Effective communication skillsAnkur TiwariDefine and understand communication and the communication process
List and overcome the filters/barriers in a communication process
Practice active listening
Tips to improve verbal and non verbal communication
Republic´s EndssclasstorremarAfter Caesar's assassination, there was a power struggle between his two most trusted men, Mark Antony and Octavian. They worked together to defeat Caesar's killers at the Battle of Philippi but later had a falling out when Antony divorced Octavian's sister to marry Cleopatra. This led to a civil war where Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium. Octavian then consolidated power, taking the title of Augustus and establishing himself as Rome's first emperor, bringing an end to the Roman Republic.
Rome: Legendary OriginsssclasstorremarThis document provides an overview of the legendary origins of Rome. It describes the stories of Aeneas, a Trojan hero who fled to Italy after Troy was destroyed, and of Romulus and Remus, twin brothers who were abandoned as infants but rescued by a wolf and later founded Rome. It also outlines the reigns of Rome's early kings, the last three of whom were Etruscans who contributed to Roman infrastructure and culture. The document aims to explain how, while Roman history is well documented, its origins are obscure, so leaders devised legendary accounts, perhaps based on real events, to establish a glorious past.
1 October 2012renabivensThe document provides an overview of topics to be covered in an upcoming class, including housekeeping items, learning objectives focused on critically evaluating social media, two "tests" on theoretical frameworks, examples of technofeminism and Lanström's critique, Castells' concepts of mass self-communication and counter-power, and where the class will go from there with additional readings on critical theory and the prosumer.
Mesopotamian geossclasstorremarMesopotamia, meaning "between two rivers" in Greek, was located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in modern-day Iraq. Around 12,000 years ago, hunter-gatherers began settling in the region and eventually established farming communities due to the rich, fertile soil created by annual flooding. They developed irrigation techniques like canals to control floods and droughts, allowing for reliable agriculture and food surpluses. This led to larger, more complex settlements and the rise of the first cities between 4000-3000 BC, though agriculture remained the primary economic activity.
Tapaltea 130716021738-phpapp01Sagar MehtaTapal was founded by Adam Ali Tapal and formulated a unique tea blend called Family Mixture, which became their largest selling brand. They introduced multiple tea brands and their mission is to create powerful brands for consumers. Their brands include Danedar, Family Mixture, Ice Tea, and others. They have a wide distribution network across Pakistan and use promotional activities like advertisements, campaigns, and offers to promote their products.
2014 Outlook CallCNOServicesThis document provides a summary of CNO Financial Group's 2014 outlook call that took place on December 18, 2013. The call discusses CNO's strategy of focusing on sustainable profitable growth through initiatives like increasing agent productivity and expanding into new markets. It provides outlooks for 2014 including sales growth targets for its business segments and key financial metrics like return on equity and capital levels. The document also reviews CNO's tax asset position and discusses how it aims to enhance shareholder value through initiatives to improve operating return on equity and book value per share growth.
German Themes in ValkyriessclasstorremarThe document discusses themes of German nationalism presented in a movie. It covers Richard Wagner, a famous composer whose music was later adopted by Nazis due to his antisemitic beliefs. It describes the Valkyries from Norse mythology that inspired the name for Operation Valkyrie. It also provides details on the Wehrmacht, the unified armed forces of Germany from 1935 to 1945, and discusses key aspects of Nazi ideology such as German nationalism, racial theories of Aryan supremacy, and anti-communism.
Resume EJJ LemmensejjlemmensErik Joseph Johannes Lemmens provides his curriculum vitae, which includes his education history, professional experience, qualifications, and references. He has a Master of Science degree in science communication and education from Utrecht University and has worked in various roles communicating science to the public, including at ADV Limburg developing awareness campaigns and managing social media. His objective is to bridge the gap between science, health, communication and society.
Fall constssclasstorremarThe document summarizes the forces involved in the Fall of Constantinople in 1453, when the Ottoman Empire conquered the city. It lists that the Ottoman commander was Mehmed II with 50,000-80,000 infantry and 130 ships. The Byzantine defenders were led by Constantine IX, Giovanni Giustiniani, and Loukas Notaras, with only around 8,000 infantry and 26 ships. The document also maps out the key locations and events of the Ottoman siege and eventual breach of the city's defenses, including how the Turkish fleet entered the Golden Horn and the Emperor's death at St. Romanus Gate.
Így szelidítsd a designered! | HWSW App!Mobil 2013 konferenciamatamorphosisA HWSW App!Mobile 2013 konferenciára készült előadás, "Együttműködés" témában:
"Önfejűek, nem értik a technológiai hátteret, nem tartják a határidőket, nem tisztelik a folyamatokat, nem tudnak érvelni, a szépséget előbbre tartják a funkciónál, a maximalizmust a határidőknél." Sétáljunk egyet az együttműködés kísértetkastélyában! - Tükörterem meglepetésekkel.
SumerssclasstorremarThe document summarizes the Sumerian civilization that arose in Mesopotamia around 3000 BC. The Sumerians lived in city-states like Uruk and Ur and practiced polytheistic religion with gods like Enlil and Inanna playing important roles. Sargon conquered the Sumerian city-states and created the first empire in Mesopotamia through raising a permanent standing army. The Sumerians had an advanced society with social classes and infrastructure like canals and walls around their cities.
