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2-3 Relating Addition
  and Subtraction
           Math Notes
    Algebra and Functions 1.2
Inverse Operations
Inverse Operations
Addition and subtraction are called inverse
Inverse Operations
Addition and subtraction are called inverse

   3 + 9 means 9 is added to 3
  Subtraction can UNDO addition.
Inverse Operations
Addition and subtraction are called inverse

   3 + 9 means 9 is added to 3
  Subtraction can UNDO addition.

Inverse Operations
Addition and subtraction are called inverse

   3 + 9 means 9 is added to 3
  Subtraction can UNDO addition.

    3 +9
Inverse Operations
Addition and subtraction are called inverse

   3 + 9 means 9 is added to 3
  Subtraction can UNDO addition.

    3 +9-9
Inverse Operations
Addition and subtraction are called inverse

   3 + 9 means 9 is added to 3
  Subtraction can UNDO addition.

    3 +9-9 =3
Inverse Operations
Inverse Operations

10 - 2 means 2 is subtracted from 10
   Addition can UNDO subtraction.
Inverse Operations

10 - 2 means 2 is subtracted from 10
   Addition can UNDO subtraction.

Inverse Operations

10 - 2 means 2 is subtracted from 10
   Addition can UNDO subtraction.

   10 - 2
Inverse Operations

10 - 2 means 2 is subtracted from 10
   Addition can UNDO subtraction.

   10 - 2 + 2
Inverse Operations

10 - 2 means 2 is subtracted from 10
   Addition can UNDO subtraction.

   10 - 2 + 2 = 10
Inverse Operations
Inverse Operations
This can also be applied to ALGEBRA
Inverse Operations
This can also be applied to ALGEBRA

   n - 7 means 7 is subtracted from n
     Addition can UNDO subtraction.
Inverse Operations
This can also be applied to ALGEBRA

   n - 7 means 7 is subtracted from n
     Addition can UNDO subtraction.

Inverse Operations
This can also be applied to ALGEBRA

   n - 7 means 7 is subtracted from n
     Addition can UNDO subtraction.

Inverse Operations
This can also be applied to ALGEBRA

   n - 7 means 7 is subtracted from n
     Addition can UNDO subtraction.

     n - 7 +7
Inverse Operations
This can also be applied to ALGEBRA

   n - 7 means 7 is subtracted from n
     Addition can UNDO subtraction.

     n - 7 +7 = n
Tell what you would do
to get the variable alone?

      x - 20
Tell what you would do
          to get the variable alone?

    Use the
                  x - 20
of subtraction.
Tell what you would do
          to get the variable alone?

    Use the
                  x - 20
   operation        +
of subtraction.
Tell what you would do
          to get the variable alone?

    Use the
                  x - 20          If youre
   operation        +          subtracting 20,
                               adding 20 will
of subtraction.                   undo -
Tell what you would do
          to get the variable alone?

    Use the
                  x - 20          If youre
   operation        + 20       subtracting 20,
                               adding 20 will
of subtraction.                   undo -
Tell what you would do
          to get the variable alone?

    Use the
                  x - 20             If youre
   operation        + 20          subtracting 20,
                                  adding 20 will
of subtraction.                      undo -

             Minus 20 and adding 20
             cancels each other out.
Tell what you would do
          to get the variable alone?

    Use the
                  x - 20             If youre
   operation        + 20          subtracting 20,
                                  adding 20 will
of subtraction.                      undo -

             Minus 20 and adding 20
             cancels each other out.
Tell what you would do
          to get the variable alone?

    Use the
                  x                  If youre
                                  subtracting 20,
   operation                      adding 20 will
of subtraction.                      undo -

             Minus 20 and adding 20
             cancels each other out.
Tell what you would do
to get the variable alone?

      z + 100
Tell what you would do
         to get the variable alone?

  Use the
               z + 100
of addition.
Tell what you would do
         to get the variable alone?

  Use the
               z + 100
 operation       -
of addition.
Tell what you would do
         to get the variable alone?

  Use the
               z + 100           If youre
 operation       -              adding 100,
                              subtracting 100
of addition.                   will undo +
Tell what you would do
         to get the variable alone?

  Use the
               z + 100           If youre
 operation       - 100          adding 100,
                              subtracting 100
of addition.                   will undo +
Tell what you would do
         to get the variable alone?

