Samples of my writingGustavo ViolaThe CEO of Company B, Jack Limestone, announced his resignation which the company claimed was due to health reasons. This occurred two days after the resignation of the board chair. The COO then stepped into the CEO position and pledged in his first statement that the upcoming IPO in December would happen as scheduled and the company's debt would decline after going public.
JaponManuel418Japón es un país insular ubicado en el este de Asia entre el océano Pacífico y el mar de Japón, con una población de 127 millones de personas. Tokio es la capital y el principal destino turístico, conocido por su cultura única y sociedad moderna. Otras ciudades populares son Nikko, conocida por su cultura y religión declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad, y Kioto, la antigua capital imperial con muchos sitios históricos preservados y fuente de la cultura japonesa.
The first librariesfahadikramThe earliest libraries were archives of clay tablets found in temple rooms in ancient Sumer dating back to 2600 BC, containing mainly commercial records. Private archives also existed in ancient Egypt and Ugarit, while later libraries from the 7th century BC in Nineveh and 1900 BC in Nippur demonstrated early classification systems. Over 30,000 clay tablets were discovered from the great Library of Ashurbanipal containing vast works of Mesopotamian literature, religion, and administration, including the Epic of Gilgamesh and Enuma Elish. Philosopher Laozi served as keeper of books for the earliest library in China belonging to the Imperial Zhou dynasty.
Photgraphy analysis 2Simranpal KandolaThis photograph shows a large, open field with a tree on the left side. The purpose is to demonstrate that a plain area can be interesting compositionally. The tree is positioned on the left quarter of the frame so as not to block the scene. Despite the large distance between the foreground and background, houses in the distance are slightly blurred while still being part of the overall natural scene. The photograph captures the contrast between the cold colors and warm sunlight to illustrate a sense of brightness.
Organització ESO 16 17Escola Mata de JoncResum de la reunió de pares organització ESO 16-17 a Mata de Jonc
Lima turismoJair OrtizEl documento presenta resúmenes de varios destinos turísticos cerca a Lima, Perú. Incluye información sobre la Reserva Paisajística Nor Yauyos-Cochás, el pueblo de Carania y sitios arqueológicos cercanos, y detalles sobre Pachacámac y Lunahuaná. También proporciona datos sobre San Vicente de Azpitia, Cieneguilla, Matucana, Huarochirí y otros lugares de interés turístico a pocas horas de la capital peruana.
Enfermedades más comunes en los niños con la inicial "B " POR: CLAUDIA BASTIDASclaudia_bastidasEste documento trata sobre varios temas relacionados con la salud infantil. Describe la inflamación de los párpados, dos tipos de blefaritis y su tratamiento básico. También explica la bronquiolitis, sus síntomas y tratamiento. Finalmente, define la bizquera o estrabismo, sus síntomas y posibles tratamientos que dependen de factores como la edad y gravedad del niño.
Eating live can help you liveHeart Missionary NellyThis document discusses the benefits of eating live foods. It defines live foods as foods that are consumed raw or in a condition close to their original state, retaining live enzymes, antioxidants, and nutrients. Examples include fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, and lightly cooked or sprouted nuts and grains. In contrast, processed, refined, synthetic foods have a long shelf life but lack live nutrients. The document recommends focusing on locally available grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables as our original diet chosen by God, and suggests eating leafy greens like spinach and kale for their living phytochemicals.
Quicken Loans Home Advantage magazineKathy FawcettAs marketing writer and publications editor at Quicken Loans, Kathy Fawcett took the budget spent on a printed brochure and with the same spend, helped to create a B2C 4-color magazine: Home Advantage.
Iran capital market obtaining portfolio management codeGriffon CapitalStep by step guide to acquiring investment license to invest in Iran's capital market under discretionary portfolio management
Samples of my writingGustavo ViolaThe CEO of Company B, Jack Limestone, announced his resignation which the company claimed was due to health reasons. This occurred two days after the resignation of the board chair. The COO then stepped into the CEO position and pledged in his first statement that the upcoming IPO in December would happen as scheduled and the company's debt would decline after going public.
JaponManuel418Japón es un país insular ubicado en el este de Asia entre el océano Pacífico y el mar de Japón, con una población de 127 millones de personas. Tokio es la capital y el principal destino turístico, conocido por su cultura única y sociedad moderna. Otras ciudades populares son Nikko, conocida por su cultura y religión declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad, y Kioto, la antigua capital imperial con muchos sitios históricos preservados y fuente de la cultura japonesa.
