15. 「誰」扣下了板機?
A physician relating to a patient in a
“negative” manner (eg, using a harsh or
impatient tone of voice) may trigger litigious
feelings when there is a bad result, whereas a
physician relating in a “positive” manner may
(Ambady et al , 2002)
17. ? 美國史丹佛大學心理學教授
Nalini Ambady (1959-2013)(哈
? Ambady was well known for her
research showing that people
can form accurate first
impressions about others based
only on observations of their
nonverbal behavior.
-Stanford Report, 2013
19. 「如何說」與「說了什麼」一樣重要
? 40 seconds of surgeons' speech distinguished
between claims and no-claims surgeons,
revealing the power of the voice
? “How” a message is conveyed may be as
important as “what”
? Tone of voice might be one key factor in
avoiding lawsuits
(Ambady et al , 2002)
20. ? Dominance: deep, loud, moderately fast
? Concern or anxiety: expressing empathy
? Dominance coupled with a lack of anxiety in the
voice may lead a patient to launch a malpractice
suit when poor outcomes occur
(Ambady et al , 2002)
55. 參考資料
? Ambady, N., LaPlante, D., Nguyen, T., Rosenthal, R., Chaumeton, N., & Levinson, W. (2002).
Surgeons' tone of voice: a clue to malpractice history. Surgery, 132(1), 5-9.
? Bartram DJ, Baldwin DS. Veterinary surgeons and suicide: a structured review of possible
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? Lyu, S. Y., Liao, C. K., Chang, K. P., Tsai, S. T., Lee, M. B., & Tsai, F. C. (2011). Analysis of
medical litigation among patients with medical disputes in cosmetic surgery in Taiwan.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 35(5), 764-772.
? Shaw, J. R., Adams, C. L., Bonnett, B. N., Larson, S., & Roter, D. L. (2004). Use of the Roter
interaction analysis system to analyze veterinarian-client-patient communication in companion
animal practice. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 225(2), 222-229.
? Shaw, J. R., Adams, C. L., & Bonnett, B. N. (2004). What can veterinarians learn from studies
of physician-patient communication about veterinarian-client-patient communication?. Journal
of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 224(5), 676-684.
? Tinga, C. E., Adams, C. L., Bonnett, B. N., & Ribble, C. S. (2001). Survey of veterinary
technical and professional skills in students and recent graduates of a veterinary college.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 219(7), 924-931.
56. 參考資料
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