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Grade 3  Geometric vs. Organic Shapes
What do you see?
All the Eternal Love I Have For Pumpkins Infinity Room, 2017, Kusama
Artistic Focus: Shape
SHAPE is a closed space made
when a line connects to itself.
Todays objectives:
1. Explain the difference
between geometric and
organic shapes
2. Use a variety of paint
techniques to create a
Kusama-inspired pumpkin
WA State Visual Arts Standard
Create personally satisfying
artwork, using a variety of artistic
processes and materials.
(VA: Cr2.1.3)
All the Eternal Love I Have For Pumpkins
Infinity Room, 2017, Kusama
Yoiyo Kusama
 Born in 1929 in Matsumoto, Japan,
Kusama studied painting in Kyoto before
moving to New York City in the late
1950s. She currently lives in Japan.
 Kusamas works are examples of Pop Art
and Minimalism.
 Her creations include paintings,
performances, room-size presentations,
and outdoor sculptural installations.
 She uses art as therapy: I fight pain,
anxiety and fear every day, and the
only method I have found that relieves
my illness is to keep creating art.
Pumpkin, 1991, Kusama
Pumpkins, 2006, Yayoi Kusama
"Our earth is only one polka dot among
a million stars in the cosmos.
Polka dots are a way to infinity.
- Yayoi Kusama
Example of Todays Project
Watercolor Paper Black Tempera Paint
Pencil Black Sharpie Paint Brush
Paper Towels
Scrap Paper
Paper Plates
Before You Begin
1. Write your name in pencil on
the back of the paper.
2. Flip over your paper.
3. Roll up your sleeves!
Organic vs. Geometric Shapes
SHAPE is a closed space made
when a line connects to itself.
ORGANIC: shapes, often
curvilinear in appearance, that
are similar to those found in
nature, such as plants, animals,
and rocks.
GEOMETRIC: any shapes and
based on math principles, such
as a square, circle, and triangle.
Pumpkin (M) in bronze, 2014,
Yayoi Kusama
Organic vs. Geometric Shapes
Which shapes below are geometric? Which shapes are organic?
Step 1
 Our pumpkin drawing will be made from a series of organic shapes.
 Start drawing your pumpkin about an inch below the top of the paper (to leave
space for the stem).
 Use your pencil to lightly draw a large peanut-type shape that will be the middle
section of your pumpkin.
Step 2
 Draw the stem for your pumpkin.
 Add 2-3 more curved lines on each side of the peanut shape. Make them about 3
finger-widths apart. You may go over your lines with a Sharpie now or later.
Step 3
 Pick your pumpkins color.
 Dip your paintbrush into
the water.
 Lightly squeeze the water
into the watercolor pan
you chose until its full.
 Take your brush and in a
gentle circular motion, mix
the paint with the water -
about 20 circles.
 Test your color on the scrap
paper to see if its dark
enough. If you want it
darker, circle your brush in
the pan to get more paint.
Each oval is
called a pan
Step 4
 Paint the middle section
of your pumpkin.
 You may paint the other
organic sections the
same color or vary the
color of the section by
using different values.
 We want it to dry quickly,
so paint lightly.
 Remember, value is the
lightness and darkness of
a line, shape, or form.
Drying Time Before Adding Dots
 The painting needs a
little time to dry
before adding the
Drying Time Before Adding Dots
Pumpkins, 2006, Yayoi Kusama
 On some of Kusamas
paintings, she used patterns
for the sections of the
pumpkin and random small
dots for the stem.
Drying Time Before Adding Dots
Pumpkins, 2006, Yayoi Kusama
Think about the dots for your pumpkin:
 What will be their sizes?
 Will you place them randomly or in a pattern?
Drying Time Before Adding Dots
 How will you add dots to
your painting?
 You can use a Sharpie
marker, the eraser of a
pencil, or corks to make
different sized dots.
 You may go over your
lines with a Sharpie if
youd like.
Step 5
 If your painting is now
dry enough, you can add
the dots.
 To use the corks and the
pencil eraser, lightly dip
the flat end into the
tempera paint and then
on to your pumpkin.
 Repeat to make your
desired pattern.
 Use the Sharpie to make
small dots.
 What is the difference between
and an organic and a geometric
 How did you use organic and
geometric shapes to make your
 What was your favorite part of
our project today?
 Would anyone like to share their
1. http://visualmelt.com/Yayoi-Kusama
2. https://www.victoria-miro.com/exhibitions/464/
3. https://www.artspace.com/yayoi_kusama
4. https://youtu.be/Z4OhwL7WyHg video - kids critique
5. https://youtu.be/ibHY-CLNJyU video - interview with Kusama
6. Original LWSD sample, used with permission.
The development of this Lake Washington School District art docent lesson was
made possible by a grant from the Lake Washington Schools Foundation.

