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F R I E N D S & F A M I LY
In this day and age, the old-fashioned idea of vacationing together might actually be

revolutionary. So we 鍖gured it was time to create a program to encourage such a

revolution   BLUEGREEN FRIENDS & FAMILY. After all,
whens the last time you sat around playing cards, deep in meaningless conversation,

on vacation with your closest friends or family members? Chances are, its been

too long. As a member of Bluegreen Friends & Family, its only a matter of time before

youre back at it, enjoying a good time with good people in a Bluegreen resort.
By joining the Bluegreen Friends & Family Program, you can:

 Bring or send friends and family on vacation with Bluegreen

 Spend time together in new and exciting destinations

 Give friends and family a 鍖rsthand look at Bluegreen ownership

 Enjoy valuable Rewards when friends and family learn more about Bluegreen

 Use your Rewards towards gift cards, Maintenance Fees, travel and more
Let the fun begin!

It might seem like an old-fashioned idea, but bringing friends and family on

vacation is a tried and true way to guarantee great memories. And while simply

being on vacation together is rewarding in itself, we thought wed put a little

something extra on the tableBLUEGREEN FRIENDS & FAMILY REWARDS.

Once a friend or family member attends an informative presentation on the

bene鍖ts of Bluegreen ownership, well automatically enroll you in the program

and give you at least 5,000 reward points. The rules are pretty simple after that.

The more friends and family members who attend a presentation, the more

Rewards youll receive. The skys the limit so shoot for the moon!
They say you should be able to count your closest friends on one hand. But sometimes, one hand just isnt enough.

Give your neighbors, coworkers, doctors, or college buddies the chance to experience a Bluegreen vacation.

       Deal everyone in on the fun.

       For each friend or family member who attends a Bluegreen Resorts presentation well award you

       5,000 Rewards Points. You can rack up as many Rewards as youd like and use them in all kinds

       of valuable ways. And theres no need to keep your scoring pad and pencil handy, we tally up all

       your Rewards online! From time to time well even send you special offers to show our appreciation

       for you and your awesome friends and family. So keep an eye on your online account!
Youve got a winning hand no matter how you play it.

Like we said, the skys the limit when it comes to your Rewards. Thats good

because they sure can come in handy!

            Heres how:
              Pay Bluegreen Vacation Club Maintenance Fees

              Pay Vacation Club Dues or exchange program membership fees

              Exchange 5,000 Rewards for a $50 MasterCard速 gift card

              Pay for Bluegreen Bonus Time stays

              Pay RCI guest fees or exchange fees

              Pay Interval International guest fees or exchange fees
MY REFERRALS                                                    MY REFERRALS
                                                                                                                    Here are a few friends who love to vacation.                    Here are a few friends who love to vacation.

                                                                                                                    (PLEASE PRINT)                                                  (PLEASE PRINT)

                                                                                                                    Owner Information                                               Owner Information

                                                                                                                    Last Name ___________________ First Name __________________     Last Name ___________________ First Name __________________

                                                                                                                    Phone (_____) ___________________________________________       Phone (_____) ___________________________________________

                                                                                                                    Resort where you purchased __________________________________   Resort where you purchased __________________________________

    TELL YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY TO FOLLOW SUIT.                                                                      E-mail ____________________________________________________     E-mail ____________________________________________________

    SUBMIT YOUR REFERRAL CARDS ONLINE!                                                                              Referral Name 1: ___________________________________________    Referral Name 1: ___________________________________________

                                                                                                                    Address ___________________________________________________     Address ___________________________________________________

Weve talked a lot about vacationing the old-fashioned way. But nowadays, the best way to introduce your            City _________________________ State________Zip_____________    City _________________________ State________Zip_____________

                                                                                                                    Phone (_____) ___________________________________________       Phone (_____) ___________________________________________
friends & family to Bluegreen is online. Visit   www.bluegreenonline.com/encorerewards,
                                                                                                                    E-mail ____________________________________________________     E-mail ____________________________________________________
鍖ll in the required information and click Add Friends. Or, 鍖ll out one of the attached cards and send it to us.

