The document provides information about Ethiopia's coffee industry, including:
1) Coffee is Ethiopia's main export and sustains 15 million people, though productivity and quality are challenges.
2) Coffee is traded through primary centers and the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange, then exported internationally, mainly to Germany, USA, Saudi Arabia, Belgium, and Italy.
3) Opportunities exist to increase production through technology while ensuring consistent quality, traceability, and international promotion of Ethiopian coffee brands.
The document outlines various dialogues that may occur at an airport, including:
1) Buying airline tickets, selecting seats, and paying with a credit card.
2) Checking in at the airport counter, presenting tickets and passports, selecting seats, and declaring luggage.
3) Going through passport control as a tourist and being wished a pleasant stay.
4) Filling out customs forms on the plane, what they are used for, and basic airport terminology.
Yeti Agro Forestry Plc is an organic coffee producer and exporter located in Anfilo, Ethiopia. It works with local farmers to produce and export specialty coffee while restoring forests and improving sustainability. Some of its goals are to double farmers' yields, increase income through diversification, establish relationships with importers, and encourage financial inclusion and land reforestation. Its objectives are to improve production quality and consistency, introduce new technologies, and provide market access and services to enable farmers to participate in high-value markets.
Challenges and opportunities in unfair environment to fair tradeNgwe Tun
The document discusses the unfair environment faced by farmers in agriculture in Myanmar and the opportunities for social enterprises and fair trade. It describes how brokers take most of the profits from farmers, who are often in debt. It then introduces Genius Shan Highlands Coffee, a social enterprise founded in 2012 that works with over 100 farmers to produce high quality, specialty coffee through sustainable practices like shade-grown plantations and proper processing techniques. The company aims to empower farmers and achieve fair trade certification to provide better incomes while protecting the environment.
Structure, pricing and margins in Ethiopias coffee value chainessp2
This document summarizes research on Ethiopia's coffee value chain. It finds that productivity and profits vary significantly across coffee types upstream. Midstream, credit is important for processors but not farmers. Wet mills process their own coffee while dry mills provide processing services. Downstream, washed coffee goes through cooperatives while sundried coffee uses private traders. Farmers receive about 60% of the export price but this is lower than other countries. The structure is complicated, affecting traceability, and further research is needed to understand pricing differences.
The Future of Ethiopian Coffee Insights from Top 10 Coffee Exporters.pptxmariamnuha123
Discover the emerging trends in Ethiopian coffee export, focusing on sustainability, technology, specialty coffee, and global market expansion.
THE COFFEE AND TEA BOARD油- International Best Practice in the Context of Ethi...essp2
1) The document discusses the need for Ethiopia to establish an independent Coffee and Tea Board to promote growth in the coffee sector, which could compensate for slowing growth in cereals.
2) International case studies show that successful coffee boards, like those in Guatemala and Honduras, have reliable dedicated funding, ensure quality standards, support research and extension, and have strong producer representation.
3) The proposed Coffee and Tea Board for Ethiopia would require stable long-term funding, develop a comprehensive strategy, oversee quality control, and have representation dominated by smallholder producers.
This document provides an overview of coffee research in Ethiopia. It discusses the opportunities and challenges facing Ethiopia's coffee sector, including its genetic diversity, traditional coffee culture, and known coffee varieties. However, it also notes issues like population pressure, deforestation, and low productivity. The document outlines Ethiopia's coffee research achievements, including collecting over 6,700 germplasm samples and releasing 37 new varieties. It discusses technology transfer efforts and the national coffee research strategic plan to further develop the sector in a sustainable manner through 2030.
Ethiopia is one of the top coffee producing countries in the world. It has various coffee growing regions that produce different quality coffees through both natural and washed processes. The two main commercialization channels for Ethiopian coffee are through the Ethiopia Commodity Exchange, where local and international buyers can purchase coffee, and through cooperative unions and large farms that sell directly. While Ethiopia has favorable conditions for coffee production and export, challenges include infrastructure issues and access to local credit.
