New Forms of Data for e-ResearchDavid De RoureNew forms of data for the social sciences: Smarter cities, more efficient organisations, and healthier communities. Wednesday 3rd November 2015, UCL, London, United Kingdom
A poluição da águamarecos5hEste documento discute a poluição da água, suas principais fontes como fábricas despejando resíduos líquidos, e as consequências para os organismos vivos e seres humanos, incluindo a falta crescente de água doce em todo o mundo. Ele também fornece medidas para controlar os níveis de poluição, como não jogar lixo em rios e não direcionar esgotos diretamente para eles.
Compression of data collected in big scale wireless sensor networkseSAT JournalsAbstract This paper introduces the first finish configuration to apply compressive testing hypothesis to sensor information gathering for largescale remote sensor systems. The fruitful plan created in this examination is relied upon to offer new edge of psyche for examination in both compressive testing applications furthermore, vast scale remote sensor systems. We consider the situation in which an expansive number of sensor hubs are thickly conveyed and sensor readings are spatially associated.The proposed compressive information social occasion has the capacity decrease worldwide scale correspondence cost without presenting serious calculation or convoluted transmission control.The heap adjusting trademark is fit for amplifying the lifetime of the whole sensor system and in addition person sensors. Moreover, the proposed plan can adapt to irregular sensor readings smoothly. We likewise complete the examination of the system limit of the proposed compressive information assembling and accept the examination through ns-2 recreations. All the more imperatively, this novel compressive information get-together has been tried on genuine sensor information and the outcomes demonstrate the effectiveness and power of the proposed plan. KeyWords: Compressive Sampling, Wireless Sensor Networks
O Mercado e o Gerente de ProjetosRodrigo GiraldelliPalestra proferida para convidados do Senai Londrina, sobre o mercado para os profissionais de gerenciamento de projetos.
REPASO PROPORCIONALIDAD 2-ESOmgarmon965El documento presenta una serie de 29 problemas de proporcionalidad directa e inversa, porcentajes, intereses bancarios y repartos proporcionales. Los problemas cubren temas como el cálculo de cantidades desconocidas basadas en proporciones dadas, el cálculo de porcentajes de cantidades totales, el cálculo de intereses generados en plazos de tiempo dados y tasas dadas, y el cálculo de distribuciones de cantidades totales en proporción a contribuciones individuales.
MetrolandMedia2Jessica BidaJessica is being recommended by her former supervisor Deb MacDonald. Jessica went above and beyond in her sales role by recommending additional options like social media and events to clients. She was detail-oriented on projects and proposals and was able to inspire her team members. Jessica was motivated and brought positivity and energy to the office each day.
New Forms of Data for e-ResearchDavid De RoureNew forms of data for the social sciences: Smarter cities, more efficient organisations, and healthier communities. Wednesday 3rd November 2015, UCL, London, United Kingdom
A poluição da águamarecos5hEste documento discute a poluição da água, suas principais fontes como fábricas despejando resíduos líquidos, e as consequências para os organismos vivos e seres humanos, incluindo a falta crescente de água doce em todo o mundo. Ele também fornece medidas para controlar os níveis de poluição, como não jogar lixo em rios e não direcionar esgotos diretamente para eles.
Compression of data collected in big scale wireless sensor networkseSAT JournalsAbstract This paper introduces the first finish configuration to apply compressive testing hypothesis to sensor information gathering for largescale remote sensor systems. The fruitful plan created in this examination is relied upon to offer new edge of psyche for examination in both compressive testing applications furthermore, vast scale remote sensor systems. We consider the situation in which an expansive number of sensor hubs are thickly conveyed and sensor readings are spatially associated.The proposed compressive information social occasion has the capacity decrease worldwide scale correspondence cost without presenting serious calculation or convoluted transmission control.The heap adjusting trademark is fit for amplifying the lifetime of the whole sensor system and in addition person sensors. Moreover, the proposed plan can adapt to irregular sensor readings smoothly. We likewise complete the examination of the system limit of the proposed compressive information assembling and accept the examination through ns-2 recreations. All the more imperatively, this novel compressive information get-together has been tried on genuine sensor information and the outcomes demonstrate the effectiveness and power of the proposed plan. KeyWords: Compressive Sampling, Wireless Sensor Networks
O Mercado e o Gerente de ProjetosRodrigo GiraldelliPalestra proferida para convidados do Senai Londrina, sobre o mercado para os profissionais de gerenciamento de projetos.
