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                                  FOR THE
                       ARMY COMMUNITY SERVICE (ACS)

                                     1 March 2011
                                   15 February 2011

1.PURPOSE. To prescribe policy, responsibility, authority, and procedures for
implementing and sustaining the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall (JBMHH) Social
Media Outreach initiative


    a.AR 608-1, Army Community Service Center, 19 September 2007
    b.Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, U.S. Army Social
Media Handbook, January 2011
    c.Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, Facebook Strategy,
31 August 2010
    d.Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, Army Blog Strategy,
31 August 2010
    e.Department of the Army Memorandum, Standardizing Official U.S. Army External
Official Presences (sSocial mMedia), 01 November 2010
    f.Secretary of the Army Memorandum  Delegation of Authority  Approved External
Official Presences, 21 October 2010
    g.Directive Type Memorandum DTM 09-026, Responsible and Effective Use of
Internet Based Capabilities, 25 February 2010
    h.CIO/G6 Memorandum, Responsible Use of Internet Capabilities, 2010
    i.CIO/G-6 Memorandum, Use of Social Media Tools, 27 August 2009
    j.Office of Management and Budget Memorandum, Social Media, Web-based
Interactive Technologies and the Paperwork Reduction Act, 7 April 2010

3.APPLICABILITY AND SCOPE. This SOP was developed to provide guidance for
supporting the implementation and sustainment of the JBMHH ACS Social Media
Outreach Initiative. This SOP applies to all ACS staff members.

4.MISSION. The mission of the ACS Social Media Outreach Initiative is to:.
   a.Increase visibility and knowledge of ACS activities and services. and to
   b.pProvide news and information beneficial to the JBMHH population.
   c.Encourage community feedback and the sharing of information between
subscribers, ACS staff, and the community.
   d.Use subscriber feedback and analytics to evaluate and update the Social Media
Outreach Initiative strategy and implementation.

5.OBJECTIVES. The objective of the ACS Social Media Outreach Initiative is to engage
the JBMHH population (Soldiers, Families, Civilians, Retirees and Survivors) and
connect that population to ACS, the Army, the community, and each other. ACS Social
media outlets are designed to provide a direct link to ACS, the Army and each other,
information and services, news and information relevant to the community, visible ACS
support and act as an avenue to provide feedback to ACS.


  a.The Chief, ACS, has overall responsibility for implementing and enforcing this
SOP. The Chief, ACS, will provide guidance on content and management of all Social
Media platforms used by ACS staff.

   b.The ACS Outreach Program Coordinator will:

        (1)Develop and maintain all Social Media platforms used by ACS.
        (2)Ensure all posts meet with the terms of the Social Media agreement
(ENCL 1).
        (3)Develop and publish (with input from ACS staff) a weekly Social Media
Strategy Plan (ENCL 2), provided NLT the Wednesday prior to the start of the following
week. Compile an end-of-week and month analytics on user interaction and platform
usage (ENCL 3).
        (4)Develop and update platforms as necessary, but not less than one a week.
        (5)Adhere to guidance published by JBMHH Public Affairs Office, Office of the
Chief of Public Affairs (OCPA) and Department of Defense (DoD) as it pertains to
Official External Presences (OEP) and Social Media platforms.
        (6)Provide staff with the information, tools, and training required to effectively use
Social Media platforms effectively.
        (7)Ensure all posts meet with the terms of the Social Media contract (ENCL 1).
        (8)Ensure all information and resources posted to JBMHH Social Media sites
come from official sources (e.g., .mil, .gov, etc.) and do not endorse (or appear to
endorse) outside organizations without a proper legal review. Photos of individuals
other than ACS staff, members of the chain of command and ACS volunteers requires a
photo release (ENCL 4).
        (9)Compile end of month analytics on user interaction and platform usage.

   c.ACS staff will:

       (1)ACS staff will take a proactive role in utilizing Social Media platforms. Staff will
provide input, information, resources, and subscriber feedback on a regular basis. This
includes photo uploads (staff, command, volunteers  official representatives of ACS. If
a photo includes individuals others than listed above or children, a media release is
required (ENCL 4)), event publicity, blog input, document uploads, video blog input,
status updates, links to official resources, etc.
       (2)Provide input to and feedback on the weekly Social Media Strategy Plan
(3)Interact with subscriber comments as they pertain to specific staff areas of
expertise, answer questions, clarify information, and provide additional information as
necessary. Staff will use discretion when interacting with subscribers and use best
judgment as to whether responses need to be public or private in nature.
       (4)Provide Program in Focus Information NLT the 20th of the month prior to
publication as scheduled:
       (a)January  Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
       (b)February  Financial Readiness Program (FRP)
       (c)March  Army Emergency Relief (AER)
       (d)April  Family Advocacy (FAP) and Army Volunteer Corps (AVCC)
       (e)May  Relocation (RRP)
       (f)June  Information & Referral (I&R)
       (g)July  Survivor Outreach Services (SOS)
       (h)August  Outreach
       (i)September  Mobilization and Deployment (MOB/DEP)
       (j)October  Army Family Action Plan (AFAP)
       (k)November  Employment Readiness (ERP)
       (l)December  Army Family Team Building (AFTB)