  Use the
               z + 100             If youre
 operation       - 100            adding 100,
                                subtracting 100
of addition.                     will undo +

        Adding 100 and subtracting 100
            cancels each other out.
Tell what you would do
         to get the variable alone?

  Use the
               z + 100             If youre
 operation       - 100            adding 100,
                                subtracting 100
of addition.                     will undo +

        Adding 100 and subtracting 100
            cancels each other out.
Tell what you would do
         to get the variable alone?

  Use the
               z                   If youre
                                  adding 100,
 operation                      subtracting 100
of addition.                     will undo +

        Adding 100 and subtracting 100
            cancels each other out.
Tell what you would do
to get the variable alone?

      47 + n
Tell what you would do
            to get the variable alone?

 Before using the

                     47 + n
inverse operation,
 switch the order
  of the addends.
Tell what you would do
            to get the variable alone?

 Before using the
inverse operation,
 switch the order
  of the addends.
                     n + 47
Tell what you would do
            to get the variable alone?

   WATCH OUT!                           Use the
 Before using the                  inverse operation

                     n + 47
inverse operation,                    of addition.
 switch the order
  of the addends.
Tell what you would do
            to get the variable alone?

   WATCH OUT!                           Use the
 Before using the                  inverse operation

                     n + 47
inverse operation,                    of addition.
 switch the order
  of the addends.
Tell what you would do
            to get the variable alone?

   WATCH OUT!                           Use the
 Before using the                  inverse operation

                     n + 47
inverse operation,                    of addition.
 switch the order
  of the addends.
                       -          If youre adding 47,
                                  subtracting 47 will
                                       undo +
Tell what you would do
            to get the variable alone?

   WATCH OUT!                           Use the
 Before using the                  inverse operation

                     n + 47
inverse operation,                    of addition.
 switch the order
  of the addends.
                       - 47       If youre adding 47,
                                  subtracting 47 will
                                       undo +
Tell what you would do
            to get the variable alone?

   WATCH OUT!                              Use the
 Before using the                     inverse operation

                     n + 47
inverse operation,                       of addition.
 switch the order
  of the addends.
                       - 47          If youre adding 47,
                                     subtracting 47 will
                                          undo +

             Adding 47 and subtracting 47
                cancels each other out.
Tell what you would do
            to get the variable alone?

   WATCH OUT!                              Use the
 Before using the                     inverse operation

                     n + 47
inverse operation,                       of addition.
 switch the order
  of the addends.
                       - 47          If youre adding 47,
                                     subtracting 47 will
                                          undo +

             Adding 47 and subtracting 47
                cancels each other out.
Tell what you would do
            to get the variable alone?

   WATCH OUT!                              Use the
 Before using the                     inverse operation

inverse operation,                       of addition.
 switch the order
  of the addends.
 (COMMUTATIVE                        If youre adding 47,
    PROPERTY)                        subtracting 47 will
                                          undo +

             Adding 47 and subtracting 47
                cancels each other out.
Table = Math Machine

Table = Math Machine
Think of this
  table as
 a machine.

Table = Math Machine
Think of this      Something goes in,
  table as         something different
 a machine.            comes out.

Table = Math Machine
Think of this      Something goes in,     You can program
  table as         something different   each machine to do
 a machine.            comes out.        whatever you want.

Table = Math Machine
Think of this      Something goes in,     You can program
  table as         something different   each machine to do
 a machine.            comes out.        whatever you want.

                Rule:   Add 5
Table = Math Machine
 Think of this         Something goes in,     You can program
   table as            something different   each machine to do
  a machine.               comes out.        whatever you want.

  Let place the
    number 8
into the machine.   Rule:   Add 5

Table = Math Machine
 Think of this         Something goes in,     You can program
   table as            something different   each machine to do
  a machine.               comes out.        whatever you want.

  Let place the
    number 8
into the machine.   Rule:       Add 5

Table = Math Machine
 Think of this         Something goes in,     You can program
   table as            something different   each machine to do
  a machine.               comes out.        whatever you want.

  Let place the
    number 8
into the machine.   Rule:       Add 5

                            8           13
Table = Math Machine
Think of this      Something goes in,     You can program
  table as         something different   each machine to do
 a machine.            comes out.        whatever you want.