The first librariesfahadikramThe earliest libraries were archives of clay tablets found in temple rooms in ancient Sumer dating back to 2600 BC, containing mainly commercial records. Private archives also existed in ancient Egypt and Ugarit, while later libraries from the 7th century BC in Nineveh and 1900 BC in Nippur demonstrated early classification systems. Over 30,000 clay tablets were discovered from the great Library of Ashurbanipal containing vast works of Mesopotamian literature, religion, and administration, including the Epic of Gilgamesh and Enuma Elish. Philosopher Laozi served as keeper of books for the earliest library in China belonging to the Imperial Zhou dynasty.
Photgraphy analysis 2Simranpal KandolaThis photograph shows a large, open field with a tree on the left side. The purpose is to demonstrate that a plain area can be interesting compositionally. The tree is positioned on the left quarter of the frame so as not to block the scene. Despite the large distance between the foreground and background, houses in the distance are slightly blurred while still being part of the overall natural scene. The photograph captures the contrast between the cold colors and warm sunlight to illustrate a sense of brightness.
Organització ESO 16 17Escola Mata de JoncResum de la reunió de pares organització ESO 16-17 a Mata de Jonc
Lima turismoJair OrtizEl documento presenta resúmenes de varios destinos turísticos cerca a Lima, Perú. Incluye información sobre la Reserva Paisajística Nor Yauyos-Cochás, el pueblo de Carania y sitios arqueológicos cercanos, y detalles sobre Pachacámac y Lunahuaná. También proporciona datos sobre San Vicente de Azpitia, Cieneguilla, Matucana, Huarochirí y otros lugares de interés turístico a pocas horas de la capital peruana.
Enfermedades más comunes en los niños con la inicial "B " POR: CLAUDIA BASTIDASclaudia_bastidasEste documento trata sobre varios temas relacionados con la salud infantil. Describe la inflamación de los párpados, dos tipos de blefaritis y su tratamiento básico. También explica la bronquiolitis, sus síntomas y tratamiento. Finalmente, define la bizquera o estrabismo, sus síntomas y posibles tratamientos que dependen de factores como la edad y gravedad del niño.
Eating live can help you liveHeart Missionary NellyThis document discusses the benefits of eating live foods. It defines live foods as foods that are consumed raw or in a condition close to their original state, retaining live enzymes, antioxidants, and nutrients. Examples include fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, and lightly cooked or sprouted nuts and grains. In contrast, processed, refined, synthetic foods have a long shelf life but lack live nutrients. The document recommends focusing on locally available grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables as our original diet chosen by God, and suggests eating leafy greens like spinach and kale for their living phytochemicals.
Quicken Loans Home Advantage magazineKathy FawcettAs marketing writer and publications editor at Quicken Loans, Kathy Fawcett took the budget spent on a printed brochure and with the same spend, helped to create a B2C 4-color magazine: Home Advantage.
Iran capital market obtaining portfolio management codeGriffon CapitalStep by step guide to acquiring investment license to invest in Iran's capital market under discretionary portfolio management
2. Клиенты• Возрастная группа от 45 до 65
• Где живут? В городе
• Статус, чем занимаются? Чем интересуются? Пенсионеры
• Чего хотят? К чему стремятся? Мечты: хотят быть подвижны,
мечтают о том, чтоб не было нагрузки
• Как измениться жизнь клиента, если он воспользуется Вашим
решением? моя идея даст возможность не уставать
• Уровень платежеспособности. 3
• Примерно число клиентов в городе, в республике, в мире. За день
в городе 20, в республике 30, в мире 80
• Насколько легко добраться/ достучаться до Вашего потребителя? 4
3. Потребности и проблемы
• Позитивные потребности и проблемы: иметь карточку для использование лифта
• Негативные потребности и проблемы: заправка баланса на карточку
• Какие неприятности грозят Вашему потребителю - если не решить проблему? Исчезнет смысл
использование лифта
• Почему до сих пор не нашел решения своей проблемы? потому, что недостаточно денежных
• Если нашел решение - в чем оно? Как он решает свои проблемы? Как пытается добиться своей
цели? пытается добиться своей цели находя для этого дополнительный бюджет
• Что не получается? Что не устраивает его в том как он пытается решить проблему? В том какими
способами он пытается добиваться своего? В чем главный недостаток этих способов? не
получается взять льготы от государства за ежемесячное пополнение баланса на карте.
• Какова реальная причина проблемы? реальная причина проблемы в том, что государство не
может обеспечить всех пенсионеров пополнением баланса на карточке а только
• Проблема регулярная или периодическая? Регулярная
• Каков уровень боли его проблемы от 1 до 5? 4
• Каков уровень СРОЧНОСТИ его проблемы от 1 до 5? 5