Presentatie op het GreenCHAINge seminar 'Kwaliteit Gestuurde Sierteeltketens' van ons protype van IQ-Flora, een innovatief systeem voor real-time bewaken en voorspellen van productkwaliteit in rozenketens. Het systeem moet het mogelijk maken om condities die van invloed zijn op de kwaliteit van rozen te bewaken gedurende de gehele naoogstfase van producent tot retailer.
Zie voor meer informatie over het pilotproject:
TSensorSummit-Emerging IOT Usages & Apps for Trillion+ Sensors-Bhide-Oct25-20...sandhibhide
The document discusses the emerging usages and applications for trillions of sensors in the context of the Internet of Things. It begins by stating that we are at an inflection point where compute will need to go to where data is generated, rather than data always coming to computing. It then provides examples of potential IOT usages at various levels from personal to planetary. These include smart home devices, city infrastructure, national security and environmental monitoring. The document outlines the need to process data into information at its source to avoid overloading networks, and emphasizes that security, privacy and identity must be designed into IOT technologies from the start. It concludes that the opportunity for IOT applications is huge but the generated data will also be massive, requiring
This document describes a smart microgrid project called "Inferno" created by students from Dayalbagh Educational Institute in Agra, India. The smart microgrid prototype remotely monitors and controls two power stations with various loads through a website and Android app. It integrates solar and grid power sources and uses smart meters, PLC controllers, and IoT technologies to optimize energy usage. The system provides features like remote load monitoring and switching, variable speed motor control, power factor correction, and power transfer between stations during outages. The smart microgrid aims to reduce energy costs, improve reliability, and demonstrate innovative energy management solutions.
This document discusses the growth of IoT and the need for IoT professionals. It covers several key points:
1. The Internet has evolved through three waves - fixed Internet, mobile Internet, and now IoT is the third wave.
2. IoT is at an inflection point due to factors like cheap hardware, ubiquitous connectivity, and easy development.
3. There is a large market potential and demand for IoT across many sectors like transportation, healthcare, manufacturing etc.
4. There is a shortage of around 100,000 IoT professionals globally and salaries for IoT jobs in India have increased by 76% reflecting the demand. Training and building the next generation of IoT talent is
The document discusses Internet of Things (IoT) and favoriot's IoT platform. It begins by explaining the three waves of internet development and what constitutes IoT. It then discusses IoT components, maturity phases, benefits, market potential across various sectors, and examples of IoT solutions. The document also introduces favoriot's IoT platform, which aims to enable developers to easily build IoT applications through features like connectivity protocols, device management, data processing, analytics and security.
[WSO2Con EU 2017] Building Smart, Connected Products with WSO2 IoT PlatformWSO2
WSO2 IoT Platform is one of the most adaptive Apache licensed open source IoT platforms available today. This slide deck discusses best of breed technologies WSO2 IoT Platform offers for device manufacturers to develop connected products as well as rich integration and smart analytics capabilities for system integrators to adopt devices into systems they build.
Enhancing Adoption of AI in Agri-food: IntroductionCor Verdouw
Introduction to the Panel on: Pathways and Challenges: AI-Driven Technology in Agri-Food, AI4Food, University of Guelph
Enhancing Adoption of AI in Agri-food: a Path Forward, 18 June 2024
Systems of IoT Systems for Smart Food and FarmingCor Verdouw
This document discusses a system of systems approach for IoT systems to support smart food and farming use cases. It analyzes 19 use case architectures for meat, arable crops, vegetables, fruits and dairy. There are many commonalities across the use cases in terms of the types of data collected on animals, crops, weather conditions and soil. Technically, there are also commonalities in connectivity standards, device architectures and platforms used. The document recommends developing reusable components, reference data models and joint business models to promote synergies across the different but related use cases.
ERP systems for greenhouse horticultureCor Verdouw
Introduction of integrated business software in the (Dutch) horticulture.
June 13th, 2018, Wageningen, The Netherlands, Greenhouse Technologies, Automation and Robotics Study Tour of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), UK
The Internet of Food & Farm: Opportunities Micro-Nano-Bio SystemsCor Verdouw
This document discusses the Internet of Food and Farming 2020 (IoF2020) project. The project aims to demonstrate the business case for using IoT technologies across the European farming and food sectors. It involves 71 partner organizations conducting trials across 16 countries over 4 years with a budget of 35 million. The project will test 19 use cases across various agricultural commodities. It seeks collaboration from the micro-nano-bio community to identify available sensors that can measure important farming and food parameters. The project also aims to establish an IoT ecosystem to ensure the sustainability of IoT solutions for agriculture beyond the project duration.