                Rule:       Add 5

                        8           13
Table = Math Machine
Think of this      Something goes in,     You can program
  table as         something different   each machine to do
 a machine.            comes out.        whatever you want.

                Rule:       Add 5

                        8           13

Table = Math Machine
Think of this      Something goes in,     You can program
  table as         something different   each machine to do
 a machine.            comes out.        whatever you want.

                Rule:       Add 5

                        8           13

Table = Math Machine
Think of this      Something goes in,     You can program
  table as         something different   each machine to do
 a machine.            comes out.        whatever you want.

                Rule:       Add 5

                        8           13

                    10              15
Table = Math Machine
Think of this      Something goes in,     You can program
  table as         something different   each machine to do
 a machine.            comes out.        whatever you want.

                Rule:       Add 5

                        8           13

                    10              15

Table = Math Machine
Think of this      Something goes in,     You can program
  table as         something different   each machine to do
 a machine.            comes out.        whatever you want.

                Rule:       Add 5

                        8           13

                    10              15

Table = Math Machine
Think of this      Something goes in,     You can program
  table as         something different   each machine to do
 a machine.            comes out.        whatever you want.

                Rule:       Add 5

                        8           13

                    10              15

                    17              22
Table = Math Machine
Think of this     Something goes in,     You can program
  table as        something different   each machine to do
 a machine.           comes out.        whatever you want.

                Rule: Subtract 8
Table = Math Machine
Think of this     Something goes in,     You can program
  table as        something different   each machine to do
 a machine.           comes out.        whatever you want.

                Rule: Subtract 8

Table = Math Machine
Think of this     Something goes in,     You can program
  table as        something different   each machine to do
 a machine.           comes out.        whatever you want.

                Rule: Subtract 8

Table = Math Machine
Think of this     Something goes in,     You can program
  table as        something different   each machine to do
 a machine.           comes out.        whatever you want.

                Rule: Subtract 8

                    8             0
Table = Math Machine
Think of this     Something goes in,     You can program
  table as        something different   each machine to do
 a machine.           comes out.        whatever you want.

                Rule: Subtract 8

                    8             0

Table = Math Machine
Think of this     Something goes in,     You can program
  table as        something different   each machine to do
 a machine.           comes out.        whatever you want.

                Rule: Subtract 8

                    8             0

Table = Math Machine
Think of this     Something goes in,     You can program
  table as        something different   each machine to do
 a machine.           comes out.        whatever you want.

                Rule: Subtract 8

                    8             0

                   10             2
Table = Math Machine
Think of this     Something goes in,     You can program
  table as        something different   each machine to do
 a machine.           comes out.        whatever you want.

                Rule: Subtract 8

                    8             0

                   10             2

Table = Math Machine
Think of this     Something goes in,     You can program
  table as        something different   each machine to do
 a machine.           comes out.        whatever you want.

                Rule: Subtract 8

                    8             0

                   10             2

Table = Math Machine
Think of this     Something goes in,     You can program
  table as        something different   each machine to do
 a machine.           comes out.        whatever you want.

                Rule: Subtract 8

                    8             0

                   10             2

                   17             9
For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 16
For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 16

For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 16

For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 16

            48          32
For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 16

            48          32

For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 16

            48          32

For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 16

            48          32

           103          87
For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 16

            48          32

           103          87

For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 16

            48          32

           103          87

For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 16

            48          32

           103          87

            n          150
For each table, tell what you would
           do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

                    Rule: Subtract 16

                      48          32

                     103          87

                       n         150

We know a number was entered.
For each table, tell what you would
           do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

 We know that
 AFTER 16 was       Rule: Subtract 16
subtracted, the
answer was 150.
                      48          32

                     103          87

                       n         150

We know a number was entered.
For each table, tell what you would
           do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

 We know that                            What can we do
 AFTER 16 was                              with 150 and
                    Rule: Subtract 16
subtracted, the                         inverse operations
answer was 150.                             to 鍖nd n?
                      48          32

                     103          87

                       n         150

We know a number was entered.
For each table, tell what you would
           do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

