Paradigma baru utilisasi teknologi informasi harus mengedepankan visi dan misi manusia sebagai pengelola cerdas, visi kesejahteraan umat, dan visi enterprise untuk mengelola proses bisnis guna kemanfaatan maksimal bagi lingkungan global yang bermartabat. Pelayanan prima dengan dinamika kultur menjadi peluang dan tantangan pendayagunaan TI di masa depan.
The document contains samples of graphic design work by Ashley Bono including invitations, packaging, advertisements, press kits, logos, menus, and business cards for various clients such as schools, music artists, car companies, publishers, and restaurants. The designs cover information, identity and branding projects across different media.
Rangkuman dokumen tersebut adalah: (1) dokumen tersebut membahas tentang rencana pemasaran dan strategi pemasaran yang efektif untuk bisnis, (2) rencana pemasaran merupakan strategi jangka panjang yang mencakup analisis pasar, sasaran, strategi, anggaran, dan kontrol, (3) unsur-unsur penting rencana pemasaran antara lain adalah ringkasan eksekutif, analisis situasi, tujuan, dan program aksi.
Iklan UNHATE dari Benetton menuai kontroversi karena dianggap memanfaatkan isu sosial untuk promosi dan menyinggung perasaan beragama. Walaupun bertujuan meningkatkan kesadaran akan perdamaian, iklan ini dinilai kurang mempertimbangkan konteks budaya dan sejarah negara sasaran sehingga ditolak di beberapa negara. Dampaknya berupa penurunan penjualan dan saham Benetton serta rusaknya citra merek, me
This document discusses the use of GEANT4 and the GATE toolkit for simulating emission tomography systems like PET and SPECT. It provides an overview of why Monte Carlo simulations are useful for imaging, the architecture of GATE which is based on GEANT4, and how GATE handles geometry, time, physics processes, digitization and more. It also provides examples of how GATE has been validated against real patient and preclinical imaging systems and discusses its potential applications and current limitations like long simulation times.
This document outlines the governance policies and procedures for the TexasOnline 2.0 program. It defines key terms and describes the governance approach, roles and responsibilities of parties involved, governance committees and teams, policies, and procedures. Procedures include the business case process, architectural review process, change management process, and financial management.
This document discusses the use of GEANT4 and the GATE toolkit for simulating emission tomography systems like PET and SPECT. It provides an overview of why Monte Carlo simulations are useful for imaging, the architecture of GATE which is based on GEANT4, and how GATE handles geometry, time, physics processes, digitization and more. It also provides examples of how GATE has been validated against real patient and preclinical imaging systems and discusses its potential applications and current limitations like long simulation times.
This document outlines the governance policies and procedures for the TexasOnline 2.0 program. It defines key terms and describes the governance approach, roles and responsibilities of parties involved, governance committees and teams, policies, and procedures. Procedures include the business case process, architectural review process, change management process, and financial management.
The document discusses the mission and function of the Pediatric Oncology Subcommittee of the Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee (ODAC). The subcommittee evaluates and prioritizes new cancer therapeutics for children and provides recommendations to ensure timely access. It also advises on improving consistency in availability. Membership includes experts from relevant fields. The Office of Oncology Drug Products at the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research oversees oncology product review and policy. It coordinates activities within the FDA and with external groups. The document also outlines the roles of the Radioactive Drug Research Committee and the FDA's divisions of oncology products.