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Pro m5 grupo_100103_149manayam16Este documento presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre los factores de riesgo y protectores asociados con la seguridad vial de los peatones en Colombia. La investigación utilizó encuestas con peatones en varias ciudades colombianas para identificar sus hábitos, emociones y medidas de seguridad. Los resultados mostraron que los peatones perciben un menor riesgo al cruzar en lugares familiares a pesar de la falta de infraestructura peatonal, y recomiendan mejorar el diseño urbano considerando las necesidades de
resume t atwood operTerrance AtwoodTerrance Eugene Atwood has over 15 years of experience in field and plant operations and start-up roles in various industries including chemical, oil and gas, power generation, and water treatment. He has worked on projects involving the construction, commissioning, start-up and operation of plants. Some of his responsibilities have included training operators, developing operational procedures, and acting as a liaison between plants, contractors, and companies.
Initial ideasOwen HuishThe document proposes designing a structure across the meridian line to commemorate the importance of working class areas like Trinity Buoy Warf in securing Britain's oceans in the 17th century. It also mentions creating a visual history piece and perspective model as well as calling the proposed structure a "Monument to the Labourer."
Volunteer to make a difference for childrenAkshaya Patra FoundationInternational Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development is on December 5th. How would you like to contribute your time and skills for the betterment of society? Join Akshaya Patra in getting a first-hand experience on Mid-Day Meal Programme that boosts school attendance.
Enhancing the Online Experience for Students and their Instructors with a Mod...Paul HibbittsEven with the required use of an institutional LMS, instructors still have a wide range of open source options for providing a more customized experience for their courses. In this session, Paul Hibbitts will share with you his recent work with a modern flat-file (no database) Web platform/CMS called Grav (getgrav.org) to complement and enhance SFU’s Canvas LMS.
Internet Society Event on IoT - IoT@MicrosoftMarco SilvaThis was a short presentation given at a IoT Panel I had the pleasure of being part of, organized by the Internet Society in Portugal at IST. I talked about microsoft's commitment on IoT and what products and tools we've been delivering to consumers and developers to empower them to be more productive and achieve more.
GOR Presentation (1)David W. HarringtonThis document provides an opportunity generation report for Q3 2014. It profiles two potential customers, McKenney's Inc. and Coolray, who could benefit from ServiceMax's service management software.
McKenney's Inc. is an Atlanta-based facility services company that needs improved contract management, dashboards/reporting, and systems integration capabilities. Key contacts include Operations Manager Jeff Birch and VPs Danny Woodham and Mark Windom. Coolray is an HVAC/plumbing company in Atlanta that wants increased field productivity, paperless processes, and KPI reporting. IT Manager Ryan Hutchinson and EVP Evan Ehlenbach and COO Hall Smith are contacts. Both companies' needs align well with ServiceMax's
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идеей не воспользуется финансовое положение не улучшится
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Что не получается? Что не устраивает его в том как он пытается решить проблему? В том
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способов? то что не хочет оставить золото в ломбарде
Какова реальная причина проблемы? низкое заработная плата
Проблема регулярная или периодическая? Нет
Каков уровень боли его проблемы от 1 до 5? 4
Каков уровень СРОЧНОСТИ его проблемы от 1 до 5? 4