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Mass Times & Intentions
Sat 8.00pm Kevin Gormally(Anni)
Sun 9.30am John & Mary Mulligan (Anni)
Sun 11.30am Joe Feeney (Anni)
Mon/Fri No Morning Mass
Sat 7.30pm Nicholas Tancred (Anni)
Sun 9.30am Dec of McGauram & Brennan Families
Sun 11.30am Kathleen & Len Frith (annis)
Irish Wheelchair Associations Coastal Camino 2019
Irish Wheelchair Associations Coastal Camino Walk is suitable for people of all age
groups and all levels of fitness, following a beautiful trail of 103km from the maritime
city of Vigo to wonderful Santiago de Compostela next October. All funds raised will
go directly towards helping us to continue to deliver vital services to people with
disabilities in your community. Check out this link for more information:
www.iwa.ie/camino or contact:
Rambling House in Enterprise Centre, Ballintogher -(in village - Sligo Road) on Friday 28th
June 19at 9pm  Taking a trip down memory lane  with music, song, dance, story - dance a
step or just come listen, meet, chatand enjoy a cuppa. All welcome
Tobernalt Holy Well Sligo
Rosary in honour of Our Lady of Fatima at the Holy Well on the 13th of each month
until October, beginning at 8.00pm. The statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be on
display for the Rosary. All welcome to come along.
Religious Education Survey
What do adults in Ireland need for their religious education and faith
development? Have your say! 15 minute online survey at www.dcu.ie/adultre until
30th June or contact bernadette.sweetman@dcu.ie
Carraroe National School
The school will be closing this week for Summer holidays. Please note that the
grounds are private. CCTV in operation. Also some work will be taking place at the
school over the Summer period in preparation for the new school term.
Church Projects
We will finish the painting of the Church this week. It has taken a little longer than
anticipated, but the work is carefully planned and executed. Also, the lighting system
in the Church has been upgraded to included new light fittings and new energy saving
lights. We will be looking at the Sanctuary in the days ahead. We are also working on
new carpet for the Gallery and the floor area of the Church after the painting project.
Finally, we are looking at upgrading the outside lighting system which has aged over
the years and purposed methods of cleaning the outside of the Church.
St. Johns GAA
St John's GAA are a host club for the Feile competition this year and are looking for
host families to take in two boys or two girls from Philadelphia over the weekend of
Fri 28th and Sat 29th of June. For further information contact Seamus Casey on 085
2498067 or Olivia Flannery on 087 7782233
Rally for Life
On Saturday July 6th at 2pm, Parnell Square, Dublin join with thousands of others to
Stand for Life at Irelands largest annual event in support of the human right to life of
EVERY human person, especially the smallest and most vulnerable of all, unborn
babies. www.rallyforlife.net
Novena to the Sacred Heart
Please honour the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus on the 28th of June 2019
and make a novena to his Sacred Heart from June 20th-28th. Sacred Heart of Jesus
make our hearts like onto Thee.
Give Blood
An average adult has between 10 and 12 pints of blood in their body, but in a single
donation only a pint of blood is collected. The donation itself takes about eight
minutes. Nevertheless, only 3% of the population of Ireland, who are eligible to
donate, actually give blood. To find your local clinic, visit www.giveblood.ie
Learning and Living our Catholic Faith
Pilgrimage to Knock on Saturday 29th June. Workshop options on learning and
living the Catholic faith: 11am, 11:45am or 12:30pm. Afternoon Programme: Rosary,
Stations of the Cross, Anointing of the Sick & Holy Mass. Further details can be
found on www.catechism.ie or from M叩ir鱈n on 087 7950325. Please encourage
families, friends and young people. Consider organising a bus from your area.
Church Bookstand
Revelator Magazine - Look at God in words and colour
Angelus - Diocesan News and views
Stations of the Cross By our Senior Citizens
Gangland to Promised Land - The road from violence to Redemption
Tobernalt Holy Well - Know the story
BlessedSacrament - A Variety of Novenas and Prayers
Please pay for Books and Cards at the Bookstand.