       (5)Alert Outreach Program Coordinator and/or ACS Chief if subscriber comments
violate terms of the Social Media contract (ENCL 1).
       (6)Ensure all information and resources posted to JBMHH Social Media sites
come from official sources (e.g., .mil, .gov, etc.) and do not endorse (or appear to
endorse) outside organizations without a proper legal review.

    d.PLATFORMS. The JBMHH ACS staff will participate in multiple OEP/Social Media
platforms to tell the ACS story, engage with subscribers, connect with the community
and identify subscribers needs and trends.

       (1)Facebook (www.facebook.com/jbmhhacsc): A Facebook organization page is
established. Facebook is a social networking website designed to connect and interact
with other users. A key feature of the JBMHH ACS Facebook page is the News Feed
which appears on every subscribers homepage.
       (a)The JBMHH ACS Facebook page is monitored 24 hours a day for appropriate
content and ensures are subscribers adhere to the terms of the Social Media
Agreement (ENCL 1). All violations will be documented by taking a screen shot and
noting the time, date and URL of the violation before removing the content. This
information will be maintained on file with the Outreach Program Coordinator.
       (b)Content: The mission and purpose of the JBMHH Facebook page is to serve
as a platform to inform, educate and reach out to the JBMHH population. JBMHH ACS
will post content (news feed updates, photos, events, links, etc.) and will engage with
subscribers on a daily basis.

      (2)Blogspot (http://jbm-hhacsstaffblog.blogspot.com www.blogspot.com): A
Blogspot account is established. A blog is a conversational web site, typically offering
news or opinion on a certain topic. It invites interaction with JBMHH ACS subscribers
through comments. It is meant to be more editorial than informative and appeals to a
larger audience.
         (a)The JBMHH ACS Blogspot page is monitored 24 hours a day for appropriate
content and ensures subscribers adhere to the terms of the Social Media agreement
(ENCL 1). All violations will be documented by taking a screen shot and noting the
time, date, and URL of the violation before removing the content. This information will
be maintained on fill with the Outreach Program Coordinator.
         (b)Content: JBMHH ACS staff will write and publish blogs on various topics 
new resources, client experiences (by the client or with client permission), program
changes and updates, press releases, personal observations, or commentary on a topic
of interest. Blog topics can be program specific or high-arching depending on the
interest of the audience. The JBMHH ACS staff is encouraged to engage and tell their
story. Blogs are effectively used as a conversation tool where the blogger has the
ability to bme more informal and personable when addressing an issue impacting
subscribers. When responding to questions, inquiries or concerns, the goal is to
respond as a human. This builds credibility with the audience and lets them know the
JBMHH ACS staff is listening to their concerns and issues.

       (3)Twitter (www.twitter.com/#!/jbmhhacs): JBMHH ACS is not utilizing Twitter as
a Social Media Platform at this time. A Twitter account is established under JBMHH
ACS. Twitter is a micro-blogging site (140 characters or less). When a message is sent
on Twitter (a Tweet) it is sent to its followers. Most individuals that utilize Twitter do so
through a mobile device so it is a great method to connect with individuals on the go.
       (a)The JBMHH ACS Twitter account is monitored 24 hours a day for appropriate
content and ensures followers adhere to the terms of the Social Media agreement
(ENCL 1). All violations will be documented by taking a screen shot and noting the
time, date and URL of the violation before removing the content. This information will
be maintained on file with the Outreach Program Coordinator.
       (b)Content: JBMHH ACS Twitter and Facebook pages are linked together so
that any post on Facebook is automatically tweeted and any tweet is posted to the
Facebook News Feed. Twitter allows JBMHH ACS to re-tweet information posted to
Twitter by other sources. Re-tweets will only come from official sources (.gov, .mil, etc.)
and be in keeping with the mission and vision of ACS.

       (4)Flikr (www.flikr.com): JBM-HH ACS is not utilizing Flikr as a Social Media
Platform at this time.

        (5)YouTube (www(www.youtube.com). Youtube.com): JBM-HH ACS is not
utilizing YouTube as a Social Media Platform at this time.

