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Marine Disbursing Information                                             Pay and Entitlements

     Pay                             Travel
  645-2600                          645-7343

     Temporary Lodging Allowance                                         How long is TLA authorized?
                (TLA)                                                The length of departure TLA is dependent upon
 TLA is provided to partially reimburse a member for                 termination of quarters.
  the more than normal expenses incurred while
  occupying temporary lodgings.                                      Members living in government quarters will not be
                                                                      able to schedule a final housing inspection more than
 The daily TLA rate is composed of lodging and a                     4 days prior to scheduled flight dates.
  percentage of your meals and incidental expenses.
                                                                     Members living in economy housing are authorized up
  For current rates, see:
   https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiem.cfm                 to 10 days.

        How to file a TLA Claim?                                            When Will You Get Paid?
 Submit the following to IPAC:                                      Disbursing typically receives TLA claims the day
  MCBJ 7220/1 Temporary Lodging Allowance Request Form.              before or the day of your flight.
  Paid lodging receipt ($0.00 Balance).
  AF From 594, Termination of Quarters or Terminated Lease.         Once Disbursing receives your claim, it will be
  Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Orders with flight
                                                                      processed within 24 hours.
   itinerary (also dependent itinerary if traveling separate from
   the member).
  Certificate of Non-Availability if lodging off base.              Receipt of the payment will occur by Electronic Funds
 May be submitted up to 1 day before departure.                      Transfer within 24-72 business hours from the time
                                                                      we process your claim.

Advances of Pay and Allowances                           Advances of Pay and Allowances
 Advance Pay: advance of basic pay incident to a PCS
                                                          Advance TLA: only authorized if you are transferring
                                                           to another Outside Continental United States
  Up to 3 months may be approved by the Commanding
                                                           (OCONUS) location
   Officer. Requests may be submitted 30 days prior to
   detaching through 60 days after arrival at the new       Government Temporary Lodging Facilities must be used
   Permanent Duty Station (PDS).                             if available.
                                                          Advance Housing Allowance: Must be requested upon
                                                           arrival at new PDS

     Pay Changes Upon Transfer                                               References
 Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)                       Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR)
  Starts on the date of detachment.                      Department of Defense Financial Management Regulations
                                                           Volume 7A (DODFMR)
 Cost of Living Allowance (COLA)                         Automated Pay Systems Manual (APSM)
                                                          Marine Corps Bases Japan Order 7220.2G
  Stops the day prior to detachment.
                                                          Air Force Instruction 32-6001/18th Wing Supplemental
 CONUS COLA (if applicable)
    Starts on the date of arrival at new PDS

             Travel Entitlements                           What do you and your dependents

                                                             Entitlements from PDS (Permanent Duty
                                                              Station) to PDS or to a Designated Place
                                                               Per diem, MALT, commercial transportation, misc
                                                                reimbursable expenses
                                                             Advance Travel

                                                             DLA (Dislocation Allowance)

                                                             TLE (Temporary Lodging Expense)

Advance Travel                                                       Advance DLA
 Service members and their dependents can be
                                                                         All Members with dependents, who do not move
  advanced travel entitlements for the maximum
                                                                          into single/bachelor type government quarters,
  number of travel days authorized.
                                                                                      may request advance DLA
 Any Advance Travel Entitlement will be paid at only
                                                                        Single members E-5 and below may be advanced
  80% of the total amount.
                                                                           DLA without dependents only if they have an
                                                                         endorsement from their gaining command that
 Disbursing can pay the advance no earlier than 10                      single/bachelor- type government quarters (i.e.,
  days before you detach, and no later than 5 days                               barracks) will not be available.
  within the report date.

        Dislocation Allowance (DLA)                                   Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE)

  Payable to service members who do NOT move into                      Payable to service members who have no quarters
    single/ bachelor-type government quarters (i.e.,                   available (statement of non availability) upon PCS to
      barracks) with relocation of their household.                            Continental United States (CONUS)

 DLA based on pay grade and dependency status on the                   Intended to offset lodging and meal expenses upon
            effective date of the PCS orders.                                         arrival at your new PDS.

  DLA and all travel related rates can be found on the                 Max allowable allotment is $290/day.
                      website below                                      Payable in the vicinity of the new PDS
              https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/otherrates.cfm        i.e. 50 miles is commonly within the vicinity.
                                                                         Reimbursed for a maximum of 10 days.

        Monetary Allowance in Lieu of                                     Computation of Travel Days
          Transportation (MALT)
         Payable to service members driving a Privately                              0  400     = 1 day = $123
                    Owned Conveyance (POC).                                          401  750 = 2 days = $246
                                                                                     751  1100 = 3 days = $369
       $0.23 per mile per vehicle, regardless of how many                           1101  1450 = 4 days = $492
                  dependents are in the vehicle.                                     1451  1800 = 5 days = $615
                                                                                     1801  2150 = 6 days = $738
     Per Diem is $123.00 daily for each day of travel if
                                                                                     2151  2500 = 7 days = $861
                       utilizing POC.
                                                                                    2501  2850 = 8 days = $984
                                                                                    2851  3200 = 9 days = $1107

Example of MALT                                                        Per Diem
                                                               If utilizing commercial transportation, (i.e. airplane)
                                                                service members rate only one day of travel, and only
                                                                 one day of per diem for the locality rate of their new
                                                                                    duty station.

