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    2     66.67      68.07   64.22    64.33    15     38.33    40.34    43.37    43.76    28     48.33    52.37    51.06    51.39    41     28.33    39.03        33.37       33.63
    3     15.83      10.01   10.84    10.92    16     11.67    15.85    14.78    15.02    29     46.67    43.24    43.07    43.11    42     54.17    60.30        53.95       53.98
    4     64.17      69.74   71.27    70.96    17     20.00    21.93    22.31    22.29    30     44.17    45.69    41.59    41.90    43     29.17    29.87        30.05       30.10
    5     22.50      19.36   20.63    20.59    18     33.33    39.96    36.45    35.99    31     52.50    56.80    55.97    56.11    44     56.67    40.91        33.58       33.39
    6     35.83      42.36   46.47    45.68    19     73.33    65.52    59.86    60.24    32     33.33    29.46    29.89    30.00    45     23.33    22.64        22.71       23.17
    7     87.50      83.67   82.00    82.09    20     38.33    36.92    37.59    37.80    33     39.17    44.06    41.36    41.31    46     65.00    57.12        54.23       54.24
    8     93.33      90.79   88.79    88.67    21     20.83    25.63    24.72    25.06    34     30.83    32.98    32.46    32.43    47     29.17    36.31        36.45       36.60
    9      1.67       4.50    5.49     5.57    22     31.67    34.73    36.97    37.22    35     37.50    33.41    30.68    30.77    48     25.00    28.74        27.46       27.26
   10     61.67      59.50   59.55    59.42    23     19.17    22.32    22.42    22.65    36     28.33    24.79    30.22    30.13    49     20.00    22.28        22.06       22.31
   11     51.67      59.92   58.76    58.92    24     32.50    29.00    30.57    31.06    37     23.33    16.13    16.88    16.94    50     59.17    62.16        60.63       60.56
   12     75.00      75.85   73.04    72.89    25     24.17    24.64    23.94    24.51    38     50.00    50.92    50.39    50.50               -        -            -            -
   13     91.67      87.67   84.78    84.81    26     16.67    21.99    22.42    22.95    39     35.00    29.49    26.22    26.16               -        -            -            -

                                                                                                                                                             ?????? 21/08/2011 07:42:53
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   42     42.50      48.78   46.36    45.86    55     59.17    55.58    54.10    54.15    68     36.67    41.95    41.22    41.08    81     26.67    27.84        27.73       27.96
   43     47.50      47.88   46.02    45.96    56     45.83    52.06    51.77    52.52    69     25.83    30.70    30.95    30.84    82     31.67    31.44        31.44       31.59
   44     64.17      60.36   56.65    56.42    57     25.83    27.77    27.55    27.50    70     39.17    42.57    41.61    41.68    83     26.67    28.54        27.87       27.85
   45     55.00      60.00   55.19    54.30    58     30.00    36.42    37.12    37.47    71     45.83    48.97    46.34    46.23    84     25.00    38.40        38.85       38.85
   46     47.50      53.24   52.79    52.63    59     65.83    69.06    70.04    69.83    72     20.83    28.76    28.30    28.74    85     18.33    20.47        21.03       20.99
