Florianópolis restaurantesFloripa CoolThis document repeats the phrase "By Marcelo Ferraro" 10 times without providing any other context or information. It does not have a clear topic, narrative, or message to summarize.
Modelu053675The document analyzes an internet-based course constructed using Moodle, an open source courseware tool. The study aims to improve the authors' skills in facilitating distance learning online and help other teachers by making Moodle freely available. The authors use Moodle to build and run online courses to strengthen its abilities to promote reflective practice in both students and teachers.
Pro bono ccw final obtanu_janaThe document outlines a change management plan for an organization called CCW involving weavers. It discusses analyzing the weavers' behaviors and motivating them through the change process. It identifies early adopters and provides strategies to diffuse the change through social networks over multiple phases, including recognizing needs, building commitment, and addressing power dynamics. The plan aims to make the weavers more productive and profitable through behavioral changes to ensure the long-term viability of CCW.
Apresentação MirandelaUniversidade da Beira InteriorO documento resume a palestra de Luís Miguel Pato sobre as mudanças na televisão, incluindo a convergência entre cinema, TV e internet, a importância da portabilidade e conectividade, e como a TDT em 2012 poderia redimir a TV digital terrestre em Portugal.
A modified invasive weedcsanditIn this paper, a modified invasive weed optimization (IWO) algorithm is presented for
optimization of multiobjective flexible job shop scheduling problems (FJSSPs) with the criteria
to minimize the maximum completion time (makespan), the total workload of machines and the
workload of the critical machine. IWO is a bio-inspired metaheuristic that mimics the
ecological behaviour of weeds in colonizing and finding suitable place for growth and
reproduction. IWO is developed to solve continuous optimization problems that’s why the
heuristic rule the Smallest Position Value (SPV) is used to convert the continuous position
values to the discrete job sequences. The computational experiments show that the proposed
algorithm is highly competitive to the state-of-the-art methods in the literature since it is able to
find the optimal and best-known solutions on the instances studied.
Técnicas de auto aprendizaje Pujota Jonathan Segundo HemisemestreAlejandro MorenoEste documento proporciona instrucciones sobre cómo citar y referenciar fuentes en un trabajo académico. Explica qué son las citas y cómo clasificarlas, como citas textuales y bibliográficas. También cubre cómo formatar diferentes tipos de citas bibliográficas como libros, capítulos, artículos y sitios web. Por último, define abreviaturas comúnmente usadas en citas como op. cit. y ibíd.
Florianópolis restaurantesFloripa CoolThis document repeats the phrase "By Marcelo Ferraro" 10 times without providing any other context or information. It does not have a clear topic, narrative, or message to summarize.
Modelu053675The document analyzes an internet-based course constructed using Moodle, an open source courseware tool. The study aims to improve the authors' skills in facilitating distance learning online and help other teachers by making Moodle freely available. The authors use Moodle to build and run online courses to strengthen its abilities to promote reflective practice in both students and teachers.
Pro bono ccw final obtanu_janaThe document outlines a change management plan for an organization called CCW involving weavers. It discusses analyzing the weavers' behaviors and motivating them through the change process. It identifies early adopters and provides strategies to diffuse the change through social networks over multiple phases, including recognizing needs, building commitment, and addressing power dynamics. The plan aims to make the weavers more productive and profitable through behavioral changes to ensure the long-term viability of CCW.
Apresentação MirandelaUniversidade da Beira InteriorO documento resume a palestra de Luís Miguel Pato sobre as mudanças na televisão, incluindo a convergência entre cinema, TV e internet, a importância da portabilidade e conectividade, e como a TDT em 2012 poderia redimir a TV digital terrestre em Portugal.
A modified invasive weedcsanditIn this paper, a modified invasive weed optimization (IWO) algorithm is presented for
optimization of multiobjective flexible job shop scheduling problems (FJSSPs) with the criteria
to minimize the maximum completion time (makespan), the total workload of machines and the
workload of the critical machine. IWO is a bio-inspired metaheuristic that mimics the
ecological behaviour of weeds in colonizing and finding suitable place for growth and
reproduction. IWO is developed to solve continuous optimization problems that’s why the
heuristic rule the Smallest Position Value (SPV) is used to convert the continuous position
values to the discrete job sequences. The computational experiments show that the proposed
algorithm is highly competitive to the state-of-the-art methods in the literature since it is able to
find the optimal and best-known solutions on the instances studied.
Técnicas de auto aprendizaje Pujota Jonathan Segundo HemisemestreAlejandro MorenoEste documento proporciona instrucciones sobre cómo citar y referenciar fuentes en un trabajo académico. Explica qué son las citas y cómo clasificarlas, como citas textuales y bibliográficas. También cubre cómo formatar diferentes tipos de citas bibliográficas como libros, capítulos, artículos y sitios web. Por último, define abreviaturas comúnmente usadas en citas como op. cit. y ibíd.