9.Point of Contact for this SOP is Sarah V. Hertig, ACS Outreach Program Coordinator
at 696-2177/3510, sarah.v.hertig@us.army.mil
         Chief, Army Community Service
         Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall

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Social media outreach initiative sop v2.0

  • 1. STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) FOR THE ARMY COMMUNITY SERVICE (ACS) SOCIAL MEDIA OUTREACH INITIATIVE 1 March 2011 15 February 2011 1.PURPOSE. To prescribe policy, responsibility, authority, and procedures for implementing and sustaining the Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall (JBMHH) Social Media Outreach initiative 2.REFERENCE. a.AR 608-1, Army Community Service Center, 19 September 2007 b.Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, U.S. Army Social Media Handbook, January 2011 c.Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, Facebook Strategy, 31 August 2010 d.Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, Army Blog Strategy, 31 August 2010 e.Department of the Army Memorandum, Standardizing Official U.S. Army External Official Presences (sSocial mMedia), 01 November 2010 f.Secretary of the Army Memorandum Delegation of Authority Approved External Official Presences, 21 October 2010 g.Directive Type Memorandum DTM 09-026, Responsible and Effective Use of Internet Based Capabilities, 25 February 2010 h.CIO/G6 Memorandum, Responsible Use of Internet Capabilities, 2010 i.CIO/G-6 Memorandum, Use of Social Media Tools, 27 August 2009 j.Office of Management and Budget Memorandum, Social Media, Web-based Interactive Technologies and the Paperwork Reduction Act, 7 April 2010 3.APPLICABILITY AND SCOPE. This SOP was developed to provide guidance for supporting the implementation and sustainment of the JBMHH ACS Social Media Outreach Initiative. This SOP applies to all ACS staff members. 4.MISSION. The mission of the ACS Social Media Outreach Initiative is to:. a.Increase visibility and knowledge of ACS activities and services. and to b.pProvide news and information beneficial to the JBMHH population. c.Encourage community feedback and the sharing of information between subscribers, ACS staff, and the community. d.Use subscriber feedback and analytics to evaluate and update the Social Media Outreach Initiative strategy and implementation. 5.OBJECTIVES. The objective of the ACS Social Media Outreach Initiative is to engage the JBMHH population (Soldiers, Families, Civilians, Retirees and Survivors) and
  • 2. connect that population to ACS, the Army, the community, and each other. ACS Social media outlets are designed to provide a direct link to ACS, the Army and each other, information and services, news and information relevant to the community, visible ACS support and act as an avenue to provide feedback to ACS. 6. 7. 8.RESPONSIBILITIES. a.The Chief, ACS, has overall responsibility for implementing and enforcing this SOP. The Chief, ACS, will provide guidance on content and management of all Social Media platforms used by ACS staff. b.The ACS Outreach Program Coordinator will: (1)Develop and maintain all Social Media platforms used by ACS. (2)Ensure all posts meet with the terms of the Social Media agreement (ENCL 1). (3)Develop and publish (with input from ACS staff) a weekly Social Media Strategy Plan (ENCL 2), provided NLT the Wednesday prior to the start of the following week. Compile an end-of-week and month analytics on user interaction and platform usage (ENCL 3). (4)Develop and update platforms as necessary, but not less than one a week. (5)Adhere to guidance published by JBMHH Public Affairs Office, Office of the Chief of Public Affairs (OCPA) and Department of Defense (DoD) as it pertains to Official External Presences (OEP) and Social Media platforms. (6)Provide staff with the information, tools, and training required to effectively use Social Media platforms effectively. (7)Ensure all posts meet with the terms of the Social Media contract (ENCL 1). (8)Ensure all information and resources posted to JBMHH Social Media sites come from official sources (e.g., .mil, .gov, etc.) and do not endorse (or appear to endorse) outside organizations without a proper legal review. Photos of individuals other than ACS staff, members of the chain of command and ACS volunteers requires a photo release (ENCL 4). (9)Compile end of month analytics on user interaction and platform usage. c.ACS staff will: (1)ACS staff will take a proactive role in utilizing Social Media platforms. Staff will provide input, information, resources, and subscriber feedback on a regular basis. This includes photo uploads (staff, command, volunteers official representatives of ACS. If a photo includes individuals others than listed above or children, a media release is required (ENCL 4)), event publicity, blog input, document uploads, video blog input, status updates, links to official resources, etc. (2)Provide input to and feedback on the weekly Social Media Strategy Plan