   47     42.50      40.37   42.56    42.65    60     58.33    69.10    68.46    68.52    73     54.17    56.38    56.19    56.49    86     24.17    29.00        29.56       30.14
   48     72.50      79.80   77.43    77.37    61     44.17    50.95    52.33    52.01    74     43.33    39.45    38.96    38.88    87     15.83    11.56        12.07       12.10
   49     55.83      53.87   50.11    49.75    62     35.83    35.86    36.23    36.69    75     19.17    17.10    17.08    17.36    88     40.83    43.36        41.35       40.68
   50     72.50      74.23   72.27    72.02    63     31.67    29.94    29.21    29.43    76     21.67    23.05    23.48    23.58    89     27.50    36.92        36.86       36.40
   51     15.00      19.94   19.51    20.12    64     53.33    58.61    55.65    55.58    77     58.33    59.02    58.40    58.12    90     26.67    30.48        31.51       31.57
   52     70.00      75.25   74.64    74.25    65     34.17    38.78    40.11    39.93    78     25.00    29.96    27.89    27.68               -        -            -            -
   53     14.17      14.40   14.75    14.81    66     17.50    18.60    19.26    19.39    79     28.33    26.53    27.93    27.77               -        -            -            -

                                                                                                                                                             ?????? 21/08/2011 07:42:53
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   36     71.67      67.69   63.03    63.91    46     43.33    41.42    41.68    42.40    56     37.50    47.18    45.72    46.52    66     30.00    37.01        37.14       37.80
   37     50.00      57.56   54.19    55.14    47     19.17    20.24    19.98    19.74    57     25.83    32.54    33.85    34.94    67     24.17    23.89        25.01       25.28
   38     63.33      65.27   63.78    64.56    48     23.33    26.44    26.64    26.16    58     22.50    26.64    28.48    29.03    68     45.00    38.22        36.49       36.35
   39     11.67      14.16   14.68    15.03    49     35.00    26.63    27.20    26.84    59     28.33    27.71    26.56    27.15    69     25.83    23.26        23.79       24.56
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                                                                                                                                                             ?????? 21/08/2011 07:42:53
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    2     34.17      36.02   35.64    35.61    10     20.00    29.40    30.11    30.45    18     25.83    24.97    26.40    26.76    26     22.50    25.62        26.52       26.59
    3     12.50      21.68   21.95    22.11    11     30.83    31.41    31.20    31.33    19     17.50    26.67    27.23    27.11    27     23.33    26.87        27.81       27.99
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    5     55.83      47.48   45.64    45.50    13     19.17    25.14    24.98    25.10    21     39.17    33.66    34.15    34.45    29     32.50    35.21        34.48       34.86
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    7     37.50      41.20   40.93    41.05    15     31.67    31.24    29.92    29.90    23     31.67    30.52    30.96    31.15               -        -            -            -
