? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List

First_______________ Last___________________               First_______________ Last___________________
Address__________________________________                  Address__________________________________
City__________________ST______Zip__________                City__________________ST______Zip__________
Phone____________________________________                  Phone____________________________________
Email ____________________________________                 Email ____________________________________
? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $_______                  ? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $______
? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List          ? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List

                      Total this page: $________Total Overall: $_________
                             For additional forms feel free to photocopy this page,
                           or download it from our ministry website at: Partners-Of-FPC.org

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  • 1. Walk for Life TIME: 6 October 2012 Registration 8:30 am Walk Starts 9 am 2 John 6 (rain or shine) Walking in LOCATION: 1616 Stafford Ave. Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Love VISIT: partners-of-FPC.org for more information Steps for Success Event time-line 1. Contact friends and family! Share our event by asking 8:30 am - Registration & Check in them to sponsor you or encourage them to become a 9:00 am - Walkers leave (3 miles) sponsored walker. 11:00 am - Recognition & Appreciation! 2. Complete all sponsor information. Collect all cash & check donations from your sponsors before the Walk. 11:30 am - FPC Open House 3. Sign the release below & bring this completed sponsorship form with checks and cash to the event. HELP increase the scope of our Walk for Life. 4. Hosted at: Fredericksburg Pregnancy Center 1616 Stafford Avenue Sign up as Liaison Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Keep your church informed. 5. Prize awarded to youth group for highest money raised. Contact FPCBoardChairman@gmail.com or call 540.729.0812 Our GOAL : To enter you must sign the Release Statement below: To raise $30,000. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry, I will waive all claims for myself and my heirs If each participant against the Fredericksburg Pregnancy Center for any injury or illness that may result directly sets a personal from my participation in the 2012 Walk for Life. I will follow trail guidelines as given by the goal of $300, Event Marshal. I further state that I am in proper physical condition to participate in this event. together we can Signature _________________________________________________ Date __________________ make it happen. Parent or Guardian must sign for participants under 18 years. ???? I authorize use of my photo or likeness in future FPC marketing materials. (Online and Print)
  • 2. Sponsored Walker:____________________________ Address:____________________________________ City, State & Zip:______________________________ Fredericksburg Pregnancy Center Phone #:____________________________________ Walk for LIFE Email: ______________________________________ Church Name:________________________________ Saturday, October 6, 2012 (Rain or Shine) Adult ? Teen ? Child ? Youth Group ? (Please complete all information. All donations are tax deductible). First_______________ Last___________________ First_______________ Last___________________ Address__________________________________ Address___________________________________ City__________________ST______Zip__________ City__________________ST______Zip__________ Phone____________________________________ Phone____________________________________ Email ____________________________________ Email ____________________________________ ? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $_______ ? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $______ ? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List ? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List First_______________ Last___________________ First_______________ Last___________________ Address__________________________________ Address__________________________________ City__________________ST______Zip__________ City__________________ST______Zip__________ Phone____________________________________ Phone____________________________________ Email ____________________________________ Email ____________________________________ ? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $_______ ? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $______ ? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List ? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List First_______________ Last___________________ First_______________ Last___________________ Address__________________________________ Address__________________________________ City__________________ST______Zip__________ City__________________ST______Zip__________ Phone____________________________________ Phone____________________________________ Email ____________________________________ Email ____________________________________ ? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $_______ ? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $______ ? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List ? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List First_______________ Last___________________ First_______________ Last___________________ Address__________________________________ Address__________________________________ City__________________ST______Zip__________ City__________________ST______Zip__________ Phone____________________________________ Phone____________________________________ Email ____________________________________ Email ____________________________________ ? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $_______ ? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $______ ? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List ? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List First_______________ Last___________________ First_______________ Last___________________ Address__________________________________ Address__________________________________ City__________________ST______Zip__________ City__________________ST______Zip__________ Phone____________________________________ Phone____________________________________ Email ____________________________________ Email ____________________________________ ? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $_______ ? $20 ? $25 ? $50 ? $100 ? Other $______ ? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List ? Paid ? Cash ? Check #_______ ? Add to Mail List Total this page: $________Total Overall: $_________ For additional forms feel free to photocopy this page, or download it from our ministry website at: Partners-Of-FPC.org