  • 3. (3)Interact with subscriber comments as they pertain to specific staff areas of expertise, answer questions, clarify information, and provide additional information as necessary. Staff will use discretion when interacting with subscribers and use best judgment as to whether responses need to be public or private in nature. (4)Provide Program in Focus Information NLT the 20th of the month prior to publication as scheduled: (a)January Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) (b)February Financial Readiness Program (FRP) (c)March Army Emergency Relief (AER) (d)April Family Advocacy (FAP) and Army Volunteer Corps (AVCC) (e)May Relocation (RRP) (f)June Information & Referral (I&R) (g)July Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) (h)August Outreach (i)September Mobilization and Deployment (MOB/DEP) (j)October Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) (k)November Employment Readiness (ERP) (l)December Army Family Team Building (AFTB) (5)Alert Outreach Program Coordinator and/or ACS Chief if subscriber comments violate terms of the Social Media contract (ENCL 1). (6)Ensure all information and resources posted to JBMHH Social Media sites come from official sources (e.g., .mil, .gov, etc.) and do not endorse (or appear to endorse) outside organizations without a proper legal review. d.PLATFORMS. The JBMHH ACS staff will participate in multiple OEP/Social Media platforms to tell the ACS story, engage with subscribers, connect with the community and identify subscribers needs and trends. (1)Facebook (www.facebook.com/jbmhhacsc): A Facebook organization page is established. Facebook is a social networking website designed to connect and interact with other users. A key feature of the JBMHH ACS Facebook page is the News Feed which appears on every subscribers homepage. (a)The JBMHH ACS Facebook page is monitored 24 hours a day for appropriate content and ensures are subscribers adhere to the terms of the Social Media Agreement (ENCL 1). All violations will be documented by taking a screen shot and noting the time, date and URL of the violation before removing the content. This information will be maintained on file with the Outreach Program Coordinator. (b)Content: The mission and purpose of the JBMHH Facebook page is to serve as a platform to inform, educate and reach out to the JBMHH population. JBMHH ACS will post content (news feed updates, photos, events, links, etc.) and will engage with subscribers on a daily basis. (2)Blogspot (http://jbm-hhacsstaffblog.blogspot.com www.blogspot.com): A Blogspot account is established. A blog is a conversational web site, typically offering news or opinion on a certain topic. It invites interaction with JBMHH ACS subscribers
  • 4. through comments. It is meant to be more editorial than informative and appeals to a larger audience. (a)The JBMHH ACS Blogspot page is monitored 24 hours a day for appropriate content and ensures subscribers adhere to the terms of the Social Media agreement (ENCL 1). All violations will be documented by taking a screen shot and noting the time, date, and URL of the violation before removing the content. This information will be maintained on fill with the Outreach Program Coordinator. (b)Content: JBMHH ACS staff will write and publish blogs on various topics new resources, client experiences (by the client or with client permission), program changes and updates, press releases, personal observations, or commentary on a topic of interest. Blog topics can be program specific or high-arching depending on the interest of the audience. The JBMHH ACS staff is encouraged to engage and tell their story. Blogs are effectively used as a conversation tool where the blogger has the ability to bme more informal and personable when addressing an issue impacting subscribers. When responding to questions, inquiries or concerns, the goal is to respond as a human. This builds credibility with the audience and lets them know the JBMHH ACS staff is listening to their concerns and issues. (3)Twitter (www.twitter.com/#!/jbmhhacs): JBMHH ACS is not utilizing Twitter as a Social Media Platform at this time. A Twitter account is established under JBMHH ACS. Twitter is a micro-blogging site (140 characters or less). When a message is sent on Twitter (a Tweet) it is sent to its followers. Most individuals that utilize Twitter do so through a mobile device so it is a great method to connect with individuals on the go. (a)The JBMHH ACS Twitter account is monitored 24 hours a day for appropriate content and ensures followers adhere to the terms of the Social Media agreement (ENCL 1). All violations will be documented by taking a screen shot and noting the time, date and URL of the violation before removing the content. This information will be maintained on file with the Outreach Program Coordinator. (b)Content: JBMHH ACS Twitter and Facebook pages are linked together so that any post on Facebook is automatically tweeted and any tweet is posted to the Facebook News Feed. Twitter allows JBMHH ACS to re-tweet information posted to Twitter by other sources. Re-tweets will only come from official sources (.gov, .mil, etc.) and be in keeping with the mission and vision of ACS. (4)Flikr (www.flikr.com): JBM-HH ACS is not utilizing Flikr as a Social Media Platform at this time. (5)YouTube (www(www.youtube.com). Youtube.com): JBM-HH ACS is not utilizing YouTube as a Social Media Platform at this time. 9.Point of Contact for this SOP is Sarah V. Hertig, ACS Outreach Program Coordinator at 696-2177/3510, sarah.v.hertig@us.army.mil
  • 5. 4 ENCL LAURIE BROWN Chief, Army Community Service Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall