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Prayer for an End to the Coronavirus
O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey as a sign
of salvation and hope.
We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick.
At the foot of the Cross you participated in Jesus pain,
with steadfast faith.
You, Salvation of the Roman People, know what we need.
We are certain that you will provide, so that,
as you did at Cana of Galilee,
joy and feasting might return after this moment of trial.
Help us, Mother of Divine Love,
to conform ourselves to the Fathers will
and to do what Jesus tells us:
He who took our sufferings upon Himself,
and bore our sorrows to bring us,
through the Cross, to the joy of the Resurrection.
We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God.
Do not despise our pleas  we who are put to the test
 and deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessedVirgin.
Prayer against Anxiety
Loving God, please grant me peace of mind and calm my troubled
heart. My soul is like a turbulent sea. I can't seemto find my balance so
I stumble and worry constantly. Give me the strength and clarity of
mind to find my purpose and walk the path you've laid out for me. Help
me in these times to know your strength, courage and love as I walk
through these days. Let me see light and hope in darkness, love and life
in uncertainty and most of all let me experience your presence in these
Sunday Missaleete
Copies available at the back of the church to help guide Parishioners
through the reading and prayers of the Sunday Mass. Copies available
from Thursday.
25th October 2020
Mass Times: Saturday 7:30pm
Sunday 9:30am & 11:30am
Holidays 10:00am & 7:00pm Mass
Priest: Fr Jim Murray,
Email: carraroe@holywellsligo.com
Phone: 071-9162136
Mobile: 087-8198466
Websites: www.carraroechurchsligo.com
Church Services
Our Church servicesare on churchtv.ie/carraroe and also on our Parish radio
at 107FM.Also see our Parish Face Book for more information. This is the
only way we have to contact our Parishioners in these uncertain times.
Mass on Sunday at 11.30am. Other Masseswill be notified on Face book.This
is a strange and distressing time for many Parishioners. All notified intentions
are remembered at the 11.30am Sunday Mass.
November  Remembering our Deceased
As we journey into November the Altar list for our Deceased is nowavailable
in the church for collection.Please fill in the names ofyour deceased and
return the list to the Church or Presbytery. Names will be remembered during
November in Masses,Adoration and Prayers. This is a sacred time to
remember our deceased family. relatives and friends. Ifyou would like a list
sent to you, please contact the Parish Office.
Community Centre
The Community Centre is nowclosed for the next six weeks except for the
Montessori School. No one has permission to be on the grounds ofthe
Community Centre during these times.
The Needto Pray
The republic of Ireland has forgotten God, our Government have put
God aside and many of our Catholic people have forgotten the
importance of their soul and spiritual roots. Our ancestors prayer at
Mass Rocks in times of persecution, they stood our beyond the normal
to spent time with God. Our history, journey and story recalls a people
of courage and perseverance in faith. The Republic of Ireland is one of
the few Countries in the world that has restricted worship in our
Churches. If we do not priorities God, if we do not pray to Him, if we
do not receive Him in the Eucharist, then how do we expect God to
help, support and guide us in these difficult times? Our Churches have
done everything possible to protect its Parishioners which includes
sanitisation and cleaning after every Mass. It is time for our
Government to look at its priorities.
Church Envelopes 2020/21
We are currently working on the parish Envelops for the new church
year which begins in November. These have to be distributed for the
Financial welfare of our Church. Due to cost and labour we are no
longer sending envelops to Parishioners who do not use them. However,
if you are resident in the Parish please consider registering and
supporting your Church.
HSE Fall Prevention
"Falls Prevention Service: Do you have a fear of falling? Have you had
a fall? The HSE has commenced a new Falls Prevention Service in
Sligo, Leitrim & South Donegal. Please ring for further information:
071 982 0479."
Parish Collection -18th Ocotber 2020
Sunday Collection  Nil. Insufficent amount left in the the Church/
Presbytery. We need your support with the weekly collection for the
running of our Church and community. Please drop your envelopes or
contribution into the Church or Presbytery during the week.
Church Bookstand
A variety of books are now available at the Church Bookstand. This
may be a time to reflect, meditate and pray using some of the books and
leaflets available.
Tobernalt Holy Well
The Holy Well is open for prayer and reflection throughout the year
during day light hours. Please exercise all HSE guidelines at the Holy
Well. The various shrine is available at the Holy Well for Prayer and
Parish Readers
When we resume we need some more people in our Parish to volunteer
as Parish Readers for our Weekend Masses. Please contact the Parish
Office with your details. A new list will be available for distribution.
Please support your Parish.
Accord  Relationship Counselling
Accord is available for Relationship Counselling in these difficult times.
Please contact the Accord Centre at 071-914564. Full HSE guidelines in
Parish Calendar
Our Parish Calendar for 2021 is currently under production. Thank
you to our Sponsors who have supported this project. The Calendar is
provided free of charge to our Parishioners with a range of information
and stores on our Parish and Community.
