Harmonising and Formalising Research Administration Profiles - CASRAI/CERIFBrigitte J?rg
The document discusses harmonizing research administration profiles between CASRAI and CERIF XML standards to improve data sharing and management, presenting a case study mapping an abridged CV profile between the two standards and lessons learned. It aims to better understand areas of complementarity between the approaches and how concepts from each can benefit the other.
Library Orientation for Conservation Biologycclouser
This document provides an overview of information sources for conservation biology research, including primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. It discusses how to evaluate primary sources based on author credibility, research validity, and relevance to the topic. The document also outlines print and electronic resources available through IUP Libraries, such as databases, journals, books, and interlibrary loan services to access materials not held in the local collection.
The document summarizes feedback from researchers on a proposed taxonomy of contributor roles in research publications. Key findings include:
- Respondents generally agreed with the proposed 14 terms and definitions, with some suggestions for clarification or additional terms.
- Most felt contributor roles should be assigned by the corresponding author and confirmed by other contributors.
- A majority supported expressing degree of contribution for each role on a coarse scale (e.g. substantial/equal/supporting).
- Recommendations included adopting the proposed terms and approach, gathering more input from different fields, and documenting additional feedback.
Harmonising and Formalising Research Administration Profiles - CASRAI/CERIFBrigitte J?rg
The document discusses harmonizing research administration profiles between CASRAI and CERIF XML standards to improve data sharing and management, presenting a case study mapping an abridged CV profile between the two standards and lessons learned. It aims to better understand areas of complementarity between the approaches and how concepts from each can benefit the other.
Library Orientation for Conservation Biologycclouser
This document provides an overview of information sources for conservation biology research, including primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. It discusses how to evaluate primary sources based on author credibility, research validity, and relevance to the topic. The document also outlines print and electronic resources available through IUP Libraries, such as databases, journals, books, and interlibrary loan services to access materials not held in the local collection.
The document summarizes feedback from researchers on a proposed taxonomy of contributor roles in research publications. Key findings include:
- Respondents generally agreed with the proposed 14 terms and definitions, with some suggestions for clarification or additional terms.
- Most felt contributor roles should be assigned by the corresponding author and confirmed by other contributors.
- A majority supported expressing degree of contribution for each role on a coarse scale (e.g. substantial/equal/supporting).
- Recommendations included adopting the proposed terms and approach, gathering more input from different fields, and documenting additional feedback.
OA policies – Where we are and what we know about effectiveness, Lars Bj?rnsh...SPARC Europe
Lars Bj?rnshauge presented findings from the PASTEUR4OA project on open access policies around the world. The project analyzed 663 open access policies, with most being from institutions in Europe and funders in North America. Strong mandatory policies that require deposit and prohibit waiving open access were found to have higher deposit rates and lower deposit latency compared to weaker policies. However, overall deposit rates of full-text articles into institutional repositories remain low at only 15% on average. While open access policies have proliferated, the goal of providing immediate open access to scholarly articles has not yet been fully achieved, suggesting a need to re-examine open access strategy and policy effectiveness.
情報組織化研究グループ 2014年10月月例会発表資料
国際連合食糧農業機関(FAO)においては、文献データベースAGRISやシソーラスAGROVOCの提供をはじめとする農業関連の科学技術情報の提供を行っており、近年ではLinked Open Data(LOD)を活用した事例も見られる。
本発表においては、FAOによる書誌データのLOD化への勧告、LODE-BD(Linked Open Data(LOD)-enabled bibliographical data)などの事例を紹介するほか、国内の書誌データ、研究データ等との連係の可能性について検討する。
The Current Status of ?Open Access to Scholarship?in Japansmine
This document summarizes the current status of open access to scholarship in Japan. It discusses the growth of institutional repositories and open access journals in Japan, reaching over 1.5 million full texts. Several major developments in open access policy are noted, including mandates from the Ministry of Education and funders like JSPS. While about half of researchers report publishing in open access journals, their understanding and opinions on open access vary, with some concerns about predatory journals. Overall, Japan has made progress in open access through a collaborative "step-by-step" approach, but further policy implementation and cultural changes may still be needed.
39. ラーニング?コモンズを運営する(2)
Dr. Lisa Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at
能力以上のもの― 習慣,癖
Research Strategies, 2001
40. ラーニング?コモンズを運営する(3)
Dr. Scott Bennett, Yale University Librarian
Journal of academic librarianship, 2008
加藤信哉, 小山憲司編訳『ラーニング?コモンズ: 大学図書館の新しいかたち』
(勁草書房, 2012) p.77-83