The document discusses the food processing industry in India and Armenia. It provides details about major players in Armenia's food industry like Grand Candy, the largest domestic producer known for high quality products. The document also gives an overview of Parle Products in India, a leading biscuit manufacturer, including its financial performance from 2016-2018.
Performance of Ethiopias coffee export sector essp2
Ethiopia's coffee export sector has grown significantly over the past decade. The value of coffee exports increased five-fold due to rising international prices, while export quantities rose 50%. Coffee quality saw some improvements like a higher share of washed coffee, though most is still exported as natural. Certain quality attributes receive premium prices in international markets, such as washing, certification, and geographical indications of origin. Vertical integration and traceability were also rewarded. However, domestic consumption appears to have declined by a third despite rising incomes, likely due to higher prices. The implications are an emphasis on better quality through increased washing, specialty coffee, and de-commodification, as well as higher export quantities by improving yields.
Discover how Ethiopia's washed and natural coffee methods create vibrant flavors, offering clean, citrusy notes or bold, fruity richness. More information contact us:
PS International is an international trading company that specializes in the trading of bulk agricultural commodities. We are always eager to develop new trading partners, while continuing to maintain the valuable relationships we have already established in international trade markets.
This document discusses Herat saffron from Afghanistan. It describes saffron as the world's most expensive spice, which Afghanistan is well-suited to produce. It cultivates saffron using traditional methods, providing jobs. The document proposes exporting Afghan saffron to Australia due to high demand, quality certification, and a large Afghan diaspora. It outlines strategies to access the Australian market and ensure high quality during transport.
The document summarizes a study on Ethiopia's coffee export sector over the last decade. Key findings include:
1) The structure of the export sector has become less concentrated over time, with more exporters participating but average transaction sizes remaining small.
2) Coffee quality remains low overall, though there is a growing market for certified and washed specialty coffees that command a price premium.
3) Cooperative involvement in exports remains limited despite efforts to promote their participation in the value chain. Most exports originate from private traders and parastatal organizations.
Smallholders and upstream transformation in global value chains: The case of ...essp2
1) The document analyzes changes in coffee production and marketing practices among smallholder farmers in Ethiopia over the past decade. It finds improvements in management practices like pruning and mulching but limited adoption of modern inputs.
2) While harvest and post-harvest methods like selective picking and improved drying have improved, yields have remained steady or declined in some areas due to issues like disease and climate change.
3) Marketing and access to markets has improved with primary marketing centers, though village traders remain important. Processing has increased with more wet mills, though the share of washed coffee in exports has not risen significantly.
Agriculture is an important economic activity in the Caribbean. It provides food and employment, and earns foreign exchange through exports. However, the role of agriculture is changing. Sugar cane production, once a major export, has declined significantly due to higher production costs and competition from cheaper producers. Countries are diversifying crops and pursuing niche markets like organic and fair trade products. The workforce in agriculture is also decreasing as employment opportunities in services and tourism grow.
This document provides information about exporting Turkish sucuk sausage to Qatar. It summarizes Qatar's geography, demographics, economy, and eating habits. It then analyzes a specific Turkish sucuk product called Ahmet Ipek Sucuk, including its packaging, competitors in Qatar, and developing a new organic and light sucuk. A SWOT analysis is included. The document also discusses placement, promotion, and pricing strategies for marketing this sucuk product in Qatar.
Presentation of the main results of a recent study which analyses the evolution of value distribution within the coffee sector, evaluates the social and environmental impacts generated along the chain, and estimates the hidden costs offset on public authorities and third parties. This analysis is based on detailed case studies of value chains between France (on the consumption side) and Colombia, Peru and Ethiopia (on the production side). Discussion wase followed by a debate on what kind of public policy measures could be put in place.
The document provides background information on promoting olive oil in China. It summarizes China's geography, culture, economy, GDP growth, and consumer habits. It then discusses the company "MADis Olio", a Greek olive oil exporter. MADis Olio aims to enter the Chinese market with its premium extra virgin olive oil products. It performs a S.W.O.T. analysis and benchmarks against other Greek and foreign olive oil brands in China. The goal is to gain market share in China and establish brand awareness through online and tourism marketing. Stakeholders include wholesalers, retailers, consumers, suppliers, and influencers who can enable the brand's success.