                                                                                                                    Referral Name 2: __________________________________________     Referral Name 2: __________________________________________

                                                                                                                    Address ___________________________________________________     Address ___________________________________________________
                           WELL TAKE IT FROM THERE.                                                                City _________________________ State________Zip_____________    City _________________________ State________Zip_____________

                                                                                                                    Phone (_____) ___________________________________________       Phone (_____) ___________________________________________

                                                                                                                    E-mail ____________________________________________________     E-mail ____________________________________________________

                                                                                                                    Referral Name 3: __________________________________________     Referral Name 3: __________________________________________

                                                                                                                    Address ___________________________________________________     Address ___________________________________________________

                                                                                                                    City _________________________ State________Zip_____________    City _________________________ State________Zip_____________

                                                                                                                    Phone (_____) ___________________________________________       Phone (_____) ___________________________________________

                                                                                                                    E-mail ____________________________________________________     E-mail ____________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  IF 油MAILED
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    IN 油THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                UNITED 油STATES

              PERMIT 油NO 油2717 BOCA 油RATON 油FL

                     ATTN 油ENCORE 油REWARDS 油
                     BLUEGREEN 油CORPORATION 油
                     3500 油DEPAUW 油BLVD 油STE 油2100 油
                     INDIANAPOLIS 油IN 油46209-足6608
IMPORTANT: 油 油DO 油NOT 油ENLARGE, 油REDUCE 油OR 油MOVE 油the 油FIM 油and 油POSTNET 油barcodes. 油They 油are 油only 油valid 油as 油printe
 油 油Special 油care 油must 油be 油taken 油to 油ensure 油FIM 油and 油POSTNET 油barcode 油are 油actual 油size 油AND 油placed 油properly 油on 油the 油mail 油piec
 油 油to 油meet 油both 油USPS 油regulations 油and 油automation 油compatibility 油standards.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                NO 油POSTAGE
Artwork 油for 油User 油Defined 油(3.911" 油x 油5.45")                                                                                                                                                                                                  IF 油MAILED
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Produced 油by 油DAZzle 油Designer 油2002, 油Version 油4.3.08
Layout: 油T:FIM_BarcodeArtworkbrmcard.LYT                                                                                                                                                                                                        IN 油THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                               (c) 油Envelope 油Manager 油Software, 油www.EnvelopeManager.com, 油(80
July 油12, 油2007 油 油01:19:43                                                                                                                                                                                                                  UNITED 油STATES
                                                                                                                                                                                                               U.S. 油Postal 油Service, 油Serial 油#NO

              PERMIT 油NO 油2717 BOCA 油RATON 油FL
                     ATTN 油ENCORE 油REWARDS 油
                     BLUEGREEN 油CORPORATION 油
                     3500 油DEPAUW 油BLVD 油STE 油2100 油
                     INDIANAPOLIS 油IN 油46209-足6608


Artwork 油for 油User 油Defined 油(3.911" 油x 油5.45")                                                                                                                                                                Produced 油by 油DAZzle 油Designer 油2002, 油Version 油4.3.08
Layout: 油T:FIM_BarcodeArtworkbrmcard.LYT                                                                                                                                                                    (c) 油Envelope 油Manager 油Software, 油www.EnvelopeManager.com, 油(80
July 油12, 油2007 油 油01:19:43                                                                                                                                                                                    U.S. 油Postal 油Service, 油Serial 油#NO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            members a 4-day/3-night

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Bluegreen getaway. Simply
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Give your friends and family

                                                                                                                                        cards and pass them along. Its

                                                                    Rewards. Now thats what they
                                                                                                    really that easy to start earning
                                                                                                                                                                          tear off these vacation invitation

                                mean by playing your cards right!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       INVITE THEM TODAY!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PICK A CARD, ANY CARD.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         FOR THIS


          FOR THIS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       YOUVE BEEN

        YOUVE BEEN


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         FOR THIS


          FOR THIS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       YOUVE BEEN

        YOUVE BEEN


See 鍖rsthand why your friends                               See 鍖rsthand why your friends
vacation with Bluegreen. Enjoy a                            vacation with Bluegreen. Enjoy a
complimentary 4-day/3-night stay at                         complimentary 4-day/3-night stay at
a Bluegreen resort when you attend a                        a Bluegreen resort when you attend a
90- to 120-minute presentation on the                       90- to 120-minute presentation on the
bene鍖ts of vacation ownerhip                                bene鍖ts of vacation ownerhip
with Bluegreen. Call 866.414.5138 to                        with Bluegreen. Call 866.414.5138 to
book your getaway today.                                    book your getaway today.