 We know that                            What can we do
 AFTER 16 was                              with 150 and
                    Rule: Subtract 16
subtracted, the                         inverse operations
answer was 150.                             to 鍖nd n?
                      48          32
                                        Apply the inverse
                     103          87    operation of the
                                          rule to 150.

                       n         150

We know a number was entered.
For each table, tell what you would
           do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

 We know that                            What can we do
 AFTER 16 was                              with 150 and
                    Rule: Subtract 16
subtracted, the                         inverse operations
answer was 150.                             to 鍖nd n?
                      48          32
                                        Apply the inverse
                     103          87    operation of the
                                          rule to 150.

                       n         150            150
We know a number was entered.               n = 166
For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

            Rule: Add 25
For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

            Rule: Add 25

For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

            Rule: Add 25

For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

            Rule: Add 25

            20         45
For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

            Rule: Add 25

            20         45

For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

            Rule: Add 25

            20         45

For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

            Rule: Add 25

            20         45

            n          80
For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

            Rule: Add 25

            20         45

            n          80

For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

            Rule: Add 25

            20         45

            n          80

For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

            Rule: Add 25

            20         45

            n          80

            75        100
For each table, tell what you would
           do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

                      Rule: Add 25

                      20         45

                       n         80

                      75        100

We know a number was entered.
For each table, tell what you would
           do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

 We know that
AFTER 25 was          Rule: Add 25
  added, the
answer was 80.
                      20         45

                       n         80

                      75        100

We know a number was entered.
For each table, tell what you would
           do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

 We know that                          What can we do
AFTER 25 was                             with 80 and
                      Rule: Add 25
  added, the                          inverse operations
answer was 80.                            to 鍖nd n?
                      20         45

                       n         80

                      75        100

We know a number was entered.
For each table, tell what you would
           do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

 We know that                          What can we do
AFTER 25 was                             with 80 and
                      Rule: Add 25
  added, the                          inverse operations
answer was 80.                            to 鍖nd n?
                      20         45
                                      Apply the inverse
                       n         80   operation of the
                                         rule to 80.

                      75        100

We know a number was entered.
For each table, tell what you would
           do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

 We know that                          What can we do
AFTER 25 was                             with 80 and
                      Rule: Add 25
  added, the                          inverse operations
answer was 80.                            to 鍖nd n?
                      20         45
                                      Apply the inverse
                       n         80   operation of the
                                         rule to 80.

                      75        100            80
We know a number was entered.              n = 55
For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 50
For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 50

For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 50

For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 50

            n          100
For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 50

            n          100

For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 50

            n          100

For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 50

            n          100

           200         150
For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 50

            n          100

           200         150

For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 50

            n          100

           200         150

For each table, tell what you would
     do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

          Rule: Subtract 50

            n          100

           200         150

           500         250
For each table, tell what you would
           do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

                    Rule: Subtract 50

                       n         100

                     200         150

                     500         250

We know a number was entered.
For each table, tell what you would
           do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

 We know that
 AFTER 50 was       Rule: Subtract 50
subtracted, the
answer was 100.
                       n         100

                     200         150

                     500         250

We know a number was entered.
For each table, tell what you would
           do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

 We know that                            What can we do
 AFTER 50 was                              with 100 and
                    Rule: Subtract 50
subtracted, the                         inverse operations
answer was 100.                             to 鍖nd n?
                       n         100

                     200         150

                     500         250

We know a number was entered.
For each table, tell what you would
           do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

 We know that                            What can we do
 AFTER 50 was                              with 100 and
                    Rule: Subtract 50
subtracted, the                         inverse operations
answer was 100.                             to 鍖nd n?
                       n         100
                                        Apply the inverse
                     200         150    operation of the
                                          rule to 100.

                     500         250

We know a number was entered.
For each table, tell what you would
           do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n.

 We know that                            What can we do
 AFTER 50 was                              with 100 and
                    Rule: Subtract 50
subtracted, the                         inverse operations
answer was 100.                             to 鍖nd n?
                       n         100
                                        Apply the inverse
                     200         150    operation of the
                                          rule to 100.

