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Tobernalt Holy Well
The Life Size Crucifixion Scene at the Holy Well reminds us
of what we are remembering and celebrating during this
Easter. We are called to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and to
reflect on the gift of life he gave to us. During Holy Week take to time to
visit, reflect and prayer.
Your Eircode / Seniors Alarm
The Eircode of your house will assist emergency services to find your
house faster. Please keepit in a location which is easy to locate. Also,
For Senior with the Alarm system, please test the alarm by pressing the
button and keepit with you at all times. Help for both service from
Church Books and Leaflets
During these days let us spend some time in prayer and reflection.
Books and leaflets are available at our Church Bookstand. Copies of the
Sunday Missaleete are available at the back door.
Carraroe National School
Some members of the staff took part in a Mass during the week joined
by the students and staff online. The Mass was offered for Mr. Michael
Mc Gonigley and Miss Joanne McAndrew, two members of the staff
who are getting married after Easter.
- Come, Pray, Reflect and Acknowledge Jesus as our Lord
and Saviour.
Priest: Fr Jim Murray,
Email: carraroe@holywellsligo.com
Phone: 071-9162136
Mobile: 087-8198466
Radio: 107 FM and churchtv.ie/ carraroe
Church Communications this Easter
Please turn into churchtv.ie/carraroe and press play. Also available on
our Parish Radio 107 FM.
Easter Calendar 2021
Palm (Passion)Sunday
Morning Mass 11.30am
Palm Crosses blessedat this Mass will be available afterwards in the
Spy Wednesday
Morning Mass  10.00am
Holy Thursday
Lords Supper - 7.00pm
Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane - 9.00pm
Good Friday
Lords Passion  2.00pm
Prayer Around the Cross  8.00pm
Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil  7.00pm
Easter Sunday
Mass - 11.30am
Easter Holy Water in special bottles will be available from Easter
Sunday onwards.
All Ceremonies for Holy Week will be broadcast on line and on our Parish
Radio. Some times are changed to facilitate the programme and to allowfor
access to the Church for Private Prayer especially on Good Friday. The Cross
will be on display for prayer and adoration. Palm Crosses will be available in
the Church after Mass on Palm (Passion) Sunday. Easter Holy Water will be
available from Easter Sunday onwards.
Easter Greeting
Jesus said to her, I amthe resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me
will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will neverdie.
Do you believe this?
Wishing all our Parishioners a very Happy Easter. We are slowly
journeying through very different times. We are living with uncertainty
in the mist of this pandemic and with the hope that as the vaccine takes
hold we will return to a more familiar world. Let us pray for each
other during Holy Well and Easter. Let us find hope, value, courage
and strength in the message of Easter and the promise that God offers
us a gently path into eternal life.
Booking Church Masses
All Masses bookedat this time are remember in the Masses during the
week and are announced at the 11.30am Sunday Mass on
churchtv.ie/carraroe and on our Parish radio at 107 FM. Please contact
the Parish Office to book any Mass for a loved one or for any other
intentions. Mass Cards/ Bouquets from the Holy Well can be got at the
Suporting our Church
Thank you for your continued support to our Parish. Parish envelopes
or loose change contribution can be dropped into the Presbytery. Letter
box is available at the bottom of the front door or beside the Parish
Office at the side of the Presbytery. Also, box availabe in the Church at
the Statue of Our Lady. Thank you for your support in these difficult
Last Weekend Collection:
Envelopes: 21st March 2021
Parish: 560.00
DiocesanNeeds: 355.00
Parish Standing Order
Over the years some Parishioners have set up standing orders to our
Church, payable weekly or monthly. If you would like to do the same
our bank details are as follows: Please remember to adjust your
standing order form time ot time.
Account: St. Johns Church, Carraroe: Account Number: 12185497
BIC: ULSB IE 2D IBAN: IE86 ULSB 9862 6012 1854 97
Stations of the Cross
Copies of the Stations of the Cross are available in the Church. They
can be used throughout Holy Week at Home, in the Church or at the
Holy Well.
Helping in Our Church
These times are very difficult for our Church and the provision of
services. Sincere thanks to the few members of our Folk Choir who
alternate and help at our Masses. Also, to the Altar Society who keep
the Church looking well for the week and our Parish Counters who are
available to help. Your support is appreciated.
Easter 2021
Holy Week will be very different for all of us. We will not gather in our
Church, but in our homes. However, our ceremonies will be as rich and
varied as always if we watch or listen during this week. We can also
visit our Church and Holy Well during this week and renew the
message of Holy Week in our hearts and homes.
Palm (Passion) Sunday
Prayer Card for Palm Sunday is available in the Church alongside the
Palm Crosses. Please help yourself.
