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Dorothy I. Critchlow (Dottie), Ed. D.
Home: 110 Hunter Drive Employment: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools
Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 2601 Bransford Ave.
615-681-7465 (cell) Nashville, TN 37204
615-259-8697(office) 615-335-7734(cell)
Professional Experience
Executive Lead Principal...Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools
2015-Present Nashville, TN
 Provided district level support/evaluation for 29 elementary schools
Executive Officer Instructional Support ......................................Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools
2013-2015 Nashville, TN
 Supervised ( District Departments (PreK-Grade 12) of Exceptional Education, Advanced Academics,
English Language Learners, School Counselors, Social Emotional Learning
 Initiated Response to Instruction and Intervention with universal screener to district
 Saved District $340,000 on contract with Pearson
Principal...Hickman Elementary School
2007-2013 Nashville, TN
 550 students 72% economically disadvantaged
 School standing of satisfactory for six years
 Achievement moved from historical annual negative gains to more than one years growth by 2012
 SACS CASI/AdvancEd Review Commendations:
o The vision was well established and embraced by all stakeholders and guided decisions made
by continuous improvement
o The administrative team has fostered a climate of professionalism and team work among all
o All stakeholders expressed appreciation of the family atmosphere that exists at Hickman
 District Network Lead Principal (2012-2013): supervised 4 elementary principals
Principal....Park Avenue Enhanced Option Elementary
2003  2007 Nashville, TN
 585 students 99% economically disadvantaged
 School standing moved to satisfactory by 2004
 Achievement moved from historical annual negative gains to more than one years growth by 2007
Assistant Principal.Haywood Elementary School
2001-2003 Nashville, TN
 Initiated writing program and rubrics for all grades
 Provided professional development in literacy for teachers
Title I Coordinating Teacher.Haywood Elementary School
2000-2001 Nashville, TN
 Reading Specialist and Computer Lab Teacher
 Interim Assistant Principal
Teacher: Grade 2..Haywood Elementary School
1998-2000 Nashville, TN
Teacher: Grade 5...Mt. Juliet Christian Academy
1997-1998 Mt. Juliet, TN
Teacher: Grade 6...............Morgantown Elementary School
1996-1997 Natchez, MS
Teacher: Multiage 2-3..Lathrop Elementary School
1995-1996 Canton, OH
Teacher: Grade 3..Clarendon Elementary School
1989-1995 Canton, OH
Interim Teacher (K-1)..Lathrop Elementary School
1988-1989 Canton, OH
o Students with Disabilities (Orthopedic)
Substitute Teacher (K-8).Massillon, Jackson, Canton City Districts
1998 Stark County, OH
State of Tennessee:
 Professional Administrative License
o Endorsement 483: Administrative Pre-K Grade 12
 Professional Teaching License
o Endorsement 75: Reading K-8
o Endorsement 76: Reading 7-12
o Endorsement 402: Teaching K-8
State of Ohio: Professional Teaching License K-8
Education and Testing
Doctor of Education, 2008, Trevecca Nazarene University, Nashville, TN
Dissertation: The Effects of Leveled Booklets on Summer Learning Loss for Elementary Students in
Western Nashville
Administrative Certificate, 1997 through Ashland University, OH and University of Southern Mississippi
M.S.ED., 1991, Reading, University of Akron, OH
Dissertation: Values Education through Bibliotherapy in the Primary Grades
B.S.ED., 1988, Elementary Education (summa cum laude), University of Akron, OH
Selected Professional Experiences
2015-Present: Alignment Nashville Elementary Team: Ready for Middle Schoool
2015: Trained with Eric Jensen in multiple courses
2014-Present: PASSAGE (Peaceful and Safe Schools Advancing Greater Equity) Core Team
2014: Leader Exchange experience in China
2012: TN LEAD Conference Presenter on increasing achievement
2012: MNPS Elementary Principal of the Year
Special Education Advisory Board, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University
2010-2011: Piloted new TN Teacher Evaluation Model (TAP/TEAM)
2009-2010: Mentored new principals for the state
2009: Principal Exchange experience in China
2004-2008: Alignment Nashville PreK Committee
2003-2004: Facilitator for Principals Leadership Academy of Nashville
2002-2003: Participant for Principals Leadership Academy of Nashville
1996: Nominated as Chamber of Commerce Teacher of the Year, Canton, OH
1995-1996: Student Conflict Peer Mediation Co-Instructor
1994: Received Canton City Schools Foundation Grant
Received Ohio Impact II Grant
1993: Jennings Scholar by Martha Holden Jennings Foundation, Kent State University
1992: Preventing Classroom Violence Instructor
At-Risk Student Intervention Instructor
Professional Organizations
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Tennessee Association of Elementary and Middle School Principals
National Association of Elementary Principals
Phi Delta Kappa  Peabody Chapter
Middle Tennessee Reading Association
Personal Information
I was born on July 4th
in Pennsylvania. I am married to a retired controls specialist/electrical engineer. I am the
mother of three grown children and the proud grandmother of eight grandchildren. I enjoy my pets, gardening, sewing,
hiking, and camping. Community involvement activities include church, community advisory boards, and 4-H. Literary
efforts have been published as a contribution in a book about mothers and a professional journal article about writing in the
classroom. I have taught students in grades 2-6 in Ohio, Mississippi, and Tennessee.