Mention promo code XXXXXXX and that your                    Mention promo code XXXXXXX and that your
friend ________________________________                     friend ________________________________
gave you this great offer!                                  gave you this great offer!

Explore our unique destinations online at:                  Explore our unique destinations online at:
www.bluegreenonline.com/explore                             www.bluegreenonline.com/explore

See Bluegreen Friends & Family Rewards Official Rules at:   See Bluegreen Friends & Family Rewards Official Rules at:
http://www.bluegreenonline.com/encorerewards/dop.aspx       http://www.bluegreenonline.com/encorerewards/dop.aspx

See 鍖rsthand why your friends                               See 鍖rsthand why your friends
vacation with Bluegreen. Enjoy a                            vacation with Bluegreen. Enjoy a
complimentary 4-day/3-night stay at                         complimentary 4-day/3-night stay at
a Bluegreen resort when you attend a                        a Bluegreen resort when you attend a
90- to 120-minute presentation on the                       90- to 120-minute presentation on the
bene鍖ts of vacation ownerhip                                bene鍖ts of vacation ownerhip
with Bluegreen. Call 866.414.5138 to                        with Bluegreen. Call 866.414.5138 to
book your getaway today.                                    book your getaway today.

Mention promo code XXXXXXX and that your                    Mention promo code XXXXXXX and that your
friend ________________________________                     friend ________________________________
gave you this great offer!                                  gave you this great offer!
Explore our unique destinations online at:                  Explore our unique destinations online at:
www.bluegreenonline.com/explore                             www.bluegreenonline.com/explore

See Bluegreen Friends & Family Rewards Official Rules at:   See Bluegreen Friends & Family Rewards Official Rules at:
http://www.bluegreenonline.com/encorerewards/dop.aspx       http://www.bluegreenonline.com/encorerewards/dop.aspx
Bg F&F

