City of Dreams Integrated Campaign AssignmentjewellynnzCity of Dreams Macau is a 5-year old casino and hotel complex with 420,000 square feet of casino floor. It experienced a 39% profit increase in 2013. The target market for its upcoming marketing campaign launching on September 13th during Golden Week are mainland Chinese men aged 30-50 who enjoy gaming as a hobby. The campaign will brand City of Dreams as having the best service and rebrand its rewards program. It will include digital, newspaper/billboard ads, and brochures. Endorser Andy Lau will help promote the message that "you can be a king too" with good service at City of Dreams.
дистрибьюторы в мьянмеMyanmarRussia"Дистрибьюторы в Мьянме. Обама в Мьянме, Путин в Мьянме, Биография Аун Сан Су Чжи, Закон Иностранные инвестиции в Мьянме, Экспорт в Мьянме, Импортеры в Мьянме, Дистрибьюторы в Мьянме, Как инвестировать в Мьянме, Русские инвестиции в Мьянме, Как начать бизнес в Мьянме, Японский, индонезийский, индийский, тайский, китайский, французский, немецкий, Русский, испанский, бразильский, мексиканский, канадские, американские, корейские, Малайзии, Израиля, арабский, Сингапура, Японии, Индонезии, Малайзии, Таиланд, Китай, Франция, Германия, Россия, Испания, Португалия, Бразилия, Мексика, Канада, США, Южной Кореи, Малайзии, Израиля, Саудовской Аравии,
ОАЭ, Египет, Кувейт, Катар, Бахрейн, ЕС, Азербайджан, Казахстан, Узбекистан,, , , , ,
Timur AITOV NPC Kaliningrad ENGLISH VERSIONTimur AITOVThis document discusses security as a key factor for the successful development of remote payments in Russia. It outlines new fraud schemes and targeted cyber attacks as threats. The document emphasizes that convenience must be balanced with security, as lack of security undermines other benefits. It proposes strengthened security technologies, organizational practices, and laws to protect consumers while not overcomplicating payments. Reliable protection of new payment technologies is seen as crucial to building customer trust and loyalty.
Imerior Crab MeatSMART WEBKing crab, also known as red king crab or giant Kamchatka crab, is native to seas in the northern Far East region. The document summarizes the nutritional value and chemical composition of king crab meat per 100 grams. It also provides details about a Ukrainian company that produces and exports canned king crab products from raw crab caught off the coast of Kamchatka and processed in facilities near Odessa, Ukraine. The production meets food safety standards and the company offers a variety of king crab products for sale.
Timur AITOV NPC Kaliningrad ENGLISH VERSIONTimur AITOVThis document discusses security as a key factor for the successful development of remote payments in Russia. It outlines new fraud schemes and targeted cyber attacks as threats. The document emphasizes that convenience must be balanced with security, as lack of security undermines other benefits. It proposes strengthened security technologies, organizational practices, and laws to protect consumers while not overcomplicating payments. Reliable protection of new payment technologies is seen as crucial to building customer trust and loyalty.
Imerior Crab MeatSMART WEBKing crab, also known as red king crab or giant Kamchatka crab, is native to seas in the northern Far East region. The document summarizes the nutritional value and chemical composition of king crab meat per 100 grams. It also provides details about a Ukrainian company that produces and exports canned king crab products from raw crab caught off the coast of Kamchatka and processed in facilities near Odessa, Ukraine. The production meets food safety standards and the company offers a variety of king crab products for sale.
Prepositions of time. TestrasparinThe document contains two sections. The first section provides a passage with missing prepositions of time and asks the reader to fill them in. The second section provides multiple choice questions to choose the correct preposition of time for each sentence. Overall, the document tests one's knowledge of English prepositions of time through a fill-in-the-blank exercise and multiple choice questions.
Passive voice (exercises)rasparinThe document discusses the usage of the passive voice in English. It provides examples of sentences in active and passive voice and exercises on identifying verb tenses and transforming between active and passive sentences. The exercises cover topics like identifying the tense of verbs in passive sentences, forming passive sentences from examples provided, translating English sentences to Russian and vice versa, and identifying which example sentences cannot be transformed between active and passive.
Passive voice (test)rasparinThe document contains 14 variants of exercises on the passive voice in English. Each variant contains 5 short exercises: 1) forming a passive sentence from provided words, 2) translating sentences into the passive voice, 3) changing active sentences to the passive voice, 4) completing sentences in the passive voice, and 5) choosing the correct passive form. The exercises provide practice with different structures and tenses in the passive voice.
The usage of conditionalsrasparinThe document provides examples and exercises to practice using conditionals in English. It covers topics like supplying the correct verb form in conditional sentences, filling in a table with conditional sentences of different types, making new conditional sentences based on given facts, translating conditional sentences from Russian to English, and responding to remarks using conditional phrases. The exercises help to reinforce understanding and proper usage of conditional structures in English.
Conditionals (test)rasparinThe document contains 10 variants of a test on conditionals in English. Each variant contains 6 questions or tasks:
1. Write 3 sentences using 3 different conditional types
2. Complete a sentence using the correct conditional form
3. Rewrite excuses using present unreal conditionals
4. Translate phrases into English using "I wish..."
5. Choose the correct conditional variant
6. Write 3 sentences about an imaginary situation and describe the results
The document provides examples of conditional sentences and structures to practice different conditional forms in English.
1. Мысли вслух
(об образности восприятия учебного материала)
Покуда угол не построим мы прямой,
Не жди согласия меж нами и сестрой.
Но как свершится чудо это, в тот же час,
Не разольешь водой и не поссоришь нас.
Гипотенуза – старшая сестра. На ты
Общаться с ней не могут братья-катеты.
У нас в семье давно живет закон такой:
Сестра должна смотреть лишь на угол прямой!
Чтоб смысл понять стихотворенья,
Запомним, минус – это «враг»!
Всего хорошего творенье
Он уничтожит просто так.
Плюс – это «друг», простой, сердечный.
Не рушит он, а создает.
Порою кажется беспечным,
Но чаще к доброте ведет.
Раскрыть вы скобки захотите,
А перед ними минус – «враг».
Что ж крепко-накрепко учтите –
Любой он поломает знак!
Но с плюсом разговор особый,
Он – «друг», мы помним это все.
И, чинно сняв замок со скобок,
Не сменит знаков он совсем.
Усвоив истины простые,Едва ль ты попадешь впросак
Произнося слова такие:
«Друг» моего «врага» мне «враг».
А думая аналогично,
Без напряжения и мук,
Ты можешь заявить публично:
«Враг» моего «врага» мне «друг»!