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Critchlow Resume

  • 1. Dorothy I. Critchlow (Dottie), Ed. D. Home: 110 Hunter Drive Employment: Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 2601 Bransford Ave. 615-681-7465 (cell) Nashville, TN 37204 615-259-8697(office) 615-335-7734(cell) Professional Experience Executive Lead Principal...Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools 2015-Present Nashville, TN Provided district level support/evaluation for 29 elementary schools Executive Officer Instructional Support ......................................Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools 2013-2015 Nashville, TN Supervised ( District Departments (PreK-Grade 12) of Exceptional Education, Advanced Academics, English Language Learners, School Counselors, Social Emotional Learning Initiated Response to Instruction and Intervention with universal screener to district Saved District $340,000 on contract with Pearson Principal...Hickman Elementary School 2007-2013 Nashville, TN 550 students 72% economically disadvantaged School standing of satisfactory for six years Achievement moved from historical annual negative gains to more than one years growth by 2012 SACS CASI/AdvancEd Review Commendations: o The vision was well established and embraced by all stakeholders and guided decisions made by continuous improvement o The administrative team has fostered a climate of professionalism and team work among all stakeholders o All stakeholders expressed appreciation of the family atmosphere that exists at Hickman Elementary District Network Lead Principal (2012-2013): supervised 4 elementary principals Principal....Park Avenue Enhanced Option Elementary 2003 2007 Nashville, TN 585 students 99% economically disadvantaged School standing moved to satisfactory by 2004 Achievement moved from historical annual negative gains to more than one years growth by 2007 Assistant Principal.Haywood Elementary School 2001-2003 Nashville, TN Initiated writing program and rubrics for all grades Provided professional development in literacy for teachers Title I Coordinating Teacher.Haywood Elementary School 2000-2001 Nashville, TN Reading Specialist and Computer Lab Teacher Interim Assistant Principal Teacher: Grade 2..Haywood Elementary School
  • 2. 1998-2000 Nashville, TN Teacher: Grade 5...Mt. Juliet Christian Academy 1997-1998 Mt. Juliet, TN Teacher: Grade 6...............Morgantown Elementary School 1996-1997 Natchez, MS Teacher: Multiage 2-3..Lathrop Elementary School 1995-1996 Canton, OH Teacher: Grade 3..Clarendon Elementary School 1989-1995 Canton, OH Interim Teacher (K-1)..Lathrop Elementary School 1988-1989 Canton, OH o Students with Disabilities (Orthopedic) Substitute Teacher (K-8).Massillon, Jackson, Canton City Districts 1998 Stark County, OH Certification State of Tennessee: Professional Administrative License o Endorsement 483: Administrative Pre-K Grade 12 Professional Teaching License o Endorsement 75: Reading K-8 o Endorsement 76: Reading 7-12 o Endorsement 402: Teaching K-8 State of Ohio: Professional Teaching License K-8 Education and Testing Doctor of Education, 2008, Trevecca Nazarene University, Nashville, TN Dissertation: The Effects of Leveled Booklets on Summer Learning Loss for Elementary Students in Western Nashville Administrative Certificate, 1997 through Ashland University, OH and University of Southern Mississippi M.S.ED., 1991, Reading, University of Akron, OH Dissertation: Values Education through Bibliotherapy in the Primary Grades B.S.ED., 1988, Elementary Education (summa cum laude), University of Akron, OH Selected Professional Experiences 2015-Present: Alignment Nashville Elementary Team: Ready for Middle Schoool 2015: Trained with Eric Jensen in multiple courses 2014-Present: PASSAGE (Peaceful and Safe Schools Advancing Greater Equity) Core Team 2014: Leader Exchange experience in China 2012: TN LEAD Conference Presenter on increasing achievement 2012: MNPS Elementary Principal of the Year Special Education Advisory Board, Peabody College, Vanderbilt University 2010-2011: Piloted new TN Teacher Evaluation Model (TAP/TEAM) 2009-2010: Mentored new principals for the state 2009: Principal Exchange experience in China 2004-2008: Alignment Nashville PreK Committee 2003-2004: Facilitator for Principals Leadership Academy of Nashville 2002-2003: Participant for Principals Leadership Academy of Nashville 1996: Nominated as Chamber of Commerce Teacher of the Year, Canton, OH 1995-1996: Student Conflict Peer Mediation Co-Instructor 1994: Received Canton City Schools Foundation Grant
  • 3. Received Ohio Impact II Grant 1993: Jennings Scholar by Martha Holden Jennings Foundation, Kent State University 1992: Preventing Classroom Violence Instructor At-Risk Student Intervention Instructor Professional Organizations Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Tennessee Association of Elementary and Middle School Principals National Association of Elementary Principals Phi Delta Kappa Peabody Chapter Middle Tennessee Reading Association Personal Information I was born on July 4th in Pennsylvania. I am married to a retired controls specialist/electrical engineer. I am the mother of three grown children and the proud grandmother of eight grandchildren. I enjoy my pets, gardening, sewing, hiking, and camping. Community involvement activities include church, community advisory boards, and 4-H. Literary efforts have been published as a contribution in a book about mothers and a professional journal article about writing in the classroom. I have taught students in grades 2-6 in Ohio, Mississippi, and Tennessee.