The DaVinc3i Community project aims to further develop virtualized and quality-controlled supply chains in the Dutch floriculture sector. The project will strengthen the community through student projects, meetings, and a serious game. It seeks to transform the sector towards virtual networks and determine the drivers and barriers to socio-technical innovation. The core team leads three work packages on activating the community, developing a serious game, and researching social-technical innovation. Main activities in 2018 will engage community members and validate research methods.
The Internet of Farm and Food: Project Overview IoF2020Cor Verdouw
The document discusses the Internet of Farm and Food (IoF2020) project. The project aims to demonstrate the business case for using IoT technologies in European farming and food sectors. It involves 71 partner organizations across 16 countries working on 5 trials and 19 use cases related to arable farming, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and meat. The project will develop IoT solutions, evaluate their impacts, and establish an ecosystem to support large-scale adoption of IoT in agriculture. It receives 35 million in EU funding and runs from 2017-2021.
The Internet of Things (IoT) provides a vision of a world in which the Internet extends into the real world embracing everyday objects. The interaction between real/physical and digital/virtual objects is an essential concept behind this vision. In the IoT, physical objects are accompanied by rich, globally accessible digital counterparts, which contain both current, historical and future information on that objects physical properties, origin, ownership, and sensory context. Such digital twins enable things to become context aware and to sense, communicate, act, interact, exchange data, information and knowledge.
The introduction of digital twins as central means for the farm management has the potential to revolutionize agriculture. It removes fundamental constraints concerning place, time, and human observation. As a consequence, farming operations would no longer require physical proximity, which allows for remote monitoring, control and coordination of farm operations. Moreover, digital twins can be enriched with information that cannot be observed (or not accurately) by the human senses, e.g. sensor and satellite data. A final interesting angle is that digital twins do not only represent actual states, but can also reproduce historical states and simulate future states.
This presentation will introduce the concept of digital twins and illustrate its application in agriculture by some cases of the Smart Agri-Food and Fractals projects (2014-2016). As part of the FIWARE Accelerator Programme, these projects have promoted the uptake of Future Internet technologies in the European farming industry with a special focus on SMEs and start-ups. They provided direct funding, mentoring, coaching, technical support and networking. Smart Agri-Food has started with the 50 most promising companies and selected 17 SMEs to proceed in phase 2. Fractals supported 44 SMEs especially in areas which are considered as "white spots" (Balkans, South East Europe).
Digitaal zakendoen en virtuele marktplaatsen in de sierteeltCor Verdouw
Digitalisering wordt meer en meer d辿 standaard bij de in- en verkoop van bloemen en planten. Een brede acceptatie en invoering van digitaal zakendoen is dan ook belangrijk. Wageningen Economic Research (voorheen LEI) heeft de afgelopen jaren met Floricode barri竪res en stimuleringsmogelijkheden voor digitaal zakendoen in kaart gebracht. Eerst voor potplanten en vervolgens voor boomkwekerij en bloembollen. Als vervolg daarop is in het afgelopen jaar onderzoek gedaan naar kwekers die nog relatief weinig affiniteit hebben met digitalisering. Dit in samenwerking met de marktplaats Plantion in Ede, die digitaal zakendoen ook voor deze groep bereikbaar wil maken. Daarbij heeft de Digitale Marktplaats Plantion een belangrijke rol.
Het onderzoek laat zien dat telers vooral voordelen verwachten of ervaren, namelijk: meer inzicht in de bedrijfsvoering, tijdsbesparing en meer gemak. De complexiteit van het organisatie- en implementatietraject vormt echter een drempel voor digitaal zakendoen. Verder blijkt dat goed voorraadbeheer cruciaal is om de voordelen van digitaal zakendoen te realiseren. Er is ook specifiek gekeken naar de invoering van een virtuele marktplaats. De benodigde aanpassing van de manier van werken en de implementatiekosten belemmeren met name veel kleine kwekers om deze stap te zetten. Wageningen Economic Research concludeert dat een heldere strategie voor de stimulering van digitaal zakendoen noodzakelijk is. Geadviseerd wordt om in te zetten op actieve promotie met veel aandacht voor persoonlijke begeleiding en op het verlagen van de ge誰dentificeerde drempels, waaronder de kosten.