Kumneger Yishak coffee exporter was founded in 2012. Their aim? To generate foreign currency for the country and contribute to the development of Ethiopia. Visit Kumneger with us. It will serve as an introduction to coffee growing and export in Ethiopia.
This document provides information about the Africa Coffee Outlook conference to be held on September 15-16, 2015 in Nairobi, Kenya. The conference will bring together coffee producers, traders, buyers, and other industry stakeholders from across Africa and around the world to discuss topics related to the production, trade, pricing, quality, and future of African coffee. The agenda outlines presentations and panel discussions on subjects like individual country markets, investment opportunities, sustainability, supply chain management, and technology. Government organizations, associations, and companies from many African coffee origin countries are supporting and participating in the event.
Promoting Olive Oil in Chinan presentation2Sofia Tsempera
This document provides information about promoting olive oil in China. It begins with an overview of China's geography, culture, economy, GDP growth, and consumer habits. Nearly half of China's population lives in urban areas, and coastal cities have higher incomes than inland cities. The middle class is growing rapidly in China and prioritizes health and quality products. The document then discusses the opportunities for Greek olive oil producers in China, as Chinese consumers prefer imported olive oil and are attracted to Greek olive oil's quality. It introduces the company "MADis Olio" which aims to enter the Chinese olive oil market and compete with other Greek and foreign brands already in China. It performs a S.W.T.O analysis of the company
THE COFFEE AND TEA BOARD油- International Best Practice in the Context of Ethi...essp2
1) The document discusses the need for Ethiopia to establish an independent Coffee and Tea Board to promote growth in the coffee sector, which could compensate for slowing growth in cereals.
2) International case studies show that successful coffee boards, like those in Guatemala and Honduras, have reliable dedicated funding, ensure quality standards, support research and extension, and have strong producer representation.
3) The proposed Coffee and Tea Board for Ethiopia would require stable long-term funding, develop a comprehensive strategy, oversee quality control, and have representation dominated by smallholder producers.
This document provides an overview of coffee research in Ethiopia. It discusses the opportunities and challenges facing Ethiopia's coffee sector, including its genetic diversity, traditional coffee culture, and known coffee varieties. However, it also notes issues like population pressure, deforestation, and low productivity. The document outlines Ethiopia's coffee research achievements, including collecting over 6,700 germplasm samples and releasing 37 new varieties. It discusses technology transfer efforts and the national coffee research strategic plan to further develop the sector in a sustainable manner through 2030.
Ethiopia is one of the top coffee producing countries in the world. It has various coffee growing regions that produce different quality coffees through both natural and washed processes. The two main commercialization channels for Ethiopian coffee are through the Ethiopia Commodity Exchange, where local and international buyers can purchase coffee, and through cooperative unions and large farms that sell directly. While Ethiopia has favorable conditions for coffee production and export, challenges include infrastructure issues and access to local credit.
The document discusses the food processing industry in India and Armenia. It provides details about major players in Armenia's food industry like Grand Candy, the largest domestic producer known for high quality products. The document also gives an overview of Parle Products in India, a leading biscuit manufacturer, including its financial performance from 2016-2018.
Performance of Ethiopias coffee export sector essp2
Ethiopia's coffee export sector has grown significantly over the past decade. The value of coffee exports increased five-fold due to rising international prices, while export quantities rose 50%. Coffee quality saw some improvements like a higher share of washed coffee, though most is still exported as natural. Certain quality attributes receive premium prices in international markets, such as washing, certification, and geographical indications of origin. Vertical integration and traceability were also rewarded. However, domestic consumption appears to have declined by a third despite rising incomes, likely due to higher prices. The implications are an emphasis on better quality through increased washing, specialty coffee, and de-commodification, as well as higher export quantities by improving yields.
