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D a v a L y n n B a x t e r
P.O. Box 750 South Pittsburg, TN 37380
Cell: 423-718-3380 Email: dlbaxter1@gmail.com
Bachelor of Science in Health & Physical Education  Middle Tennessee State University -1992
Certification  biology, sociology, physical education pre K  12th grades
Aug 1993- present
South Pittsburg Elementary - Physical Education Teacher pre-K through 6th grade
Elementary Teacher of the Year  Marion County Schools (2001)
Spearhead following ongoing programs :
 Feeling Good Mileage Club for 520 students, students walked total 10,400 miles
 Blue Cross / Blue Shield national Walk and Bike to School Program
 annual Get Fit @ Pitt health night
 annual participation in Presidential Physical Fitness Test growth from 25% to 75 % of students
 Lets Move program endorsed by First Lady Michelle Obama
 Mornings in Motion exercises for the classroom to promote better test scores
 Doubled participation in breakfast program by providing physical activity in the gym after breakfast
 Organ wise guys to teach health, nutrition and fitness
 Fundraiser organizer Hoops for Heart for American Heart Association increased donations from $600
to $2,000 annually
2008- present South Pittsburg Elementary Basketball Coach  5th and 6th Girls
2005-2008 South Pittsburg Elementary Volunteer Athletic Director
1999-2005 South Pittsburg Elementary Bridges Program Coordinator/ Teacher  helped children with learning
disabilities to identify their learning styles to improve their academic performance. After completing
program children improved test score by two grade levels on average. Model classroom with teachers
from around US inquiring about how to implement in their school.
1994- 1999 South Pittsburg Elementary Basketball Coach  7th and 8th Girls
1993- 2005 South Pittsburg Elementary Volunteer Basketball Coach  5th and 6 th Boys and Girls
 Faculty Representative, Marion County Education Association 1993- present
 Crisis Prevention Team 1993- present
 Faculty Representative, Tennessee Education Association 1993- present
 Member, National Education Association 1993- present
 Honorary Member, Delta Kappa Gamma 2010-present
 Member, Tennessee Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (TAHPERD) 1994-
 Member, Shape America 1998-present
 Tennessee Elementary School Physical Education Teacher of the Year awarded by Tennessee
Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (TAHPERD) 2012-2013
 Nominee, Southern Association HPERD Teacher of the Year 2012-2013, nominee
 Preceptor, student teachers from Lee University and University of Tennessee at Chattanooga 1998-2000
 Committee member, Members Benefit and Elections -Tennessee Education Association 1993-2000
 Elementary Teacher of the Year  Marion County Schools (2001)
D a v a L y n n B a x t e r
P.O. Box 750 South Pittsburg, TN 37380
Cell: 423-718-3380 Email: dlbaxter@gmail.com
1999 2005 South Pittsburg Elementary Summer Camp Teacher / Founding Committee Member organized eight
week summer camp for children pre-K  6th grade. Implement federal summer feeding program to
provide free breakfast and lunches.
2005 present South Pittsburg Elementary Summer Camp Director
 Increased participation from 10 children to presently 90 children with a waiting list.
 oversee all operations : teacher schedules, coordination of activities, field trips, payroll, concession
stand purchases and sales.
1997- present -National Cornbread Festival Volunteer  various roles from activities with children, gate collections
to working in cornbread alley
1993- present South Pittsburg Parks and Recreation Volunteer/Founding Committee Member Junior Pro
Basketball co-ed basketball program for 5-12 year old for six -eight week Saturday league basketball
program. Responsible for overseeing of facility, teams, and officials.
