This presentation of Textkernel was shown at HR Tech Europe.
Textkernel develops multilingual recruitment technology to optimise the process of matching people and jobs.
Textkernel presents multilingual cv parsing, semantic search and intelligent match software.
For more information visit
12. SW 螳覦 讌襴
The only way to go fast, is to go well
一 觜 讀螳襯 れ 狩 覦覯
SW ろ豌 讌 伎 譴伎語
Clean Architecture
13. Architecture ?
The Two Values of SW
Secondary value of SW is it's behavior
則 SW螳 蟲 襷譟
Primary Value of SW(80%)
則讌朱 覲 蟲 (tolerate, faciliate)
蠏豪 螳
讌襷 螻豺 SW
螻豺 讌襷 讌 SW
19. 貊襴觀郁 企れ願 ?
覲語 螳 覃讌り 螳 PR 覲企
覃讌讌 讌 ロ 伎襯
In aviation, for example, people who greatly
overestimate their level of skills are all dead
貊 觜 觜朱 危
蟆り 螳 讌豈企...
20. 貊襴觀郁 企れ願 ?
讌 / 螻牛 蟆一 螻旧 蠍壱
螻旧( 蟆, 蟆)襯 牛 襦 讌/蟆渚
覃 旧 牛 讀
貊 襯 螳語 螻糾鴬朱 覦れ企 覓手碓
螳 蠍襦 蟆 企れ
ろ伎 ( , 覿)
朱覦煙 譟一る所 蟆 譴
You forgot to close the file handle
I cant believe you forgot to close the file handle !
Youre such an idiot 襦 覦れ
31. 9. 炎襷 貊覯 襴 蟆 覈
D 炎 PR 覦朱 螳 C B 炎 覦襦
Letter Grade
make it work, make it right, make it fast
讌 豢覿 譬 貊螳 襦
蠍磯レ朱 瑚碓
覓 覲旧″伎 煙
轟語 覲企 狩 伎
谿襦 襴觀 殊企 貊螳 F 蟆曙
39. Reference
How to Do Code Reviews Like a Human (Part
How to Do Code Reviews Like a Human (Part
41. CR Tip / 譬 襴觀一願 蠍 碁/覦覯
& 一, 襷 覲企 蟆
襦 螻旧
Letter Grade
Make it work / right / fast
PR Template(chrome plugin)
description: PR 覦郁化, 蟲 伎 螳
覈, 譯殊 蟾蟆 覺 譴朱 覿覿
how to test: check out / build / test 覈轟
note: 蠍壱 譯殊