                     500         250            100
We know a number was entered.               n = 150

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6-5 Multiplying Decimals
Rudy Alfonso
6-2 Multiplying Decimals by Whole Numbers
6-2 Multiplying Decimals by Whole Numbers6-2 Multiplying Decimals by Whole Numbers
6-2 Multiplying Decimals by Whole Numbers
Rudy Alfonso
6-3 Estimating the Product of a Whole Number and a Decimal
6-3 Estimating the Product of a Whole Number and a Decimal6-3 Estimating the Product of a Whole Number and a Decimal
6-3 Estimating the Product of a Whole Number and a Decimal
Rudy Alfonso
6-11 Evaluating Expressions with Decimals
6-11 Evaluating Expressions with Decimals6-11 Evaluating Expressions with Decimals
6-11 Evaluating Expressions with Decimals
Rudy Alfonso
6-2 Multiplying Decimals by Whole Numbers
6-2 Multiplying Decimals by Whole Numbers6-2 Multiplying Decimals by Whole Numbers
6-2 Multiplying Decimals by Whole Numbers
Rudy Alfonso

2-3 Relating Addition and Subtraction

  • 1. 2-3 Relating Addition and Subtraction Math Notes Algebra and Functions 1.2
  • 3. Inverse Operations Addition and subtraction are called inverse operations.
  • 4. Inverse Operations Addition and subtraction are called inverse operations. 3 + 9 means 9 is added to 3 Subtraction can UNDO addition.
  • 5. Inverse Operations Addition and subtraction are called inverse operations. 3 + 9 means 9 is added to 3 Subtraction can UNDO addition. 3
  • 6. Inverse Operations Addition and subtraction are called inverse operations. 3 + 9 means 9 is added to 3 Subtraction can UNDO addition. 3 +9
  • 7. Inverse Operations Addition and subtraction are called inverse operations. 3 + 9 means 9 is added to 3 Subtraction can UNDO addition. 3 +9-9
  • 8. Inverse Operations Addition and subtraction are called inverse operations. 3 + 9 means 9 is added to 3 Subtraction can UNDO addition. 3 +9-9 =3
  • 10. Inverse Operations 10 - 2 means 2 is subtracted from 10 Addition can UNDO subtraction.
  • 11. Inverse Operations 10 - 2 means 2 is subtracted from 10 Addition can UNDO subtraction. 10
  • 12. Inverse Operations 10 - 2 means 2 is subtracted from 10 Addition can UNDO subtraction. 10 - 2
  • 13. Inverse Operations 10 - 2 means 2 is subtracted from 10 Addition can UNDO subtraction. 10 - 2 + 2
  • 14. Inverse Operations 10 - 2 means 2 is subtracted from 10 Addition can UNDO subtraction. 10 - 2 + 2 = 10
  • 16. Inverse Operations This can also be applied to ALGEBRA
  • 17. Inverse Operations This can also be applied to ALGEBRA n - 7 means 7 is subtracted from n Addition can UNDO subtraction.
  • 18. Inverse Operations This can also be applied to ALGEBRA n - 7 means 7 is subtracted from n Addition can UNDO subtraction. n
  • 19. Inverse Operations This can also be applied to ALGEBRA n - 7 means 7 is subtracted from n Addition can UNDO subtraction. n-7
  • 20. Inverse Operations This can also be applied to ALGEBRA n - 7 means 7 is subtracted from n Addition can UNDO subtraction. n - 7 +7
  • 21. Inverse Operations This can also be applied to ALGEBRA n - 7 means 7 is subtracted from n Addition can UNDO subtraction. n - 7 +7 = n
  • 22. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? x - 20
  • 23. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? Use the inverse x - 20 operation of subtraction.
  • 24. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? Use the x - 20 inverse operation + of subtraction.
  • 25. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? Use the x - 20 If youre inverse operation + subtracting 20, adding 20 will of subtraction. undo -
  • 26. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? Use the x - 20 If youre inverse operation + 20 subtracting 20, adding 20 will of subtraction. undo -
  • 27. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? Use the x - 20 If youre inverse operation + 20 subtracting 20, adding 20 will of subtraction. undo - Minus 20 and adding 20 cancels each other out.
  • 28. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? Use the x - 20 If youre inverse operation + 20 subtracting 20, adding 20 will of subtraction. undo - Minus 20 and adding 20 cancels each other out.
  • 29. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? Use the inverse x If youre subtracting 20, operation adding 20 will of subtraction. undo - Minus 20 and adding 20 cancels each other out.
  • 30. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? z + 100
  • 31. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? Use the inverse z + 100 operation of addition.
  • 32. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? Use the z + 100 inverse operation - of addition.
  • 33. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? Use the z + 100 If youre inverse operation - adding 100, subtracting 100 of addition. will undo +
  • 34. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? Use the z + 100 If youre inverse operation - 100 adding 100, subtracting 100 of addition. will undo +
  • 35. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? Use the z + 100 If youre inverse operation - 100 adding 100, subtracting 100 of addition. will undo + Adding 100 and subtracting 100 cancels each other out.
  • 36. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? Use the z + 100 If youre inverse operation - 100 adding 100, subtracting 100 of addition. will undo + Adding 100 and subtracting 100 cancels each other out.
