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   惠惆/ 悖忰惆 惺惡惆悋惘
愆惘悸 惡惆惘 惠悴悋 悋惺悋惠

悋  悖惆惘惆

                  惴悋 惠愆愃 悋惠 悋悴悋.

 悖惷悋  software platform悋惠 悋悴悋 惠惷:
                            惴悋 惠愆愃
                            Middle ware
                  惡惺惷 悋惡惘悋悴 悋愕悋愕悸.
悋  悖惆惘惆

  惡 @ 惺 悖愕悋愕 悋悸 愕 ).(Linux Kernel

 悋惠 惡悒愆悋悧 悴悴  65 悋悴悋 悋惠忰 )Open
                              (Handset Alliance
悋  65 悋悴悋 悋惠忰 OHA
  Open Handset Alliance
 悴惺悸  悖惓惘  04 愆惘悸 惺悋悸, 愆
 愆惘悋惠 惡惘悴悋惠  悋惠惶悋惠  愆惘悋惠 惠惶惺
         悋悋惠 悋惶惡悸 Hardware
悋悵悋 悖惆惘惆

惴悋 惠忰 悋惶惆惘* )(Open Source

悋悽惶悋悧惶 悋惘悧愕悸

           悋悸 悒惠惘悋惷悸 悴悋悋 )Dalvik Java Virtual
:(Machine悽惶惶悸 悴慍悸 悋悴悋 悵悋惠 悋悵悋惘悸 悋忰惆惆悸.

    惠惶忰 悒惠惘惠: 惡 惺 悖愕悋愕 WebKit engine

 惠惡悸 悴惘悋愕 惓悋悧 悋惡惺悋惆 )(2D Graphics Library
悋悽惶悋悧惶 悋惘悧愕悸

     惠惡悸 悴惘悋愕 惓惓 悋惡惺悋惆 惡悸 惺 悖愕悋愕
                                0.1 OpenGL ES

                   :SQLITE DBMS悋惺惆 悋惡悋悋惠.

      莝惺 愕悋悧愀 悋惠惺惆惆悸 : Multimedia support
((MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, PNG, GIF
悋悽惶悋悧惶 悋惘悧愕悸

                          GSM 悋惠

               Bluetooth, 3G, WiFi

 .accelerometer ,  ,惡惶悸GPS ,悋惘悋
6悸 悖惆惘惆
Android structure
惠愀惘 悋惡惘悴悋惠 惆惘惆

           莍 惠惘 悋惶惆悋惘 悋惓悋  悖惆惘惆 . SDK

 悖惠  愕惠悽惆 Eclipse 悒悵悋  惡惠慍 悋Plugin

                                 莍惡惘悴悸 惡愃悸 悋悴悋悋.

             悴惆 忰悋 悴悋慍 .Device Emulator
愕悋惡悋惠 悖惆惘惆 惷 悋惡惘悋悴
           The Android Developer Challenges

  悋悸 悋悸 悴悋悧慍 01  惆惘 悖惘 惆悸 
                          悴悴,愕悸 悒 惶:

                    1-悋愕悋惡悸 悋 悋惠惠  悖惡惘 8002
                                   - 悋惘忰悸 悋: 05 悋悧慍  悋悧慍 000,52 $.
 01 悋悧慍  悋悧慍 000,001$.     - 悋惘忰悸 悋惓悋悸:01 悋悧慍  悋悧慍 000,572 $,

                                 2-悋愕悋惡悸 悋惓悋悸  惠 悋惺
                                                         惺悋 惡惺惆.
悖悴慍悸 惠惺 惡惴悋 悖惆惘惆
 22悖惠惡惘 8002 惠 愆 悋悋惡 惺 悖 悋悴慍悸 悋惠
 惠惺 惡惴悋 悖惆惘惆.)1 (T-Mobile G悖 ) (HTC Dream
               悋 惠惘  悖惘悋  悒悴惠惘悋  惆悋.   

                                       忰悋 悴悋慍.
悖悴慍悸 惠惺 惡惴悋 悖惆惘惆
                          HTC Magic
                     71 惡惘悋惘 9002
     莒惡惺惷 悋惆 悋惘惡悸  惘惡惺 9002.
惘惡悋 悖悴慍悸 悖悽惘 惠惺 惡惴悋 悖惆惘惆

莀惆惠 愆惘悸  Motorola悖悋 惠惺 忰悋悋  悒惠悋悴 悋惠
                           悴悋 惺 惡惴悋 悖惆惘惆.
    愆惘悸  Huawei Technologies惠悽愀愀 惠悋悴 悋惠
      悵 惺 惡惴悋 悖惆惘惆  惠惶 惺悋 9002.
  惠悽愀愀    , Sony Ericsson  Samsung惠悋悴
                悋惠 惠惺 惡惴悋 悖惆惘惆  9002.
悖悴慍悸 悖悽惘 惠惺 惡惴悋 悖惆惘惆

 悴忰 惡惺惷 悋愕惠悽惆  惠惓惡惠 悖惆惘惆 惺
                悖悴慍悸 惠惺 悖惶 惡悖惴悸 悖悽惘:
                               077Nokia N
                               018Nokia N
                      Motorola A1200 Ming
                      3791 OpenMoko Neo
                         107 Asus EEEPC
愕 悖惆惘惆
               Android Market
               惠忰 惡惘悴 悋惆惘惆 愆惘 惡惘悋悴.
                   愕悋悄 悋惠 悴悋悸 悖 愃惘 悴悋悸.   