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23 June 2019

  • 1. Mass Times & Intentions Sat 8.00pm Kevin Gormally(Anni) Sun 9.30am John & Mary Mulligan (Anni) Sun 11.30am Joe Feeney (Anni) Mon/Fri No Morning Mass Sat 7.30pm Nicholas Tancred (Anni) Sun 9.30am Dec of McGauram & Brennan Families Sun 11.30am Kathleen & Len Frith (annis) Irish Wheelchair Associations Coastal Camino 2019 Irish Wheelchair Associations Coastal Camino Walk is suitable for people of all age groups and all levels of fitness, following a beautiful trail of 103km from the maritime city of Vigo to wonderful Santiago de Compostela next October. All funds raised will go directly towards helping us to continue to deliver vital services to people with disabilities in your community. Check out this link for more information: www.iwa.ie/camino or contact: Rambling House in Enterprise Centre, Ballintogher -(in village - Sligo Road) on Friday 28th June 19at 9pm Taking a trip down memory lane with music, song, dance, story - dance a step or just come listen, meet, chatand enjoy a cuppa. All welcome Tobernalt Holy Well Sligo Rosary in honour of Our Lady of Fatima at the Holy Well on the 13th of each month until October, beginning at 8.00pm. The statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be on display for the Rosary. All welcome to come along. Religious Education Survey What do adults in Ireland need for their religious education and faith development? Have your say! 15 minute online survey at www.dcu.ie/adultre until 30th June or contact bernadette.sweetman@dcu.ie Carraroe National School The school will be closing this week for Summer holidays. Please note that the grounds are private. CCTV in operation. Also some work will be taking place at the school over the Summer period in preparation for the new school term. Church Projects We will finish the painting of the Church this week. It has taken a little longer than anticipated, but the work is carefully planned and executed. Also, the lighting system in the Church has been upgraded to included new light fittings and new energy saving lights. We will be looking at the Sanctuary in the days ahead. We are also working on new carpet for the Gallery and the floor area of the Church after the painting project. Finally, we are looking at upgrading the outside lighting system which has aged over the years and purposed methods of cleaning the outside of the Church.
  • 2. St. Johns GAA St John's GAA are a host club for the Feile competition this year and are looking for host families to take in two boys or two girls from Philadelphia over the weekend of Fri 28th and Sat 29th of June. For further information contact Seamus Casey on 085 2498067 or Olivia Flannery on 087 7782233 Rally for Life On Saturday July 6th at 2pm, Parnell Square, Dublin join with thousands of others to Stand for Life at Irelands largest annual event in support of the human right to life of EVERY human person, especially the smallest and most vulnerable of all, unborn babies. www.rallyforlife.net Novena to the Sacred Heart Please honour the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus on the 28th of June 2019 and make a novena to his Sacred Heart from June 20th-28th. Sacred Heart of Jesus make our hearts like onto Thee. Give Blood An average adult has between 10 and 12 pints of blood in their body, but in a single donation only a pint of blood is collected. The donation itself takes about eight minutes. Nevertheless, only 3% of the population of Ireland, who are eligible to donate, actually give blood. To find your local clinic, visit www.giveblood.ie Learning and Living our Catholic Faith Pilgrimage to Knock on Saturday 29th June. Workshop options on learning and living the Catholic faith: 11am, 11:45am or 12:30pm. Afternoon Programme: Rosary, Stations of the Cross, Anointing of the Sick & Holy Mass. Further details can be found on www.catechism.ie or from M叩ir鱈n on 087 7950325. Please encourage families, friends and young people. Consider organising a bus from your area. Church Bookstand Revelator Magazine - Look at God in words and colour Angelus - Diocesan News and views Stations of the Cross By our Senior Citizens Gangland to Promised Land - The road from violence to Redemption Tobernalt Holy Well - Know the story BlessedSacrament - A Variety of Novenas and Prayers Please pay for Books and Cards at the Bookstand.