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3-Shape-GeometricVSOrganic shape and.pdf

  • 1. Shape Grade 3 Geometric vs. Organic Shapes
  • 2. What do you see? All the Eternal Love I Have For Pumpkins Infinity Room, 2017, Kusama
  • 3. Artistic Focus: Shape SHAPE is a closed space made when a line connects to itself. Todays objectives: 1. Explain the difference between geometric and organic shapes 2. Use a variety of paint techniques to create a Kusama-inspired pumpkin WA State Visual Arts Standard Create personally satisfying artwork, using a variety of artistic processes and materials. (VA: Cr2.1.3) All the Eternal Love I Have For Pumpkins Infinity Room, 2017, Kusama
  • 4. Yoiyo Kusama Born in 1929 in Matsumoto, Japan, Kusama studied painting in Kyoto before moving to New York City in the late 1950s. She currently lives in Japan. Kusamas works are examples of Pop Art and Minimalism. Her creations include paintings, performances, room-size presentations, and outdoor sculptural installations. She uses art as therapy: I fight pain, anxiety and fear every day, and the only method I have found that relieves my illness is to keep creating art.
  • 6. Artwork Pumpkins, 2006, Yayoi Kusama "Our earth is only one polka dot among a million stars in the cosmos. Polka dots are a way to infinity. - Yayoi Kusama
  • 8. Materials Watercolor Paper Black Tempera Paint Pencil Black Sharpie Paint Brush Paper Towels Watercolors Corks Scrap Paper Paper Plates
  • 9. Before You Begin 1. Write your name in pencil on the back of the paper. 2. Flip over your paper. 3. Roll up your sleeves!
  • 10. Organic vs. Geometric Shapes SHAPE is a closed space made when a line connects to itself. ORGANIC: shapes, often curvilinear in appearance, that are similar to those found in nature, such as plants, animals, and rocks. GEOMETRIC: any shapes and based on math principles, such as a square, circle, and triangle. Pumpkin (M) in bronze, 2014, Yayoi Kusama
  • 11. Organic vs. Geometric Shapes Which shapes below are geometric? Which shapes are organic?
  • 12. Step 1 Our pumpkin drawing will be made from a series of organic shapes. Start drawing your pumpkin about an inch below the top of the paper (to leave space for the stem). Use your pencil to lightly draw a large peanut-type shape that will be the middle section of your pumpkin.
  • 13. Step 2 Draw the stem for your pumpkin. Add 2-3 more curved lines on each side of the peanut shape. Make them about 3 finger-widths apart. You may go over your lines with a Sharpie now or later.
  • 14. Step 3 Pick your pumpkins color. Dip your paintbrush into the water. Lightly squeeze the water into the watercolor pan you chose until its full. Take your brush and in a gentle circular motion, mix the paint with the water - about 20 circles. Test your color on the scrap paper to see if its dark enough. If you want it darker, circle your brush in the pan to get more paint. Each oval is called a pan
  • 15. Step 4 Paint the middle section of your pumpkin. You may paint the other organic sections the same color or vary the color of the section by using different values. Note: We want it to dry quickly, so paint lightly. Remember, value is the lightness and darkness of a line, shape, or form.
  • 16. Drying Time Before Adding Dots The painting needs a little time to dry before adding the dots.
  • 17. Drying Time Before Adding Dots Pumpkins, 2006, Yayoi Kusama On some of Kusamas paintings, she used patterns for the sections of the pumpkin and random small dots for the stem.
  • 18. Drying Time Before Adding Dots Pumpkins, 2006, Yayoi Kusama Think about the dots for your pumpkin: What will be their sizes? Will you place them randomly or in a pattern?
  • 19. Drying Time Before Adding Dots How will you add dots to your painting? You can use a Sharpie marker, the eraser of a pencil, or corks to make different sized dots. You may go over your lines with a Sharpie if youd like.
  • 20. Step 5 If your painting is now dry enough, you can add the dots. To use the corks and the pencil eraser, lightly dip the flat end into the tempera paint and then on to your pumpkin. Repeat to make your desired pattern. Use the Sharpie to make small dots.
  • 21. Reflection What is the difference between and an organic and a geometric shape? How did you use organic and geometric shapes to make your pumpkin? What was your favorite part of our project today? Would anyone like to share their art?
  • 22. Credits 1. http://visualmelt.com/Yayoi-Kusama 2. https://www.victoria-miro.com/exhibitions/464/ 3. https://www.artspace.com/yayoi_kusama 4. https://youtu.be/Z4OhwL7WyHg video - kids critique 5. https://youtu.be/ibHY-CLNJyU video - interview with Kusama 6. Original LWSD sample, used with permission. The development of this Lake Washington School District art docent lesson was made possible by a grant from the Lake Washington Schools Foundation.