Discover how Ethiopia's washed and natural coffee methods create vibrant flavors, offering clean, citrusy notes or bold, fruity richness. More information contact us:
PS International is an international trading company that specializes in the trading of bulk agricultural commodities. We are always eager to develop new trading partners, while continuing to maintain the valuable relationships we have already established in international trade markets.
This document discusses Herat saffron from Afghanistan. It describes saffron as the world's most expensive spice, which Afghanistan is well-suited to produce. It cultivates saffron using traditional methods, providing jobs. The document proposes exporting Afghan saffron to Australia due to high demand, quality certification, and a large Afghan diaspora. It outlines strategies to access the Australian market and ensure high quality during transport.
The document summarizes a study on Ethiopia's coffee export sector over the last decade. Key findings include:
1) The structure of the export sector has become less concentrated over time, with more exporters participating but average transaction sizes remaining small.
2) Coffee quality remains low overall, though there is a growing market for certified and washed specialty coffees that command a price premium.
3) Cooperative involvement in exports remains limited despite efforts to promote their participation in the value chain. Most exports originate from private traders and parastatal organizations.
Smallholders and upstream transformation in global value chains: The case of ...essp2
1) The document analyzes changes in coffee production and marketing practices among smallholder farmers in Ethiopia over the past decade. It finds improvements in management practices like pruning and mulching but limited adoption of modern inputs.
2) While harvest and post-harvest methods like selective picking and improved drying have improved, yields have remained steady or declined in some areas due to issues like disease and climate change.
3) Marketing and access to markets has improved with primary marketing centers, though village traders remain important. Processing has increased with more wet mills, though the share of washed coffee in exports has not risen significantly.
Agriculture is an important economic activity in the Caribbean. It provides food and employment, and earns foreign exchange through exports. However, the role of agriculture is changing. Sugar cane production, once a major export, has declined significantly due to higher production costs and competition from cheaper producers. Countries are diversifying crops and pursuing niche markets like organic and fair trade products. The workforce in agriculture is also decreasing as employment opportunities in services and tourism grow.
This document provides information about exporting Turkish sucuk sausage to Qatar. It summarizes Qatar's geography, demographics, economy, and eating habits. It then analyzes a specific Turkish sucuk product called Ahmet Ipek Sucuk, including its packaging, competitors in Qatar, and developing a new organic and light sucuk. A SWOT analysis is included. The document also discusses placement, promotion, and pricing strategies for marketing this sucuk product in Qatar.
Presentation of the main results of a recent study which analyses the evolution of value distribution within the coffee sector, evaluates the social and environmental impacts generated along the chain, and estimates the hidden costs offset on public authorities and third parties. This analysis is based on detailed case studies of value chains between France (on the consumption side) and Colombia, Peru and Ethiopia (on the production side). Discussion wase followed by a debate on what kind of public policy measures could be put in place.
The document provides background information on promoting olive oil in China. It summarizes China's geography, culture, economy, GDP growth, and consumer habits. It then discusses the company "MADis Olio", a Greek olive oil exporter. MADis Olio aims to enter the Chinese market with its premium extra virgin olive oil products. It performs a S.W.O.T. analysis and benchmarks against other Greek and foreign olive oil brands in China. The goal is to gain market share in China and establish brand awareness through online and tourism marketing. Stakeholders include wholesalers, retailers, consumers, suppliers, and influencers who can enable the brand's success.
Kumneger Yishak coffee exporter was founded in 2012. Their aim? To generate foreign currency for the country and contribute to the development of Ethiopia. Visit Kumneger with us. It will serve as an introduction to coffee growing and export in Ethiopia.
This document provides information about the Africa Coffee Outlook conference to be held on September 15-16, 2015 in Nairobi, Kenya. The conference will bring together coffee producers, traders, buyers, and other industry stakeholders from across Africa and around the world to discuss topics related to the production, trade, pricing, quality, and future of African coffee. The agenda outlines presentations and panel discussions on subjects like individual country markets, investment opportunities, sustainability, supply chain management, and technology. Government organizations, associations, and companies from many African coffee origin countries are supporting and participating in the event.
