吴宝春(1969年-),生於台灣 屏東縣內埔鄉龍泉村大武山腳下,為台灣知名麵包師。2008年,吴宝春、曹志雄與文世成,參加在法國巴黎舉行,素有麵包界奧林匹亞的「樂斯福盃麵包大賽(Coupe Louise Lesaffre)」奪下世界銀牌,同時吴宝春,亦拿下歐式麵包的個人優勝。2010年,吴宝春代表台灣,參加在法國巴黎舉行的首屆世界盃麵包大師賽(LES MASTERS DE LA BOULANGERIE),吴宝春打敗其它7國的選手,獲得歐式麵包組 (Pain) 世界冠軍。
吴宝春(1969年-),生於台灣 屏東縣內埔鄉龍泉村大武山腳下,為台灣知名麵包師。2008年,吴宝春、曹志雄與文世成,參加在法國巴黎舉行,素有麵包界奧林匹亞的「樂斯福盃麵包大賽(Coupe Louise Lesaffre)」奪下世界銀牌,同時吴宝春,亦拿下歐式麵包的個人優勝。2010年,吴宝春代表台灣,參加在法國巴黎舉行的首屆世界盃麵包大師賽(LES MASTERS DE LA BOULANGERIE),吴宝春打敗其它7國的選手,獲得歐式麵包組 (Pain) 世界冠軍。
The document appears to be the results of a questionnaire about SketchUp tutorials. Based on bar graphs and responses, the majority of participants rated the tutorials as good or excellent in terms of quality, editing, and influence on wanting to use SketchUp. Common likes were that the tutorials were simple, easy to understand, and clearly demonstrated techniques. Occasional dislikes were unclear audio, brief instructions, and limited number of tutorial videos.
This video provides an 8-scene tutorial on using Google SketchUp to model a house. It demonstrates how to change the shape of a house from a rectangle to an L-shape, add a roof, offset edges to form a roof overhang, edit the overhang, use the Follow Me tool, draw a detailed window using offsets and pushes, and add a chimney using offsets, arcs, and the Follow Me tool. The video aims to quickly teach these SketchUp modeling techniques through short, example-driven scenes.
ZM is a recent computer science graduate who started his career 3 weeks ago. He feels unprepared for the workplace and struggles with complex relationships with bosses and coworkers. He wants to adapt quickly but finds the orientation training unhelpful and is afraid to ask too many questions. He needs a flexible way to learn new skills for handling workplace challenges and to develop a self-oriented career and life plan, as his education did not provide this type of guidance.
This menu lists coffee, tea, cocktail and food options and their prices from a May Day coffee shop. Coffee prices range from 20,000 to 30,000 dram, tea is 22,000 dram, cocktails are all 35,000 dram, and food prices go from 18,000 dram cupcakes to 55,000 dram beef steak. A variety of coffee drinks, teas, alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails and desserts as well as mainstream dishes are available.
The document is the cover page for a confidential mathematics exam for Form Four students in Terengganu, Malaysia. It provides information for candidates taking the exam, including that the exam consists of 40 questions to be answered on the answer sheet provided, and formulas that may be useful are listed on pages 4-5. Candidates are allowed to use a scientific calculator and a booklet of 4-figure mathematical tables.
This video tutorial provides an overview of the SketchUp interface and demonstrates basic modeling techniques. It begins with an introduction slide and then:
1) Gives a tour of the SketchUp interface, explaining the toolbar, design space, and tool information panels.
2) Shows how to use the Rectangle tool to make a simple 2D rectangle and the Push/Pull tool to extrude it into a 3D shape, adding a roof.
3) Demonstrates using additional tools like the Line, Move, Rectangle and Arrow tools to add a door, window and delete part of the model.