reglamento upc- catedra upcandreesmarinEste documento presenta el reglamento de la Universidad Popular del Cesar para estudiantes. Explica la importancia de conocer el reglamento para reconocer los derechos y deberes de los estudiantes, así como los procedimientos a seguir en situaciones como cambios de programa, fraude académico, agresión física y cómo hacer uso del reglamento en casos de abuso de autoridad u otros. El estudiante concluye que aprendió sobre el reglamento y cómo mantenerse en la universidad cumpliendo con sus obligaciones.
Tarea 3 ensayo gestion del conocimientoKatherine SilvaLa gestión del conocimiento es un concepto aplicado en las organizaciones para transferir conocimiento desde donde se genera hasta donde se va a emplear, e implica compartir y utilizar conocimiento entre sus miembros así como asimilar conocimiento externo. El conocimiento se define como datos e información adquiridos a través de experiencia, educación o comprensión teórica o práctica, por lo que las personas juegan un papel clave en la gestión del conocimiento en las organizaciones.
Lorjin CchsMediatecaCeleEste documento propone una secuencia de pasos para enseñar el sistema vocálico del idioma inglés a estudiantes del Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades. Comienza explicando los articuladores vocálicos y el número de sonidos en inglés. Luego compara los sistemas vocálicos del inglés y español. Presenta imágenes de las posturas linguales de las vocales. Finalmente, sugiere que los estudiantes practiquen la identificación de vocales en la mediateca para desarrollar su autonomía en el aprend
Computadores AS81A-3LuisfoliveiraO documento descreve as primeiras gerações de computadores, desde os primeiros modelos baseados em válvulas até os computadores da terceira geração que utilizavam circuitos integrados. Detalha as características técnicas e evolução dos componentes de cada geração, como a transição das válvulas para os transistores e depois para os circuitos integrados.
EnrutamientosilvicrrEste documento presenta una introducción a los conceptos y protocolos de enrutamiento de redes, incluyendo configuraciones de enrutamiento, algoritmos de enrutamiento, protocolos de enrutamiento interiores como RIP, OSPF, y exteriores como BGP. Explica brevemente cómo funcionan estos protocolos y sus ventajas y desventajas.
Engaging the xen communityThe Linux FoundationThis document discusses ways for people to engage with the Xen community, including through non-development activities like testing and documentation or development activities like contributing code. It encourages testing Xen releases on different hardware, writing thorough bug reports, improving documentation, providing feedback, and contributing patches with guidelines like breaking changes into logical patches and ensuring no regressions. Testing, documentation, feedback, and code contributions are described as ways to engage and help the community.
ใบงานที่ 5kkongnbaThe document discusses Thailand's National Software Contest (NSC), an annual competition started in 1994 to promote software development among students. It has grown in popularity over the years and now includes categories like mobile applications. In addition to domestic recognition, the NSC helps winners gain international exposure by allowing representatives to participate in the Asia Pacific ICT Awards. The contest website provides past winners and resources to help participants develop their skills.
ใบงานที่ 3kkongnbaThis two paragraph blog post discusses the benefits of blogging as a way to build an audience and develop a personal brand. It notes that maintaining an active blog allows one to share knowledge and expertise with others, and can help someone gain recognition as a thought leader in their industry over time. The post also mentions that blogging regularly demonstrates commitment, which can lead to new opportunities and professional connections for those who blog about their work or area of interest.
ใบงาȨี่2kkongnbaThis document provides a list of links to websites about Thai culture and history. The links reference pages on the history of Lampang province, traditional Thai desserts, and an overview of the Lanna kingdom in northern Thailand. The document aims to direct the reader to additional online resources on various aspects of Thai culture and heritage.
ใบงาȨี่2kkongnbaThis document provides a list of links to websites about Thai culture and history. The links reference pages on the history of Lampang province, traditional Thai desserts, and the importance of Buddhism in Thailand. In total, the document shares 3 external website URLs as resources on different aspects of Thai culture and heritage.
ใบงานที่ 3kkongnbaThis two paragraph blog post discusses the benefits of blogging as a way to build an audience and develop a personal brand. It notes that maintaining an active blog allows one to share knowledge and expertise with others, and can help someone gain recognition as a thought leader in their industry over time. The post also mentions that blogging regularly demonstrates to potential clients and employers an individual's communication skills, work ethic, and passion for their topic or field.
ใบงานที่ 5kkongnbaThe document discusses Thailand's National Software Contest (NSC), an annual competition started in 1994 to promote software development among students. It has grown in popularity over the years and now includes categories like mobile applications. In addition to domestic recognition, the NSC helps winners gain international exposure by allowing representatives to participate in the Asia Pacific ICT Awards. The contest website provides past winners and resources to help participants develop their skills.