Promoting Olive Oil in Chinan presentation2Sofia Tsempera
This document provides information about promoting olive oil in China. It begins with an overview of China's geography, culture, economy, GDP growth, and consumer habits. Nearly half of China's population lives in urban areas, and coastal cities have higher incomes than inland cities. The middle class is growing rapidly in China and prioritizes health and quality products. The document then discusses the opportunities for Greek olive oil producers in China, as Chinese consumers prefer imported olive oil and are attracted to Greek olive oil's quality. It introduces the company "MADis Olio" which aims to enter the Chinese olive oil market and compete with other Greek and foreign brands already in China. It performs a S.W.T.O analysis of the company
Project Status Report Template that our ex-McKinsey & Deloitte consultants like to use with their clients.
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In the fast-paced world of business, staying on top of key projects and initiatives is crucial for success. An initiative status report is a vital tool that provides transparency, accountability, and valuable insights to stakeholders. By outlining deadlines, costs, quality standards, and potential risks, these reports ensure that projects remain on track and aligned with organizational goals. In this article, we will delve into the essential components of an initiative status report, offering a comprehensive guide to creating effective and informative updates.
Outline of Human Motivation
1. Introduction to Human Motivation
Definition of motivation
Importance of understanding motivation
Overview of motivational theories
2. Theories of Motivation
A. Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation
Definitions and differences
Examples of each type
B. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Overview of the five levels of needs
Application of the theory in real-life scenarios
C. Self-Determination Theory (SDT)
Overview of intrinsic motivation and its three basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness
The impact of SDT on personal growth and well-being
D. Expectancy Theory
Explanation of how expectations influence motivation
Components: expectancy, instrumentality, and valence
E. Goal-Setting Theory
Importance of setting specific and challenging goals
The SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)
3. Factors Influencing Motivation
A. Biological Factors
Role of genetics and neurochemistry in motivation
Impact of physical health and well-being
B. Psychological Factors
Personality traits and their influence on motivation
The role of mindset (fixed vs. growth mindset)
C. Social and Environmental Factors
Influence of culture, family, peers, and society on motivation
The impact of the workplace environment and leadership styles
4. Motivation in Different Contexts
A. Education
How motivation affects learning and academic performance
Strategies to enhance student motivation
B. Workplace
Importance of employee motivation for productivity and job satisfaction
Techniques for fostering motivation in the workplace
C. Personal Development
Motivation for self-improvement and personal goals
The role of habits and routines in maintaining motivation
5. Challenges to Motivation
Common obstacles to motivation (e.g., procrastination, fear of failure)
Strategies to overcome motivational challenges
6. Conclusion
Summary of key points
The significance of understanding motivation for personal and societal growth
7. References
A list of academic sources and literature on motivation
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This presentation was delivered to a mixed sector industrial audience to provide a balanced view of why AI is necessary in many working environments, and further, how it can advantage the individual and organisation. It also dispels the widely held (media) view that AI will destroy jobs and displace people on a socially damaging scale. The really serious threat scenarios actually remain the domain of human players, and not as depicted by some Hollywood dystopian machines take over nightmare!
Primarily seeing AI as a downsizing opportunity is to miss the key point: by empowering employees it is the biggest growth agent!
The nonsensical nature of AI v human supremacy arguments also distract from the symbiotic relationships we are forging. This is especially evident when confronted by complexity beyond our natural abilities. For example: procurement and supply chains may now see >>60 independent variables (features and parameters) with many requiring real time control. Humans can typically cope with 5 - 7, whilst our mathematical framework fails at 5. This primal limiter also compounds the risks involved in designing for:
optimisation v brittleness v resilience
In this context, the digitisation process is largely regarded as an event instead of a continuum and this greatly exacerbates the risks involved. This is illustrated against the backdrop of several past tech-revolutions and the changes they invoked. Two ongoing revolutions are also included with projections for likely futures/outcomes.
