This document discusses Twitter usage from September 7-13, 2011. It shows the daily number of tweets posted on Twitter from September 7-13, with September 7 having the highest number of tweets and September 13 having the lowest number of tweets during that period. The document provides daily Twitter usage data from September 7-13, 2011.
Este manual explica c坦mo usar el sitio enLobos, que permite a vendedores publicar productos y servicios y a compradores realizar b炭squedas. Describe las secciones principales como el 叩rbol de categor鱈as, listado de vendedores y destacados. Explica c坦mo registrarse, iniciar sesi坦n, buscar, gestionar publicaciones y cuenta de vendedor. Tambi辿n cubre t辿rminos y condiciones y pol鱈tica de privacidad.
The store has a green and yellow color scheme which makes customers feel fresh. The white, clean floor and high ceilings create a sense of open space. The lighting is bright to showcase product quality. Music plays at a calm volume. Products are arranged by function with featured items at eye level and less expensive products lower down. Customers are mostly in groups or families and browse the store for over an hour on average, with most making purchases.
El blog anima a los lectores a seguir visit叩ndolo para aprender c坦mo cocinar platillos deliciosos en casa, como se mostr坦 recientemente. Les desea saludos a los lectores.
This document discusses Twitter usage from September 7-13, 2011. It shows the daily number of tweets posted on Twitter from September 7-13, with September 7 having the highest number of tweets and September 13 having the lowest number of tweets during that period. The document provides daily Twitter usage data from September 7-13, 2011.
Este manual explica c坦mo usar el sitio enLobos, que permite a vendedores publicar productos y servicios y a compradores realizar b炭squedas. Describe las secciones principales como el 叩rbol de categor鱈as, listado de vendedores y destacados. Explica c坦mo registrarse, iniciar sesi坦n, buscar, gestionar publicaciones y cuenta de vendedor. Tambi辿n cubre t辿rminos y condiciones y pol鱈tica de privacidad.
The store has a green and yellow color scheme which makes customers feel fresh. The white, clean floor and high ceilings create a sense of open space. The lighting is bright to showcase product quality. Music plays at a calm volume. Products are arranged by function with featured items at eye level and less expensive products lower down. Customers are mostly in groups or families and browse the store for over an hour on average, with most making purchases.
El blog anima a los lectores a seguir visit叩ndolo para aprender c坦mo cocinar platillos deliciosos en casa, como se mostr坦 recientemente. Les desea saludos a los lectores.
This document discusses the value of a single loaf of bread. It describes a group that spent $1,423 on a night out and how eating bread the next day helped ease their hangovers, allowing them to salvage their day and function normally. It then notes that this means a single loaf of bread earned the group $1,423 in value by helping them recover. The document concludes by suggesting donating bread to those living in poverty could provide even greater value.
O relat坦rio resume 12 mat辿rias veiculadas em junho sobre o Anjos do Asfalto em ve鱈culos de imprensa regionais e nacionais, incluindo a implementa巽達o de rastreamento veicular em ambul但ncias, a recupera巽達o r叩pida de um ve鱈culo roubado usando rastreamento e doa巽探es de alimentos para fam鱈lias carentes.
Este documento apresenta uma aula introdut坦ria sobre 辿tica e legisla巽達o publicit叩ria ministrada pelo professor Ney Queiroz de Azevedo. Ele descreve o curr鱈culo do professor, o cronograma da disciplina e m辿todos de avalia巽達o. Tamb辿m discute brevemente a influ棚ncia da publicidade e do marketing na sociedade atual.
Este documento describe sistemas expertos e inteligencia artificial. Explica que un sistema experto es un conjunto de programas que contiene el conocimiento de uno o m叩s expertos para ayudar a las personas a realizar tareas m叩s r叩pido y efectivamente. Tambi辿n describe que la inteligencia artificial es un campo general que incluye a los sistemas expertos y que busca desarrollar m叩quinas con comportamiento inteligente mediante el an叩lisis del lenguaje y la capacidad de razonamiento.
This document provides a list of links to websites about Thai culture and history. The links reference pages on the history of Lampang province, traditional Thai desserts, and the importance of Buddhism in Thailand. In total, the document shares 3 external website URLs as resources on different aspects of Thai culture and heritage.
The document outlines the rules for a pub quiz hosted by SITNL 2014. It provides household rules for participation, including that the room is divided into areas for each answer, only one answer is correct, participants must choose an area before the question is answered, and more. It then provides 28 sample trivia questions covering topics about SAP, technology, geography, sports and entertainment for the pub quiz rounds.
Las 7 maravillas de Rusia elegidas por el p炭blico a trav辿s de una encuesta oficial son: el lago Baikal, conocido como el Ojo azul de Siberia; el Valle de los G辿iseres en Kamchatka, que contiene cientos de g辿iseres activos; la Estatua de la Madre Patria en Volgogrado; el Palacio de Peterhof cerca de San Petersburgo; la Catedral de San Basilio en la Plaza Roja de Mosc炭; los Polos de la Rep炭blica de Komi, formaciones rocosas de hasta 42 metros de altura
The document discusses Thailand's National Software Contest (NSC), an annual competition started in 1994 to promote software development among students. It has grown in popularity over the years and now includes categories like mobile applications. In addition to domestic recognition, the NSC helps winners gain international exposure by allowing representatives to participate in the Asia Pacific ICT Awards. The contest website provides past winners and resources to help participants develop their skills.
This two paragraph blog post discusses the benefits of blogging as a way to build an audience and develop a personal brand. It notes that maintaining an active blog allows one to share knowledge and expertise with others, and can help someone gain recognition as a thought leader in their industry over time. The post also mentions that blogging regularly demonstrates commitment, which can lead to new opportunities and professional connections for those who blog about their work or area of interest.
This document provides a list of links to websites about Thai culture and history. The links reference pages on the history of Lampang province, traditional Thai desserts, and an overview of the Lanna kingdom in northern Thailand. The document aims to direct the reader to additional online resources on various aspects of Thai culture and heritage.
This document provides a list of links to websites about Thai culture and history. The links reference pages on the history of Lampang province, traditional Thai desserts, and the importance of Buddhism in Thailand. In total, the document shares 3 external website URLs as resources on different aspects of Thai culture and heritage.
This two paragraph blog post discusses the benefits of blogging as a way to build an audience and develop a personal brand. It notes that maintaining an active blog allows one to share knowledge and expertise with others, and can help someone gain recognition as a thought leader in their industry over time. The post also mentions that blogging regularly demonstrates to potential clients and employers an individual's communication skills, work ethic, and passion for their topic or field.
The document discusses Thailand's National Software Contest (NSC), an annual competition started in 1994 to promote software development among students. It has grown in popularity over the years and now includes categories like mobile applications. In addition to domestic recognition, the NSC helps winners gain international exposure by allowing representatives to participate in the Asia Pacific ICT Awards. The contest website provides past winners and resources to help participants develop their skills.