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Bg F&F

  • 2. In this day and age, the old-fashioned idea of vacationing together might actually be revolutionary. So we 鍖gured it was time to create a program to encourage such a revolution BLUEGREEN FRIENDS & FAMILY. After all, whens the last time you sat around playing cards, deep in meaningless conversation, on vacation with your closest friends or family members? Chances are, its been too long. As a member of Bluegreen Friends & Family, its only a matter of time before youre back at it, enjoying a good time with good people in a Bluegreen resort.
  • 4. By joining the Bluegreen Friends & Family Program, you can: Bring or send friends and family on vacation with Bluegreen Spend time together in new and exciting destinations Give friends and family a 鍖rsthand look at Bluegreen ownership Enjoy valuable Rewards when friends and family learn more about Bluegreen Use your Rewards towards gift cards, Maintenance Fees, travel and more
  • 5. Let the fun begin! It might seem like an old-fashioned idea, but bringing friends and family on vacation is a tried and true way to guarantee great memories. And while simply being on vacation together is rewarding in itself, we thought wed put a little something extra on the tableBLUEGREEN FRIENDS & FAMILY REWARDS. Once a friend or family member attends an informative presentation on the bene鍖ts of Bluegreen ownership, well automatically enroll you in the program and give you at least 5,000 reward points. The rules are pretty simple after that. The more friends and family members who attend a presentation, the more Rewards youll receive. The skys the limit so shoot for the moon!
  • 6. They say you should be able to count your closest friends on one hand. But sometimes, one hand just isnt enough. Give your neighbors, coworkers, doctors, or college buddies the chance to experience a Bluegreen vacation. Deal everyone in on the fun. For each friend or family member who attends a Bluegreen Resorts presentation well award you 5,000 Rewards Points. You can rack up as many Rewards as youd like and use them in all kinds of valuable ways. And theres no need to keep your scoring pad and pencil handy, we tally up all your Rewards online! From time to time well even send you special offers to show our appreciation for you and your awesome friends and family. So keep an eye on your online account!
  • 7. Youve got a winning hand no matter how you play it. Like we said, the skys the limit when it comes to your Rewards. Thats good because they sure can come in handy! Heres how: Pay Bluegreen Vacation Club Maintenance Fees Pay Vacation Club Dues or exchange program membership fees Exchange 5,000 Rewards for a $50 MasterCard速 gift card Pay for Bluegreen Bonus Time stays Pay RCI guest fees or exchange fees Pay Interval International guest fees or exchange fees
  • 8. MY REFERRALS MY REFERRALS Here are a few friends who love to vacation. Here are a few friends who love to vacation. (PLEASE PRINT) (PLEASE PRINT) Owner Information Owner Information Last Name ___________________ First Name __________________ Last Name ___________________ First Name __________________ Phone (_____) ___________________________________________ Phone (_____) ___________________________________________ Resort where you purchased __________________________________ Resort where you purchased __________________________________ TELL YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY TO FOLLOW SUIT. E-mail ____________________________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________________________ SUBMIT YOUR REFERRAL CARDS ONLINE! Referral Name 1: ___________________________________________ Referral Name 1: ___________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ Weve talked a lot about vacationing the old-fashioned way. But nowadays, the best way to introduce your City _________________________ State________Zip_____________ City _________________________ State________Zip_____________ Phone (_____) ___________________________________________ Phone (_____) ___________________________________________ friends & family to Bluegreen is online. Visit www.bluegreenonline.com/encorerewards, E-mail ____________________________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________________________ 鍖ll in the required information and click Add Friends. Or, 鍖ll out one of the attached cards and send it to us. Referral Name 2: __________________________________________ Referral Name 2: __________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ WELL TAKE IT FROM THERE. City _________________________ State________Zip_____________ City _________________________ State________Zip_____________ Phone (_____) ___________________________________________ Phone (_____) ___________________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________________________ Referral Name 3: __________________________________________ Referral Name 3: __________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ City _________________________ State________Zip_____________ City _________________________ State________Zip_____________ Phone (_____) ___________________________________________ Phone (_____) ___________________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________________________