  • 37. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? Use the inverse z If youre adding 100, operation subtracting 100 of addition. will undo + Adding 100 and subtracting 100 cancels each other out.
  • 38. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? 47 + n
  • 39. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? WATCH OUT! Before using the 47 + n inverse operation, switch the order of the addends. (COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY)
  • 40. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? WATCH OUT! Before using the inverse operation, switch the order of the addends. n + 47 (COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY)
  • 41. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? WATCH OUT! Use the Before using the inverse operation n + 47 inverse operation, of addition. switch the order of the addends. (COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY)
  • 42. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? WATCH OUT! Use the Before using the inverse operation n + 47 inverse operation, of addition. switch the order of the addends. (COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY) -
  • 43. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? WATCH OUT! Use the Before using the inverse operation n + 47 inverse operation, of addition. switch the order of the addends. (COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY) - If youre adding 47, subtracting 47 will undo +
  • 44. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? WATCH OUT! Use the Before using the inverse operation n + 47 inverse operation, of addition. switch the order of the addends. (COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY) - 47 If youre adding 47, subtracting 47 will undo +
  • 45. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? WATCH OUT! Use the Before using the inverse operation n + 47 inverse operation, of addition. switch the order of the addends. (COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY) - 47 If youre adding 47, subtracting 47 will undo + Adding 47 and subtracting 47 cancels each other out.
  • 46. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? WATCH OUT! Use the Before using the inverse operation n + 47 inverse operation, of addition. switch the order of the addends. (COMMUTATIVE PROPERTY) - 47 If youre adding 47, subtracting 47 will undo + Adding 47 and subtracting 47 cancels each other out.
  • 47. Tell what you would do to get the variable alone? WATCH OUT! Use the Before using the inverse operation n inverse operation, of addition. switch the order of the addends. (COMMUTATIVE If youre adding 47, PROPERTY) subtracting 47 will undo + Adding 47 and subtracting 47 cancels each other out.
  • 48. Table = Math Machine Rule:
  • 49. Table = Math Machine Think of this table as a machine. Rule:
  • 50. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, table as something different a machine. comes out. Rule:
  • 51. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule:
  • 52. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule: Add 5
  • 53. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Let place the number 8 into the machine. Rule: Add 5 8
  • 54. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Let place the number 8 into the machine. Rule: Add 5 8
  • 55. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Let place the number 8 into the machine. Rule: Add 5 8 13
  • 56. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule: Add 5 8 13
  • 57. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule: Add 5 8 13 10
  • 58. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule: Add 5 8 13 10
  • 59. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule: Add 5 8 13 10 15
  • 60. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule: Add 5 8 13 10 15 17
  • 61. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule: Add 5 8 13 10 15 17
  • 62. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule: Add 5 8 13 10 15 17 22
  • 63. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule: Subtract 8
  • 64. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule: Subtract 8 8
  • 65. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule: Subtract 8 8
  • 66. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule: Subtract 8 8 0
  • 67. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule: Subtract 8 8 0 10
  • 68. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule: Subtract 8 8 0 10
  • 69. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule: Subtract 8 8 0 10 2
  • 70. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule: Subtract 8 8 0 10 2 17
  • 71. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule: Subtract 8 8 0 10 2 17
  • 72. Table = Math Machine Think of this Something goes in, You can program table as something different each machine to do a machine. comes out. whatever you want. Rule: Subtract 8 8 0 10 2 17 9
  • 73. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 16
  • 74. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 16 48
  • 75. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 16 48
  • 76. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 16 48 32
