Telementoring: Augmented Reality in Orthopedic EducationVIPAAR
Telemedicine is a rapidly growing sector within medicine. 油It has the ability, through audio and video technology, to connect remote healthcare providers with patients or other providers without direct contact. Telementoring, a concept within telemedicine, is when an expert physician guides another physician at a different geographic location. Access to expertise using this technology-based approach has been shown to save lives, reduce hospital stay, and reduce cost in trauma and elective surgical settings. Recently, a new interactive technology has been introduced that takes a dual reality-based approach to surgical training.
Teleradiology allows diagnostic images to be interpreted remotely, addressing issues with radiologist shortages and uneven distributions. A hub-and-spoke model optimizes one radiologist's productivity by enabling reports for multiple hospitals worldwide. An Indian company provides 24/7 emergency teleradiology services to US hospitals, reducing emergency department wait times. The same company also provides teleradiology services to Singapore, improving their radiology turnaround times from days to hours. Teleradiology leverages India's advantages of English-speaking radiologists, IT skills, and lower costs to deliver high quality healthcare globally.
Teleradiology involves the electronic transmission of radiological images from one location to another for interpretation and consultation. It has significant potential in India due to shortages of radiologists. While regulations abroad drive demand for 24/7 radiology services, India can provide cost-effective services due to lower costs and a favorable time difference with western countries. However, the teleradiology market in India remains nascent with only a few companies actively practicing it at scale, hindered by a lack of board-certified radiologists in India.
Innovative social enterprise, rural health, India Infrastructure Report 2014Poonam Madan
It is a moot issue just how much time and resources can get used up by social entrepreneurs in seeking public partnerships to scale their work, while it would be in the interest of the nation for governments to examine, identify and work with them.
This document discusses teleradiology and its uses and implementation. It proposes that teleradiology can be used for telediagnosis and teleexpertise to address a lack of radiologists in some areas. A teleradiology system is proposed where one radiologist could be on duty for multiple hospitals, viewing and reporting on images sent remotely from each hospital. The document outlines examples of implementation models and discusses considerations like security, privacy, image streaming, and managing reports across different hospital systems.
The document summarizes opportunities for India in exporting health services. It notes that India has a large skilled English-speaking workforce at a lower cost compared to Western countries. Various health services that can be outsourced to India include medical transcription, claims processing, teleradiology and clinical trials. India also has the potential to become a major medical tourism destination due to world-class healthcare and facilities at a lower cost. Quality control accreditation is important to ensure high standards for patients seeking healthcare in India.
Cloud eHealth in Medical Imaging & RadiologyCarestream
The document discusses how cloud-based infrastructure can support various healthcare workflows. It provides two case studies:
1) Maasstad Hospital in the Netherlands used the cloud to archive radiology images and consolidate clinical data to avoid managing storage itself.
2) Imadis, a French teleradiology company, used the cloud to enable a dedicated reading workflow and ensure performance, security, and 24/7 support for emergency readings.
The cloud infrastructure allows customization of workflows while outsourcing complexity to cloud providers and avoiding large capital investments. This flexible model is positioned to support diverse healthcare needs going forward.
Innovation and Development in Indian HealthcareSahana Bose
This document provides an overview of the Indian healthcare system, identifying key challenges and areas of innovation. It summarizes that India faces a healthcare crisis due to rapid population growth straining infrastructure while many remain in poverty lacking access. However, it also outlines technological advancements and private sector growth that aim to improve preventative and curative care, particularly through organizations expanding access to insurance, rural health centers, and new hospitals. The future of India's healthcare depends on continued innovation to address the needs of its vast population in both urban and underserved rural areas.
1. G坦c nh狸n chuy棚n gia
5 Y畉 u T畛 D畉 n 畉 n Th畉 t B畉 i Trong Qu畉 n L箪: Hi畛 n T動畛 ng V C叩ch
Kh畉 c Ph畛 c
息2009 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.