Ligas.Guadalupe de la CruzEste documento presenta varios enlaces a páginas web educativas que ofrecen recursos para apoyar procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje a través del uso de las tecnologías de la información. Algunas de las páginas incluyen contenidos interactivos, juegos y simulaciones sobre diferentes temas académicos dirigidos a estudiantes de primaria y secundaria. Otras páginas contienen materiales digitales organizados por grado, asignatura y aprendizaje esperado, así como espacios
Chiu i hsuanchiuihsuan1) The document investigates how the inclination angle of a ramp affects the acceleration of a ball rolling down the ramp. Experiments were conducted using a motion detector to measure the acceleration of a ball rolling down ramps of various angles.
2) The results showed a direct linear relationship between the ramp angle and the measured acceleration, as well as between the sine of the ramp angle and the acceleration. Equations were derived from the experimental data that related the acceleration to both the ramp angle and the sine of the ramp angle.
3) The experiments supported the theoretical relationship described by the equation A = g*sin(θ), where the acceleration A is proportional to the sine of the ramp angle θ, with a proportional
The Benefits to Chemical Vendors of Putting their data on ChemSpiderUS Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure ChemSpider provides several benefits to chemical vendors for depositing their data on the site free of charge, including:
1) Exposure to ChemSpider's large user base of over 5,000 chemists per day who can directly access the vendor's data and link to their website with one click.
2) Generation of predicted physicochemical properties and identifiers for deposited structures to enhance records.
3) Flexible search capabilities allowing users to search individual vendor databases or lists of databases.
4) Identification as a commercial supplier through a special icon that links users directly to the vendor's website.
Lehetőségek, korlátok, tapasztalatok a nyílt oktatás világábanDr. Ollé JánosÜzlet és felsőoktatás a 21. században
Tempus Közalapítvány
2013. november 12.
Palestra uniespAP CapitalO documento discute o potencial das mídias sociais e redes sociais. Aborda a diferença entre mídia social e rede social, além de apresentar exemplos de como empresas usaram essas ferramentas de forma eficaz em suas estratégias de marketing e comunicação. Também reflete sobre como a teoria das redes pode ajudar a entender diversos sistemas complexos.
Effectiveness of distance education technologytmoohThis document summarizes two studies on the effectiveness of interactive videodisc instruction (IVDI) and distance learning technologies:
1. A 1990 study by Fletcher found that IVDI increased achievement over conventional instruction in military training by 65% and in higher education by 75%. IVDI was also found to be more cost effective than conventional instruction.
2. A 1990 study by Hobbs in North Dakota found no difference in achievement between distance learning technologies (interactive TV, audiographic tele-learning, instruction by satellite) and traditional foreign language instruction.
The conclusion is that the technology used is less important than how, when, and for whom the education is delivered, as both traditional and distance learning can be effective
ใบงานที่ 5kkongnbaThe document discusses Thailand's National Software Contest (NSC), an annual competition started in 1994 to promote software development among students. It has grown in popularity over the years and now includes categories like mobile applications. In addition to domestic recognition, the NSC helps winners gain international exposure by allowing representatives to participate in the Asia Pacific ICT Awards. The contest website provides past winners and resources to help participants develop their skills.
ใบงานที่ 3kkongnbaThis two paragraph blog post discusses the benefits of blogging as a way to build an audience and develop a personal brand. It notes that maintaining an active blog allows one to share knowledge and expertise with others, and can help someone gain recognition as a thought leader in their industry over time. The post also mentions that blogging regularly demonstrates commitment, which can lead to new opportunities and professional connections for those who blog about their work or area of interest.
ใบงาȨี่2kkongnbaThis document provides a list of links to websites about Thai culture and history. The links reference pages on the history of Lampang province, traditional Thai desserts, and an overview of the Lanna kingdom in northern Thailand. The document aims to direct the reader to additional online resources on various aspects of Thai culture and heritage.
ใบงาȨี่2kkongnbaThis document provides a list of links to websites about Thai culture and history. The links reference pages on the history of Lampang province, traditional Thai desserts, and the importance of Buddhism in Thailand. In total, the document shares 3 external website URLs as resources on different aspects of Thai culture and heritage.
ใบงานที่ 3kkongnbaThis two paragraph blog post discusses the benefits of blogging as a way to build an audience and develop a personal brand. It notes that maintaining an active blog allows one to share knowledge and expertise with others, and can help someone gain recognition as a thought leader in their industry over time. The post also mentions that blogging regularly demonstrates to potential clients and employers an individual's communication skills, work ethic, and passion for their topic or field.
ใบงานที่ 5kkongnbaThe document discusses Thailand's National Software Contest (NSC), an annual competition started in 1994 to promote software development among students. It has grown in popularity over the years and now includes categories like mobile applications. In addition to domestic recognition, the NSC helps winners gain international exposure by allowing representatives to participate in the Asia Pacific ICT Awards. The contest website provides past winners and resources to help participants develop their skills.