28 March 2021 Newsletter

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28 March 2021 Newsletter

  • 1. Tobernalt Holy Well The Life Size Crucifixion Scene at the Holy Well reminds us of what we are remembering and celebrating during this Easter. We are called to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and to reflect on the gift of life he gave to us. During Holy Week take to time to visit, reflect and prayer. Your Eircode / Seniors Alarm The Eircode of your house will assist emergency services to find your house faster. Please keepit in a location which is easy to locate. Also, For Senior with the Alarm system, please test the alarm by pressing the button and keepit with you at all times. Help for both service from CADRA Church Books and Leaflets During these days let us spend some time in prayer and reflection. Books and leaflets are available at our Church Bookstand. Copies of the Sunday Missaleete are available at the back door. Carraroe National School Some members of the staff took part in a Mass during the week joined by the students and staff online. The Mass was offered for Mr. Michael Mc Gonigley and Miss Joanne McAndrew, two members of the staff who are getting married after Easter. - Come, Pray, Reflect and Acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. - HOLY WEEK ST JOHNS CHURCH CARRAROE PARISH NEWSLETTER Priest: Fr Jim Murray, Email: carraroe@holywellsligo.com Phone: 071-9162136 Mobile: 087-8198466 Websites:www.carraroechurchsligo.com www.holywellsligo.com Radio: 107 FM and churchtv.ie/ carraroe Church Communications this Easter Please turn into churchtv.ie/carraroe and press play. Also available on our Parish Radio 107 FM. Easter Calendar 2021 Palm (Passion)Sunday Morning Mass 11.30am Palm Crosses blessedat this Mass will be available afterwards in the Church. Spy Wednesday Morning Mass 10.00am Holy Thursday Lords Supper - 7.00pm Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane - 9.00pm Good Friday Lords Passion 2.00pm Prayer Around the Cross 8.00pm Holy Saturday Easter Vigil 7.00pm Easter Sunday Mass - 11.30am Easter Holy Water in special bottles will be available from Easter Sunday onwards. All Ceremonies for Holy Week will be broadcast on line and on our Parish Radio. Some times are changed to facilitate the programme and to allowfor access to the Church for Private Prayer especially on Good Friday. The Cross will be on display for prayer and adoration. Palm Crosses will be available in
  • 2. the Church after Mass on Palm (Passion) Sunday. Easter Holy Water will be available from Easter Sunday onwards. Easter Greeting Jesus said to her, I amthe resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will neverdie. Do you believe this? Wishing all our Parishioners a very Happy Easter. We are slowly journeying through very different times. We are living with uncertainty in the mist of this pandemic and with the hope that as the vaccine takes hold we will return to a more familiar world. Let us pray for each other during Holy Well and Easter. Let us find hope, value, courage and strength in the message of Easter and the promise that God offers us a gently path into eternal life. Booking Church Masses All Masses bookedat this time are remember in the Masses during the week and are announced at the 11.30am Sunday Mass on churchtv.ie/carraroe and on our Parish radio at 107 FM. Please contact the Parish Office to book any Mass for a loved one or for any other intentions. Mass Cards/ Bouquets from the Holy Well can be got at the Presbytery. Suporting our Church Thank you for your continued support to our Parish. Parish envelopes or loose change contribution can be dropped into the Presbytery. Letter box is available at the bottom of the front door or beside the Parish Office at the side of the Presbytery. Also, box availabe in the Church at the Statue of Our Lady. Thank you for your support in these difficult times. Last Weekend Collection: Envelopes: 21st March 2021 Parish: 560.00 DiocesanNeeds: 355.00 Parish Standing Order Over the years some Parishioners have set up standing orders to our Church, payable weekly or monthly. If you would like to do the same our bank details are as follows: Please remember to adjust your standing order form time ot time. Account: St. Johns Church, Carraroe: Account Number: 12185497 BIC: ULSB IE 2D IBAN: IE86 ULSB 9862 6012 1854 97 Stations of the Cross Copies of the Stations of the Cross are available in the Church. They can be used throughout Holy Week at Home, in the Church or at the Holy Well. Helping in Our Church These times are very difficult for our Church and the provision of services. Sincere thanks to the few members of our Folk Choir who alternate and help at our Masses. Also, to the Altar Society who keep the Church looking well for the week and our Parish Counters who are available to help. Your support is appreciated. Easter 2021 Holy Week will be very different for all of us. We will not gather in our Church, but in our homes. However, our ceremonies will be as rich and varied as always if we watch or listen during this week. We can also visit our Church and Holy Well during this week and renew the message of Holy Week in our hearts and homes. Palm (Passion) Sunday Prayer Card for Palm Sunday is available in the Church alongside the Palm Crosses. Please help yourself.