Care at the End of Life  Pastoral Message
We want to say very clearly that there is no such thing as a life without
value. We hope to be a voice for those who, in a time of vulnerability,
feel that they have no voice. We ask people to consider the manner in
which assistedsuicide and euthanasia undermines the whole ethos of
healthcare. Doctors and nurses are called to be advocates for life and
should never be required to assist in any way in the deliberate ending of
life. Read the Irish Catholic Bishops pastoral message on end of life
care in full on www.elphindiocese.ie
25 October 2020 (Newsletter)

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25 October 2020 (Newsletter)

  • 1. Prayer for an End to the Coronavirus O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick. At the foot of the Cross you participated in Jesus pain, with steadfast faith. You, Salvation of the Roman People, know what we need. We are certain that you will provide, so that, as you did at Cana of Galilee, joy and feasting might return after this moment of trial. Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the Fathers will and to do what Jesus tells us: He who took our sufferings upon Himself, and bore our sorrows to bring us, through the Cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen. We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our pleas we who are put to the test and deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessedVirgin. Prayer against Anxiety Loving God, please grant me peace of mind and calm my troubled heart. My soul is like a turbulent sea. I can't seemto find my balance so I stumble and worry constantly. Give me the strength and clarity of mind to find my purpose and walk the path you've laid out for me. Help me in these times to know your strength, courage and love as I walk through these days. Let me see light and hope in darkness, love and life in uncertainty and most of all let me experience your presence in these days. Sunday Missaleete Copies available at the back of the church to help guide Parishioners through the reading and prayers of the Sunday Mass. Copies available from Thursday. ST JOHNS CHURCH CARRAROE PARISH NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 25th October 2020 Mass Times: Saturday 7:30pm Sunday 9:30am & 11:30am Holidays 10:00am & 7:00pm Mass Priest: Fr Jim Murray, Email: carraroe@holywellsligo.com Phone: 071-9162136 Mobile: 087-8198466 Websites: www.carraroechurchsligo.com www.holywellsligo.com Church Services Our Church servicesare on churchtv.ie/carraroe and also on our Parish radio at 107FM.Also see our Parish Face Book for more information. This is the only way we have to contact our Parishioners in these uncertain times. Mass on Sunday at 11.30am. Other Masseswill be notified on Face book.This is a strange and distressing time for many Parishioners. All notified intentions are remembered at the 11.30am Sunday Mass. November Remembering our Deceased As we journey into November the Altar list for our Deceased is nowavailable in the church for collection.Please fill in the names ofyour deceased and return the list to the Church or Presbytery. Names will be remembered during November in Masses,Adoration and Prayers. This is a sacred time to remember our deceased family. relatives and friends. Ifyou would like a list sent to you, please contact the Parish Office. Community Centre The Community Centre is nowclosed for the next six weeks except for the Montessori School. No one has permission to be on the grounds ofthe Community Centre during these times.
  • 2. The Needto Pray The republic of Ireland has forgotten God, our Government have put God aside and many of our Catholic people have forgotten the importance of their soul and spiritual roots. Our ancestors prayer at Mass Rocks in times of persecution, they stood our beyond the normal to spent time with God. Our history, journey and story recalls a people of courage and perseverance in faith. The Republic of Ireland is one of the few Countries in the world that has restricted worship in our Churches. If we do not priorities God, if we do not pray to Him, if we do not receive Him in the Eucharist, then how do we expect God to help, support and guide us in these difficult times? Our Churches have done everything possible to protect its Parishioners which includes sanitisation and cleaning after every Mass. It is time for our Government to look at its priorities. Church Envelopes 2020/21 We are currently working on the parish Envelops for the new church year which begins in November. These have to be distributed for the Financial welfare of our Church. Due to cost and labour we are no longer sending envelops to Parishioners who do not use them. However, if you are resident in the Parish please consider registering and supporting your Church. HSE Fall Prevention "Falls Prevention Service: Do you have a fear of falling? Have you had a fall? The HSE has commenced a new Falls Prevention Service in Sligo, Leitrim & South Donegal. Please ring for further information: 071 982 0479." Parish Collection -18th Ocotber 2020 Sunday Collection Nil. Insufficent amount left in the the Church/ Presbytery. We need your support with the weekly collection for the running of our Church and community. Please drop your envelopes or contribution into the Church or Presbytery during the week. Church Bookstand A variety of books are now available at the Church Bookstand. This may be a time to reflect, meditate and pray using some of the books and leaflets available. Tobernalt Holy Well The Holy Well is open for prayer and reflection throughout the year during day light hours. Please exercise all HSE guidelines at the Holy Well. The various shrine is available at the Holy Well for Prayer and Contemplation. Parish Readers When we resume we need some more people in our Parish to volunteer as Parish Readers for our Weekend Masses. Please contact the Parish Office with your details. A new list will be available for distribution. Please support your Parish. Accord Relationship Counselling Accord is available for Relationship Counselling in these difficult times. Please contact the Accord Centre at 071-914564. Full HSE guidelines in place. Parish Calendar Our Parish Calendar for 2021 is currently under production. Thank you to our Sponsors who have supported this project. The Calendar is provided free of charge to our Parishioners with a range of information and stores on our Parish and Community. Care at the End of Life Pastoral Message We want to say very clearly that there is no such thing as a life without value. We hope to be a voice for those who, in a time of vulnerability, feel that they have no voice. We ask people to consider the manner in which assistedsuicide and euthanasia undermines the whole ethos of healthcare. Doctors and nurses are called to be advocates for life and should never be required to assist in any way in the deliberate ending of life. Read the Irish Catholic Bishops pastoral message on end of life care in full on www.elphindiocese.ie