Disinvestment - A Financial StrategyBurhiroxThis document provides an overview of disinvestment as a financial strategy. It discusses the objectives and importance of disinvestment, including reducing the financial burden on the government and introducing competition. It also examines the discounted cash flow method for valuing disinvestments using a case study of Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. The analysis found that disinvestment improved the company's profitability and liquidity but negatively impacted its dividend payout ratio. In conclusion, disinvestment can help fund government programs and development while increasing operational efficiency of public sector companies.
решение текстовых задач с помощью уравненийSalmovAlex
Diccionario InglesMiqueas OsorioEl documento presenta un resumen de la lengua española. Pertenece al grupo de lenguas romances derivadas del latín. Tiene alrededor de 390 millones de hablantes en todo el mundo, principalmente en España, Latinoamérica y Filipinas. Incluye información sobre el alfabeto español, pronunciación, números, días de la semana, meses y otras herramientas útiles para la conversación en español.
Staying healthy while on the roadnovushealthNovus Health helps Canadians navigate the Canadian healthcare system and make informed health decisions. It provides resources over the phone and online to support individuals, organizations, international students, Canadians, and diplomats. The presentation discusses strategies for staying healthy while traveling, including managing jet lag, maintaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and reducing stress. It provides tips such as gradual circadian rhythm adjustment before flights, hydration and movement during flights, light exercise after landing, and scheduling personal time.
My future us a teacherRea SumalinogThe document discusses reasons for becoming a teacher and what it means to be a professional teacher. It notes that teaching is a difficult profession that requires fulfilling many roles well, and the fruits of teaching may not be visible for many years. The author wants to mold students into better people, impart knowledge, and was motivated by experiences in life, family, friends and faith to teach from the heart rather than just textbooks.
Training & DevelopmentBurhirox1. The document outlines an introduction to training and development presented by 5 students and 2 faculty members.
2. It discusses the differences between training, which focuses on short-term skills, and development, which involves long-term personality and career growth.
3. The key methods of training covered are on-the-job training, which occurs while employees work, and off-the-job training, which takes place away from the workplace through lectures and simulations.
Teori Asuhan Kebidanan JEAN BALL UNIVERSITAS ANDALASTeori Asuhan Kebidanan JEAN BALL - deckchair theory -
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TRAIBurhiroxThe Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) was established in 1997 to regulate the telecommunications sector in an independent manner. TRAI aims to enable quick growth of telecom in India through a transparent regulatory environment. Key functions of TRAI include regulating tariffs, interconnection issues, and protecting consumer interests. Some services regulated by TRAI include National Do Not Call registry to limit telemarketing calls, mobile number portability to allow retaining numbers when changing providers, and consumer protection regulations regarding mobile connections and complaint redressal. Statistical data presented shows declining telecom subscribers and tele-density in India over time. New services being introduced include 4G technology and mobile television.
упр.25 преобразование выражений при решений уравнений
2. Вместо пробелов вставьте слова
Когда уравнение решаешь дружок,
Ты должен найти у него _________
Значение буквы проверить несложно
Поставь в __________ его осторожно
Коль верное _________ выйдет у вас
То _______ значенья зовите тотчас