Apcera Case Study: The selection of the Go languageDerek Collison
Derek Collison, founder of Apcera, discusses why the company selected Go as its primary programming language over other options like Ruby and Node.js. Some key reasons included Go's built-in support for concurrency, its static typing and compilation which aids dependency management, and its suitability for building distributed systems. While Go had some immature areas like its garbage collection and standard library, its focus on stacks, statically linked executables, and ease of learning made it the best choice for Apcera's cloud platform needs. Collison believes more companies will make the same choice as Go continues to evolve and address open issues.
The document discusses an upcoming Japanese translation of the Erlang tutorial book "Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good". Key details include:
- The original English web book and book are very popular introductions to Erlang.
- A Japanese translation is being worked on by translator Yamaguchi Yōtō.
- It will be published by ?msha publishing with an expected release in Fall.
- The translator is seeking help from the Erlang community to review drafts and make it a recommended book for Japanese readers.
Sphinx is an open source documentation generator that can output HTML, LaTeX, PDF, ePub and other formats. It uses reStructuredText as its markup language and can generate documentation from docstrings in Python source code. Sphinx extensions allow it to integrate with other documentation systems and generate diagrams, todo lists and more.
28. 标準パッケージ
? go build パッケージをビルド
? go get 必要なパッケージを取得
? go install 必要なパッケージを取得&ビルド
? go run 一時的にビルドし実行
? go test テストとベンチマークを実行
? gofmt フォーマットを直してくれる
? godoc ドキュメントを生成
#33: Paxosは、信頼性の低い複数の処理ノードによるネットワークで「コンセンサス」を得るための各種手順Paxos自体は汎用的なアルゴリズムでさまざまな問題に適用できますが、最近のNoSQLの文脈で語られるのは「データストアをマルチマスター構成にしたときに、どうやってデータの整合性を効率的に確保するか」って問題へのPaxos応用です。Paxosは独立した並列なプロセスをメッセージパッシングで行うので、goroutine & channelがはまったwebsocketとか便利だった(いまは準标準パッケージ)無駄な議論をしなくて済むようになったデプロイがすごく楽簡潔に書けてとてもよい