The closing remarks remind the audience of just one observation that we all need to keep in mind:
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The Will-Skill Matrix is an essential framework for managers and consultants aiming to optimize team performance. This model divides employees into four quadrants based on their levels of motivation (Will) and competencies (Skill):
1.Contributors (Guide): High Will, Low Skill
2.High Performers (Challenge): High Will, High Skill
3.Low Performers (Direct): Low Will, Low Skill
4.Potential Detractors (Motivate): Low Will, High Skill
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2. Country Profile
Geography: Located in the Horn of Africa,
Population: in 93,877,025 (July 2013 est.)
Land Area: 1,104,300,
Capital City: Addis Ababa,
9 Regional States and Addis Ababa and Diredawa
Economy (2012 est.) Service 43%, Agriculture
46.4% and Industry 10.7 % of the country GDP
3. Country Profile cntd.
Main Exports: Coffee, Oilseeds, Khat, Flower,
Gold, Pulses, Live Animals, meat, Leather and
Leather Products.
Exports: $3.109 billion (2012 est.), $ 3.029
billion (2011 est.)
Export Partners(2012): China 13%, Germany
10.8%, Saudi Arabia 7.8%, US 7.9%, Belgium
4. Country Profile cntd
Main import commodities: food and live
animals , petroleum and petroleum products ,
chemicals machineries motor vehicles,
cereals, textiles.
Imports : $ 9.498 bill.(2012 est.), $8.329 bill.
(2011 est.)
Imports partners (2012 est.): China 13.1%,
Saudi Arabia 8.2%, India 5.5%, US 11%
5. General Facts of Ethiopian Coffee
Birth place of Arabica coffee trees, Coffee arabica.
Coffee is vital to the cultural and socio-economic life
of Ethiopia.
Coffee sustains the livelihood for 15 million people in
Provides important income for casual labor, for many
additional poor rural people.
The Ethiopian Economy is highly dependent on
coffee as it contributes more than 25% of the
country's foreign exchange earnings. No other
product wide avenue for inherent quality and high
Organic by default.
6. Coffee Production System in Ethiopia
Forest Coffee,
Semi-forest coffee,
Garden coffee and plantation coffee
7. Production comes from
Morethan 64% Oromia,
35% from SNNP and, the remaining 1% from
Gambela Regional State.
10. Yirgachffee Origin
Internationally Known and recognized as
Yirgachaffee Brand Name. grown coffee and
has intense flavor known as flora. Has fine
acidity and rich body. Many rosters are
attracted to its fine and flavor and are willing
to pay a premium price for it.
11. Harar Origin
Coffee with medium sized beans with greenish
yellow color, medium acidity and full body,
and a distinctive Mocha flavor. Internationally
known and recognized as Harar Trade Brand
Name and highest premium coffee in the
12. Sidama Origin
Medium sized bean, greenish-greyish in
color. Due to balanced tastes and good flavor
called Sweet coffee, has fine acidity and good
body,. It is always blended for gourmet or
specialty coffee.
13. Limmu Origin
Spicy and Winy flavor and attracts many
roasters specially Europe and USA, has good
acidity and body, washed Limmu is one of
premium coffee, medium sized bean and
greenish- bluish in color mostly round in
14. Djimma Origin
Altitude heavy bodied cup with winy after test
can be prepared as washed and sun dried.
15. Tepi Origin
Low acidity but better body, there are
commercially important which is used for
special blend.
16. Bebeka Origin
Low acidity but better body, Tyer are
commercially important which is used for
special blend.
17. Lekempti Origin
Medium-to-bold bean known for its fruity
taste, has greenish-brownish in color with
good acidity and body, there are many
roasters who put its flavor in their blends, but
it can also sold as an original gourmet or
special original flavor.
18. Coffee Quality control in Ethiopia
Operational techniques and activities that are
used to fulfill coffee quality requirements in
the country vary at different levels i.e.
at farm gates and district level - by regions,
at regional level - by ECX and,
at central level - by MOA.