2. G坦c nh狸n chuy棚n gia 5 Y畉u t畛 d畉n 畉n th畉t b畉i trong qu畉n l箪: hi 畛n t 動畛ng v c叩ch kh 畉c ph 畛c . B畉n quy畛n 2009 c畛a Profiles International. T但t ca ban
quy棚n a 動董味c bao h担味. Kh担ng 動畛c xu但t ban la味i ho味c bi棚n t畉p l畉i b畉t k狸 th担ng tin no c畛a b畉n b叩o c叩o ny d動畛i m畛i h狸nh th畛c m kh担ng c坦
s畛 cho ph辿p b畉ng vn b畉n c畛a nh xu畉t b畉n.
Nha xu但t ban
Vi棚味n Nghi棚n c動u Profiles
Dario Priolo, Gi叩m 畛c qu畉n l箪
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Waco, Texas 76710-1732
Profiles International
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Profiles International Vietnam
+84 8 3823 6900
Tr但n tro味ng cam 董n
Giam 担c i棚u hanh va 担ng sang l但味p Profiles International Jim Sirbasku
Ch畛 t畛ch va 畛ng s叩ng l畉p Profiles International: Bud Haney
Tr動董ng bi棚n t但味p: Dario Priolo
Quan ly bi棚n t但味p: Carrie D. Martinez
Giam 担c Sang ta味o: Kelley Taylor
5 Y畉u T畛 D畉n 畉n Th畉t B畉i Trong Qu畉n L箪: Hi畛n T動畛ng V C叩ch Kh畉c Ph畛c
| 2
3. C叩c qu畉n l箪 c畛a b畉n c坦 ang i 炭ng h動畛ng?
Trong giai o畉n kinh t畉 bi畉n 畛ng, c叩c doanh nghi畛p ph 畉i 畛i m 畉t v 畛i r 畉t nhi 畛u th 畛 th叩ch.
Nh畛ng th畛 th叩ch 坦 畉c bi畛t kh坦 khn 畛i v 畛i c叩c qu 畉n l箪 c 畉p c 董 s 畛, nh 畛ng ng 動畛i tr 畛c ti 畉p
ch畛u tr叩ch nhi畛m th畛c hi畛n c叩c thay 畛i: 叩p l 畛c c担ng vi 畛c l 畛n, bi 畉n 畛ng v 畛 tinh th 畉n v c 畉m
x炭c cao, v t畉t c畉 m畛i ng動畛i 動畛c k畛 v 畛ng ph 畉i lm 動畛c nhi 畛u h 董n trong i 畛u ki 畛n lm vi 畛c
k辿m h董n.
C坦 m畛t th畛c t畉 tr畛 tr棚u l c叩c qu畉n l箪 th 動畛ng d畛 th 畉t b 畉i nh 畉t trong nh 畛ng th 畛i i 畛m m
doanh nghi畛p c畉n h畛 th畛c hi畛n c担ng vi 畛c v 畛i hi 畛u qu 畉 t 畛t nh 畉t. Ngoi ra, khi ng 動畛i qu 畉n l箪 gi 畛
v畛 tr鱈 cng cao trong doanh nghi畛p, h畛 cng c坦 nhi 畛u kh 畉 nng ph叩t tri 畛n nh 畛ng i 畛m m湛 lm
gia tng r畛i ro th畉t b畉i.
Nh畛ng th畛c t畉 tr棚n lm n畉y sinh c但u h畛i: V狸 sao c叩c qu 畉n l箪 c 畉p c 董 s 畛 l 畉i th 畉t b 畉i v doanh
nghi畛p c畉n lm g狸 畛 ngn ng畛a kh畉 nng th畉t b畉i?
Khi ng動畛i qu畉n l箪 gi畛 v畛 tr鱈 Ch炭ng t担i 達 tham kh畉o 箪 ki畉n c畛a c叩c chuy棚n gia v t狸m ra 動畛c 5 nguy棚n nh但n ch 畛 y 畉u d 畉n
畉n th畉t b畉i trong qu畉n l箪. 坦 l:
cng cao trong doanh
nghi畛p, h畛 cng kh坦 nh狸n 1. K畛 nng giao ti畉p k辿m
2. Thi畉u s坦t trong k畛 nng l達nh 畉o
ra 動畛c nh畛ng d畉u hi畛u 3. Kh担ng ch畉p nh畉n thay 畛i
4. Kh担ng 畛 kh畉 nng mang l畉i k畉t qu畉 nh動 k畛 v 畛ng
cho th畉y h畛 ang c坦 nguy 5. Kh担ng c坦 t畉m nh狸n xa
c董 th畉t b畉i cao.