                                                                     For both Commercial travel and MALT (driving)

                                                               Dependents 12 & OVER get 75% of what Member is
                                                               Dependents UNDER 12 get 50% of what Member is

  Example of Commercial Travel                                         Actual Travel vs. MALT

   Miscellaneous Information                                                    Questions?
 Service member married to service member: One
    cannot claim the other as a dependent for any
   If Dependents are involved: Only ONE service member can
    claim a dependent at a time.
 Retain receipts for lodging (any amount) and any
                 expenses over $75

     Please do not lose PCS orders or any important                  Pay                     Travel
   supporting documentation. This could result in your
  claim being processed slowly or being paid incorrectly           645-2600                  645-7343


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  • 1. Marine Disbursing Information Pay and Entitlements Pay Travel 645-2600 645-7343 Temporary Lodging Allowance How long is TLA authorized? (TLA) The length of departure TLA is dependent upon TLA is provided to partially reimburse a member for termination of quarters. the more than normal expenses incurred while occupying temporary lodgings. Members living in government quarters will not be able to schedule a final housing inspection more than The daily TLA rate is composed of lodging and a 4 days prior to scheduled flight dates. percentage of your meals and incidental expenses. Members living in economy housing are authorized up For current rates, see: https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiem.cfm to 10 days. How to file a TLA Claim? When Will You Get Paid? Submit the following to IPAC: Disbursing typically receives TLA claims the day MCBJ 7220/1 Temporary Lodging Allowance Request Form. before or the day of your flight. Paid lodging receipt ($0.00 Balance). AF From 594, Termination of Quarters or Terminated Lease. Once Disbursing receives your claim, it will be Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Orders with flight processed within 24 hours. itinerary (also dependent itinerary if traveling separate from the member). Certificate of Non-Availability if lodging off base. Receipt of the payment will occur by Electronic Funds May be submitted up to 1 day before departure. Transfer within 24-72 business hours from the time we process your claim. 1
  • 2. Advances of Pay and Allowances Advances of Pay and Allowances (Contd) Advance Pay: advance of basic pay incident to a PCS Advance TLA: only authorized if you are transferring move. to another Outside Continental United States Up to 3 months may be approved by the Commanding (OCONUS) location Officer. Requests may be submitted 30 days prior to detaching through 60 days after arrival at the new Government Temporary Lodging Facilities must be used Permanent Duty Station (PDS). if available. Advance Housing Allowance: Must be requested upon arrival at new PDS Pay Changes Upon Transfer References Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR) Starts on the date of detachment. Department of Defense Financial Management Regulations Volume 7A (DODFMR) Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) Automated Pay Systems Manual (APSM) Marine Corps Bases Japan Order 7220.2G Stops the day prior to detachment. Air Force Instruction 32-6001/18th Wing Supplemental https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/perdiem.cfm/ CONUS COLA (if applicable) Starts on the date of arrival at new PDS Travel Entitlements What do you and your dependents rate? Entitlements from PDS (Permanent Duty Station) to PDS or to a Designated Place Per diem, MALT, commercial transportation, misc reimbursable expenses Advance Travel DLA (Dislocation Allowance) TLE (Temporary Lodging Expense) 2
  • 3. Advance Travel Advance DLA Service members and their dependents can be All Members with dependents, who do not move advanced travel entitlements for the maximum into single/bachelor type government quarters, number of travel days authorized. may request advance DLA Any Advance Travel Entitlement will be paid at only Single members E-5 and below may be advanced 80% of the total amount. DLA without dependents only if they have an endorsement from their gaining command that Disbursing can pay the advance no earlier than 10 single/bachelor- type government quarters (i.e., days before you detach, and no later than 5 days barracks) will not be available. within the report date. Dislocation Allowance (DLA) Temporary Lodging Expense (TLE) Payable to service members who do NOT move into Payable to service members who have no quarters single/ bachelor-type government quarters (i.e., available (statement of non availability) upon PCS to barracks) with relocation of their household. Continental United States (CONUS) DLA based on pay grade and dependency status on the Intended to offset lodging and meal expenses upon effective date of the PCS orders. arrival at your new PDS. DLA and all travel related rates can be found on the Max allowable allotment is $290/day. website below Payable in the vicinity of the new PDS https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/otherrates.cfm i.e. 50 miles is commonly within the vicinity. Reimbursed for a maximum of 10 days. Monetary Allowance in Lieu of Computation of Travel Days Transportation (MALT) Payable to service members driving a Privately 0 400 = 1 day = $123 Owned Conveyance (POC). 401 750 = 2 days = $246 751 1100 = 3 days = $369 $0.23 per mile per vehicle, regardless of how many 1101 1450 = 4 days = $492 dependents are in the vehicle. 1451 1800 = 5 days = $615 1801 2150 = 6 days = $738 Per Diem is $123.00 daily for each day of travel if 2151 2500 = 7 days = $861 utilizing POC. 2501 2850 = 8 days = $984 2851 3200 = 9 days = $1107 3
  • 4. Example of MALT Per Diem If utilizing commercial transportation, (i.e. airplane) service members rate only one day of travel, and only one day of per diem for the locality rate of their new duty station. For both Commercial travel and MALT (driving) Dependents 12 & OVER get 75% of what Member is paid. Dependents UNDER 12 get 50% of what Member is paid. Example of Commercial Travel Actual Travel vs. MALT Miscellaneous Information Questions? Service member married to service member: One cannot claim the other as a dependent for any entitlement. If Dependents are involved: Only ONE service member can claim a dependent at a time. Retain receipts for lodging (any amount) and any expenses over $75 Please do not lose PCS orders or any important Pay Travel supporting documentation. This could result in your claim being processed slowly or being paid incorrectly 645-2600 645-7343 4