Newmedia5Kai PataThis document discusses knowledge mapping and interaction within hybrid spaces. It defines knowledge as a social construct that exists in individual, group, and organizational forms. Tagging is presented as a way to annotate digital objects with metadata that allows for flexible social navigation. Tagging creates a "triple" of the user, content, and annotations that can indicate relationships. The document also discusses folksonomies, knowledge building, and new forms of social information retrieval using social navigation and collaborative recommender systems.
Improving Government through Open Data and Open EngagementMetamorphosisThis document discusses how open data and open engagement can improve government. It argues that open data can serve triple objectives of economic growth, improving public services, and increasing transparency. Specifically, it notes that open data has generated billions in economic value in the EU and US and that open financial, contracting, and performance data can increase transparency. It also explores how open data can transform public services, be used for crowd-sourcing, and foster an "ecosystem" where businesses and civil society can create new applications and services from public data. The key learning points are that open data is an enabler, it works best when the public is engaged in co-creation rather than just consultation, and government must be willing to
Making 1:1 work in your schoolMark WoolleyThe document discusses strategies for effective 1:1 teaching and learning in a classroom setting. It emphasizes creating a vision and preparing lessons that take advantage of new technology tools. It provides examples of how tools like blogs, wikis, and video sharing can be used to engage students in creative, collaborative projects and help them become content creators rather than just consumers of information.
Abc plurilingualism italy 2Pilar TorresForeign student enrollment in Italian schools has increased, with over 20% of students in some areas coming from other countries. The majority of these foreign students come from China, Romania, Albania, Morocco and Ukraine. One northern Italian region has a long history of bilingual education in Italian and German, and has recently implemented projects using technology, content-based language instruction, collaborative learning, and teacher training to better integrate foreign students into the school system and promote bilingualism.
Educationalpolicy essay pataKai PataThis document provides an overview of the history and models of educational policy in Estonian higher education. It discusses four main periods:
1) Academia Gustaviana (1632-1710) which followed regulations from Sweden but also enjoyed some academic freedoms similar to medieval universities.
2) Kaiserliche Universität zu Dorpat (1802-1889) which had a dual nature under Russian and German control and balanced state influence with some institutional autonomy.
3) Tartu University of the Republic of Estonia (1919-1940) where the state supported national education development but also diverse educational institutions.
4) Higher education during Soviet occupation (1940-1986) was strictly controlled by the
Upgrading to rails3Yi-Ting ChengThis document summarizes the key steps and challenges for upgrading a Rails application from version 1.8.7 to Rails 3. It notes that the upgrade involves major changes to the ActiveRecord query and validation APIs, views, routing, and other areas. Testing coverage and having both Rails 1.8.7 and 3 installed are prerequisites. The major challenges will be changes to the query API, HTML escaping, routing, and unobtrusive JavaScript as well as dealing with broken plugins. Recommended steps include using best practices, writing tests, upgrading configuration gems, moving RJS to unobtrusive JavaScript, and replacing plugins with gems. Proper preparation such as creating a remote branch and having a strong testing suite 6-klass-vilenkinRazon EjThe document discusses the history and development of artificial intelligence over several decades. Early research focused on symbolic approaches using rules and logic but progress was slow. More recently, machine learning techniques such as deep learning have seen increasing success by learning from large amounts of data without being explicitly programmed. These new approaches have achieved human-level performance on some tasks but full human-level AI remains an ongoing challenge.
Презентација од вебинарот: Научете како да ја заштитите приватноста во дигита...MetamorphosisОва е презентација од вебинарот: Научете како да ја заштитите приватноста во дигиталниот свет!
Презентер: Елена Трифуновска
Идејата за тоа што е приватност, што е личен податок и нешто кое ни припаѓа само нам е почетна основа за детектирање на можните проблеми со кои може да се соочиме во секојдневното користење на интернетот.
Кои податоци треба да ги третираме како приватни и да не ги споделуваме на интернет? На кого му се достапни нашите лични податоци кои ги користиме на интернет? Како да ги насочиме децата да ги користат придобивките на интернетот и да ги избегнат опасностите со кои може да се соочат?
Елена е магистер по комуникации со долгогодишно искуство во областа на заштитата на приватноста. Во периодот од 2005 до 2014 година работела како советник за меѓународна соработка и односи со јавноста во Дирекцијата за заштита на личните податоци, а оттогаш наваму како аналитичар во областа со особен фокус на заштитата на приватноста на интернет и во медиумите. Се јавува како автор и ко-автор на повеќе стручни публикации за заштита на личните податоци во одделни области, анализи и истражувања кои се однесуваат на примената на регулативата за заштита на личните податоци. Покрај правото на приватност во нејзиното поле на интерес се и медиумската регулатива и информациско – комуникациските теории.