  • 9. NO 油POSTAGE NECESSARY IF 油MAILED IN 油THE UNITED 油STATES BUSINESS 油REPLY 油MAIL FIRST-足CLASS 油MAIL PERMIT 油NO 油2717 BOCA 油RATON 油FL POSTAGE 油WILL 油BE 油PAID 油BY 油ADDRESSEE ATTN 油ENCORE 油REWARDS 油 BLUEGREEN 油CORPORATION 油 3500 油DEPAUW 油BLVD 油STE 油2100 油 INDIANAPOLIS 油IN 油46209-足6608 IMPORTANT: 油 油DO 油NOT 油ENLARGE, 油REDUCE 油OR 油MOVE 油the 油FIM 油and 油POSTNET 油barcodes. 油They 油are 油only 油valid 油as 油printe 油 油Special 油care 油must 油be 油taken 油to 油ensure 油FIM 油and 油POSTNET 油barcode 油are 油actual 油size 油AND 油placed 油properly 油on 油the 油mail 油piec [3343198937] 油 油to 油meet 油both 油USPS 油regulations 油and 油automation 油compatibility 油standards. NO 油POSTAGE NECESSARY Artwork 油for 油User 油Defined 油(3.911" 油x 油5.45") IF 油MAILED Produced 油by 油DAZzle 油Designer 油2002, 油Version 油4.3.08 Layout: 油T:FIM_BarcodeArtworkbrmcard.LYT IN 油THE (c) 油Envelope 油Manager 油Software, 油www.EnvelopeManager.com, 油(80 July 油12, 油2007 油 油01:19:43 UNITED 油STATES U.S. 油Postal 油Service, 油Serial 油#NO BUSINESS 油REPLY 油MAIL FIRST-足CLASS 油MAIL PERMIT 油NO 油2717 BOCA 油RATON 油FL POSTAGE 油WILL 油BE 油PAID 油BY 油ADDRESSEE FPO ATTN 油ENCORE 油REWARDS 油 BLUEGREEN 油CORPORATION 油 3500 油DEPAUW 油BLVD 油STE 油2100 油 INDIANAPOLIS 油IN 油46209-足6608 [3343198937] Artwork 油for 油User 油Defined 油(3.911" 油x 油5.45") Produced 油by 油DAZzle 油Designer 油2002, 油Version 油4.3.08 Layout: 油T:FIM_BarcodeArtworkbrmcard.LYT (c) 油Envelope 油Manager 油Software, 油www.EnvelopeManager.com, 油(80 July 油12, 油2007 油 油01:19:43 U.S. 油Postal 油Service, 油Serial 油#NO members a 4-day/3-night Bluegreen getaway. Simply Give your friends and family cards and pass them along. Its Rewards. Now thats what they really that easy to start earning tear off these vacation invitation mean by playing your cards right! INVITE THEM TODAY! PICK A CARD, ANY CARD. FOR THIS GETAWAY! FOR THIS GETAWAY! HANDPICKED YOUVE BEEN HANDPICKED YOUVE BEEN 4-DAY/3-NIGHT 4-DAY/3-NIGHT COMPLIMENTARY COMPLIMENTARY FOR THIS GETAWAY! FOR THIS GETAWAY! HANDPICKED YOUVE BEEN HANDPICKED YOUVE BEEN 4-DAY/3-NIGHT 4-DAY/3-NIGHT COMPLIMENTARY COMPLIMENTARY
  • 10. See 鍖rsthand why your friends See 鍖rsthand why your friends vacation with Bluegreen. Enjoy a vacation with Bluegreen. Enjoy a complimentary 4-day/3-night stay at complimentary 4-day/3-night stay at a Bluegreen resort when you attend a a Bluegreen resort when you attend a 90- to 120-minute presentation on the 90- to 120-minute presentation on the bene鍖ts of vacation ownerhip bene鍖ts of vacation ownerhip with Bluegreen. Call 866.414.5138 to with Bluegreen. Call 866.414.5138 to book your getaway today. book your getaway today. Mention promo code XXXXXXX and that your Mention promo code XXXXXXX and that your friend ________________________________ friend ________________________________ gave you this great offer! gave you this great offer! DOP Explore our unique destinations online at: Explore our unique destinations online at: www.bluegreenonline.com/explore www.bluegreenonline.com/explore See Bluegreen Friends & Family Rewards Official Rules at: See Bluegreen Friends & Family Rewards Official Rules at: http://www.bluegreenonline.com/encorerewards/dop.aspx http://www.bluegreenonline.com/encorerewards/dop.aspx See 鍖rsthand why your friends See 鍖rsthand why your friends vacation with Bluegreen. Enjoy a vacation with Bluegreen. Enjoy a complimentary 4-day/3-night stay at complimentary 4-day/3-night stay at a Bluegreen resort when you attend a a Bluegreen resort when you attend a 90- to 120-minute presentation on the 90- to 120-minute presentation on the bene鍖ts of vacation ownerhip bene鍖ts of vacation ownerhip with Bluegreen. Call 866.414.5138 to with Bluegreen. Call 866.414.5138 to book your getaway today. book your getaway today. Mention promo code XXXXXXX and that your Mention promo code XXXXXXX and that your friend ________________________________ friend ________________________________ gave you this great offer! gave you this great offer! Explore our unique destinations online at: Explore our unique destinations online at: www.bluegreenonline.com/explore www.bluegreenonline.com/explore See Bluegreen Friends & Family Rewards Official Rules at: See Bluegreen Friends & Family Rewards Official Rules at: http://www.bluegreenonline.com/encorerewards/dop.aspx http://www.bluegreenonline.com/encorerewards/dop.aspx