Effective communication skillsAnkur TiwariDefine and understand communication and the communication process
List and overcome the filters/barriers in a communication process
Practice active listening
Tips to improve verbal and non verbal communication
Republic´s EndssclasstorremarAfter Caesar's assassination, there was a power struggle between his two most trusted men, Mark Antony and Octavian. They worked together to defeat Caesar's killers at the Battle of Philippi but later had a falling out when Antony divorced Octavian's sister to marry Cleopatra. This led to a civil war where Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium. Octavian then consolidated power, taking the title of Augustus and establishing himself as Rome's first emperor, bringing an end to the Roman Republic.
Rome: Legendary OriginsssclasstorremarThis document provides an overview of the legendary origins of Rome. It describes the stories of Aeneas, a Trojan hero who fled to Italy after Troy was destroyed, and of Romulus and Remus, twin brothers who were abandoned as infants but rescued by a wolf and later founded Rome. It also outlines the reigns of Rome's early kings, the last three of whom were Etruscans who contributed to Roman infrastructure and culture. The document aims to explain how, while Roman history is well documented, its origins are obscure, so leaders devised legendary accounts, perhaps based on real events, to establish a glorious past.
1 October 2012renabivensThe document provides an overview of topics to be covered in an upcoming class, including housekeeping items, learning objectives focused on critically evaluating social media, two "tests" on theoretical frameworks, examples of technofeminism and Lanström's critique, Castells' concepts of mass self-communication and counter-power, and where the class will go from there with additional readings on critical theory and the prosumer.
Mesopotamian geossclasstorremarMesopotamia, meaning "between two rivers" in Greek, was located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in modern-day Iraq. Around 12,000 years ago, hunter-gatherers began settling in the region and eventually established farming communities due to the rich, fertile soil created by annual flooding. They developed irrigation techniques like canals to control floods and droughts, allowing for reliable agriculture and food surpluses. This led to larger, more complex settlements and the rise of the first cities between 4000-3000 BC, though agriculture remained the primary economic activity.
Tapaltea 130716021738-phpapp01Sagar MehtaTapal was founded by Adam Ali Tapal and formulated a unique tea blend called Family Mixture, which became their largest selling brand. They introduced multiple tea brands and their mission is to create powerful brands for consumers. Their brands include Danedar, Family Mixture, Ice Tea, and others. They have a wide distribution network across Pakistan and use promotional activities like advertisements, campaigns, and offers to promote their products.
2014 Outlook CallCNOServicesThis document provides a summary of CNO Financial Group's 2014 outlook call that took place on December 18, 2013. The call discusses CNO's strategy of focusing on sustainable profitable growth through initiatives like increasing agent productivity and expanding into new markets. It provides outlooks for 2014 including sales growth targets for its business segments and key financial metrics like return on equity and capital levels. The document also reviews CNO's tax asset position and discusses how it aims to enhance shareholder value through initiatives to improve operating return on equity and book value per share growth.
German Themes in ValkyriessclasstorremarThe document discusses themes of German nationalism presented in a movie. It covers Richard Wagner, a famous composer whose music was later adopted by Nazis due to his antisemitic beliefs. It describes the Valkyries from Norse mythology that inspired the name for Operation Valkyrie. It also provides details on the Wehrmacht, the unified armed forces of Germany from 1935 to 1945, and discusses key aspects of Nazi ideology such as German nationalism, racial theories of Aryan supremacy, and anti-communism.
Resume EJJ LemmensejjlemmensErik Joseph Johannes Lemmens provides his curriculum vitae, which includes his education history, professional experience, qualifications, and references. He has a Master of Science degree in science communication and education from Utrecht University and has worked in various roles communicating science to the public, including at ADV Limburg developing awareness campaigns and managing social media. His objective is to bridge the gap between science, health, communication and society.
Fall constssclasstorremarThe document summarizes the forces involved in the Fall of Constantinople in 1453, when the Ottoman Empire conquered the city. It lists that the Ottoman commander was Mehmed II with 50,000-80,000 infantry and 130 ships. The Byzantine defenders were led by Constantine IX, Giovanni Giustiniani, and Loukas Notaras, with only around 8,000 infantry and 26 ships. The document also maps out the key locations and events of the Ottoman siege and eventual breach of the city's defenses, including how the Turkish fleet entered the Golden Horn and the Emperor's death at St. Romanus Gate.
Így szelidítsd a designered! | HWSW App!Mobil 2013 konferenciamatamorphosisA HWSW App!Mobile 2013 konferenciára készült előadás, "Együttműködés" témában:
"Önfejűek, nem értik a technológiai hátteret, nem tartják a határidőket, nem tisztelik a folyamatokat, nem tudnak érvelni, a szépséget előbbre tartják a funkciónál, a maximalizmust a határidőknél." Sétáljunk egyet az együttműködés kísértetkastélyában! - Tükörterem meglepetésekkel.
SumerssclasstorremarThe document summarizes the Sumerian civilization that arose in Mesopotamia around 3000 BC. The Sumerians lived in city-states like Uruk and Ur and practiced polytheistic religion with gods like Enlil and Inanna playing important roles. Sargon conquered the Sumerian city-states and created the first empire in Mesopotamia through raising a permanent standing army. The Sumerians had an advanced society with social classes and infrastructure like canals and walls around their cities.