    8     20.83      22.71   23.44    23.38    16     31.67    26.90    26.50    26.64    24     39.17    31.84    31.99    32.19               -        -            -            -

                                                                                                                                                             ?????? 21/08/2011 07:42:53
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    2     57.50      73.09   68.37    68.47    12     48.33    47.37    46.86    46.72    22     26.67    31.99    33.13    33.27    32     56.67    50.75        48.82       48.91
    3     33.33      35.67   35.31    35.86    13     46.67    45.66    44.99    45.09    23     43.33    37.93    38.62    38.78    33     47.50    51.20        50.67       50.82
    4     48.33      47.87   44.90    45.22    14     15.83    23.63    24.13    24.14    24     20.83    23.15    22.96    23.34    34     25.83    28.55        26.73       26.83
    5     37.50      39.38   39.95    39.83    15     19.17    23.76    23.59    24.11    25     48.33    52.25    52.15    52.36    35     65.83    51.09        48.34       48.31
    6     20.00      22.22   21.93    22.07    16     24.17    36.25    35.91    36.07    26     17.50    36.16    35.39    35.68    36     70.00    52.17        50.84       51.02
    7     51.67      45.02   44.62    44.89    17     26.67    29.00    29.65    29.99    27     45.00    42.42    40.95    41.38    37     37.50    33.73        34.70       34.66
    8     25.00      28.04   28.46    28.88    18     27.50    27.64    30.24    30.10    28     20.00    29.96    29.01    29.39    38     43.33    44.49        42.24       42.46
    9     38.33      46.77   46.36    46.60    19     25.00    28.35    26.37    26.44    29     24.17    38.47    37.22    37.35    39     29.17    41.64        40.24       40.07
   10     60.00      52.18   51.13    51.09    20     36.67    37.57    36.71    36.87    30     27.50    30.01    29.51    29.63    40     75.00    64.12        61.04       61.55

                                                                                                                                                             ?????? 21/08/2011 07:42:53

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  • 1. ???? 1/5 ???????????????????????????????????? (O-NET) ??????????? 3 (?????????????? 3) ?????????? 2551 ??????? 3 - ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????? ???????????? 1072022008 ???????????? ?????????????????? ?????? ?????????????????????????????????????? ??????? ?????????? ???? : ??????? (91) ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? 1 35.83 50.64 49.98 50.55 14 58.33 69.90 70.35 69.91 27 40.00 39.87 40.31 40.42 40 24.17 21.89 23.80 23.80 2 66.67 68.07 64.22 64.33 15 38.33 40.34 43.37 43.76 28 48.33 52.37 51.06 51.39 41 28.33 39.03 33.37 33.63 3 15.83 10.01 10.84 10.92 16 11.67 15.85 14.78 15.02 29 46.67 43.24 43.07 43.11 42 54.17 60.30 53.95 53.98 4 64.17 69.74 71.27 70.96 17 20.00 21.93 22.31 22.29 30 44.17 45.69 41.59 41.90 43 29.17 29.87 30.05 30.10 5 22.50 19.36 20.63 20.59 18 33.33 39.96 36.45 35.99 31 52.50 56.80 55.97 56.11 44 56.67 40.91 33.58 33.39 6 35.83 42.36 46.47 45.68 19 73.33 65.52 59.86 60.24 32 33.33 29.46 29.89 30.00 45 23.33 22.64 22.71 23.17 7 87.50 83.67 82.00 82.09 20 38.33 36.92 