Идентификување говор на омраза според методологијата на сервисот за проверка ...MetamorphosisСервис за проверка на факти во медиумите - Презентација на Владимир Петрески
Општествена одговорност на медиумите во однос на говорот на омразаMetamorphosisОпштествена одговорност на медиумите во однос на говорот на омраза - Презентација на Филип Стојановски
Идентификување говор на омраза според методологијата на сервисот за проверка ...MetamorphosisСервис за проверка на факти во медиумите - Презентација на Владимир Петрески
Општествена одговорност на медиумите во однос на говорот на омразаMetamorphosisОпштествена одговорност на медиумите во однос на говорот на омраза - Презентација на Филип Стојановски
Имплементација на Office 365 во СОС Детско Село Македонија - Најдобрите практики co Office 365
1. Имплементација на Office
365 во СОС Детско Село
Zoran Murgoski
Information and Communication Technology Advisor CEE
SOS Children’s Villages International
4. p. 4 [optional footer]
Office 365 - придобивки
Како технологијата ни го промени начинот на
Намалени трошоци
Зголемена продуктивност и ефикасност
Подобра соработка меѓу вработените на локално и
меѓународно ниво
5. p. 5 [optional footer]
Број на активни Office 365 лиценци во
• Albania
• Bosnia
• Kosovo
• Macedonia
• Serbia 2012
• Bulgaria
• Belarus
• N. Cyprus
• Czech Republic
• Georgia
• Hungary
• Kazakhstan
• Kyrgyzstan
• Romania
• Ukraine
• Armenia
• Azerbaijan
• Croatia
• Estonia
• Latvia
• Lithuania
• Poland
• Russia
• Uzbekistan
170 690 1500 +
7. p. 7 [optional footer]
Exchange: Outlook and OWA
Карактеристики кои носат најголеми придобивки:
Outlook Desktop and OWA имаат сличен
интерфејс што овозможува лесно и непречено
користење на двете платформи.
OWA во Offline mode
OWA на повеќе уреди: Десктоп, Лаптоп, Таблет,
Смарт-телефони (Win,Android,iOS)
Дистрибуциски групи
Интеграција и синхронизација на mail, people,
8. p. 8 [optional footer]
Истите дистрибуциски групи од Exchange се
достапни и во Lync, инстант состанок со цела
група со еден клик
Share Desktop функција
Conversation history и Meeting Recording
Lync е достапен на сите платформи: десктоп,
лаптоп, таблет, смарт-телефон
9. p. 9 [optional footer]
SharePoint Online
Платформа за соработка и размена на идеи
Организација на информации, кадри и проекти
Интранет и тимски страни
Соработка и размена и со клиенти/соработници
од надвор
Безбедна и доверлива платформа
13. p. 13
Пред: Кога треба да собереш податоци од
повеќе колеги, праќаш е-маил до сите, собираш
одговори, праќаш потсетници и работиш со
повеќе копии на една иста датотека
Потоа: Системот води сметка за
известување и потсетници, сите работат на
еден фајл, нема е-маил аттачменти.
14. p. 14
Простор кадетвојот
тим може да размени
информации за
претстојни настани ,
состаноци, резултати
од истражувања или
пак јавно да се
разменат идеи за кои
треба да се дискутира.
15. p. 15
Ова претставува
одличен начин за
размена на
информации во
контекст на календар.
Овозможува полесно
да се води сметка за
рокови на проекти,
патувањаи одмори за
вработените па дури и
нивните родендени.
16. p. 16
Сите твои документисе
достапни on-line и off-
line, oд било кое место
и од било каков уред.
Сите промени
17. p. 17
Office Web
OfficeWeb Appsсе on-line
Officeапликациикои се
Можедасе размении
работинаеден истдокумент
со повеќеколегивоисто
#3: Во 132 земји и територии, активностите на меѓународната организација СОС Детски Села се фокусираат на поддршка на децата без родители и родителска грижа и деца кои растат во семејства со многу социјални ризици.
#4: Основано во 1995 година, моментално згрижува 84 деца без родители или родителска грижа.
#5: Намалени трошоци за телефонски разговори и конференциски врски. (го заменивме Cisco WebEx со Lync состаноци)
Зголемена продуктивност и ефикасност со Интранет/Тимски страни, Автоматизирани работни процеси, Overlay Calendars
Подобрена соработка: унифицирана технологија за ИМ и конференции, заедничка е-маил платформа, дистрибуциски групи.
