Mr. Cai Mengyu is a Ph.D. graduate from the Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University and currently serves as a counselor for the Kaohsiung City Government. Cai served as the Director of the Environmental Protection Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government from 2015 to 2018. During his tenure, he had been committed to various air pollution reduction measures, and promoted various tightened standards, total control, pollution reduction in the port area, and increased subsidies for replacement of old and high-pollution vehicles, etc. In terms of water quality management, Cai strengthened inspection and control to reduce environmental water pollution, revitalized polluted land, and promoted green remediation technologies. For environmental sanitation, Cai reinforced waste reduction and resource recycling and promoted environmental education and other multi-pronged measures. Counselor Cai is an expert in environmental protection. In the past, he led the Environmental Protection Bureau staff to improve the environmental quality of Kaohsiung City, which was proven to be one of the best performing bureaus in Taiwan in the field of environmental protection. Cai will continue to contribute his environmental expertise, assist in the municipal administration, and provide professional advice in the future as an important aide to the mayor, in order to improve the environmental quality in Kaohsiung and create a green and fresh harbor city.
Una persona parece estar controlando a otra, viendo y hablando a través de ellos, y viviendo su realidad en lugar de la suya propia. No permitirán que la otra persona se escape de su control.
O documento discute as características de um bom profissional e o que deve ser incluído em um currículo. Ele lista 9 características importantes para um profissional como determina??o, motiva??o, estudo, cuidados com a saúde e boa comunica??o. Também explica que um currículo deve apresentar detalhes da carreira, conhecimentos e qualifica??es para ajudar a conseguir um emprego.
El documento proporciona instrucciones para crear algoritmos para realizar tareas como cocinar o completar actividades diarias. Se pide crear un algoritmo en Word para hacer una comida o tarea diaria e identificar las estructuras de control utilizadas. A continuación, se proporciona un ejemplo de algoritmo para hacer una torta que consta de 5 pasos secuenciales y sugiere comprobar si la torta ya está lista insertando un cuchillo en el centro.
This document discusses cloud computing services for businesses and servers. It provides the latest services and applications from Microsoft's public cloud, which offers flexible tools to work best across devices. The document also discusses Office 365 platforms and services, including Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Lync Online, and Office Pro web apps. It provides an overview of options for Office web apps in public, private and Office 365 clouds.
Mr. Cai Mengyu is a Ph.D. graduate from the Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University and currently serves as a counselor for the Kaohsiung City Government. Cai served as the Director of the Environmental Protection Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government from 2015 to 2018. During his tenure, he had been committed to various air pollution reduction measures, and promoted various tightened standards, total control, pollution reduction in the port area, and increased subsidies for replacement of old and high-pollution vehicles, etc. In terms of water quality management, Cai strengthened inspection and control to reduce environmental water pollution, revitalized polluted land, and promoted green remediation technologies. For environmental sanitation, Cai reinforced waste reduction and resource recycling and promoted environmental education and other multi-pronged measures. Counselor Cai is an expert in environmental protection. In the past, he led the Environmental Protection Bureau staff to improve the environmental quality of Kaohsiung City, which was proven to be one of the best performing bureaus in Taiwan in the field of environmental protection. Cai will continue to contribute his environmental expertise, assist in the municipal administration, and provide professional advice in the future as an important aide to the mayor, in order to improve the environmental quality in Kaohsiung and create a green and fresh harbor city.
Una persona parece estar controlando a otra, viendo y hablando a través de ellos, y viviendo su realidad en lugar de la suya propia. No permitirán que la otra persona se escape de su control.
O documento discute as características de um bom profissional e o que deve ser incluído em um currículo. Ele lista 9 características importantes para um profissional como determina??o, motiva??o, estudo, cuidados com a saúde e boa comunica??o. Também explica que um currículo deve apresentar detalhes da carreira, conhecimentos e qualifica??es para ajudar a conseguir um emprego.
El documento proporciona instrucciones para crear algoritmos para realizar tareas como cocinar o completar actividades diarias. Se pide crear un algoritmo en Word para hacer una comida o tarea diaria e identificar las estructuras de control utilizadas. A continuación, se proporciona un ejemplo de algoritmo para hacer una torta que consta de 5 pasos secuenciales y sugiere comprobar si la torta ya está lista insertando un cuchillo en el centro.
This document discusses cloud computing services for businesses and servers. It provides the latest services and applications from Microsoft's public cloud, which offers flexible tools to work best across devices. The document also discusses Office 365 platforms and services, including Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Lync Online, and Office Pro web apps. It provides an overview of options for Office web apps in public, private and Office 365 clouds.
El documento compara aspectos de la vida en Argentina en 1816 y 2016, incluyendo costumbres, vestimenta, música, gobierno y comidas. Resalta cómo han cambiado estas áreas en los últimos 200 a?os desde la declaración de independencia del país.
New features presentation: meteodyn WT 4.8 software - Wind EnergyJean-Claude Meteodyn
New feature of meteodyn WT, CFD software for wind resource assessment and wind park optimisation. Worldwide terrain database, convergence improvements and others improvements.
This document provides a history of chocolate cocktails and various chocolate drink recipes. It discusses how chocolate drinks originated as a commodity for nobility in places like Mexico and Spain. Specific chocolate cocktail recipes mentioned include coconut hot chocolate, chile hot chocolate, double anise hot chocolate, and peppermint hot chocolate. The document also reviews the history of chocolate overall from its origins in Mesoamerica to its growing popularity and use in various products today.
Este documento describe una práctica de laboratorio sobre instrumentos de medición eléctrica. Se explica el funcionamiento de voltímetros, amperímetros, multímetros, osciloscopios, generadores de funciones y fuentes de tensión continua. Luego, se muestran capturas de pantalla del simulador Proteus con formas de onda cuadrada, senoidal y triangular generadas y medidas. Finalmente, se calculan valores RMS, período y frecuencia de cada se?al.
Splunk App for Stream for Enhanced Operational Intelligence from Wire DataSplunk
The Splunk App for Stream provides concise summaries of wire data in 3 sentences or less:
The Splunk App for Stream enables capturing and analyzing wire data from public, private, and hybrid cloud infrastructures for real-time operational insights. It delivers rapid deployment and scalability along with efficient wire data collection. The app captures critical events not found in logs to enhance operational intelligence through wire data analysis.
Thermal stratification in cfd modelling for wind resource assessmentJean-Claude Meteodyn
Up to know CFD computations in wind resource assessment mainly focused on wind statistics treatment, and then considered average thermal structure of the atmosphere. With an increasing demand for a more accurate description of these statistics, including time series, there is a need for considering more specific situations, and particularly stable thermal stratifications (ref 1). We present here a new turbulence model allowing to consider the strongly stable cases in CFD computations.
El documento presenta tres algoritmos. El primero pide y muestra los datos personales de una persona como número de cédula, nombre, apellido y profesión. El segundo algoritmo pide dos números como entrada y calcula y muestra la suma, resta, multiplicación y división de los números. El tercer algoritmo calcula el salario de un trabajador en base a sus horas trabajadas y tarifa por hora, incrementando la tarifa en un 50% para horas extras sobre 40 horas.
This document summarizes the key points of an economic cooperation agreement between Taiwan and Belize. It was discussed and approved at Taiwan's 3725th Executive Yuan meeting. The agreement aims to strengthen economic and trade relations between the two countries by gradually reducing and eliminating tariffs and non-tariff barriers. It covers 11 chapters on issues like tariffs, rules of origin, trade remedies, investment promotion, and dispute resolution. The agreement and its annexes detailing tariff reductions were submitted to Taiwan's legislature for review.