Platforms for the Internet of Food & FarmCor Verdouw
Role and vision IoF2020 on platforms. Working Group 2 of the Digitising European Industry meeting on digital industrial platforms in Brussels, Smart Agriculture session, December 8th 2016
Fruittelers kunnen nog veel winst behalen met de introductie van ICT en nieuwe technologie谷n in de fruitteelt. Datamanagement is de smeerolie om dit vliegwiel in beweging te krijgen. Dit is de belangrijkste conclusie uit het rapport Fruit 4.0: de vruchten van meer technologie. Het rapport toont daarnaast in een roadmap welke stappen spelers in de keten hiervoor moeten maken.
Het rapport is beschikbaar via:
This document discusses opportunities for internet-based innovations in fruit and vegetable supply chains. It highlights various internet trends like the Internet of Things, augmented reality, and social media that will impact supply chains. Examples are given of using real-time quality monitoring, augmented reality apps on smartphones with sensors, and virtual/augmented reality to increase consumer awareness. The FIWARE project aims to support internet-enabled innovation in Europe through projects like FInish, which focuses on improving business collaboration and consumer involvement in the food and flowers industry using the FIspace platform and FIWARE enablers. The FInish accelerator project will fund the development of around 50 applications in these areas.
2014.11.21 den bosch ic tin agrifoodketens verdouw v2Cor Verdouw
Presentatie voor het jaarevent van de ICT-Community Den Bosch over Digitalisering van de voedselketen Food for thought!
Zie ook het bijbehorende artikel uit de congresflyer:
2014.11.13-14 Finish 際際滷 Show FIWARE Bootcamp UtrechtCor Verdouw
際際滷 Show of the FInish project for the FIWARE Bootcamp, 13 & 14 november 2014 in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
See for more information:
Enhancing Adoption of AI in Agri-food: IntroductionCor Verdouw
Introduction to the Panel on: Pathways and Challenges: AI-Driven Technology in Agri-Food, AI4Food, University of Guelph
Enhancing Adoption of AI in Agri-food: a Path Forward, 18 June 2024
Systems of IoT Systems for Smart Food and FarmingCor Verdouw
This document discusses a system of systems approach for IoT systems to support smart food and farming use cases. It analyzes 19 use case architectures for meat, arable crops, vegetables, fruits and dairy. There are many commonalities across the use cases in terms of the types of data collected on animals, crops, weather conditions and soil. Technically, there are also commonalities in connectivity standards, device architectures and platforms used. The document recommends developing reusable components, reference data models and joint business models to promote synergies across the different but related use cases.
ERP systems for greenhouse horticultureCor Verdouw
Introduction of integrated business software in the (Dutch) horticulture.
June 13th, 2018, Wageningen, The Netherlands, Greenhouse Technologies, Automation and Robotics Study Tour of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), UK
The Internet of Food & Farm: Opportunities Micro-Nano-Bio SystemsCor Verdouw
This document discusses the Internet of Food and Farming 2020 (IoF2020) project. The project aims to demonstrate the business case for using IoT technologies across the European farming and food sectors. It involves 71 partner organizations conducting trials across 16 countries over 4 years with a budget of 35 million. The project will test 19 use cases across various agricultural commodities. It seeks collaboration from the micro-nano-bio community to identify available sensors that can measure important farming and food parameters. The project also aims to establish an IoT ecosystem to ensure the sustainability of IoT solutions for agriculture beyond the project duration.
The DaVinc3i Community project aims to further develop virtualized and quality-controlled supply chains in the Dutch floriculture sector. The project will strengthen the community through student projects, meetings, and a serious game. It seeks to transform the sector towards virtual networks and determine the drivers and barriers to socio-technical innovation. The core team leads three work packages on activating the community, developing a serious game, and researching social-technical innovation. Main activities in 2018 will engage community members and validate research methods.
The Internet of Farm and Food: Project Overview IoF2020Cor Verdouw
The document discusses the Internet of Farm and Food (IoF2020) project. The project aims to demonstrate the business case for using IoT technologies in European farming and food sectors. It involves 71 partner organizations across 16 countries working on 5 trials and 19 use cases related to arable farming, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and meat. The project will develop IoT solutions, evaluate their impacts, and establish an ecosystem to support large-scale adoption of IoT in agriculture. It receives 35 million in EU funding and runs from 2017-2021.