REPASO PROPORCIONALIDAD 2-ESOmgarmon965El documento presenta una serie de 29 problemas de proporcionalidad directa e inversa, porcentajes, intereses bancarios y repartos proporcionales. Los problemas cubren temas como el cálculo de cantidades desconocidas basadas en proporciones dadas, el cálculo de porcentajes de cantidades totales, el cálculo de intereses generados en plazos de tiempo dados y tasas dadas, y el cálculo de distribuciones de cantidades totales en proporción a contribuciones individuales.
MetrolandMedia2Jessica BidaJessica is being recommended by her former supervisor Deb MacDonald. Jessica went above and beyond in her sales role by recommending additional options like social media and events to clients. She was detail-oriented on projects and proposals and was able to inspire her team members. Jessica was motivated and brought positivity and energy to the office each day.
medicalbillingTamikaDuckMedical Claim Solutions offers a variety of services to meet the needs of any medical practice.In our efforts to service the broad range of physician specialties, our services are extended to medical providers of all specialties, emergency room physicians, hospitals, clinics, and dental providers.
UCLA X469.21 - Spring '16 Week 6SocialMediaUCLAThe document outlines the topics and agenda for the final class of a social media course, including the final project requirements, additional thoughts on video strategies, geolocation apps, QR codes, social media terms, organizations to engage with, personal branding, and a guest speaker. It provides details on video sharing platforms, live streaming options, and how to use geolocation to engage consumers. It also outlines key social media terms and commonly misused terms, and lists social media and technology conferences and groups to get involved with.
Proposta de doutorado - Alinhamento de esquemas baseado em instânciasDaniela BraunerO documento apresenta uma proposta de doutorado sobre alinhamento de esquemas baseado em instâncias. A proposta discute a definição do problema, a abordagem proposta que envolve alinhamento de tesauros e esquemas conceituais utilizando instâncias, trabalhos relacionados e as contribuições, organização e cronograma da tese.
Membranofones no mundo - Bodhran, Djembé, Taiko, TablaAna Lúcia FranciscoO documento descreve quatro instrumentos de membranofone tradicionais: o Bodhran irlandês, o Djembé africano, o Taiko japonês e o Tabla indiano, fornecendo detalhes sobre sua origem, construção e uso.
Magazyn THEY.PL - nr 12 (2015)THEY.PL - Digital Marketing - kwartalnik wiedzy o reklamie w Internecie.
Nasze pismo kierujemy do wszystkich, którzy zawodowo związani są z marketingiem, prowadzą biznes w Internecie lub po prostu są zafascynowani wirtualnym światem równie mocno, jak my!
Zespół redakcyjny kwartalnika tworzą doświadczeni specjaliści oraz obserwatorzy trendów, którzy z radością dzielą się swoją wiedzą i doświadczeniem.
Wszystkich, którzy nie chcą przegapić nowości w Internecie i e- reklamie zachęcamy do czytania!
Aula04 - EAP e CronogramaDaniela BraunerO documento descreve os processos e técnicas para gerenciamento de projetos, incluindo a criação de uma Estrutura Analítica de Projeto (EAP) e um cronograma. A EAP é decomposta hierarquicamente em pacotes de trabalho e atividades para facilitar o planejamento e controle do projeto. O cronograma é desenvolvido a partir da EAP e das atividades definidas, considerando a sequência lógica e os recursos necessários para cada tarefa.
Gestão Financeira HealthMinds AcademyO documento discute conceitos financeiros importantes para avaliação de empresas, como EBITDA e múltiplos. Também aborda como fusões e aquisições (M&A) podem ser estratégias de crescimento e geração de valor para os acionistas, citando exemplos como a aquisição da Amil pela UnitedHealth em 2012. Por fim, o autor apresenta sua experiência de mais de 20 transações em M&A no setor de saúde brasileiro.