37.59 37.80 33 39.17 44.06 41.36 41.31 46 65.00 57.12 54.23 54.24 8 93.33 90.79 88.79 88.67 21 20.83 25.63 24.72 25.06 34 30.83 32.98 32.46 32.43 47 29.17 36.31 36.45 36.60 9 1.67 4.50 5.49 5.57 22 31.67 34.73 36.97 37.22 35 37.50 33.41 30.68 30.77 48 25.00 28.74 27.46 27.26 10 61.67 59.50 59.55 59.42 23 19.17 22.32 22.42 22.65 36 28.33 24.79 30.22 30.13 49 20.00 22.28 22.06 22.31 11 51.67 59.92 58.76 58.92 24 32.50 29.00 30.57 31.06 37 23.33 16.13 16.88 16.94 50 59.17 62.16 60.63 60.56 12 75.00 75.85 73.04 72.89 25 24.17 24.64 23.94 24.51 38 50.00 50.92 50.39 50.50 - - - - 13 91.67 87.67 84.78 84.81 26 16.67 21.99 22.42 22.95 39 35.00 29.49 26.22 26.16 - - - - ?????? 21/08/2011 07:42:53
  • 2. ???? 2/5 ???????????????????????????????????? (O-NET) ??????????? 3 (?????????????? 3) ?????????? 2551 ??????? 3 - ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????? ???????????? 1072022008 ???????????? ?????????????????? ?????? ?????????????????????????????????????? ??????? ?????????? ???? : ?????????? ???????????????? (92) ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? 41 27.50 34.04 30.84 30.90 54 50.83 59.37 55.89 56.21 67 65.83 72.81 70.53 70.45 80 21.67 31.21 27.71 27.45 42 42.50 48.78 46.36 45.86 55 59.17 55.58 54.10 54.15 68 36.67 41.95 41.22 41.08 81 26.67 27.84 27.73 27.96 43 47.50 47.88 46.02 45.96 56 45.83 52.06 51.77 52.52 69 25.83 30.70 30.95 30.84 82 31.67 31.44 31.44 31.59 44 64.17 60.36 56.65 56.42 57 25.83 27.77 27.55 27.50 70 39.17 42.57 41.61 41.68 83 26.67 28.54 27.87 27.85 45 55.00 60.00 55.19 54.30 58 30.00 36.42 37.12 37.47 71 45.83 48.97 46.34 46.23 84 25.00 38.40 38.85 38.85 46 47.50 53.24 52.79 52.63 59 65.83 69.06 70.04 69.83 72 20.83 28.76 28.30 28.74 85 18.33 20.47 21.03 20.99 47 42.50 40.37 42.56 42.65 60 58.33 69.10 68.46 68.52 73 54.17 56.38 56.19 56.49 86 24.17 29.00 29.56 30.14 48 72.50 79.80 77.43 77.37 61 44.17 50.95 52.33 52.01 74 43.33 39.45 38.96 38.88 87 15.83 11.56 12.07 12.10 49 55.83 53.87 50.11 49.75 62 35.83 35.86 36.23 36.69 75 19.17 17.10 17.08 17.36 88 40.83 43.36 41.35 40.68 50 72.50 74.23 72.27 72.02 63 31.67 29.94 29.21 29.43 76 21.67 23.05 23.48 23.58 89 27.50 36.92 36.86 36.40 51 15.00 19.94 19.51 20.12 64 53.33 58.61 55.65 55.58 77 58.33 59.02 58.40 58.12 90 26.67 30.48 31.51 31.57 52 70.00 75.25 74.64 74.25 65 34.17 38.78 40.11 39.93 78 25.00 29.96 27.89 27.68 - - - - 53 14.17 14.40 14.75 14.81 66 17.50 18.60 19.26 19.39 79 28.33 26.53 27.93 27.77 - - - - ?????? 21/08/2011 07:42:53
  • 3. ???? 3/5 ???????????????????????????????????? (O-NET) ??????????? 3 (?????????????? 3) ?????????? 2551 ??????? 3 - ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????? ???????????? 1072022008 ???????????? ?????????????????? ?????? ?????????????????????????????????????? ??????? ?????????? ???? : ?????????? (93) ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? 