              惠忰惆惓 惺悸 惘悋悴惺悸 悖 悒惺惠悋惆 惡惘悋悴.
    莛悋悋 f惡 悋惡惘悋悴 悋愃惘 悴悋悸 愀  惡惘悴
悋悋惠 悋惠忰惆悸 悒悴惠惘悋.  惺惘惷悸 愀 愕惠悽惆
                                 悋悋惠 悋惠忰惆悸.
惡惺惷 悋惡惘悋悴 惆惘惆

             愆惘悸 愕惡 悋惆悋悸
                    )(Guided ways
惡惺惷 悋惡惘悋悴  愕 悖惆惘惆

 惡惠惶惘 悋惡悋惘惆 悋悽悋惶 惡悖 惠悴 惓  惡悋惡忰惓
  惺 悵悋 悋惠悴 惺 悋惠惘惠 忰惶 惺 悋惘悸
                                悖愕惺悋惘 悵悋 悋惠悴.
惡惺惷 悋惡惘悋悴  愕 悖惆惘惆

              Quickoffice for Android
惡惺惷 悋惡惘悋悴  愕 悖惆惘惆

 惡惷惡愀 忰悋悸 悋悴悋慍 )惓 忰悋悸 悋惘( 忰愕惡
                  悋悋 悋悴惆 惡 悋愆悽惶.
惡惺惷 悋惠悋惆悋惠

1- 愕 悵悋 惶惆惘 惠忰 )(Open Source惡愆 悋.

   2-惺惆 悋惠悋 惺悋惘 悋悴悋悋 )(Java standards
                      悋愆悋悧惺悸 惓 .Java SE, ME
惆惺 悋愃悸 悋惺惘惡悸

    惆惺 悋忰悋 ) (The emulator悋愃悸 悋惺惘惡悸.
莒惺惷 悋愕惠悽惆  www.ahmed-essam.com悴忰
                               惠惺惘惡 悋忰悋.
ODesk 悖惆惘惆  悋

iPhone               Android
悋悵悋 悋 悖 惠悴


                                             莍惺 悋惘愕 惆惘惆

                                                               莬 悖惆惘惆

                                                           愕悋惡悸 悖惆惘惆

                                                                惘悋悴惺 悖悽惘
悋悵悋 悵 悋忰悋惷惘悸 惡悋愃悸 悋惺惘惡悸

           惺悋 惘悴忰 悋慍悋
About BadrIT

Badr for Information Technology (BadrIT) is an offshore software outsourcing company,
headquartered in Alexandria, Egypt, that provides reliable state-of-the-art solutions.

We are keen to build solid strategic partnerships with our clients around the world. Our passion is
satisfying our customers needs using cutting-edge technologies. We enjoy developing desktop, web
and mobile applications that fulfill our customer requirements, where quality is not optional.

By providing cost effective outsourcing solutions and incorporating agile software development,
business values could be sustained while producing dynamic services and products.

Why BadrIT:
   Quality: As quality is part of our culture, our team guarantees delivering high quality software.

    Technology: Our team has extensive experience in a wide range of technologies (many of them
are open source), which provides the most efficient solutions for your business.

  Communication: Our team has many successful stories in working with foreign clients (USA,
Canada, UK, Italy, ... ).

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34d7 android

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  • 23. ODesk 悖惆惘惆 悋 iPhone Android
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  • 28. About BadrIT Badr for Information Technology (BadrIT) is an offshore software outsourcing company, headquartered in Alexandria, Egypt, that provides reliable state-of-the-art solutions. We are keen to build solid strategic partnerships with our clients around the world. Our passion is satisfying our customers needs using cutting-edge technologies. We enjoy developing desktop, web and mobile applications that fulfill our customer requirements, where quality is not optional. By providing cost effective outsourcing solutions and incorporating agile software development, business values could be sustained while producing dynamic services and products. Why BadrIT: Quality: As quality is part of our culture, our team guarantees delivering high quality software. Technology: Our team has extensive experience in a wide range of technologies (many of them are open source), which provides the most efficient solutions for your business. Communication: Our team has many successful stories in working with foreign clients (USA, Canada, UK, Italy, ... ).