The Internet of Things (IoT) provides a vision of a world in which the Internet extends into the real world embracing everyday objects. The interaction between real/physical and digital/virtual objects is an essential concept behind this vision. In the IoT, physical objects are accompanied by rich, globally accessible digital counterparts, which contain both current, historical and future information on that objects physical properties, origin, ownership, and sensory context. Such digital twins enable things to become context aware and to sense, communicate, act, interact, exchange data, information and knowledge.
The introduction of digital twins as central means for the farm management has the potential to revolutionize agriculture. It removes fundamental constraints concerning place, time, and human observation. As a consequence, farming operations would no longer require physical proximity, which allows for remote monitoring, control and coordination of farm operations. Moreover, digital twins can be enriched with information that cannot be observed (or not accurately) by the human senses, e.g. sensor and satellite data. A final interesting angle is that digital twins do not only represent actual states, but can also reproduce historical states and simulate future states.
This presentation will introduce the concept of digital twins and illustrate its application in agriculture by some cases of the Smart Agri-Food and Fractals projects (2014-2016). As part of the FIWARE Accelerator Programme, these projects have promoted the uptake of Future Internet technologies in the European farming industry with a special focus on SMEs and start-ups. They provided direct funding, mentoring, coaching, technical support and networking. Smart Agri-Food has started with the 50 most promising companies and selected 17 SMEs to proceed in phase 2. Fractals supported 44 SMEs especially in areas which are considered as "white spots" (Balkans, South East Europe).
Digitaal zakendoen en virtuele marktplaatsen in de sierteeltCor Verdouw
Digitalisering wordt meer en meer d辿 standaard bij de in- en verkoop van bloemen en planten. Een brede acceptatie en invoering van digitaal zakendoen is dan ook belangrijk. Wageningen Economic Research (voorheen LEI) heeft de afgelopen jaren met Floricode barri竪res en stimuleringsmogelijkheden voor digitaal zakendoen in kaart gebracht. Eerst voor potplanten en vervolgens voor boomkwekerij en bloembollen. Als vervolg daarop is in het afgelopen jaar onderzoek gedaan naar kwekers die nog relatief weinig affiniteit hebben met digitalisering. Dit in samenwerking met de marktplaats Plantion in Ede, die digitaal zakendoen ook voor deze groep bereikbaar wil maken. Daarbij heeft de Digitale Marktplaats Plantion een belangrijke rol.
Het onderzoek laat zien dat telers vooral voordelen verwachten of ervaren, namelijk: meer inzicht in de bedrijfsvoering, tijdsbesparing en meer gemak. De complexiteit van het organisatie- en implementatietraject vormt echter een drempel voor digitaal zakendoen. Verder blijkt dat goed voorraadbeheer cruciaal is om de voordelen van digitaal zakendoen te realiseren. Er is ook specifiek gekeken naar de invoering van een virtuele marktplaats. De benodigde aanpassing van de manier van werken en de implementatiekosten belemmeren met name veel kleine kwekers om deze stap te zetten. Wageningen Economic Research concludeert dat een heldere strategie voor de stimulering van digitaal zakendoen noodzakelijk is. Geadviseerd wordt om in te zetten op actieve promotie met veel aandacht voor persoonlijke begeleiding en op het verlagen van de ge誰dentificeerde drempels, waaronder de kosten.
Platforms for the Internet of Food & FarmCor Verdouw
Role and vision IoF2020 on platforms. Working Group 2 of the Digitising European Industry meeting on digital industrial platforms in Brussels, Smart Agriculture session, December 8th 2016
Fruittelers kunnen nog veel winst behalen met de introductie van ICT en nieuwe technologie谷n in de fruitteelt. Datamanagement is de smeerolie om dit vliegwiel in beweging te krijgen. Dit is de belangrijkste conclusie uit het rapport Fruit 4.0: de vruchten van meer technologie. Het rapport toont daarnaast in een roadmap welke stappen spelers in de keten hiervoor moeten maken.
Het rapport is beschikbaar via:
This document discusses opportunities for internet-based innovations in fruit and vegetable supply chains. It highlights various internet trends like the Internet of Things, augmented reality, and social media that will impact supply chains. Examples are given of using real-time quality monitoring, augmented reality apps on smartphones with sensors, and virtual/augmented reality to increase consumer awareness. The FIWARE project aims to support internet-enabled innovation in Europe through projects like FInish, which focuses on improving business collaboration and consumer involvement in the food and flowers industry using the FIspace platform and FIWARE enablers. The FInish accelerator project will fund the development of around 50 applications in these areas.