31 55.00 69.16 67.28 68.21 41 32.50 27.43 29.41 29.59 51 33.33 29.18 29.77 30.00 61 27.50 31.51 34.60 35.20 32 5.83 9.28 9.25 9.09 42 22.50 27.33 27.34 28.21 52 20.83 24.14 27.07 28.29 62 15.83 21.44 23.69 24.26 33 77.50 69.04 69.19 69.76 43 39.17 38.78 37.63 38.24 53 16.67 20.09 23.60 24.25 63 28.33 27.95 27.94 28.08 34 45.83 54.19 52.87 53.80 44 25.00 28.26 26.97 26.99 54 19.17 24.26 26.08 26.86 64 38.33 36.24 36.09 36.50 35 28.33 33.80 33.00 34.21 45 39.17 48.18 48.69 49.61 55 25.83 27.96 28.74 28.77 65 16.67 19.37 20.03 20.26 36 71.67 67.69 63.03 63.91 46 43.33 41.42 41.68 42.40 56 37.50 47.18 45.72 46.52 66 30.00 37.01 37.14 37.80 37 50.00 57.56 54.19 55.14 47 19.17 20.24 19.98 19.74 57 25.83 32.54 33.85 34.94 67 24.17 23.89 25.01 25.28 38 63.33 65.27 63.78 64.56 48 23.33 26.44 26.64 26.16 58 22.50 26.64 28.48 29.03 68 45.00 38.22 36.49 36.35 39 11.67 14.16 14.68 15.03 49 35.00 26.63 27.20 26.84 59 28.33 27.71 26.56 27.15 69 25.83 23.26 23.79 24.56 40 20.83 18.66 18.30 18.80 50 40.00 45.10 47.77 48.82 60 20.83 24.47 24.86 25.45 70 23.33 23.95 24.45 24.91 ?????? 21/08/2011 07:42:53
  • 4. ???? 4/5 ???????????????????????????????????? (O-NET) ??????????? 3 (?????????????? 3) ?????????? 2551 ??????? 3 - ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????? ???????????? 1072022008 ???????????? ?????????????????? ?????? ?????????????????????????????????????? ??????? ?????????? ???? : ?????????? (94) ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? 1 22.50 26.80 26.83 27.01 9 19.17 20.84 21.57 21.72 17 35.83 33.64 33.52 33.56 25 64.17 53.22 52.23 51.35 2 34.17 36.02 35.64 35.61 10 20.00 29.40 30.11 30.45 18 25.83 24.97 26.40 26.76 26 22.50 25.62 26.52 26.59 3 12.50 21.68 21.95 22.11 11 30.83 31.41 31.20 31.33 19 17.50 26.67 27.23 27.11 27 23.33 26.87 27.81 27.99 4 39.17 37.17 36.96 36.98 12 19.17 28.07 28.04 28.06 20 76.67 73.17 69.44 69.41 28 28.33 28.62 28.64 28.56 5 55.83 47.48 45.64 45.50 13 19.17 25.14 24.98 25.10 21 39.17 33.66 34.15 34.45 29 32.50 35.21 34.48 34.86 6 23.33 31.17 30.61 31.01 14 31.67 34.97 34.61 34.88 22 37.50 47.02 46.56 46.82 30 28.33 28.39 28.80 28.99 7 37.50 41.20 40.93 41.05 15 31.67 31.24 29.92 29.90 23 31.67 30.52 30.96 31.15 - - - - 8 20.83 22.71 23.44 23.38 16 31.67 26.90 26.50 26.64 24 39.17 31.84 31.99 32.19 - - - - ?????? 21/08/2011 07:42:53
  • 5. ???? 5/5 ???????????????????????????????????? (O-NET) ??????????? 3 (?????????????? 3) ?????????? 2551 ??????? 3 - ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????? ???????????? 1072022008 ???????????? ?????????????????? ?????? ?????????????????????????????????????? ??????? ?????????? ???? : ??????????? (95) ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ?????? ?????? 1 46.67 58.24 60.17 60.80 11 38.33 39.03 37.98 38.15 21 16.67 25.45 27.63 27.94 31 54.17 41.72 43.06 42.16 2 57.50 73.09 68.37 68.47 12 48.33 47.37 46.86 46.72 22 26.67 31.99 33.13 33.27 32 56.67 50.75 48.82 48.91 3 33.33 35.67 35.31 35.86 13 46.67 45.66 44.99 45.09 23 43.33 37.93 38.62 38.78 33 47.50 51.20 50.67 50.82 4 48.33 47.87 44.90 45.22 14 15.83 23.63 24.13 24.14 24 20.83 23.15 22.96 23.34 34 25.83 28.55 26.73 26.83 5 37.50 39.38 39.95 39.83 15 19.17 23.76 23.59 24.11 25 48.33 52.25 52.15 52.36 35 65.83 51.09 48.34 48.31 6 20.00 22.22 21.93 22.07 16 24.17 36.25 35.91 36.07 26 17.50 36.16 35.39 35.68 36 70.00 52.17 50.84 51.02 7 51.67 45.02 44.62 44.89 17 26.67 29.00 29.65 29.99 27 45.00 42.42 40.95 41.38 37 37.50 33.73 34.70 34.66 8 25.00 28.04 28.46 28.88 18 27.50 27.64 30.24 30.10 28 20.00 29.96 29.01 29.39 38 43.33 44.49 42.24 42.46 9 38.33 46.77 46.36 46.60 19 25.00 28.35 26.37 26.44 29 24.17 38.47 37.22 37.35 39 29.17 41.64 40.24 40.07 10 60.00 52.18 51.13 51.09 20 36.67 37.57 36.71 36.87 30 27.50 30.01 29.51 29.63 40 75.00 64.12 61.04 61.55 ?????? 21/08/2011 07:42:53