Japan Venture going Global 2014,Oct,22 Final versionAkira Kitamura
This 狠狠撸 is presented at DowJones PE seminar at Oct,22,2014 in Tokyo.
This 狠狠撸 describe
- Venture financing by 2014-3Q
- VC Round analysis
- by Industry
- focus go global startups
- Ranking by VC,CVC,VB
these stats and analysis will be finalized by 2014 annual report.
Japan Venture going Global 2014,Oct,22 Final versionAkira Kitamura
This 狠狠撸 is presented at DowJones PE seminar at Oct,22,2014 in Tokyo.
This 狠狠撸 describe
- Venture financing by 2014-3Q
- VC Round analysis
- by Industry
- focus go global startups
- Ranking by VC,CVC,VB
these stats and analysis will be finalized by 2014 annual report.
B13_株式会社資生堂 プロフェッショナル事業の日本とタイの基幹系業務を「 Microsoft Dynamics 365 」で統合管理 [Microsof...日本マイクロソフト株式会社
産業イノベーション事業部 グローバル本部 第1部 第1グループ グループマネージャー
蓮本 晃 氏
ビジネスアプリケーション事業本部 プロダクトマーケティングマネージャー
野村 圭太
世界的な化粧品メーカーとして知られる株式会社資生堂は、プロフェッショナル事業の基幹系システムを IBM AS/400 からクラウドサービス「 Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations 」に移行。さらに、タイ現地法人で稼働していた基幹系システムを取り込むことにより、グローバルな統合管理も実現しています。その結果、業務の標準化が進むとともに、日本の本社はタイ現地法人の経営データをいつでも参照できるようになり、よりスピーディーな経営判断が可能となりました。本セッションでは、導入にいたる背景や課題、導入成果や今後の展望について、導入パートナーである日立ソリューションズ様からご紹介します。
【Microsoft Japan Digital Daysについて】
Microsoft Japan Digital Days は、お客様が競争力を高め、市場の変化に迅速に対応し、より多くのことを達成することを目的とした、日本マイクロソフトがお届けする最大級のデジタル イベントです。4 日間にわたる本イベントでは、一人一人の生産性や想像力を高め、クラウド時代の組織をデザインするモダンワークの最新事例や、変化の波をうまく乗り切り、企業の持続的な発展に必要なビジネスレジリエンス経営を支えるテクノロジの最新機能および、企業の競争優位性に欠かせないクラウド戦略のビジョンなどデジタル時代に必要な情報をお届けいたしました。(2021年10月11日~14日開催)
SIOS Corporation reported its financial results for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. Key highlights include:
- Net sales increased 10.2% year-over-year to 15,889 million yen.
- Operating loss improved to 208 million yen compared to a loss of 572 million yen in the previous fiscal year.
- For the current fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, the company forecasts further growth with net sales projected to increase 4.5% to 16,600 million yen and a return to operating profit of 330 million yen.
SIOS Corp reported financial results for the first half of fiscal year 2023, ended June 30, 2023. Net sales increased 11.2% year-over-year to 8.066 billion yen, while operating loss improved to 106 million yen from 225 million yen in the same period of the previous fiscal year. The company saw strong growth in its open system infrastructure and application businesses, driven by increased sales of software products and services. SIOS also continued to invest aggressively in its SaaS offerings such as Gluegent and Med Tech solutions.
1. SIOS Corp reported financial results for the first 6 months of 2022, with consolidated net sales down 10.2% YoY to 7,256 million yen. The open system infrastructure business saw a 14.9% sales decrease and the application business a 2.6% decrease. Both segments reported losses.
2. SIOS Corp lowered its full-year forecasts, expecting net sales of 15,000 million yen, down 1,000 million from earlier forecasts, and operating losses of 550 million yen compared to earlier profit forecasts.
3. SIOS Corp will focus on growing its SaaS business, including new products in medical technology and HR technology, to achieve its management goals and
SIOS Corp. reported financial results for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, with an 8.3% decrease in net sales from the previous year. Operating income turned negative due to aggressive investments in new SaaS and cloud-based businesses and prolonged chip shortages impacting on-premise sales. Key strategies for 2023 include continuing investment in the SaaS business, bolstering cloud-based LifeKeeper sales, and restructuring operations to focus on cloud growth.
1) SIOS Corp. reported financial results for the first 6 months of 2022, with net sales down 10.2% YoY to ?8.079 billion and an operating loss of ?225 million compared to a profit of ?295 million in the same period last year.
2) The company lowered its full-year forecasts due to weaker sales of certain software products and increased investments in new SaaS solutions.
3) SIOS plans to focus on growing its SaaS business, including new offerings in healthcare IT and HR tech, to achieve its goal of contributing innovative solutions to society.