B叩o c叩o ny s畉 lm r探 h董n nm v畉n 畛 tr棚n, 畛ng th 畛i 動a ra nh 畛ng l 畛i khuy棚n h 畛u 鱈ch 畛
gi炭p c叩c qu畉n l箪 tr叩nh 動畛c nh畛ng sai l 畉m 坦.
5 Y畉u T畛 D畉n 畉n Th畉t B畉i Trong Qu畉n L箪: Hi畛n T動畛ng V C叩ch Kh畉c Ph畛c
| 3
4. Nm Y畉u T畛 D畉n 畉n Th畉t B畉i Trong Qu畉n L箪: Hi畛n T動畛ng V C叩ch Kh畉c Ph畛c
1. K畛 nng giao ti畉p k辿m
D畉 u hi畛 u nguy hi畛 m
Lu担n tranh c達i ho畉c c坦 m但u thu畉n v 畛i m 畛t ng 動畛i ho 畉c m 畛t nh坦m no 坦 trong c担ng ty.
B畛 m畛i ng動畛i 叩nh gi叩 l 畛c ti, l畉nh l湛ng, ng 畉o m 畉n ho 畉c thi 畉u nh 畉y c 畉m.
T畉o n棚n nh畛ng ph畉n 畛ng tr叩i ng動畛c trong c担ng ty: nh 畉n 動畛c s 畛 y棚u m 畉n c 畛a m 畛t s 畛 ng 動畛i,
nh動ng 畛ng th畛i g但y ra s畛 叩c c畉m 畛 m 畛t s畛 kh叩c.
Tr叩nh n辿 giao ti畉p ho畉c ti畉p x炭c m 畉t 畛i m 畉t v 畛i m 畛t s 畛 ho 畉c t 畉t c 畉 c叩c 畛ng nghi 畛p.
Truy畛n 畉t tin x畉u qua email thay v狸 g 畉p m 畉t tr 畛c ti 畉p 畛 th担ng b叩o.
C坦 th叩i 畛 ch畛ng 畛i v畛i nh畛ng 畛ng nghi畛p c坦 m 畛c ti棚u c担ng vi 畛c li棚n quan.
Tr畛 thnh 畛i t動畛ng c畛a nh畛ng k畉 ho畉ch ph叩 ho 畉i ng畉m l 畉n c担ng khai.
Ph動董 ng ph叩p ph嘆ng ng畛 a
1.T狸m hi畛u nguy棚n nh但n g畛c r畛 c畛a m但u thu畉n . Ng動畛i qu畉n l箪 c畛a b畉n c坦 m但u thu畉n c叩 nh但n v 畛i
1,2 ng動畛i hay c坦 nhi畛u v畉n 畛 l畛n h董n v畛i m 畛t nh坦m l 畛n c叩c 畛ng nghi 畛p? N 畉u m但u thu 畉n ch 畛
xu畉t ph叩t t畛 m畛t v畉n 畛 c叩 nh但n nh畛 nh畉t, h達y h嘆a gi 畉i ngay thay v狸 畛 v 畉n 畛 ngy cng tr 畛
n棚n tr畉m tr畛ng. N畉u m但u thu畉n nghi棚m tr畛ng h 董n th 畉, h達y th 畛c hi 畛n c叩c b 動畛c nh 動 d 動畛i 但y.