2014.11.21 den bosch ic tin agrifoodketens verdouw v2Cor Verdouw
Presentatie voor het jaarevent van de ICT-Community Den Bosch over Digitalisering van de voedselketen Food for thought!
Zie ook het bijbehorende artikel uit de congresflyer:
2014.11.13-14 Finish 際際滷 Show FIWARE Bootcamp UtrechtCor Verdouw
際際滷 Show of the FInish project for the FIWARE Bootcamp, 13 & 14 november 2014 in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
See for more information:
2014.11.13-14 Finish 際際滷 Show FIWARE Bootcamp UtrechtCor Verdouw
IQ-Flora: Bewaken en voorspellen rozenkwaliteit met kunstmatige intelligentie en sensoren
1. IQ-Flora: Bewaken en voorspellen rozenkwaliteit met
kunstmatige intelligentie en sensoren
Cor Verdouw, Robbert Robbemond, Wageningen UR
Gitta ten Hoope, Royal Flora Holland
GreenCHAINge seminar, 18 januari 2017, Sassenheim
2. 2
Vermindering uitval
Betere kwaliteit
voor consumenten
Tracking &
Meer efficiency en
Behoud / uitbouw
3. 3
Vermindering uitval
Betere kwaliteit
voor consumenten
Tracking &
Meer efficiency en
Behoud / uitbouw
4. Ontwikkeling naar real-time monitoring
Passieve RFID
Actieve RFID /
ge誰ntegreerde sensors
Draadloze sensor
WIFI, Bluetooth, 4G,
GPS, LoraNet, etc.
5. Doel en werkwijze
Ontwikkelen innovatief prototype
bewaken en voorspellen kwaliteit in rozenketens
Toepassen in een praktijkpilot
Pilotproject: innovatief/experimenteel 辿n praktisch
Fasering: workshops / expert model, prototype,
6. Opzet van het prototype
Module kwaliteitsvoorspelling
(Bayesiaans netwerk)
Kwaliteitsapp (smartphone)
Commerci谷le sensor
data platform(s)
Sensor data
Via smartphone Via LoRa Network
Rapportage module
web applicatie
7. Module kwaliteitsvoorspelling (1)
Gebaseerd op methode uit de kunstmatige intelligentie
Bayesiaans netwerk
Welke factoren be誰nvloeden de kwaliteit van bloemen?
Hoe groot is de impact?
Tabellen met kansen
Voor verschillende ketenrollen
Teler Transport Handling Opslag
Ziekte en plagen
10. Voordelen expert systeem
Maakt expertkennis expliciet en transparant
Accepteert kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve data
Houdt rekening met onzekerheid
Werkt ook als er geen of onvolledige data zijn
Maakt gebruik van operationele data
Kan zelflerend zijn
28. Conclusies
Nieuwe ICT biedt veel nieuwe mogelijkheden voor
management van kwaliteit in bloemenketens
Denk groot, start klein!
Belangrijk voordeel is vastleggen kwaliteitskennis
en leren van data
Softwareontwikkeling complexer/tijdrovender dan
Tracking & tracing belangrijk om voordelen
optimaal te benutten
Test en afronding pilot in februari/maart
Mogelijkheden voor vervolg worden onderzocht
Ge誰nteresseerd? Laat het ons weten!
#8: een datastructuur die gebruikt wordt om probabilistische redeneringen (of abstracter gezien kansverdelingen) te modelleren
Voorbeeld: luchtvochtigheid botrytusgroei bladkwaliteit visuele kwaliteit vaasleven.
#9: een datastructuur die gebruikt wordt om probabilistische redeneringen (of abstracter gezien kansverdelingen) te modelleren
#10: een datastructuur die gebruikt wordt om probabilistische redeneringen (of abstracter gezien kansverdelingen) te modelleren
#12: LoRa - Long Range Radio en heeft een bereik van tussen 2,5km en 15km per mast.
Long Range Low Power
PraktischVoor eenvoudige, incidentele data- uitwisseling. Zoals aan/uit, bezet/vrij, vol/leeg.
EnergiezuinigEen LoRa accu kan tot 15 jaar lang data verzenden en ontvangen op 2 penlite-batterijen.
Kosteneffici谷ntLage connectivity-kosten.