#7: Anywhere Access
OneDrive for Business gives each user 1 TB of personal storage they can access from anywhere and that syncs3 with their PC.
Business-Class Email
Get business-class email,2 shared calendars, 50 GB of storage space per user, and the ability to use your own domain name.
File Sharing
Easily share files internally and externally and control who sees and edits them.
Financially-backed SLA
Get peace of mind knowing your services are available with a guaranteed 99.9% uptime, financially backed service level agreement (SLA).
HD Video Conferencing
Conduct meetings over the web with HD video conferencing, screen sharing, and instant messaging. Share presence, IM, and audio calling with Skype users.
Intranet Site
SharePoint sites provide workspaces with customizable security settings for individual teams within the organization.
Mobile Apps
Access, edit, and view Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents on iPad®, iPhone®, Android phone, and Windows Phones. Use the OneNote, OWA, Lync Mobile, and SharePoint Newsfeed apps on most devices.4
Office Desktop Applications
Subscription to Office for up to 5 PCs/Macs per user.1
Office Web Apps
Create and edit Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote files via a web browser.
Simplified IT Management
Manage users, settings and services from one portal. Easily deploy and start using Office with step-by-step guidance. Manage your service from virtually anywhere with centralized administration.
24/7 Technical Support
IT-level web support and 24/7 phone support for critical issues.
Enterprise social networking with advanced support, security, administration, and integrations.
Hosted voicemail support with auto attendant capabilities.
Unlimited Seats
Unlimited seats for all eligible employees and volunteers enables your nonprofit to continue to grow and always have the latest version of Office products available.
#11: Speaker Notes (1 minute):
Documents and Media Library
!!! Automated Processes Workflows !!! Very important
Shared Calendars
SkyDrive and SkyDrive Pro
Office WebApps (work online with Word, Excel, OneNote + PowerPoint) straight from the cloud
#12: A SharePoint document library is a place on a site where you can create, collect, and update files with others. You can add files to the library and people can make changes to them. Those changes will be stored in the library — not on their own computers. And, because the library is on a Web site, other people can easily access the files using a Web browser, provided they have the permissions to do so.
Files can be edited simultaneously by many editors and the system keeps track of the last 10 versions of the file. The files are also backed up and available always, from any device.
#13: SharePoint workflows are pre-programmed mini-applications that streamline and automate a wide variety of business processes — from collecting signatures, feedback, or approvals for a plan or document, to tracking the current status of a routine procedure. SharePoint workflows are designed to save you time and effort, and to bring consistency and efficiency to tasks that you perform on a regular basis.
#14: SharePoint workflows are:
Efficient and consistentAn Approval workflow automatically routes the document or item, assigns review tasks and tracks their progress, and sends reminders and notifications when needed. The activity in a workflow can be monitored and adjusted from a central status page, and the history of events in a workflow run is maintained for 60 days after completion.
Less work for youAn Approval workflow saves you and your colleagues both time and trouble, and at the same time streamlines and standardizes your approval process.
#15: Use an announcements list to post news, status, and other short bits of information you want to share with team members.
They are displayed on the front page of your team site and its easy to notice it and be informed (Much like post-it boards we have on the wall of the office)
#16: Why use a calendar on a SharePoint site? Because it's a great way to share information using the familiar context of a calendar. You might use a calendar on a SharePoint site to keep track of project deadlines, travel and vacation schedules, or even coworkers' birthdays.
You can think of a calendar on a SharePoint site as similar to a whiteboard calendar that you might put up in your building's hallway or break room. Anyone who can get to the calendar can contribute. Like a whiteboard in a hallway, the SharePoint calendar is in a public place: the SharePoint site. Anyone who has access to the site will be able to see and use the calendar.
#17: All files that you store in SkyDrive Pro are private initially – only you can see them – unless you decide to share them. You can easily share a file with everyone in your organization by placing it in the Shared with Everyone folder, for example. You can also share files with specified co-workers so you can collaborate on projects. If you’re signed-in to Office 365, you may even be able to share with partners outside of your organization, depending on what your company allows.
***Sharing with external partners (also to consider with the project, responsibilities, one folder for public sharing, permanent/temporary)
#18: Office Web Apps are designed to be a lighter offering than the more robust Officeapplications installed on your PC, but they provide you with the tools you need to keepyour work flowing. Specifically, using Office Web Apps, you can■ Create new files in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote.■ Review and format the content in your files.■ Add tables, illustrations, and Clip Art. (See Figure 8-2.)■ Clip and share notes easily.■ Collaborate with others as you edit and review files.■ Edit, update, and deliver presentations anywhere you have web access.