2.T狸m hi畛u phong c叩ch l達nh 畉o v 畛ng l畛c lm vi畛c c 畛a ng 動畛i qu 畉n l箪 . M畛t s畛 ng動畛i hon ton
kh担ng ph湛 h畛p v畛i vai tr嘆 qu畉n l箪 m 畉c d湛 h 畛 l nh 畛ng nh但n vi棚n r 畉t xu 畉t s 畉c; s 畛 kh叩c l 畉i kh担ng
h畛 th鱈ch c担ng vi畛c qu畉n l箪. Ng動畛c l畉i, c坦 nh畛ng ng動畛i lm qu 畉n l箪 r 畉t t 畛t, nh 動ng l 畉i kh担ng c坦 畛
k畛 nng v kinh nghi畛m 畛 lm nh畛ng c担ng vi畛c nh 動 c 畛a nh但n vi棚n. N 畉u qu 畉n l箪 c 畛a b 畉n ang
g畉p ph畉i v畉n 畛 th畛 hai, c担ng vi畛c c畛a b畉n s畉 d畛 dng h 董n. H畛 tr 畛 m 畛t ng 動畛i c坦 k挑 nng l達nh
畉o t畛t ph叩t tri畛n th棚m v 畛 c叩c k挑 nng c担ng vi 畛c th 動畛ng d 畛 dng h 董n h 畛 tr 畛 m 畛t ng 動畛i kh担ng c坦
nh畛ng t鱈nh c叩ch v hnh vi l達nh 畉o lm t 畛t vai tr嘆 qu 畉n l箪.
3.Gi炭p ng動畛i qu畉n l箪 hi畛u r探 phong c叩ch qu 畉n l箪 v giao ti 畉p c 畛a b 畉n th但n . Trong nhi畛u t狸nh
hu畛ng, c叩c qu畉n l箪 c坦 th畛 kh担ng nh畉n th 畛c 動畛c m狸nh ang thi 畉u s坦t i 畛u g狸. V狸 th 畉, n 畉u ng 動畛i
qu畉n l箪 b畛 m畛i ng動畛i nh畉n x辿t l v担 箪 ho 畉c xa c叩ch, h達y ch 畛 ra cho ng 動畛i qu 畉n l箪 th 畉y v gi炭p h 畛
c畉i thi畛n i畛u 坦. i畛u quan tr畛ng 畛 但y l ng動畛i qu 畉n l箪 c 畉n hi 畛u r探 phong c叩ch qu 畉n l箪 c 畛a
b畉n th但n c滴ng nh動 c叩c t叩c 畛ng t鱈ch c 畛c l 畉n ti棚u c 畛c c 畛a phong c叩ch 坦. V ng 動畛i qu 畉n l箪 r 畉t
kh坦 c坦 th畛 c畉i thi畛n k畛 nng giao ti畉p n畉u kh担ng nh 畉n 動畛c nh 畛ng ph 畉n h 畛i c 畛 th 畛 v r探 rng.
5 Y畉u T畛 D畉n 畉n Th畉t B畉i Trong Qu畉n L箪: Hi畛n T動畛ng V C叩ch Kh 畉c Ph畛c |
5. Ngu畛n : Profiles International Vietnam
畛 download ton b畛 ti li畛u, h達y truy c畉p
6. Profiles International - Ch炭ng t担i l ai
Profiles International gi炭p c叩c t畛 ch畛c tr棚n ton th畉 gi畛i x但y d動味ng m担味t l畛c l動畛ng lao 畛ng c坦
hi畛u su畉t cao.
Cac 叩nh gi叩 nh但n s動味 ton di畛n v c叩c gi畉i ph叩p qu畉n l箪 nh但n tai 担味t pha cua chung t担i se
giup kh叩ch hng ch畛n 動董味c ng動董i phu h董味p nh但t cho c担ng vi棚味c v qu畉n l箪 棚 ho味 phat tri棚n 但y
u ti棚m nng cua ban th但n. Qua o, khach hang cua chung t担i se co 動董味c l董味i th棚 ca味nh tranh
l董n tr棚n thi味 tr動董ng.
Ma味ng l動董i hoa味t 担味ng
Profiles International a lam vi棚味c v董i c叩c c担ng ty 董 122 qu畛c gia tr棚n ton th畉 gi畛i v c坦 ti li畛u
動董味c di味ch ra h董n 32 ng担n ng畛.
Li棚n h畛
Profiles International Vietnam
T叩c 畛ng M畉nh M畉 C畛a Vi畛c Hu畉n Luy畛n Nh但n Vi棚n | 6
息2010 Profiles International, Inc. All rights reserved.