  • 77. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 16 48 32 103
  • 78. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 16 48 32 103
  • 79. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 16 48 32 103 87
  • 80. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 16 48 32 103 87 n
  • 81. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 16 48 32 103 87 n
  • 82. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 16 48 32 103 87 n 150
  • 83. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 16 48 32 103 87 n 150 We know a number was entered.
  • 84. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. We know that AFTER 16 was Rule: Subtract 16 subtracted, the answer was 150. 48 32 103 87 n 150 We know a number was entered.
  • 85. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. We know that What can we do AFTER 16 was with 150 and Rule: Subtract 16 subtracted, the inverse operations answer was 150. to 鍖nd n? 48 32 103 87 n 150 We know a number was entered.
  • 86. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. We know that What can we do AFTER 16 was with 150 and Rule: Subtract 16 subtracted, the inverse operations answer was 150. to 鍖nd n? 48 32 Apply the inverse 103 87 operation of the rule to 150. n 150 We know a number was entered.
  • 87. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. We know that What can we do AFTER 16 was with 150 and Rule: Subtract 16 subtracted, the inverse operations answer was 150. to 鍖nd n? 48 32 Apply the inverse 103 87 operation of the rule to 150. n 150 150 +16 We know a number was entered. n = 166
  • 88. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Add 25
  • 89. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Add 25 20
  • 90. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Add 25 20
  • 91. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Add 25 20 45
  • 92. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Add 25 20 45 n
  • 93. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Add 25 20 45 n
  • 94. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Add 25 20 45 n 80
  • 95. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Add 25 20 45 n 80 75
  • 96. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Add 25 20 45 n 80 75
  • 97. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Add 25 20 45 n 80 75 100
  • 98. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Add 25 20 45 n 80 75 100 We know a number was entered.
  • 99. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. We know that AFTER 25 was Rule: Add 25 added, the answer was 80. 20 45 n 80 75 100 We know a number was entered.
  • 100. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. We know that What can we do AFTER 25 was with 80 and Rule: Add 25 added, the inverse operations answer was 80. to 鍖nd n? 20 45 n 80 75 100 We know a number was entered.
  • 101. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. We know that What can we do AFTER 25 was with 80 and Rule: Add 25 added, the inverse operations answer was 80. to 鍖nd n? 20 45 Apply the inverse n 80 operation of the rule to 80. 75 100 We know a number was entered.
  • 102. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. We know that What can we do AFTER 25 was with 80 and Rule: Add 25 added, the inverse operations answer was 80. to 鍖nd n? 20 45 Apply the inverse n 80 operation of the rule to 80. 75 100 80 -25 We know a number was entered. n = 55
  • 103. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 50
  • 104. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 50 n
  • 105. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 50 n
  • 106. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 50 n 100
  • 107. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 50 n 100 200
  • 108. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 50 n 100 200
  • 109. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 50 n 100 200 150
  • 110. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 50 n 100 200 150 500
  • 111. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 50 n 100 200 150 500
  • 112. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 50 n 100 200 150 500 250
  • 113. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. Rule: Subtract 50 n 100 200 150 500 250 We know a number was entered.
  • 114. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. We know that AFTER 50 was Rule: Subtract 50 subtracted, the answer was 100. n 100 200 150 500 250 We know a number was entered.
  • 115. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. We know that What can we do AFTER 50 was with 100 and Rule: Subtract 50 subtracted, the inverse operations answer was 100. to 鍖nd n? n 100 200 150 500 250 We know a number was entered.
  • 116. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. We know that What can we do AFTER 50 was with 100 and Rule: Subtract 50 subtracted, the inverse operations answer was 100. to 鍖nd n? n 100 Apply the inverse 200 150 operation of the rule to 100. 500 250 We know a number was entered.
  • 117. For each table, tell what you would do to 鍖nd n. Then 鍖nd n. We know that What can we do AFTER 50 was with 100 and Rule: Subtract 50 subtracted, the inverse operations answer was 100. to 鍖nd n? n 100 Apply the inverse 200 150 operation of the rule to 100. 500 250 100 +50 We know a number was entered. n = 150