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Use many and much with countable and uncountable nouns.
Use some and any in statements and questions.
Use would like for offers and requests.
Talk about favorite foods and eating habits.
5 th week   grammatical explanation
Countable nouns
Use a/ an or plural s.
I have an egg for breakfast every day.
I don卒t eat bananas.
How many eggs do you eat a week?
I eat a lot of eggs.
I don卒t eat many (eggs).
I don卒t eat a lot of eggs.
Examples: vegetables, potatoes.
Uncountable nouns
Don卒t use a/ an or plural s.
I drink milk every morning.
I don卒t eat seafood.
How much milk do you drink a day?
I drink a lot of milk.
I don卒t drink much (milk).
I don卒t drink a lot of milk.
Examples: cheese, meat, cheese.
Would you like to go out?
No, I卒d like to stay home.
What would you like?
I卒d like some chicken.
Would you like some tea?
Yes, please./ No, thanks.
Do we have any chicken?
Yes, we have some (chicken).
No, we don卒t have any (chicken).
Do we have any vegetables?
Yes, we have some (vegetables).
No, we don卒t have any (vegetables).In Conversation
Any is common in questions:
Do you have any cookies?
Some is common in questions
that are offers or requests:
Would you like some chicken?
Can I have some chocolate?
In Conversation
Any is common in questions:
Do you have any cookies?
Some is common in questions
that are offers or requests:
Would you like some chicken?
Can I have some chocolate?

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5 th week grammatical explanation

  • 1. WEEK 5 FABULOUS FOOD YOU LEARN HOW TO Use many and much with countable and uncountable nouns. Use some and any in statements and questions. Use would like for offers and requests. Talk about favorite foods and eating habits.
  • 3. Countable nouns Use a/ an or plural s. I have an egg for breakfast every day. I don卒t eat bananas. How many eggs do you eat a week? I eat a lot of eggs. I don卒t eat many (eggs). I don卒t eat a lot of eggs. Examples: vegetables, potatoes. Uncountable nouns Don卒t use a/ an or plural s. I drink milk every morning. I don卒t eat seafood. How much milk do you drink a day? I drink a lot of milk. I don卒t drink much (milk). I don卒t drink a lot of milk. Examples: cheese, meat, cheese.
  • 4. Would you like to go out? No, I卒d like to stay home. What would you like? I卒d like some chicken. Would you like some tea? Yes, please./ No, thanks. Do we have any chicken? Yes, we have some (chicken). No, we don卒t have any (chicken). Do we have any vegetables? Yes, we have some (vegetables). No, we don卒t have any (vegetables).In Conversation Any is common in questions: Do you have any cookies? Some is common in questions that are offers or requests: Would you like some chicken? Can I have some chocolate? In Conversation Any is common in questions: Do you have any cookies? Some is common in questions that are offers or requests: Would you like some chicken? Can I have some chocolate?