2007-2010 Buddy Walk fundraiser Volunteer for Down Syndrome
1998- 2009 South Pittsburg Youth Program Umpire Coordinator  responsible scheduling 12 umpires for 15
1998- 2004 South Pittsburg Elementary Summer Camp Teacher founding committee member to provide Summer
Camp for pre-K through 6th grade
1993-1996 Warner Park Volunteer Swim Instructor taught kids and adults swimming lessons
1989-1992 Special Olympics Volunteer

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  • 1. D a v a L y n n B a x t e r P.O. Box 750 South Pittsburg, TN 37380 Cell: 423-718-3380 Email: dlbaxter1@gmail.com EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in Health & Physical Education Middle Tennessee State University -1992 Certification biology, sociology, physical education pre K 12th grades WORK EXPERIENCE: Aug 1993- present South Pittsburg Elementary - Physical Education Teacher pre-K through 6th grade Elementary Teacher of the Year Marion County Schools (2001) Spearhead following ongoing programs : Feeling Good Mileage Club for 520 students, students walked total 10,400 miles Blue Cross / Blue Shield national Walk and Bike to School Program annual Get Fit @ Pitt health night annual participation in Presidential Physical Fitness Test growth from 25% to 75 % of students Lets Move program endorsed by First Lady Michelle Obama Mornings in Motion exercises for the classroom to promote better test scores Doubled participation in breakfast program by providing physical activity in the gym after breakfast Organ wise guys to teach health, nutrition and fitness Fundraiser organizer Hoops for Heart for American Heart Association increased donations from $600 to $2,000 annually 2008- present South Pittsburg Elementary Basketball Coach 5th and 6th Girls 2005-2008 South Pittsburg Elementary Volunteer Athletic Director 1999-2005 South Pittsburg Elementary Bridges Program Coordinator/ Teacher helped children with learning disabilities to identify their learning styles to improve their academic performance. After completing program children improved test score by two grade levels on average. Model classroom with teachers from around US inquiring about how to implement in their school. 1994- 1999 South Pittsburg Elementary Basketball Coach 7th and 8th Girls 1993- 2005 South Pittsburg Elementary Volunteer Basketball Coach 5th and 6 th Boys and Girls PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP: Faculty Representative, Marion County Education Association 1993- present Crisis Prevention Team 1993- present Faculty Representative, Tennessee Education Association 1993- present Member, National Education Association 1993- present Honorary Member, Delta Kappa Gamma 2010-present Member, Tennessee Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (TAHPERD) 1994- Present Member, Shape America 1998-present Tennessee Elementary School Physical Education Teacher of the Year awarded by Tennessee Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (TAHPERD) 2012-2013 Nominee, Southern Association HPERD Teacher of the Year 2012-2013, nominee Preceptor, student teachers from Lee University and University of Tennessee at Chattanooga 1998-2000 Committee member, Members Benefit and Elections -Tennessee Education Association 1993-2000 Elementary Teacher of the Year Marion County Schools (2001)
  • 2. D a v a L y n n B a x t e r P.O. Box 750 South Pittsburg, TN 37380 Cell: 423-718-3380 Email: dlbaxter@gmail.com _____________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY SERVICE: 1999 2005 South Pittsburg Elementary Summer Camp Teacher / Founding Committee Member organized eight week summer camp for children pre-K 6th grade. Implement federal summer feeding program to provide free breakfast and lunches. 2005 present South Pittsburg Elementary Summer Camp Director Increased participation from 10 children to presently 90 children with a waiting list. oversee all operations : teacher schedules, coordination of activities, field trips, payroll, concession stand purchases and sales. 1997- present -National Cornbread Festival Volunteer various roles from activities with children, gate collections to working in cornbread alley 1993- present South Pittsburg Parks and Recreation Volunteer/Founding Committee Member Junior Pro Basketball co-ed basketball program for 5-12 year old for six -eight week Saturday league basketball program. Responsible for overseeing of facility, teams, and officials. 2007-2010 Buddy Walk fundraiser Volunteer for Down Syndrome 1998- 2009 South Pittsburg Youth Program Umpire Coordinator responsible scheduling 12 umpires for 15 teams. 1998- 2004 South Pittsburg Elementary Summer Camp Teacher founding committee member to provide Summer Camp for pre-K through 6th grade 1993-1996 Warner Park Volunteer Swim Instructor taught kids and adults swimming lessons 1989-1992 Special Olympics Volunteer