Tipos de licenciasmarlonaguirre7El documento presenta información sobre Marlon Aguirre, un estudiante de ingeniería civil en el paralelo M, con el profesor José Zapata. Además, describe los seis tipos de licencias Creative Commons, incluyendo Atribución, Atribución-CompartirIgual, Atribución-No Derivadas, Atribución-No Comercial, Atribución-No Comercial-CompartirIgual, y Atribución-No Comercial-No Derivadas.
Tipos de licenciasmarlonaguirre7El documento presenta información sobre Marlon Aguirre, un estudiante de ingeniería civil en el paralelo M, con el profesor José Zapata. Además, describe los seis tipos de licencias Creative Commons, incluyendo Atribución, Atribución-CompartirIgual, Atribución-No Derivadas, Atribución-No Comercial, Atribución-No Comercial-CompartirIgual, y Atribución-No Comercial-No Derivadas.
Research into music industry anyalouise99background
Manifesto Transformação Digital Lei de InformáticaBrasscomO desafio reside na capacidade de articular e promover de forma estratégica a difusão
dessas tecnologias no País de forma a gerar soluções e induzir inovação – elementos
imprescindíveis para que adentremos a um ciclo virtuoso de crescimento que toque todos os
setores de forma indistinta. O aperfeiçoamento do incentivo da Lei de Informática traduz-se em
verdadeira Política de Estado que pode conduzir o Brasil ao desenvolvimento sustentável,
contínuo e de longo prazo.
Ashisdeb analytics new_cv_docashis debThis document is a curriculum vitae for Ashis Deb summarizing his professional experience and qualifications. He has over 2.5 years of experience in software development and analytics. Some of his skills include machine learning, R, Python, Hadoop, and SQL. He has worked on several projects for clients in various roles involving data analysis, model building, and developing applications and tools using R. His experience includes working onsite at Vodafone Qatar as a big data analyst.
Navigate samplerAmy Nichole Davidson PhDMy favorite psychiatrist and writer that founded Guideposts was Dr.Norman Vincent Peale . I wanted to share a sample of his book ,Navigate .
FEDOROV, A. FILM STUDIES IN THE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' AUDIENCE: FROM ENTERTAIN...Alexander FedorovThe film art are the complex means of the mastering of the surrounding world by the person (in social, moral, psychological, artistic, intellectual aspects). Development of skills for the critical analysis of films – an important task of film studies. However, film education practice shows that university students have the problems with the discussion / analysis, for example, the difficulties in the process of understanding and interpreting the author's conception, plot and genre features. This book substantiates the technological approaches to the analysis skills of different genres in film studies in students’ audience. For example, the main outcome of analysis of the movies genres in film education in a university classroom is not just the audience's understanding of historical, political, social and cultural contexts and stereotypes, but also the development of the audience’s analytical and interpretative skills applied to film text, critical thinking development.
This book will be useful for film and media educators, scholars, teachers, university students, a broad audience interested of film studies.
Company ProfileArhfa AbdillahDokumen tersebut membahas kerja sama antara client dengan mitra kerja dan RME sebagai supplier dalam menyelenggarakan suatu acara. Client menawarkan konsep acara dan anggaran kepada mitra kerja untuk mensponsori acara tersebut. Mitra kerja kemudian menunjuk RME untuk menangani produksi acara sesuai konsep yang ditentukan, dengan anggaran yang fleksibel. RME bertindak sebagai supplier peralatan yang dibutuhkan oleh mitra kerja untuk acara
Levantamiento Topografico Y Procesamiento de DatosJOHNNY JARA RAMOSEl documento describe el proceso de procesamiento de datos para un levantamiento topográfico, incluyendo (1) la compensación de ángulos, (2) el cálculo de la resistencia de figuras, (3) el cálculo de lados, (4) el cálculo de coordenadas, y (5) la nivelación de la red de control vertical usando el método de doble salto.
5 Things Everyone has thought when being contacted by a RecruiterChristopher AndersonThis short Power Point outlines the most common responses we hear when we contact new potential candidates and what are response to those candidates would be.
Evaluation question 1EvijaKapeljuhaThis document analyzes the ways in which the media product uses conventions of real music magazines. It discusses several common conventions including the masthead, sell line, images, anchor text, features, pull quotes, flashes, numbering, columns, and layout. For each convention, examples are provided from magazines like Q, NME, Kerrang, and Rolling Stone to illustrate how the media product incorporates standard industry forms.