iot1-RecordOfAchievementAijaz ShaikhThe document is a record of achievement for Aijaz Shaikh completing an openSAP course on "How the Internet of Things and Smart Services Will Change Society". The course covered key trends and terms related to the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, smart services, and their effects on society. It also discussed challenges and opportunities for society and business from digital transformation. Shaikh scored 16 out of a possible 30 points on the course assignment.
Dulcibella Legacy-G4-uniWistfulRose- Estora, a grilled cheese-obsessed sim, graduates from Generation 4 University after focusing her time on classes and running a grilled cheese restaurant on campus
- She earns over $100,000 from the restaurant and maintains her figure by consuming large amounts of grilled cheese
- At her graduation, Estora proposes to Thai, who accepts despite reservations about cheese children, ending Estora's university experience
iot1-RecordOfAchievementAijaz ShaikhThe document is a record of achievement for Aijaz Shaikh completing an openSAP course on "How the Internet of Things and Smart Services Will Change Society". The course covered key trends and terms related to the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, smart services, and their effects on society. It also discussed challenges and opportunities for society and business from digital transformation. Shaikh scored 16 out of a possible 30 points on the course assignment.
Dulcibella Legacy-G4-uniWistfulRose- Estora, a grilled cheese-obsessed sim, graduates from Generation 4 University after focusing her time on classes and running a grilled cheese restaurant on campus
- She earns over $100,000 from the restaurant and maintains her figure by consuming large amounts of grilled cheese
- At her graduation, Estora proposes to Thai, who accepts despite reservations about cheese children, ending Estora's university experience
Dulcibella Legacy-G3-uniWistfulRose1) This document summarizes the third generation of the Dulcibella Legacy at University. It follows David and Lydia through their college experiences including parties, majors, relationships and more.
2) David's placeholder leaves and he ends up majoring in political science after throwing a party. He dates and gets engaged to Lydia but continues to flirt with other sims like the cow mascot.
3) Lydia also quickly chooses a major in math and has her first kiss. She tries to set David up with other sims after his engagement ends with the cow mascot.
4) The summary concludes with Lydia graduating already and the author saying they may not move the sims
Be going to mrMonica RenjifoThis document discusses the use of the phrase "be going to" to indicate plans or intentions for the future, as well as predictions based on present evidence. It provides examples of using "I am going to" to list planned activities for the day and "is going to" to predict upcoming events like rain or having a baby based on current observable conditions.
Hardwar26880483El documento describe los componentes principales de una plataforma de hardware. Estos incluyen dispositivos de entrada como teclados, mouse y escáneres; dispositivos de procesamiento como la CPU, RAM y tarjetas madre; dispositivos de almacenamiento como discos duros, USB y CD/DVD; y dispositivos de salida como monitores, impresoras y bocinas. Cada componente juega un papel clave en el funcionamiento general de un sistema computacional.
Element 2 lisstening renjifo arcentales- manobandaMonica RenjifoThis document discusses strategies for teaching listening skills to young language learners. It provides examples of activities teachers can use, including: listening and doing physical activities, mime stories, drawing what they hear, putting pictures or events in order, filling in blanks, and repeating rhymes, songs and drills. It emphasizes using gestures, facial expressions and eye contact when telling stories. Both reading stories to young learners and having them create their own stories are discussed. Providing opportunities for independent listening is also recommended.
Weekly news from WCUMC Mar. 10 2013Woodinville Community ChurchThe document is a weekly newsletter from Woodinville Community United Methodist Church (WCUMC) dated March 10, 2013. It provides information about upcoming church events, sermon topics, and volunteer opportunities. Specifically, it discusses an upcoming sermon on Ephesians 5:21-33 about submission within marriage and other relationships. It also announces a potluck lunch the following week to hear from a missionary couple from India. Finally, it provides the church's schedule for Holy Week and Easter services.
2015 Denver User Group Salary SurveySalesforce Denver User GroupEach year we ask our local user group members to take part in a salary survey. The information is presented at our year-end user group meetings.
ÍñElena Martinez MiguelLa NASA descubrió agua en Marte tras años de investigación, cuando el vehículo Curiosity detectó indicios de agua líquida en un cráter y rocas salinas hidratadas. Aunque los científicos no saben aún de dónde proviene exactamente el agua, posibles fuentes son la atmósfera, capas subterráneas o un acuífero. Algunos científicos creen que Marte sigue siendo geológicamente activo.
Dame veneno que quiero vivirElena Martinez MiguelSiete centros de investigación y empresas europeas han recopilado la mayor colección mundial de toxinas, con la esperanza de que algunas puedan usarse para desarrollar medicamentos más rápidamente. Han extraído 5,700 péptidos potencialmente útiles de 203 especies venenosas. Estos centros enviaron expediciones a la Guayana Francesa, Mayotte y Polinesia para estudiar especies nunca antes analizadas, reduciendo al mínimo el número de animales sacrificados. Ahora se centran en secuenciar el ARN de las glándulas
Tema 3 . las plantasElena MartínezEste documento resume las características principales del reino Plantas. Explica la fotosíntesis y la clasificación de las plantas en briofitos, pterófitos y espermatófitos según sus vasos conductores y flores. Describe las partes básicas de las plantas como raíces, tallos, hojas y flores, así como los tipos de reproducción, polinización y dispersión de semillas. Finalmente, compara las características de gimnospermas y angiospermas.
Weekly news from WCUMC June 2, 2013Woodinville Community ChurchThis document is a weekly newsletter from the Woodinville Community United Methodist Church providing updates on church events and sermon series. It summarizes that the current sermon series is examining the letters to the seven churches in Revelation 1-3, with the recent message focusing on the church in Sardis being commanded to "wake up and repent". It also announces upcoming church activities, including a sermon on the church in Philadelphia, a Mariners baseball game outing, and Vacation Bible School in July.
Presentation uttam jain (aga khan school)Albab KhanUttam C. Jain is an Indian architect born in 1934 who founded Uttam C. Jain Architects & Planners. He received advanced study and education in architecture in India and Argentina. Some of his key projects include the Capitol Complex in Naya Raipur, Jodhpur University, and the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research. The Aga Khan School in Mundra, Gujarat designed by his firm features a curved building structure with single-banked classrooms opening onto green courtyards. The library is placed at the center to act as a pivot amongst activities. Local materials like stone are used to make the building climate responsive.
SBS price value & sales productivity (edit) 19.5.15Steve JessopThis document discusses improving sales productivity. It finds that most sales organizations are not as productive as they could be, with mediocre performers spending too much time on non-selling activities. High performers spend more time actively selling and problem-solving. The document emphasizes that customers compare price versus perceived value, not just price alone. It concludes that fundamentally improving the front-end sales experience is valued most by customers and there is significant scope to boost sales productivity.
дипломная презентация по формированию эстетического отношения к природеIvan SimanovВсе о дипломной презентации:
3. Аппликация - как вид изобразительной деятельности, дает детям
возможность усваивать знания о цвете, строении предметов, их величине,
форме и композиции
4. В процессе рисования, аппликации углубляются представления детей об
окружающем мире, дети осмысляют качества предметов, запоминают их
характерные особенности и детали, овладевают изобразительными
навыками и умениями, учатся их осознанно использовать.
9. В аппликации есть возможность передвигать вырезанные формы,
сравнивать, накладывая одну форму на другую
10. Занятия аппликацией способствуют, с одной стороны, формированию
изобразительных умений и навыков, с другой - развитию творческих
способностей детей.