SIOS Corp reported financial results for the 2021 fiscal year ended December 31, 2021. Net sales increased 6.0% year-over-year to 15,725 million yen, while operating income rose 51.7% to 358 million yen. For fiscal 2022, SIOS forecasts net sales of 16,000 million yen and operating income of 100 million yen, aiming to maintain growth momentum through expanding its SaaS business and upgrading cloud applications. The company also plans to optimize SG&A expenses by closing offices in Tokyo.
1) SIOS Technology reported sales of 5.11 billion yen for fiscal year 2015, a 2.5% increase from the previous year due to an acquisition. It reported an operating loss of 111 million yen compared to operating income of 65 million yen in 2014.
2) In fiscal year 2015, SIOS focused on R&D investments including developing new IT operations analysis software using machine learning. It also made two acquisitions to expand into financial technology services.
3) For fiscal year 2016, SIOS forecasts sales to increase 12.1% to 10.5 billion yen and to return to profitability through cost rationalization and increasing higher-margin product sales. It plans to continue active
The document summarizes the financial results of SIOS Corp for the 6 months ended June 30, 2021. Key points include:
- Net sales increased 11.0% year-over-year to 8,079 million yen, while operating income increased 443.2% to 295 million yen.
- The Open System Infrastructure Business saw a 20.8% increase in net sales and turned a segment loss into income of 215 million yen.
- The Application Business saw a 2.2% decrease in net sales but a 32.7% increase in segment income to 79 million yen.
- Cash and deposits increased from 3,240 million yen to 2,858 million yen over the
The document summarizes the financial results of SIOS Corp for the 6 months ended June 30, 2020. Key points include:
- Net sales increased 5.2% year-over-year to 7,276 million yen, a record high.
- Operating income increased 42% to 54 million yen. EBITDA increased 22.3% to 101 million yen.
- Cash and deposits increased to 2,595 million yen as of June 30, 2020, up from 2,266 million yen as of December 31, 2019.
- The company merged three subsidiaries in October 2020 to improve operational efficiency.
- The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated digital transformation and the use of cloud services
The document summarizes SIOS Corporation's financial results for the 2020 fiscal year ended December 31, 2020. Key points include:
- Record-high net sales of 14.8 billion yen, up 8.4% year-over-year.
- Operating profit increased 329.9% to 236 million yen and EBITDA rose 127% to 329 million yen.
- Cash and deposits increased 592 million yen while interest-bearing debts declined 135 million yen.
- The Open System Infrastructure Business saw a 15.4% sales increase and 314.2% rise in segment income. Sales of core products grew but subscription models impacted some application revenues.
- The medium-term business plan
SIOS Corporation released its financial results for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. While net sales reached a record high and increased 6.9% year-over-year, operating profit declined 81.1% due to lower sales and profits from software applications for MFPs and business with financial institutions. For the 2020-2022 medium-term business plan, SIOS will focus on transitioning to a subscription business model and increasing recurring revenues to improve profitability metrics like EBITDA and ROIC over the next three years. SIOS forecasts net sales to increase 4.5% to 14.3 billion yen in fiscal 2020 through new product releases and enhancing customer satisfaction.
The document provides financial results and business forecasts for SIOS Corp. for the first half of fiscal year 2019, ended June 30, 2019. Some key points include:
- Net sales increased 10.3% year-over-year to 6.9 billion yen for the period, though operating income declined 70.0% to 38 million yen.
- The Open System Infrastructure Business saw increased sales of core products like LifeKeeper and growth in overseas markets, resulting in higher segment income. However, the Application Business saw a loss due to costs from delayed projects.
- For the full fiscal year ending December 31, 2019, SIOS maintains its previous forecasts of 13.2 billion yen in net sales
The document summarizes SIOS Corporation's financial results for fiscal year 2018, ended December 31, 2018. It discusses key strategic initiatives and progress made in 2018, including continued investment in R&D. It outlines the company's medium-term business plan for 2019-2021, with a primary objective of achieving net sales of 50 billion yen. Business forecasts for fiscal year 2019 are also presented.
- Net sales for the 6 months ended June 30, 2018 were 6,270 million yen, up 0.7% from the same period the previous year. However, operating income declined 26.5% to 127 million yen due to a decrease in gross profit.
- For the full fiscal year ending December 31, 2018, SIOS forecasts net sales of 13,000 million yen and operating income of 330 million yen. While sales targets are on track, profit targets will be difficult to achieve based on the first half performance.
- Key strategies for the second half include expanding into new business areas such as fintech, continuing investment in research and development, and strengthening competitiveness in core businesses such as
16. ? SIOS Technology, Inc. All rights Reserved.
ITオペレーション分析ソフトウェア「SIOS iQ」は、仮想化およびク
シンプル インテリジェンス
20. ? SIOS Technology, Inc. All rights Reserved.
「SIOS iQ」:グローバルに販売展開
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