19. Coffee Quality inspection for Arrival.
At farm gate level cherry/pod appearance and
foreign matter level are attributes for quality
and carried out by regional Agricultural
At wereda level moisture content and volume
of green coffee defects/300gm are used as
indicators. Regional Agricultural offices are
responsible to accomplish the task.
20. Coffee Quality insp. Cntd.
At regional/ECX level internationally accepted
attributes for analysis of both green coffee
and liquor assessment are in place. ECX also
exercises SCAA classification/protocol for high
quality arrivals.
At central level- Except SCAA protocol the
technique is the same with ECX. Ministry of
Agriculture is mandated Institution to
accomplish the task.
21. Export Coffee grading in the
Ethiopian coffee industry
The main Export coffee grades, which
are formulated by Ethiopian standards
Authority together with all concerned
stakeholders are illustrated below
25. Cup quality analysis for all grades
should be:
clean-2 cups defective
medium- pointed
medium- good
26. Unique characters tics of all
Yirga chefe
27. Coffee Marketing in Ethiopia
The coffee marketing in Ethiopia
accomplished in the following
transaction chain.
29. Primary Level Coffee Transaction
It is a place where coffee farmers and
suppliers transact coffee. They are located
near to the coffee farms. Currently there are
about 979 primary coffee marketing centers in
the country.
30. The Ethiopian Commodity Exchange
It is a secondary level where coffee transact in
ECX is a national multi-commodity exchange
that provides low-cost, secure marketplace
services to benefit all agricultural market
stakeholders and invites industry professionals
to seek membership enabling them to
participate in trading.
31. ECX Promotes and enables
Market integrity, by guaranteeing the product
grade and quantity and Operating a system of
daily clearing and settling of contracts.
Market efficiency by operating a trading
system where buyers and sellers can
coordinate in a seamless way on the basis of
standardized contracts.
Market transparency by disseminating market
information in real time to all market players.
32. ECX cntd
Currently ECX warehouses are located ar 8
different parts of the country.
The centers are in DireDawa, Hawasa, Sodo,
Bonga, Djimma, Bedele and Gimbi
The coffee transact in Addis Ababa in open
33. Main Export Destination
In 2010/11 Ethiopia Exports coffee to 53
destination countries
The total volume and value of coffee export
2010/11 was 196,117 ton and 841.65 million
This volume and value of coffee export as
compared to 2009/10 was increased by 13.9%
and 59.3% respectively
34. Main Export Destination cntd
More than 120 Ethiopian coffee Exporters are
participating in processing and exporting coffee
to all destinations of the world
Among these export companies 95% are private
companies 5 are coffee growing farmers
cooperative unions and two of them are
government enterprises
In 2010/11 the top five coffee export destinations
for the country are Germany, Usa, Saudi Arabia,
Belgium and Italy.
36. Strength/Opportunities in Ethiopias
coffee industry
Governments commitment and favarouble
policy enviroment, and
Diverse agro-ecology and climatic condtions or
unique and distinict characters of coffee
quality and genetic biodiversity
Well established brand-positive image of the
country as birth place of coffee and a strong
local coffee culture.
37. Strength cntd..
Volume/quality variant: high volumes of
coffee in the country though there is aneed
work more on quality
Potential for volume and quality expansion
due to presense of adequate land and
inexpensive labour,
Efficient and effective domestic marketing
system - ECX
38. TheMain Challenges in Ethiopian
coffee industry
Low productivity, low returns for farmers and
poor agricultural practices
Quality inconsistency
Lack of access to capital in the face of eve
increasing coffee prices including the fact that
suppliers do not get sufficient access to loans
Non existance of price risk management
Long supply chain from farm to port of
39. Way forward in Ethiopian coffe
Increasing production/productivity and
consistent quality through use of appropriate
technologies and improved post harvest
Treacebility and transparency along the value
Better international promotion of Ethiopian
40. Way forward cntd.
Price risk management
Access to capital both for coffee
purchase(working capital) and long term
Provision of special support to commercial
coffee farms to enhance productivity as